コード例 #1
        //deals with loading stocks

        public static StockInformation[] Loadstocks(string _folderName)
            //gets all the filenames within the stock directory
            string[]           _fileNames = Directory.GetFiles(_folderName, "*.xml").Select(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension).ToArray();
            StockInformation[] _stockInfo = new StockInformation[_fileNames.Length];             //creating an array to store info

            //loops through all filenames and gets the stock info
            for (int i = 0; i < _fileNames.Length; i++)
                //creates xml reader object to get stock info
                XmlTextReader _reader  = new XmlTextReader(_fileNames[i] + ".xml");
                string        _working = "";

                //only saves information when there is information present
                while (_reader.Read())
                    switch (_reader.NodeType)
                    case XmlNodeType.Text: {
                        _working = _reader.Value;
                _stockInfo[i] = ConvertStringToStockInformation(_working);
コード例 #2
        private void UpdateStock(string _file)
            StockInformation _stock = FileHandling.LoadStock(_file);

            lbl_StockName.Text = _stock.name;
            lbl_Price.Text     = Convert.ToString(_stock.price);
            lbl_Dividend.Text  = Convert.ToString(_stock.dividend);
            MainForm.Instance.stock = _stock;
コード例 #3
        ///calculates forward price bounds given price, dividend predictions, time until maturity and interest region
        public static float[] GetForwardPrices(StockInformation _stock, float[] _dividends, int _timeUntilMaturity, InterestRegion _region)
            float[] prices       = new float[3];
            float   riskFreeRate = GetIntrestRate(_region, _timeUntilMaturity);

            for (int i = 0; i < _dividends.Length; i++)
                prices[i] = GetForwardPrice(_stock, _dividends[i], _timeUntilMaturity, riskFreeRate);
コード例 #4
        // deals with saving a new stock

        ///saves the newly found stock
        public static void SaveStockInformation(StockInformation _stockInformation)
            //creates a new xml writing object
            using (XmlWriter _writer = XmlWriter.Create(_stockInformation.name + ".xml")) {
                //writes stock info
                _writer.WriteElementString("Stock_Info", string.Format("{0}|{1}|{2}|{3}", _stockInformation.name, _stockInformation.price, _stockInformation.dividend, ConvertArrayToString(_stockInformation.dates)));
コード例 #5
        private void Init()
            lbl_StockName.BackColor = Colours.calculator;
            lbl_Price.BackColor     = Colours.calculator;
            lbl_Date.BackColor      = Colours.calculator;

            StockInformation _stock = MainForm.Instance.stock;

            float[] _dividends = MainForm.Instance.dividendPrediction;
            int     _days      = MainForm.Instance.days;

            lbl_StockName.Text = _stock.name;
            lbl_Price.Text     = _stock.price.ToString();
            lbl_Days.Text      = _days.ToString() + " days";
            lbl_Date.Text      = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString();
            lbl_Dividends.Text = MainForm.Instance.divNumber.ToString() + " dividends";

            float[] _prices = Calculation.GetForwardPrices(_stock, _dividends, _days, MainForm.Instance.interestRegion);
            lbl_Bounds.Text = string.Format("Upper: {0}\r\n\r\nMedian: {1}\r\n\r\nLower: {2}", _prices[0], _prices[1], _prices[2]);
コード例 #6
        //calculates indivdual forward price
        private static float GetForwardPrice(StockInformation _stock, float dividend, int days, float riskFreeRate)
            double _forward = _stock.price * Math.Exp(riskFreeRate / 100 * days);

            int[] _daysUntilPayments = new int[_stock.dates.Length];              //array to store days until dividend payment

            //loops through all dividends and gets the days until the payment
            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                _daysUntilPayments[i] = DateHandling.DaysUntil(_stock.dates[i]);

            //loops through checking if dividend will be paid within time, if so it takes payment off price
            for (int i = 0; i < _daysUntilPayments.Length; i++)
                if (_daysUntilPayments[i] < days)
                    _forward -= dividend * Math.Exp(riskFreeRate * (days - _daysUntilPayments[i]));
