コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Prepare the parameters
        /// </summary>
        public void SetUpChart()
            // Panel caption
            stringCaptionText                  = Language.T("Indicator Chart");
            fontCaptionText                    = new Font(Font.FontFamily, 9);
            captionHeight                      = Math.Max(fontCaptionText.Height, 18);
            captionWidth                       = this.ClientSize.Width;
            brushCaptionText                   = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorCaptionText);
            rectfCaption                       = new RectangleF(0, 0, captionWidth, captionHeight);
            stringFormatCaption                = new StringFormat();
            stringFormatCaption.Alignment     |= StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormatCaption.LineAlignment |= StringAlignment.Center;
            stringFormatCaption.Trimming      |= StringTrimming.EllipsisCharacter;
            stringFormatCaption.FormatFlags   |= StringFormatFlags.NoWrap;

            if (!Data.IsData || !Data.IsResult || Data.Bars <= Data.FirstBar)

            clSzWidth  = this.ClientSize.Width;
            clSzHeight = this.ClientSize.Height;
            xLeft      = space;
            xRight     = clSzWidth - space;
            yTop       = (int)captionHeight + space;
            yBottom    = clSzHeight - scrollBar.Height - space;
            yPrcBottom = yBottom; // Price chart y
            inds       = 0;       // Count of separated indicators
            indHeight  = 0;       // Height of Ind charts
            aiIndSlot  = new int[12];

            penFore   = new Pen(LayoutColors.ColorChartFore);
            penVolume = new Pen(LayoutColors.ColorVolume);
            penBorder = new Pen(Data.GetGradientColor(LayoutColors.ColorCaptionBack, -LayoutColors.DepthCaption), border);

            for (int slot = Data.Strategy.Slots - 1; slot >= 0; slot--)
                if (Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].SeparatedChart)
                    aiIndSlot[inds++] = slot;

            if (inds > 0)
                indHeight  = (yBottom - yTop) / (2 + inds);
                yPrcBottom = yBottom - inds * indHeight;

            maxPrice  = double.MinValue;
            minPrice  = double.MaxValue;
            maxVolume = int.MinValue;

            for (int bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                if (Data.High[bar] > maxPrice)
                    maxPrice = Data.High[bar];
                if (Data.Low[bar] < minPrice)
                    minPrice = Data.Low[bar];
                if (Data.Volume[bar] > maxVolume)
                    maxVolume = Data.Volume[bar];
            minPrice  = Math.Round(minPrice, Data.InstrProperties.Point < 0.001 ? 3 : 1) - Data.InstrProperties.Point * 10;
            maxPrice  = Math.Round(maxPrice, Data.InstrProperties.Point < 0.001 ? 3 : 1) + Data.InstrProperties.Point * 10;
            scaleY    = (yPrcBottom - yTop) / (maxPrice - minPrice);
            scaleYVol = maxVolume > 0 ? ((yPrcBottom - yTop) / 8d) / maxVolume : 0d;

            // Volume, Lots and Price
            x             = new int[chartBars];
            yOpen         = new int[chartBars];
            yHigh         = new int[chartBars];
            yLow          = new int[chartBars];
            yClose        = new int[chartBars];
            yVolume       = new int[chartBars];
            rectPosition  = new Rectangle[chartBars];
            brushPosition = new Brush[chartBars];

            int index = 0;

            for (int bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                x[index]       = (bar - firstBar) * barPixels + xLeft;
                yOpen[index]   = (int)(yPrcBottom - (Data.Open[bar] - minPrice) * scaleY);
                yHigh[index]   = (int)(yPrcBottom - (Data.High[bar] - minPrice) * scaleY);
                yLow[index]    = (int)(yPrcBottom - (Data.Low[bar] - minPrice) * scaleY);
                yClose[index]  = (int)(yPrcBottom - (Data.Close[bar] - minPrice) * scaleY);
                yVolume[index] = (int)(yPrcBottom - Data.Volume[bar] * scaleYVol);

                // Draw position lots
                if (Backtester.IsPos(bar))
                    int iPosHight = (int)(Math.Max(Backtester.SummaryLots(bar) * 2, 2));

                    int iPosY = yPrcBottom - iPosHight;

                    if (Backtester.SummaryDir(bar) == PosDirection.Long)
                    {   // Long
                        rectPosition[index]  = new Rectangle(x[index], iPosY, 1, iPosHight);
                        brushPosition[index] = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorTradeLong);
                    else if (Backtester.SummaryDir(bar) == PosDirection.Short)
                    {   // Short
                        rectPosition[index]  = new Rectangle(x[index], iPosY, 1, iPosHight);
                        brushPosition[index] = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorTradeShort);
                    {   // Close position
                        rectPosition[index]  = new Rectangle(x[index], iPosY - 2, 1, 2);
                        brushPosition[index] = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorTradeClose);
                {   // There is no position
                    rectPosition[index]  = Rectangle.Empty;
                    brushPosition[index] = new SolidBrush(LayoutColors.ColorChartBack);

            // Indicators in the chart
            slots             = Data.Strategy.Slots;
            bIsSeparatedChart = new bool[slots];
            iComponentLenght  = new int[slots];
            chartType         = new IndChartType[slots][];
            chartLine         = new Point[slots][][];
            chartDot          = new Rectangle[slots][][];
            chartLevel        = new Rectangle[slots][][];
            chartValue        = new double[slots][][];
            chartPen          = new Pen[slots][][];
            chartBrush        = new Brush[slots][];
            for (int iSlot = 0; iSlot < slots; iSlot++)
                bIsSeparatedChart[iSlot] = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].SeparatedChart;
                int iLenght = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component.Length;
                iComponentLenght[iSlot] = iLenght;
                chartType[iSlot]        = new IndChartType[iLenght];
                chartLine[iSlot]        = new Point[iLenght][];
                chartDot[iSlot]         = new Rectangle[iLenght][];
                chartLevel[iSlot]       = new Rectangle[iLenght][];
                chartValue[iSlot]       = new double[iLenght][];
                chartPen[iSlot]         = new Pen[iLenght][];
                chartBrush[iSlot]       = new Brush[iLenght];

            for (int slot = 0; slot < slots; slot++)
                if (bIsSeparatedChart[slot])

                for (int comp = 0; comp < iComponentLenght[slot]; comp++)
                    chartType[slot][comp] = Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType;
                    if (Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType == IndChartType.Line ||
                        Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType == IndChartType.CloudUp ||
                        Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType == IndChartType.CloudDown)
                    {   // Line
                        chartBrush[slot][comp] = new SolidBrush(Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartColor);
                        chartLine[slot][comp]  = new Point[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        for (int bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            double dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].Value[bar];
                            int    ix     = (bar - firstBar) * barPixels + xLeft;
                            int    iy     = (int)(yPrcBottom - (dValue - minPrice) * scaleY);

                            if (dValue == 0)
                                chartLine[slot][comp][bar - firstBar] = chartLine[slot][comp][Math.Max(bar - firstBar - 1, 0)];
                                chartLine[slot][comp][bar - firstBar] = new Point(ix, iy);
                    else if (Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType == IndChartType.Dot)
                    {   // Dots
                        chartBrush[slot][comp] = new SolidBrush(Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartColor);
                        chartDot[slot][comp]   = new Rectangle[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        for (int bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            double dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].Value[bar];
                            int    ix     = (bar - firstBar) * barPixels + xLeft;
                            int    iy     = (int)(yPrcBottom - (dValue - minPrice) * scaleY);
                            chartDot[slot][comp][bar - firstBar] = new Rectangle(ix, iy, 1, 1);
                    else if (Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartType == IndChartType.Level)
                    {   // Level
                        chartBrush[slot][comp] = new SolidBrush(Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].ChartColor);
                        chartLevel[slot][comp] = new Rectangle[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        for (int bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            double dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[slot].Component[comp].Value[bar];
                            int    ix     = (bar - firstBar) * barPixels + xLeft;
                            int    iy     = (int)(yPrcBottom - (dValue - minPrice) * scaleY);
                            chartLevel[slot][comp][bar - firstBar] = new Rectangle(ix, iy, barPixels, 1);

            // Separate indicators
            yIndTop    = new int[inds];
            yIndBottom = new int[inds];
            dMaxValue  = new double[inds];
            dMinValue  = new double[inds];
            dScale     = new double[inds];
            for (int ind = 0; ind < inds; ind++)
                yIndTop[ind]    = yBottom - (ind + 1) * indHeight + 1;
                yIndBottom[ind] = yBottom - ind * indHeight - 1;
                dMaxValue[ind]  = double.MinValue;
                dMinValue[ind]  = double.MaxValue;
                int    iSlot = aiIndSlot[ind];
                double dValue;

                for (int iComp = 0; iComp < iComponentLenght[iSlot]; iComp++)
                    if (Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].ChartType != IndChartType.NoChart)
                        for (bar = Math.Max(firstBar, Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].FirstBar); bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].Value[bar];
                            if (dValue > dMaxValue[ind])
                                dMaxValue[ind] = dValue;
                            if (dValue < dMinValue[ind])
                                dMinValue[ind] = dValue;

                dMaxValue[ind] = Math.Max(dMaxValue[ind], Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].MaxValue);
                dMinValue[ind] = Math.Min(dMinValue[ind], Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].MinValue);

                foreach (double dSpecVal in Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].SpecValue)
                    if (dSpecVal == 0)
                        dMaxValue[ind] = Math.Max(dMaxValue[ind], 0);
                        dMinValue[ind] = Math.Min(dMinValue[ind], 0);

                dScale[ind] = (yIndBottom[ind] - yIndTop[ind] - 2) / (Math.Max(dMaxValue[ind] - dMinValue[ind], 0.0001f));

                // Indicator chart
                for (int iComp = 0; iComp < Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component.Length; iComp++)
                    chartType[iSlot][iComp] = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].ChartType;
                    if (Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].ChartType == IndChartType.Line)
                    {   // Line
                        chartBrush[iSlot][iComp] = new SolidBrush(Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].ChartColor);
                        chartLine[iSlot][iComp]  = new Point[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        for (bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].Value[bar];
                            int ix = (bar - firstBar) * barPixels + xLeft;
                            int iy = (int)(yIndBottom[ind] - 1 - (dValue - dMinValue[ind]) * dScale[ind]);
                            chartLine[iSlot][iComp][bar - firstBar] = new Point(ix, iy);
                    else if (Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].ChartType == IndChartType.Histogram)
                    {   // Histogram
                        chartValue[iSlot][iComp] = new double[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        chartPen[iSlot][iComp]   = new Pen[lastBar - firstBar + 1];
                        for (bar = firstBar; bar <= lastBar; bar++)
                            dValue = Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].Value[bar];
                            chartValue[iSlot][iComp][bar - firstBar] = dValue;
                            if (dValue > Data.Strategy.Slot[iSlot].Component[iComp].Value[bar - 1])
                                chartPen[iSlot][iComp][bar - firstBar] = penGreen;
                                chartPen[iSlot][iComp][bar - firstBar] = penRed;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Exports the bar summary
        /// </summary>
        public void ExportBarSummary()
            string stage = String.Empty;

            if (Data.IsProgramBeta)
                stage = " " + Language.T("Beta");
            else if (Data.IsProgramRC)
                stage = " " + "RC";

            sb.Append("Forex Strategy Builder v" + Data.ProgramVersion + stage + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("Strategy name: " + Data.Strategy.StrategyName + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append("Exported on " + DateTime.Now.ToString() + Environment.NewLine);
            sb.Append(Data.Symbol + " " + Data.PeriodString + "; Values in pips" + Environment.NewLine);

            sb.Append("Bar Numb\t");
            sb.Append("Profit Loss\t");
            sb.Append("Floating P/L\t");
            sb.Append("Interpolation" + Environment.NewLine);

            for (int bar = 0; bar < Data.Bars; bar++)
                sb.Append((bar + 1).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Time[bar].ToString(sDF) + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Time[bar].ToString("HH:mm") + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Open[bar].ToString(FF) + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.High[bar].ToString(FF) + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Low[bar].ToString(FF) + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Close[bar].ToString(FF) + "\t");
                sb.Append(Data.Volume[bar].ToString() + "\t");
                if (Backtester.IsPos(bar))
                    sb.Append(Backtester.SummaryDir(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                    sb.Append(Backtester.SummaryLots(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                    sb.Append(Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                    sb.Append(Backtester.SummaryPrice(bar).ToString(FF) + "\t");
                    sb.Append(Backtester.ProfitLoss(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                    sb.Append(Backtester.FloatingPL(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Backtester.ChargedSpread(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Backtester.ChargedRollOver(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Backtester.Balance(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Backtester.Equity(bar).ToString() + "\t");
                sb.Append(Backtester.BackTestEval(bar) + "\t");

            string fileName = Data.Strategy.StrategyName + "-" + Data.Symbol.ToString() + "-" + Data.Period.ToString();

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the journal data from the backtester
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateJournalData()
            asJournalData   = new string[shownBars, columns];
            aiPositionIcons = new Image[shownBars];

            for (int bar = firstBar; bar < firstBar + shownBars; bar++)
                int row = bar - firstBar;

                asJournalData[row, 0] = (bar + 1).ToString();
                asJournalData[row, 1] = Data.Time[bar].ToString(Data.DF);
                asJournalData[row, 2] = Data.Time[bar].ToString("HH:mm");
                asJournalData[row, 3] = Data.Open[bar].ToString(Data.FF);
                asJournalData[row, 4] = Data.High[bar].ToString(Data.FF);
                asJournalData[row, 5] = Data.Low[bar].ToString(Data.FF);
                asJournalData[row, 6] = Data.Close[bar].ToString(Data.FF);
                asJournalData[row, 7] = Data.Volume[bar].ToString();
                if (Backtester.IsPos(bar))
                    asJournalData[row, 8] = Language.T(Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar).ToString());
                    asJournalData[row, 9] = Language.T(Backtester.SummaryDir(bar).ToString());
                    if (Configs.AccountInMoney)
                        string sign = Backtester.SummaryDir(bar) == PosDirection.Short ? "-" : "";
                        asJournalData[row, 10] = sign + Backtester.SummaryAmount(bar).ToString();
                        asJournalData[row, 10] = Backtester.SummaryLots(bar).ToString();
                    asJournalData[row, 11] = Backtester.SummaryPrice(bar).ToString(Data.FF);
                    if (Configs.AccountInMoney)
                        // Profit Loss
                        if (Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Close ||
                            Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Reduce ||
                            Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Reverse)
                            asJournalData[row, 12] = Backtester.MoneyProfitLoss(bar).ToString("F2");
                            asJournalData[row, 12] = "-";

                        // Floating Profit Loss
                        if (Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) != Transaction.Close)
                            asJournalData[row, 13] = Backtester.MoneyFloatingPL(bar).ToString("F2");
                            asJournalData[row, 13] = "-";
                        // Profit Loss
                        if (Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Close ||
                            Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Reduce ||
                            Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) == Transaction.Reverse)
                            asJournalData[row, 12] = Backtester.ProfitLoss(bar).ToString();
                            asJournalData[row, 12] = "-";

                        // Floating Profit Loss
                        if (Backtester.SummaryTrans(bar) != Transaction.Close)
                            asJournalData[row, 13] = Backtester.FloatingPL(bar).ToString();
                            asJournalData[row, 13] = "-";

                    // Icons
                    aiPositionIcons[row] = Backtester.SummaryPositionIcon(bar);
                    // Icons
                    aiPositionIcons[row] = Properties.Resources.pos_square;

                if (Configs.AccountInMoney)
                    asJournalData[row, 14] = Backtester.MoneyBalance(bar).ToString("F2");
                    asJournalData[row, 15] = Backtester.MoneyEquity(bar).ToString("F2");
                    asJournalData[row, 14] = Backtester.Balance(bar).ToString();
                    asJournalData[row, 15] = Backtester.Equity(bar).ToString();
                asJournalData[row, 16] = Backtester.SummaryRequiredMargin(bar).ToString("F2");
                asJournalData[row, 17] = Backtester.SummaryFreeMargin(bar).ToString("F2");
                asJournalData[row, 18] = Language.T(Backtester.BackTestEval(bar));
