コード例 #1
        public static int GetCustomerServiceCountByStatus(int UserID, int Status, int Type = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions  = new List <string>();
            List <int>          EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int>          InIDList    = new List <int>();

            Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
            List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or [ID]=" + InID + ")");
            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("[ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where (" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + "))");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", Status));
            if (Status != 3 && Type == 0)
                conditions.Add("REPLACE(REPLACE([ServiceAccpetManID],'[',','),']',',') like '%," + UserID.ToString() + ",%'");
            if (Type == 0)
                conditions.Add("([DepartmentID] in (select DepartmentID from [UserDepartment] where [UserID]=@UserID) or DepartmentID is null or DepartmentID=0)");
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID));
            int count = 0;

            using (SqlHelper helper = new SqlHelper())
                string cmdtext = "select count(1) from [CustomerService] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());
                var    result  = helper.ExecuteScalar(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters);
                if (result != null)
                    count = Convert.ToInt32(result);
コード例 #2
        public static ProjectTree[] GetProjectTreeListByOrderNumberID(int ID, string Keywords, int OrderNumberID, int Level, int UserID)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            conditions.Add("[IconID]<=" + Level);
            if (UserID > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
                string cmdwhere = string.Empty;
                if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                    conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Keywords", Keywords));
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LikeKeywords", "%" + Keywords + "%"));
                conditions.Add("([Name] like @LikeKeywords or [ID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomBasic] where [RoomType] like @LikeKeywords or [RoomOwner] like @LikeKeywords or [OwnerPhone] like @LikeKeywords or [RentName] like @LikeKeywords or [RentPhoneNumber] like @LikeKeywords))");
            else if (ID > 0)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@OrderNumberID", OrderNumberID));
            ProjectTree[] list = GetList <ProjectTree>("select " + ProjectColumns + ",(select [OrderNumberID] from [ProjectOrderNumber] where [ProjectOrderNumber].[ProjectID]=[Project].[ID] and [OrderNumberID]=@OrderNumberID) as OrderNumberID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " order by [OrderBy],[Level],[ID]", parameters).ToArray();
コード例 #3
        public static Project[] GetProjectListByUserID(int UserID, List <int> ProjectIDList)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters  = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions  = new List <string>();
            List <int>          EqualIDList = null;
            List <int>          InIDList    = null;

            Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList, ProjectIDList: ProjectIDList);
            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("ID in (" + string.Join(",", InIDList.ToArray()) + ")");
                return(GetList <Project>("select * from [Project] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()), parameters).ToArray());
                return(new Project[] { });
コード例 #4
        public static ProjectTree[] GetProjectTreeListByContactID(int CompanyID, int ContactID, int UserID)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (UserID > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
                string cmdwhere = string.Empty;
                if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                    conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            conditions.Add("([ID]=1 or [ParentID]=1)");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ContactID", ContactID));
            ProjectTree[] list = GetList <ProjectTree>("select " + ProjectColumns + ",(select [WechatContactID] from [Wechat_ContactProject] where [Wechat_ContactProject].[ProjectID]=[Project].[ID] and [WechatContactID]=@ContactID) as MsgID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " order by [DefaultOrder]", parameters).ToArray();
コード例 #5
        public static int[] GetProjectIDListbyIDList(List <int> ProjectIDList = null, List <int> EqualProjectIDList = null, List <int> InProjectIDList = null, int UserID = 0)
            if (EqualProjectIDList == null || InProjectIDList == null)
                if (UserID > 0)
                    Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualProjectIDList, out InProjectIDList, ProjectIDList: ProjectIDList);
                else if (ProjectIDList != null)
                    Project.GetMyProjectListByProjectIDList(ProjectIDList, out EqualProjectIDList, out InProjectIDList);
            var cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (InProjectIDList != null && InProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var InID in InProjectIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
            if (EqualProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var EqualID in EqualProjectIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                var list = GetList <Project>("select ID from [Project] where " + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()), new List <SqlParameter>());
                return(list.Select(p => p.ID).ToArray());
            return(new int[] { });
コード例 #6
        public static void GetHomeDataCount(int UserID, out int NormalSeatCount, out int InvalidSeatCount, out int ServiceCount, out int SuggestionCount, out int TotalInCallCount, out int TotalOutCallCount, out decimal TotalInCallMin, out decimal TotalOutCallMin)
            NormalSeatCount   = 0;
            InvalidSeatCount  = 0;
            ServiceCount      = 0;
            SuggestionCount   = 0;
            TotalInCallCount  = 0;
            TotalOutCallCount = 0;
            TotalInCallMin    = 0;
            TotalOutCallMin   = 0;
            string cmdtext    = "select [PickUpTime],[HangUpTime],[PhoneType] from [PhoneRecord]";
            var    recordList = GetList <PhoneRecord>(cmdtext, new List <SqlParameter>()).ToArray();

            using (SqlHelper helper = new SqlHelper())
                var parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
                cmdtext = "select count(1) from [Seat] where [DriverStatus]=1";
                var result = helper.ExecuteScalar(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters);
                if (result != null)
                    int.TryParse(result.ToString(), out NormalSeatCount);
                cmdtext = "select count(1) from [Seat] where [DriverStatus]=2";
                result  = helper.ExecuteScalar(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters);
                if (result != null)
                    int.TryParse(result.ToString(), out InvalidSeatCount);

                string cmdwhere = " and (exists(select 1 from [UserServiceType] where [ServiceTypeID]=CustomerService.ServiceType1ID and ([UserID]=@UserID or exists(select 1 from [UserRoles] where [RoleID]=[UserServiceType].RoleID and [UserID]=@UserID))) or CustomerService.ServiceType1ID=0)";
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@UserID", UserID));
                int BaoXiuServiceID = new Utility.SiteConfig().BaoXiuServiceID;

                cmdtext = "select ProjectID,ServiceType1ID from [CustomerService] where 1=1" + cmdwhere;
                var serviceList = GetList <CustomerService>(cmdtext, parameters).ToArray();
                //result = helper.ExecuteScalar(cmdtext, CommandType.Text, parameters);
                //if (result != null)
                //    int.TryParse(result.ToString(), out SuggestionCount);
                var EqualProjectIDList = new List <int>();
                var InProjectIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualProjectIDList, out InProjectIDList);
                if (InProjectIDList.Count > 0 || EqualProjectIDList.Count > 0)
                    var myProjectIDList = Project.GetProjectIDListbyIDList(InProjectIDList: InProjectIDList, EqualProjectIDList: EqualProjectIDList);
                    if (myProjectIDList.Length > 0)
                        serviceList = serviceList.Where(p => myProjectIDList.Contains(p.ProjectID)).ToArray();
                SuggestionCount = serviceList.Where(p => p.ServiceType1ID != BaoXiuServiceID).ToArray().Length;
                ServiceCount    = serviceList.Where(p => p.ServiceType1ID == BaoXiuServiceID).ToArray().Length;

                var totalInRecordList = recordList.Where(p => p.PhoneType == 1).ToArray();
                TotalInCallCount = totalInRecordList.Length;
                TotalInCallMin   = totalInRecordList.Sum(p => p.TotalCallHour);
                TotalInCallMin   = Math.Round(TotalInCallMin, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);

                var totalOutnRecordList = recordList.Where(p => p.PhoneType == 2).ToArray();
                TotalOutCallCount = totalOutnRecordList.Length;
                TotalOutCallMin   = totalOutnRecordList.Sum(p => p.TotalCallHour);
                TotalOutCallMin   = Math.Round(TotalOutCallMin, 2, MidpointRounding.AwayFromZero);
コード例 #7
        public static List <Dictionary <string, object> > GetCustomerServiceCountGroupByUserStatus(int UserID, int Status, int ProjectID)
            var results = new List <Dictionary <string, object> >();
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();
            var ProjectIDList = new List <int>()
            List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
            List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();

            Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList, ProjectIDList: ProjectIDList);
            List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();

            if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or [ID]=" + InID + ")");
            if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                    cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
            if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                conditions.Add("[ProjectID] in (select ID from [Project] where (" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + "))");
            parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Status", Status));
            string cmdtext = "select * from [CustomerService] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray());

            Utility.LogHelper.WriteInfo("GetCustomerServiceCountGroupByUserStatus", cmdtext);
            var list     = GetList <CustomerServiceDetail>(cmdtext, parameters).ToArray();
            var UserList = User.GetAPPUserList();

            CustomerServiceDetail[] my_list = new CustomerServiceDetail[] { };
            var dic        = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            var UserIDList = UserList.Select(p => p.UserID).ToList();

            foreach (var user in UserList)
                //conditions.Add("REPLACE(REPLACE([ServiceAccpetManID],'[',','),']',',') like '%," + UserID.ToString() + ",%'");
                my_list = list.Where(p => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.ServiceAccpetManID) && p.ServiceAccpetManID.Replace("[", ",").Replace("]", ",").Contains("," + user.UserID.ToString() + ",")).ToArray();
                if (my_list.Length > 0)
                    dic               = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                    dic["UserID"]     = user.UserID;
                    dic["UserName"]   = string.IsNullOrEmpty(user.RealName) ? user.LoginName : user.RealName;
                    dic["TotalCount"] = my_list.Length;
            my_list = list.Where(p =>
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(p.ServiceAccpetManID))
                string[] ServiceAccpetManIDArray = p.ServiceAccpetManID.Replace("[", ",").Replace("]", ",").Split(',');
                foreach (var MyUserID in UserIDList)
                    foreach (var item in ServiceAccpetManIDArray)
                        if (MyUserID.ToString().Equals(item))
            if (my_list.Length > 0)
                dic               = new Dictionary <string, object>();
                dic["UserID"]     = -1;
                dic["UserName"]   = "******";
                dic["TotalCount"] = my_list.Length;
            results = results.OrderByDescending(p => Convert.ToInt32(p["TotalCount"])).ToList();
コード例 #8
        public static ProjectTree[] GetProjectTreeListByID(int ID, string Keywords, int UserID, int IconID = 0, bool OnlyXiaoqu = false, bool ExceptRoom = false, int CompanyID = 0)
            List <SqlParameter> parameters = new List <SqlParameter>();
            List <string>       conditions = new List <string>();

            if (ExceptRoom)
            if (CompanyID > 0)
                parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@CompanyID", CompanyID));
            string sortorder = string.Empty;

            if (UserID > 0)
                List <int> EqualIDList = new List <int>();
                List <int> InIDList    = new List <int>();
                Project.GetMyProjectListByUserID(UserID, out EqualIDList, out InIDList);
                List <string> cmdlist = new List <string>();
                if (InIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var InID in InIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].AllParentID like '%," + InID + ",%' or ID=" + InID + ")");
                if (EqualIDList.Count > 0)
                    foreach (var EqualID in EqualIDList)
                        cmdlist.Add("([Project].ID=" + EqualID + ")");
                string cmdwhere = string.Empty;
                if (cmdlist.Count > 0)
                    conditions.Add("(" + string.Join(" or ", cmdlist.ToArray()) + ")");
            if (OnlyXiaoqu)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LikeKeywords", "%" + Keywords + "%"));
                    conditions.Add("([Name] like @LikeKeywords)");
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Keywords))
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@Keywords", Keywords));
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@LikeKeywords", "%" + Keywords + "%"));
                    conditions.Add("([Name] like @LikeKeywords or [ID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomBasic] where [RoomType] like @LikeKeywords) or [ID] in (select [RoomID] from [RoomPhoneRelation] where [RelationName] like @LikeKeywords or [RelatePhoneNumber] like @LikeKeywords))");
                else if (ID > 0)
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@ID", ID));
                if (IconID > 0)
                    parameters.Add(new SqlParameter("@IconID", IconID));
            ProjectTree[] list = GetList <ProjectTree>("select " + ProjectColumns + " from [Project] where " + string.Join(" and ", conditions.ToArray()) + " order by DefaultOrder asc", parameters).ToArray();