void ReportThings(SQLLib sql, string MachineID, string Method, VulpesSMARTInfo ar, ref Dictionary <string, Int64> AlreadyReported, ReportingPolicyElement RepElementRoot, List <int> UpdatedAttribs = null) { bool Critical = Method.ToLower() == "error" ? true : false; string ID = (Method.ToLower() == "error" ? "ERROR\\\\" : "") + MachineID + "\\\\" + ar.PNPDeviceID; bool ReportToAdmin = RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin.Value; bool ReportToClient = RepElementRoot.ReportToClient.Value; bool UrgentForAdmin = RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin.Value; bool UrgentForClient = RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient.Value; if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin) != 0) { ReportToAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToClient) != 0) { ReportToClient = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin) != 0) { UrgentForAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient) != 0) { UrgentForClient = false; } } if (ReportToAdmin == false && ReportToClient == false && UrgentForAdmin == false && UrgentForClient == false) { return; } ReportingFlags Flags = (ReportToAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin : 0) | (ReportToClient == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToClient : 0) | (UrgentForAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin : 0) | (UrgentForClient == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient : 0); ReportingSMART sm = new ReportingSMART(); sm.App = ar; sm.UpdatedAttribs = UpdatedAttribs; ReportingProcessor.ReportSMART(sql, MachineID, Method, sm, Flags, Critical); if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { AlreadyReported[ID] |= (Int64)Flags; } else { AlreadyReported.Add(ID, (Int64)Flags); } }
void ReportThings(SQLLib sql, string MachineID, string Method, StartupItem ar, ref Dictionary <string, Int64> AlreadyReported, ReportingPolicyElement RepElementRoot) { string ID = MachineID + "\\\\" + ar.Key + "\\\\" + ar.Location; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(ar.HKCUUser) == false) { ID += "\\\\" + ar.HKCUUser; } bool ReportToAdmin = RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin.Value; bool ReportToClient = RepElementRoot.ReportToClient.Value; bool UrgentForAdmin = RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin.Value; bool UrgentForClient = RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient.Value; if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin) != 0) { ReportToAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToClient) != 0) { ReportToClient = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin) != 0) { UrgentForAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient) != 0) { UrgentForClient = false; } } if (ReportToAdmin == false && ReportToClient == false && UrgentForAdmin == false && UrgentForClient == false) { return; } ReportingFlags Flags = (ReportToAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin : 0) | (ReportToClient == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToClient : 0) | (UrgentForAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin : 0) | (UrgentForClient == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient : 0); ReportingProcessor.ReportStartup(sql, MachineID, Method, ar, Flags); if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { AlreadyReported[ID] |= (Int64)Flags; } else { AlreadyReported.Add(ID, (Int64)Flags); } }
void ReportThings(SQLLib sql, string MachineID, string Method, SimpleTaskResult ar, ref Dictionary <string, Int64> AlreadyReported, ReportingPolicyElement RepElementRoot) { string ID = MachineID + "\\" + Method; bool ReportToAdmin = RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin.Value; bool ReportToClient = RepElementRoot.ReportToClient.Value; bool UrgentForAdmin = RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin.Value; bool UrgentForClient = RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient.Value; if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin) != 0) { ReportToAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToClient) != 0) { ReportToClient = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin) != 0) { UrgentForAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[ID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient) != 0) { UrgentForClient = false; } } if (ReportToAdmin == false && ReportToClient == false && UrgentForAdmin == false && UrgentForClient == false) { return; } ReportingFlags Flags = (ReportToAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin : 0) | (ReportToClient == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToClient : 0) | (UrgentForAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin : 0) | (UrgentForClient == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient : 0); ReportingProcessor.ReportSimpleTaskCompletion(sql, MachineID, Method, ar, Flags); if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(ID) == true) { AlreadyReported[ID] |= (Int64)Flags; } else { AlreadyReported.Add(ID, (Int64)Flags); } }
void ReportingThread(object EventDataListO) { try { using (SQLLib sql = SQLTest.ConnectSQL("Fox SDC Server for EventLog Data")) { if (sql == null) { FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Cannot connect to SQL Server for Event Log Data Reporting!", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } List <EventLogReportFull> EventDataList = (List <EventLogReportFull>)EventDataListO; if (EventDataList.Count == 0) { return; } List <PolicyObject> Pol = Policies.GetPolicyForComputerInternal(sql, EventDataList[0].MachineID); Dictionary <string, Int64> AlreadyReported = new Dictionary <string, long>(); foreach (PolicyObject PolO in Pol) { if (PolO.Type != PolicyIDs.ReportingPolicy) { continue; } ReportingPolicyElement RepElementRoot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReportingPolicyElement>(Policies.GetPolicy(sql, PolO.ID).Data); if (RepElementRoot.Type != ReportingPolicyType.EventLog) { continue; } if (RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin == null) { RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin = false; } if (RepElementRoot.ReportToClient == null) { RepElementRoot.ReportToClient = false; } if (RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin == null) { RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin = false; } if (RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient == null) { RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient = false; } if (RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin == false && RepElementRoot.ReportToClient == false && RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin == false && RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient == false) { continue; } foreach (string Element in RepElementRoot.ReportingElements) { ReportingPolicyElementEventLog evrep = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReportingPolicyElementEventLog>(Element); if (evrep.Book == null) { evrep.Book = new List <string>(); } if (evrep.CategoryNumbers == null) { evrep.CategoryNumbers = new List <int>(); } if (evrep.EventLogTypes == null) { evrep.EventLogTypes = new List <int>(); } if (evrep.Sources == null) { evrep.Sources = new List <string>(); } if (evrep.Book.Count == 0 && evrep.CategoryNumbers.Count == 0 && evrep.EventLogTypes.Count == 0 && evrep.Sources.Count == 0) { continue; } foreach (EventLogReportFull EV in EventDataList) { if (evrep.Book.Count != 0) { bool Match = false; foreach (string Book in evrep.Book) { if (Book.ToLower() == EV.EventLog.ToLower()) { Match = true; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } if (evrep.Sources.Count != 0) { bool Match = false; foreach (string Source in evrep.Sources) { if (Source.ToLower() == EV.Source.ToLower()) { Match = true; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } if (evrep.EventLogTypes.Count != 0) { bool Match = false; foreach (int EVLType in evrep.EventLogTypes) { if (EVLType == EV.EventLogType) { Match = true; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } if (evrep.CategoryNumbers.Count != 0) { bool Match = false; foreach (int Cat in evrep.CategoryNumbers) { if (Cat == (EV.InstanceID & 0x3FFFFFFF)) { Match = true; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } if (evrep.IncludeExclude == 1) //include { if (evrep.IncludeExcludeTexts != null) { bool Match = false; foreach (string s in evrep.IncludeExcludeTexts) { if (EV.Message.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) == true) { Match = true; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } } if (evrep.IncludeExclude == 2) //exclude { if (evrep.IncludeExcludeTexts != null) { bool Match = true; foreach (string s in evrep.IncludeExcludeTexts) { if (EV.Message.ToLower().Contains(s.ToLower()) == true) { Match = false; break; } } if (Match == false) { continue; } } } bool ReportToAdmin = RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin.Value; bool ReportToClient = RepElementRoot.ReportToClient.Value; bool UrgentForAdmin = RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin.Value; bool UrgentForClient = RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient.Value; if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(EV.LogID) == true) { if ((AlreadyReported[EV.LogID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin) != 0) { ReportToAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[EV.LogID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToClient) != 0) { ReportToClient = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[EV.LogID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin) != 0) { UrgentForAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[EV.LogID] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient) != 0) { UrgentForClient = false; } } if (ReportToAdmin == false && ReportToClient == false && UrgentForAdmin == false && UrgentForClient == false) { continue; } ReportingFlags Flags = (ReportToAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin : 0) | (ReportToClient == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToClient : 0) | (UrgentForAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin : 0) | (UrgentForClient == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient : 0); switch ((EventLogEntryType)EV.EventLogType) { case 0: case EventLogEntryType.Information: Flags = (ReportingFlags)((Int64)Flags | ((Int64)ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Info << (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); break; case EventLogEntryType.Warning: Flags = (ReportingFlags)((Int64)Flags | ((Int64)ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Exclamation << (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); break; case EventLogEntryType.Error: Flags = (ReportingFlags)((Int64)Flags | ((Int64)ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Stop << (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); break; case EventLogEntryType.SuccessAudit: Flags = (ReportingFlags)((Int64)Flags | ((Int64)ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Key << (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); break; case EventLogEntryType.FailureAudit: Flags = (ReportingFlags)((Int64)Flags | ((Int64)ReportingStatusPictureEnum.NoKey << (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); break; } ReportingProcessor.ReportEventLog(sql, EV.MachineID, EV, Flags); if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(EV.LogID) == true) { AlreadyReported[EV.LogID] |= (Int64)Flags; } else { AlreadyReported.Add(EV.LogID, (Int64)Flags); } } } } } } catch (Exception ee) { FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("SEH in Event Data Reporting " + ee.ToString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } }
public List <ReportingPaperElements> GetItems(string MachineID, DateTime?From, DateTime?To, int ReportingPaper) { List <ReportingPaperElements> lst = new List <ReportingPaperElements>(); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(MachineID) == true) { ReportingPaperElements funnybasicinfo = new ReportingPaperElements(); funnybasicinfo.AgentVersion = "Fox SDC 950228180442"; funnybasicinfo.BIOSBootType = "Legacy"; funnybasicinfo.LastUpdated = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 19, 35, 21); funnybasicinfo.MachineID = "8878FF7A-2506-4A63-B0F1-A0C28AFD6480"; funnybasicinfo.MachineName = "FOX-PC1-NT3"; funnybasicinfo.OS = "Windows NT 3.51 Service Pack 5"; funnybasicinfo.OSVersion = "3.51.1057"; funnybasicinfo.OSWin10Version = ""; funnybasicinfo.TotalPhysicalMemory = CommonUtilities.NiceSize(67108864); funnybasicinfo.UCID = "F3489E4C92654D12A6EF6C4C2EAA4A5E"; funnybasicinfo.VendorBIOS = "Award BIOS 6"; funnybasicinfo.VendorMake = "Vulpes 486 PC"; funnybasicinfo.ContractID = "Company XXX Contract"; lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements()); CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[0]); lst[0].ID = 10005; lst[0].ReportedDate = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 20, 54); lst[0].IconPicture = Resources.Vulpes.ToBitmap(); lst[0].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Good); lst[0].Text = "Reporting test ...\nNew line\n\nAnother line"; lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements()); CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[1]); lst[1].ID = 10004; lst[1].ReportedDate = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 19, 12); lst[1].IconPicture = Resources.EventLog.ToBitmap(); lst[1].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Info); lst[1].Text = "The Event log service was started."; lst.Add(new ReportingPaperElements()); CopyBaseData(funnybasicinfo, lst[2]); lst[2].ID = 10003; lst[2].ReportedDate = new DateTime(1995, 3, 5, 18, 15, 35); lst[2].IconPicture = Resources.EventLog.ToBitmap(); lst[2].StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture(ReportingStatusPictureEnum.Stop); lst[2].Text = "The system has rebooted without cleanly shutting down first. This error could be caused if the system stopped responding, crashed, or lost power unexpectedly."; return(lst); } Settings.Default.Load(); using (SQLLib sql = SQLTest.ConnectSQL("Fox SDC Server for Reporting")) { if (sql == null) { return(lst); } //Get some ComputerInfo SqlDataReader dr = sql.ExecSQLReader("select * from ComputerAccounts Where MachineID=@m", new SQLParam("@m", MachineID)); if (dr.HasRows == false) { dr.Close(); sql.CloseConnection(); return(lst); } dr.Read(); ReportingPaperElements basicinfo = new ReportingPaperElements(); basicinfo.AgentVersion = Convert.ToString(dr["AgentVersion"]); basicinfo.BIOSBootType = Convert.ToString(dr["BIOSType"]); basicinfo.LastUpdated = SQLLib.GetDTUTC(dr["LastUpdated"]); basicinfo.MachineID = Convert.ToString(dr["MachineID"]); basicinfo.MachineName = Convert.ToString(dr["ComputerName"]); basicinfo.OS = Convert.ToString(dr["OSName"]); basicinfo.OSVersion = Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerMaj"]) + "." + Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerMin"]) + "." + Convert.ToString(dr["OSVerBuild"]); basicinfo.OSWin10Version = Win10Version.GetWin10Version(basicinfo.OSVersion); basicinfo.TotalPhysicalMemory = CommonUtilities.NiceSize(Convert.ToInt64(dr["TotalPhysicalMemory"])); basicinfo.UCID = Convert.ToString(dr["UCID"]); basicinfo.VendorBIOS = Convert.ToString(dr["BIOS"]); basicinfo.VendorMake = Convert.ToString(dr["ComputerModel"]); basicinfo.ContractID = Convert.ToString(dr["ContractID"]); dr.Close(); string Query = ""; List <SQLParam> SQLParams = new List <SQLParam>(); switch ((ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper) { case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentAdmin: Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentAdminReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentClient: Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentClientReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportAdmin: Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.AdminReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportClient: Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and (Flags & @f1)!=0 AND (Flags & @f2)=0 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToClient)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.ClientReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReReport: if (From == null && To == null) { Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); } if (From != null && To == null) { Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid AND Reported>=@d1 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", From.Value)); } if (From == null && To != null) { Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid AND Reported<=@d1 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", To.Value)); } if (From != null && To != null) { Query = "Select * from Reporting where machineid=@mid and Reported between @d1 and @d2 order by Reported desc"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d1", From.Value)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@d2", To.Value)); } break; default: return(lst); } List <Int64> ReportedIDs = new List <long>(); dr = sql.ExecSQLReader(Query, SQLParams.ToArray()); while (dr.Read()) { ReportingPaperElements r = new ReportingPaperElements(); CopyBaseData(basicinfo, r); ReportedIDs.Add(Convert.ToInt64(dr["ID"])); r.ID = Convert.ToInt64(dr["ID"]); r.Flags = Convert.ToInt64(dr["Flags"]); r.ReportingType = Convert.ToInt32(dr["Type"]); r.ReportedDate = SQLLib.GetDTUTC(dr["Reported"]); r.StatusPicture = ReportingStatusPicture.GetPicture((int)((r.Flags & (Int64)ReportingFlags.IconFlags) >> (int)ReportingFlags.IconFlagsShift)); IReportingExplain explain = ReportingProcessor.FindExplainer(r.ReportingType); if (explain != null) { r.Text = explain.Explain(Convert.ToString(dr["Data"])); r.IconPicture = explain.GetIcon(); } else { r.Text = "Missing module for Type=" + r.ReportingType.ToString() + "; Text=" + Convert.ToString(dr["Data"]); r.IconPicture = Resources.Nix.ToBitmap(); } lst.Add(r); } dr.Close(); if (ReportedIDs.Count > 0 && (ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper != ReportingFlagsPaper.ReReport) { string SQLIn = ""; foreach (Int64 i in ReportedIDs) { SQLIn += i.ToString() + ","; } if (SQLIn.EndsWith(",") == true) { SQLIn = SQLIn.Substring(0, SQLIn.Length - 1); } Query = ""; SQLParams = new List <SQLParam>(); switch ((ReportingFlagsPaper)ReportingPaper) { case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentAdmin: Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentAdminReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.UrgentClient: Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.UrgentClientReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportAdmin: Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.AdminReported)); break; case ReportingFlagsPaper.ReportClient: Query = "update Reporting set Flags = Flags | @f2 where machineid=@mid and Flags & @f1!=0 AND Flags & @f2=0"; SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@mid", MachineID)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f1", ReportingFlags.ReportToClient)); SQLParams.Add(new SQLParam("@f2", ReportingFlags.ClientReported)); break; } sql.ExecSQLNQ(Query, SQLParams.ToArray()); } } return(lst); }
void ReportingThread(object DiskDataListO) { try { using (SQLLib sql = SQLTest.ConnectSQL("Fox SDC Server for DiskData")) { if (sql == null) { FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("Cannot connect to SQL Server for Disk Data Reporting!", System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); return; } ListDiskDataReport DiskDataList = (ListDiskDataReport)DiskDataListO; List <PolicyObject> Pol = Policies.GetPolicyForComputerInternal(sql, DiskDataList.MachineID); Dictionary <string, Int64> AlreadyReported = new Dictionary <string, long>(); foreach (PolicyObject PolO in Pol) { if (PolO.Type != PolicyIDs.ReportingPolicy) { continue; } ReportingPolicyElement RepElementRoot = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReportingPolicyElement>(Policies.GetPolicy(sql, PolO.ID).Data); if (RepElementRoot.Type != ReportingPolicyType.Disk) { continue; } foreach (string Element in RepElementRoot.ReportingElements) { ReportingPolicyElementDisk diskrep = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ReportingPolicyElementDisk>(Element); if (diskrep.DriveLetter == null) { continue; } if (diskrep.DriveLetter.Length != 1) { continue; } foreach (DiskDataReport DD in DiskDataList.Items) { string Drive = diskrep.DriveLetter; if (diskrep.DriveLetter == "$") { ComputerData d = Computers.GetComputerDetail(sql, DiskDataList.MachineID); if (d != null) { if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(d.SystemRoot) == false) { Drive = d.SystemRoot.Substring(0, 1); } } } if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(DD.DriveLetter) == true) { continue; } if (DD.DriveLetter.ToLower().Substring(0, 1) != Drive.ToLower()) { continue; } Int64 SZLimit; if (diskrep.Method == 1) { SZLimit = (Int64)((100m / (decimal)DD.Capacity) * (decimal)diskrep.MinimumSize); } else { SZLimit = diskrep.MinimumSize; } if (DD.FreeSpace < SZLimit) { bool ReportToAdmin = RepElementRoot.ReportToAdmin.Value; bool ReportToClient = RepElementRoot.ReportToClient.Value; bool UrgentForAdmin = RepElementRoot.UrgentForAdmin.Value; bool UrgentForClient = RepElementRoot.UrgentForClient.Value; if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(DD.DriveLetter) == true) { if ((AlreadyReported[DD.DriveLetter] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin) != 0) { ReportToAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[DD.DriveLetter] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.ReportToClient) != 0) { ReportToClient = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[DD.DriveLetter] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin) != 0) { UrgentForAdmin = false; } if ((AlreadyReported[DD.DriveLetter] & (Int64)ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient) != 0) { UrgentForClient = false; } } if (ReportToAdmin == false && ReportToClient == false && UrgentForAdmin == false && UrgentForClient == false) { continue; } ReportingFlags Flags = (ReportToAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToAdmin : 0) | (ReportToClient == true ? ReportingFlags.ReportToClient : 0) | (UrgentForAdmin == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForAdmin : 0) | (UrgentForClient == true ? ReportingFlags.UrgentForClient : 0); ReportingProcessor.ReportDiskData(sql, DiskDataList.MachineID, DD.DriveLetter, SZLimit, DD.FreeSpace, DD.Capacity, Flags); if (AlreadyReported.ContainsKey(DD.DriveLetter) == true) { AlreadyReported[DD.DriveLetter] |= (Int64)Flags; } else { AlreadyReported.Add(DD.DriveLetter, (Int64)Flags); } } } } } } } catch (Exception ee) { FoxEventLog.WriteEventLog("SEH in Disk Data Reporting " + ee.ToString(), System.Diagnostics.EventLogEntryType.Error); } }