コード例 #1
        public ModelEntity CreateSphere(Vector3 position, float mass, float dimension)
            Model model = Models[CollideType.Sphere];
            float radius = dimension;

            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(position);

            body.LinearDamping = LinearDamping;
            body.AngularDamping = AngularDamping;
            body.Awake = true;
            body.Mass = mass;
            body.InertiaTensor = InertiaTensorFactory.Sphere(mass, radius);

            Sphere prim = new Sphere(body, Matrix.Identity, radius);

            EntityGeometryData geoData = new EntityGeometryData();

            geoData.Prim = prim;
            geoData.BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, prim.Radius);

            return new ModelEntity(model, body, geoData);
コード例 #2
        public ModelEntity CreateDefaultFromModel(Model model, Vector3 pos)
            AABBTree tree = AABBFactory.AABBTree(model);
            BoundingBox box = tree.Root.BBox;

            float radius = BoundingSphere.CreateFromBoundingBox(box).Radius;
            float mass = 1f;
            RigidBody body = new RigidBody(pos);

            body.LinearDamping = LinearDamping;
            body.AngularDamping = AngularDamping;
            body.Awake = true;
            body.Mass = mass;
            body.InertiaTensor = InertiaTensorFactory.Sphere(mass, radius);

            Sphere prim = new Sphere(body, Matrix.Identity, radius);
            EntityGeometryData geoData = new EntityGeometryData();
            geoData.BoundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(Vector3.Zero, radius);
            geoData.Prim = prim;

            return new ModelEntity(model, body, geoData);
コード例 #3
        public static int sphereAndSphere(Sphere one, Sphere two, CollisionData data)
            //make sure we have contacts
            if (data.contactsLeft <= 0) return 0;

            // Cache the sphere positions
            Vector3 positionOne = one.Body.Position;
            Vector3 positionTwo = two.Body.Position;

            if (positionOne == positionTwo)
                throw new ArgumentException("Two bodies with the same position are unsupported....TODO");

            // find the vector between the objects
            Vector3 midline = positionOne - positionTwo;
            float size = midline.Length();

            //see if it is large enough
            if (size <= 0.0f || size > one.Radius + two.Radius)
                return 0;

            // we manually create the normal, because we have the size at hand;
            Vector3 normal = midline * (1f / size);

            Contact contact = new Contact();
            contact.Normal = normal;
            contact.Point = positionTwo + midline * 0.5f;
            contact.Penetration = (one.Radius + two.Radius - size);

            //write the appropriate data
            contact.Bodies[0] = one.Body;
            contact.Bodies[1] = two.Body;
            contact.Restitution = data.restitution;
            contact.Friction = data.friction;

            return 1;
コード例 #4
 public static void Render(Sphere sphere, RenderContext context, Color color)
     BoundingSphere bs = new BoundingSphere(sphere.Body.Position, sphere.Radius);
       BoundingSphereRenderer.Render(bs, context, color);
コード例 #5
        public static int boxAndSphere(Box box, Sphere sph, CollisionData data)
            Vector3 center = sph.Body.Position;

            Vector3 relCenter = Vector3.Transform(center, Matrix.Invert(box.Transform));

            double x = relCenter.X;
            double y = relCenter.Y;
            double z = relCenter.Z;

            if (Math.Abs(x) - sph.Radius > box.HalfSizes.X
              || Math.Abs(y) - sph.Radius > box.HalfSizes.Y
              || Math.Abs(z) - sph.Radius > box.HalfSizes.Z)
                return 0;

            Vector3 closest = Vector3.Zero;
            float dist;

            dist = relCenter.X;
            if (dist > box.HalfSizes.X) dist = box.HalfSizes.X;
            if (dist < -box.HalfSizes.X) dist = -box.HalfSizes.X;
            closest.X = dist;

            dist = relCenter.Y;
            if (dist > box.HalfSizes.Y) dist = box.HalfSizes.Y;
            if (dist < -box.HalfSizes.Y) dist = -box.HalfSizes.Y;
            closest.Y = dist;

            dist = relCenter.Z;
            if (dist > box.HalfSizes.Z) dist = box.HalfSizes.Z;
            if (dist < -box.HalfSizes.Z) dist = -box.HalfSizes.Z;
            closest.Z = dist;

            dist = (closest - relCenter).Length();

            if (dist > sph.Radius && !TrickyMath.AlmostEquals(0f, dist - sph.Radius)) return 0;

            Vector3 closestWorld = Vector3.Transform(closest, box.Transform);

            Contact contact = new Contact();
            Vector3 normal = closestWorld - center;// (center - closestWorld);
            contact.Normal = normal;

            contact.Point = closestWorld;
            contact.Penetration = sph.Radius - dist;// (float)Math.Sqrt((float)dist);

            contact.Bodies[0] = box.Body;
            contact.Bodies[1] = sph.Body;
            contact.Restitution = data.restitution;
            contact.Friction = data.friction;


            return 1;
コード例 #6
        public static int sphereAndHalfSpace(Sphere sphere, Plane plane, CollisionData data)
            Vector3 pos = sphere.Body.Position;

            //d = p * L - l
            float ballDist = Vector3.Dot(plane.Normal, pos) - (sphere.Radius - plane.Offset);

            if (ballDist > 0) return 0;

            Contact contact = new Contact();
            contact.Normal = plane.Normal;
            contact.Penetration = -ballDist;
            contact.Point = pos - (plane.Normal * (ballDist + sphere.Radius));

            contact.Bodies[0] = sphere.Body;
            contact.Bodies[1] = null;

            contact.Restitution = data.restitution;
            contact.Friction = data.friction;


            return 1;
コード例 #7
        public void IntersectionTests_SphereVsSphere_NoIntersection()
            IRigidBody sphereOneBody = new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.UnitX * -2f));

            float sphereOneRadius = 1f;
            Matrix sphereOneMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereOne = new Sphere(sphereOneBody, sphereOneMatrix, sphereOneRadius);

            IRigidBody sphereTwoBody = new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.UnitX * 2f));

            float sphereTwoRadius = 1f;
            Matrix sphereTwoMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereTwo = new Sphere(sphereTwoBody, sphereTwoMatrix, sphereTwoRadius);

            CollisionData data = new CollisionData();
            Assert.AreEqual(0, IntersectionTests.sphereAndSphere(sphereOne, sphereTwo, data));
コード例 #8
        public void IntersectionTests_SphereVsSphere_SurfaceCollision()
            Vector3 sphereOnePosition = Vector3.Zero;
            IRigidBody sphereOneBody = new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(sphereOnePosition));

            float sphereOneRadius = 0.5f;
            Matrix sphereOneMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereOne = new Sphere(sphereOneBody, sphereOneMatrix, sphereOneRadius);

            Vector3 sphereTwoPosition = Vector3.UnitX;
            IRigidBody sphereTwoBody = new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(sphereTwoPosition));

            float sphereTwoRadius = 0.5f;
            Matrix sphereTwoMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereTwo = new Sphere(sphereTwoBody, sphereTwoMatrix, sphereTwoRadius);

            CollisionData data = new CollisionData();
            Assert.AreEqual(1, IntersectionTests.sphereAndSphere(sphereOne, sphereTwo, data), "How many contacts?");

            Contact contact;
            Assert.NotNull(data.contacts, "Contacts Container");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data.contacts.Count, "One Contact Expected");
            contact = data.contacts[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(0, contact.Friction, "0 friction");
            Assert.AreEqual(1f, contact.Restitution, "1 restitution");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, contact.Penetration, "0 penetration (surface collision)");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f), contact.Point, "expected contact point");
            Assert.AreEqual(-Vector3.UnitX, contact.Normal, "expected contact normal");


            data = new CollisionData();

            IntersectionTests.sphereAndSphere(sphereTwo, sphereOne, data);
            Assert.NotNull(data.contacts, "Contacts Container");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, data.contacts.Count, "One Contact Expected");
            contact = data.contacts[0];
            Assert.AreEqual(0, contact.Friction, "0 friction");
            Assert.AreEqual(1, contact.Restitution, "1 restitution");
            Assert.AreEqual(0, contact.Penetration, "0 penetration (surface collision)");
            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(0.5f, 0f, 0f), contact.Point, "expected contact point");
            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.UnitX, contact.Normal, "expected contact normal");
コード例 #9
        public void IntersectionTests_SphereVsSphere_BodyPointIntersection()
            IRigidBody sphereOneBody = new NoBody();

            float sphereOneRadius = 1f;
            Matrix sphereOneMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereOne = new Sphere(sphereOneBody, sphereOneMatrix, sphereOneRadius);

            IRigidBody sphereTwoBody = new NoBody();

            float sphereTwoRadius = 1f;
            Matrix sphereTwoMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
            Sphere sphereTwo = new Sphere(sphereTwoBody, sphereTwoMatrix, sphereTwoRadius);

            CollisionData data = new CollisionData();
            IntersectionTests.sphereAndSphere(sphereOne, sphereTwo, data);
コード例 #10
        public void IntersectionTests_SphereVsPlane()
            Matrix sphereMatrix;
            float sphereRadius = 1f;
            Forever.Physics.Collide.Plane plane;
            Forever.Physics.Collide.Sphere sphere;
            CollisionData data;
            int contactsFound;
            Contact contact1;

            // plane is always the x-z plane for this test method
            Vector3 planeNormal = Vector3.Up;
            plane = new Forever.Physics.Collide.Plane(new NoBody(), Vector3.Zero, planeNormal);

            // unit sphere centered at y=1 (one point of surface touching)
            sphereMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.UnitY);
            sphere = new Sphere( new NoBody(sphereMatrix), Matrix.Identity, sphereRadius);

            data = new CollisionData();
            contactsFound = IntersectionTests.sphereAndHalfSpace(sphere, plane, data);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, contactsFound);

            contact1 = data.contacts[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Zero, contact1.Point);
            Assert.AreEqual(0f, contact1.Penetration);
            Assert.AreEqual(planeNormal, contact1.Normal);

            // unit sphere centered at y=0.9 (.1 penetration)
            sphereMatrix = Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.UnitY  * 0.9f);
            sphere = new Sphere(new NoBody(sphereMatrix), Matrix.Identity, sphereRadius);

            data = new CollisionData();
            contactsFound = IntersectionTests.sphereAndHalfSpace(sphere, plane, data);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, contactsFound);

            contact1 = data.contacts[0];

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Zero, contact1.Point);
                TrickyMath.AlmostEquals(0.1f, contact1.Penetration)
            Assert.AreEqual(planeNormal, contact1.Normal);
コード例 #11
        public void IntersectionTests_BoxVsSphere_NoIntersection()
            float sphereRadius = 1f;
            CollisionData data;
            int contactsFound;
            Contact contact1;

            Forever.Physics.Collide.Sphere sphere;
            Forever.Physics.Collide.Box box;

            // no intersection

            sphere = new Sphere(
                new NoBody( Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(-10000f, -10000f, -10000f))),

            box = new Box(
                new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(new Vector3(10000f, 10000f, 10000f))),
                new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f)

            data = new CollisionData();

            contactsFound = IntersectionTests.boxAndSphere(box, sphere, data);

            Assert.AreEqual(0, contactsFound);
コード例 #12
        public void IntersectionTests_BoxVsSphere_BoxFace()
            //box face intersection

            float sphereRadius = 1f;
            CollisionData data;
            int contactsFound;
            Contact contact1;

            Forever.Physics.Collide.Sphere sphere;
            Forever.Physics.Collide.Box box;

            sphere = new Sphere(
                new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.Up)),

            box = new Box(
                new NoBody(Matrix.CreateTranslation(Vector3.Down * 0.95f)),
                new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f));

            data = new CollisionData();

            contactsFound = IntersectionTests.boxAndSphere(box, sphere, data);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, contactsFound);

            contact1 = data.contacts[0];

                TrickyMath.AlmostEquals(0.05f, contact1.Penetration)

                TrickyMath.CloseEnoughToBeSame(new Vector3(0f, 0.05f, 0f), contact1.Point)

            Assert.AreEqual(Vector3.Down, contact1.Normal);
コード例 #13
        public void IntersectionTests_BoxVsSphere_BoxEdge_ZeroPenetration()
            //box edge intersection

            float sphereRadius = 1f;
            CollisionData data;
            int contactsFound;
            Contact contact1;

            Forever.Physics.Collide.Sphere sphere;
            Forever.Physics.Collide.Box box;

            box = new Box(
                new NoBody(), //box centered at origin
                new Vector3(1f, 1f, 1f)

            Vector3 spherePos = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 1f);
            spherePos = new Vector3(0f, 1f, 1f) + spherePos;

            sphere = new Sphere(
                new NoBody(
            data = new CollisionData();

            contactsFound = IntersectionTests.boxAndSphere(box, sphere, data);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, contactsFound);
            contact1 = data.contacts[0];

                TrickyMath.AlmostEquals(0f, contact1.Penetration)

            Assert.AreEqual(new Vector3(0f, 1f, 1f), contact1.Point);
                new Vector3(0f, -0.7071068f, -0.7071068f),