/// <summary>
        /// This method checks if the given block syntaxes are too long based on the configured limits. If so, the block syntax
        /// and the corresponding limit configuration is put together in an instance of  <see cref="CodeBlockOccurrence">LongCodeBlockOccurrence</see>.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="codeBlocks">The list of block syntaxes that will be analyzed.</param>
        private void AnalyzeCodeBlockOccurrences(IEnumerable <BlockSyntax> codeBlocks)
            if (codeBlocks == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(codeBlocks));


            foreach (var codeBlock in codeBlocks)
                string methodName  = string.Empty;
                int    linesOfCode = 0;

                GetMethodNameAndLineCount(codeBlock, out methodName, out linesOfCode);

                var feedbacks = _feedbackMachine.RequestFeedbackForMethodCodeBlock(methodName, linesOfCode);
                var occurence = new CodeBlockOccurrence(codeBlock, feedbacks);

        /// <summary>
        /// This method creates the visual for a code block background and moves it to the correct position.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="adornmentBounds">The bounds of the rectangular adornment.</param>
        /// <param name="codeBlockOccurence">The occurence of the code block for which the visual will be created.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns the image that is the visual adornment (code block background).</returns>
        private Image CreateAndPositionCodeBlockBackgroundVisual(Rect adornmentBounds, CodeBlockOccurrence codeBlockOccurence)
            if (adornmentBounds == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(adornmentBounds));

            if (codeBlockOccurence == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(codeBlockOccurence));

            var backgroundGeometry = new RectangleGeometry(adornmentBounds);
            var feedback           = codeBlockOccurence.Feedbacks.Where(f => f is DrawColoredBackgroundFeedback).FirstOrDefault() as DrawColoredBackgroundFeedback;
            var backgroundColor    = Color.FromArgb(feedback.BackgroundColor.A, feedback.BackgroundColor.R, feedback.BackgroundColor.G, feedback.BackgroundColor.B);

            var backgroundBrush = new SolidColorBrush(backgroundColor);


            var outlineColor = Color.FromArgb(feedback.OutlineColor.A, feedback.OutlineColor.R, feedback.OutlineColor.G, feedback.OutlineColor.B);

            var outlinePenBrush = new SolidColorBrush(outlineColor);


            var outlinePen = new Pen(outlinePenBrush, 0.5);


            var drawing = new GeometryDrawing(backgroundBrush, outlinePen, backgroundGeometry);


            var drawingImage = new DrawingImage(drawing);


            var image = new Image
                Source = drawingImage

            Canvas.SetLeft(image, adornmentBounds.Left);
            Canvas.SetTop(image, adornmentBounds.Top);
