public Buffer(Game g) { max_length = Global.COLS; //because the message window runs along the top of the map str.Add(""); overflow = ""; log = new string[log_length]; for(int i=0;i<log_length;++i){ log[i] = ""; } position = 21; num_messages = position; M = g.M; player = g.player; }
public Buffer(Game g) { max_length = Global.COLS; //because the message window runs along the top of the map //str = ""; //str2 = ""; str.Add(""); overflow = ""; log = new string[20]; for (int i = 0; i < 20; ++i) { log[i] = ""; } position = 0; M = g.M; player = g.player; }
public Queue(Game g) { list = new LinkedList<Event>(); turn = 0; B = g.B; }
static void MainMenu() { ConsoleKeyInfo command; string recentname = "".PadRight(30); int recentdepth = -1; char recentwin = '-'; string recentcause = ""; bool on_highscore_list = false; MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); while(true){ Screen.Blank(); int row = 8; int col = (Global.SCREEN_W - 28) / 2; //centering "Forays into Norrendrin x.y.z", which is 28 chars. Screen.WriteString(row++,col,new cstr(Color.Yellow,"Forays into Norrendrin " + Global.VERSION)); Screen.WriteString(row++,col,new cstr(Color.Green,"".PadRight(28,'-'))); col += 4; //recenter for menu options row++; bool saved_game = File.Exists("forays.sav"); if(!saved_game){ Screen.WriteString(row++,col,"[a] Start a new game"); } else{ Screen.WriteString(row++,col,"[a] Resume saved game"); } Screen.WriteString(row++,col,"[b] How to play"); Screen.WriteString(row++,col,"[c] High scores"); Screen.WriteString(row++,col,"[d] Quit"); for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ Screen.WriteChar(i+row-4,col+1,new colorchar(Color.Cyan,(char)(i+'a'))); MouseUI.CreateButton((ConsoleKey)(i + ConsoleKey.A),false,i+row-4,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); } Screen.ResetColors(); Screen.SetCursorPosition(Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS,Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS+8); command = Input.ReadKey(); switch(command.KeyChar){ case 'a': { Global.GAME_OVER = false; Global.BOSS_KILLED = false; Global.SAVING = false; Global.LoadOptions(); Game game = new Game(); Actor.attack[ActorType.PLAYER] = new List<AttackInfo>{new AttackInfo(100,2,AttackEffect.NO_CRIT,"& hit *","& miss *","")}; if(!saved_game){ game.player = new Actor(ActorType.PLAYER,"you",'@',Color.White,100,100,0,0,AttrType.HUMANOID_INTELLIGENCE); game.player.inv = new List<Item>(); Actor.feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.spells_in_order = new List<SpellType>(); game.player.weapons.AddLast(new Weapon(WeaponType.SWORD)); game.player.weapons.AddLast(new Weapon(WeaponType.MACE)); game.player.weapons.AddLast(new Weapon(WeaponType.DAGGER)); game.player.weapons.AddLast(new Weapon(WeaponType.STAFF)); game.player.weapons.AddLast(new Weapon(WeaponType.BOW)); game.player.armors.AddLast(new Armor(ArmorType.LEATHER)); game.player.armors.AddLast(new Armor(ArmorType.CHAINMAIL)); game.player.armors.AddLast(new Armor(ArmorType.FULL_PLATE)); } game.M = new Map(game); game.B = new Buffer(game); game.Q = new Queue(game); Map.Q = game.Q; Map.B = game.B; PhysicalObject.M = game.M; PhysicalObject.B = game.B; PhysicalObject.Q = game.Q; PhysicalObject.player = game.player; Event.Q = game.Q; Event.B = game.B; Event.M = game.M; Event.player = game.player; Fire.fire_event = null; Fire.burning_objects = new List<PhysicalObject>(); if(!saved_game){ Actor.player_name = ""; if(File.Exists("name.txt")){ StreamReader file = new StreamReader("name.txt"); string base_name = file.ReadLine(); if(base_name == "%random%"){ Actor.player_name = Global.GenerateCharacterName(); } else{ Actor.player_name = base_name; } int num = 0; if(base_name != "%random%" && file.Peek() != -1){ num = Convert.ToInt32(file.ReadLine()); if(num > 1){ Actor.player_name = Actor.player_name + " " + Global.RomanNumeral(num); } } file.Close(); if(num > 0){ StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("name.txt",false); fileout.WriteLine(base_name); fileout.WriteLine(num+1); fileout.Close(); } } if(Actor.player_name == ""){ MouseUI.PushButtonMap(MouseMode.NameEntry); Screen.Blank(); /*for(int i=4;i<=7;++i){ Screen.WriteMapString(i,0,"".PadToMapSize()); }*/ string s = ""; int name_option = 0; int c = 3; while(true){ Screen.WriteMapString(4,c,"Enter name: "); if(s == ""){ Screen.WriteMapString(6,c,"(Press [Enter] for a random name)".GetColorString()); } else{ Screen.WriteMapString(6,c,"(Press [Enter] when finished) ".GetColorString()); } List<string> name_options = new List<string>{"Default: Choose a new name for each character","Static: Use this name for every character","Legacy: Name all future characters after this one","Random: Name all future characters randomly"}; for(int i=0;i<4;++i){ Color option_color = Color.DarkGray; if(i == name_option){ option_color = Color.White; } Screen.WriteMapString(15+i,c,name_options[i],option_color); } Screen.WriteMapString(20,c,"(Press [Tab] to change naming preference)".GetColorString()); if(name_option != 0){ Screen.WriteMapString(22,c-5,"(To stop naming characters automatically, delete name.txt)",Color.Green); } else{ Screen.WriteMapString(22,c-5,"".PadToMapSize()); } Screen.WriteMapString(4,c+12,s.PadRight(26)); Screen.SetCursorPosition(c + Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS + 12 + s.Length,Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS + 4); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.Enter,false,6+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.Tab,false,20+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.F21,false,15+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.F22,false,16+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.F23,false,17+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); MouseUI.CreateButton(ConsoleKey.F24,false,18+Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS,0,1,Global.SCREEN_W); Screen.CursorVisible = true; command = Input.ReadKey(); if((command.KeyChar >= '!' && command.KeyChar <= '~') || command.KeyChar == ' '){ if(s.Length < 26){ s = s + command.KeyChar; } } else{ if(command.Key == ConsoleKey.Backspace && s.Length > 0){ s = s.Substring(0,s.Length-1); } else{ if(command.Key == ConsoleKey.Escape){ s = ""; } else{ if(command.Key == ConsoleKey.Tab){ name_option = (name_option + 1) % 4; } else{ if(command.Key == ConsoleKey.Enter){ if(s.Length == 0){ s = Global.GenerateCharacterName(); } else{ Actor.player_name = s; break; } } else{ switch(command.Key){ case ConsoleKey.F21: name_option = 0; break; case ConsoleKey.F22: name_option = 1; break; case ConsoleKey.F23: name_option = 2; break; case ConsoleKey.F24: name_option = 3; break; } } } } } } } MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); switch(name_option){ case 1: //static { StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("name.txt",false); fileout.WriteLine(s); fileout.WriteLine(0); fileout.Close(); break; } case 2: //legacy { StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("name.txt",false); fileout.WriteLine(s); fileout.WriteLine(2); fileout.Close(); break; } case 3: //random { StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("name.txt",false); fileout.WriteLine("%random%"); fileout.WriteLine(0); fileout.Close(); break; } } } { Event e = new Event(game.player,0,EventType.MOVE); e.tiebreaker = 0; game.Q.Add(e); } Item.GenerateUnIDedNames(); game.M.GenerateLevelTypes(); game.M.GenerateLevel(); game.player.UpdateRadius(0,6,true); Item.Create(ConsumableType.BANDAGES,game.player).other_data = 5; Item.Create(ConsumableType.FLINT_AND_STEEL,game.player).other_data = 3; game.player.inv[0].revealed_by_light = true; game.player.inv[1].revealed_by_light = true; } else{ //loading FileStream file = new FileStream("forays.sav",FileMode.Open); BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(file); Dictionary<int,PhysicalObject> id = new Dictionary<int, PhysicalObject>(); id.Add(0,null); Dict<PhysicalObject,int> missing_target_id = new Dict<PhysicalObject, int>(); List<Actor> need_targets = new List<Actor>(); Dict<PhysicalObject,int> missing_location_id = new Dict<PhysicalObject, int>(); List<Actor> need_location = new List<Actor>(); Actor.player_name = b.ReadString(); game.M.current_level = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.level_types = new List<LevelType>(); for(int i=0;i<20;++i){ game.M.level_types.Add((LevelType)b.ReadInt32()); } game.M.wiz_lite = b.ReadBoolean(); game.M.wiz_dark = b.ReadBoolean(); for(int i=0;i<Global.ROWS;++i){ for(int j=0;j<Global.COLS;++j){ game.M.last_seen[i,j].c = b.ReadChar(); game.M.last_seen[i,j].color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); game.M.last_seen[i,j].bgcolor = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); } } if(game.M.current_level == 21){ game.M.final_level_cultist_count = new int[5]; for(int i=0;i<5;++i){ game.M.final_level_cultist_count[i] = b.ReadInt32(); } game.M.final_level_demon_count = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.final_level_clock = b.ReadInt32(); } Actor.feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.spells_in_order = new List<SpellType>(); int num_featlist = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_featlist;++i){ Actor.feats_in_order.Add((FeatType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_spelllist = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_spelllist;++i){ Actor.spells_in_order.Add((SpellType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_actor_tiebreakers = b.ReadInt32(); Actor.tiebreakers = new List<Actor>(num_actor_tiebreakers); for(int i=0;i<num_actor_tiebreakers;++i){ int ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(ID != 0){ Actor a = new Actor(); id.Add(ID,a); a.row = b.ReadInt32(); a.col = b.ReadInt32(); if(a.row >= 0 && a.row < Global.ROWS && a.col >= 0 && a.col < Global.COLS){[a.row,a.col] = a; } Actor.tiebreakers.Add(a); = b.ReadString(); a.the_name = b.ReadString(); a.a_name = b.ReadString(); a.symbol = b.ReadChar(); a.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); a.type = (ActorType)b.ReadInt32(); if(a.type == ActorType.PLAYER){ game.player = a; Actor.player = a; Buffer.player = a; Item.player = a; Map.player = a; Event.player = a; Tile.player = a; } a.maxhp = b.ReadInt32(); a.curhp = b.ReadInt32(); a.maxmp = b.ReadInt32(); a.curmp = b.ReadInt32(); a.speed = b.ReadInt32(); a.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); int target_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(target_ID)){ = (Actor)id[target_ID]; } else{ = null; need_targets.Add(a); missing_target_id[a] = target_ID; } int num_items = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_items;++j){ int item_id = b.ReadInt32(); if(item_id != 0){ Item item = new Item(); id.Add(item_id,item); = b.ReadString(); item.the_name = b.ReadString(); item.a_name = b.ReadString(); item.symbol = b.ReadChar(); item.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); item.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); item.type = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); item.quantity = b.ReadInt32(); item.charges = b.ReadInt32(); item.other_data = b.ReadInt32(); item.ignored = b.ReadBoolean(); item.do_not_stack = b.ReadBoolean(); item.revealed_by_light = b.ReadBoolean(); a.inv.Add(item); } } int num_attrs = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_attrs;++j){ AttrType t = (AttrType)b.ReadInt32(); a.attrs[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } int num_skills = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_skills;++j){ SkillType t = (SkillType)b.ReadInt32(); a.skills[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } int num_feats = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_feats;++j){ FeatType t = (FeatType)b.ReadInt32(); a.feats[t] = b.ReadBoolean(); } int num_spells = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_spells;++j){ SpellType t = (SpellType)b.ReadInt32(); a.spells[t] = b.ReadBoolean(); } a.exhaustion = b.ReadInt32(); a.time_of_last_action = b.ReadInt32(); a.recover_time = b.ReadInt32(); int path_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<path_count;++j){ int path_row = b.ReadInt32(); int path_col = b.ReadInt32(); a.path.Add(new pos(path_row,path_col)); } int location_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(location_ID)){ a.target_location = (Tile)id[location_ID]; } else{ a.target_location = null; need_location.Add(a); missing_location_id[a] = location_ID; } a.player_visibility_duration = b.ReadInt32(); int num_weapons = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_weapons;++j){ Weapon w = new Weapon(WeaponType.NO_WEAPON); w.type = (WeaponType)b.ReadInt32(); w.enchantment = (EnchantmentType)b.ReadInt32(); int num_statuses = b.ReadInt32(); for(int k=0;k<num_statuses;++k){ EquipmentStatus st = (EquipmentStatus)b.ReadInt32(); bool has_st = b.ReadBoolean(); w.status[st] = has_st; } a.weapons.AddLast(w); } int num_armors = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_armors;++j){ Armor ar = new Armor(ArmorType.NO_ARMOR); ar.type = (ArmorType)b.ReadInt32(); ar.enchantment = (EnchantmentType)b.ReadInt32(); int num_statuses = b.ReadInt32(); for(int k=0;k<num_statuses;++k){ EquipmentStatus st = (EquipmentStatus)b.ReadInt32(); bool has_st = b.ReadBoolean(); ar.status[st] = has_st; } a.armors.AddLast(ar); } int num_magic_trinkets = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_magic_trinkets;++j){ a.magic_trinkets.Add((MagicTrinketType)b.ReadInt32()); } } else{ Actor.tiebreakers.Add(null); } } int num_groups = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_groups;++i){ List<Actor> group = new List<Actor>(); int group_size = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<group_size;++j){ group.Add((Actor)id[b.ReadInt32()]); } foreach(Actor a in group){ = group; } } int num_tiles = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_tiles;++i){ Tile t = new Tile(); int ID = b.ReadInt32(); id.Add(ID,t); t.row = b.ReadInt32(); t.col = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.tile[t.row,t.col] = t; = b.ReadString(); t.the_name = b.ReadString(); t.a_name = b.ReadString(); t.symbol = b.ReadChar(); t.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); t.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); t.type = (TileType)b.ReadInt32(); t.passable = b.ReadBoolean(); t.SetInternalOpacity(b.ReadBoolean()); t.SetInternalSeen(b.ReadBoolean()); //t.seen = b.ReadBoolean(); t.revealed_by_light = b.ReadBoolean(); t.solid_rock = b.ReadBoolean(); t.light_value = b.ReadInt32(); t.direction_exited = b.ReadInt32(); if(b.ReadBoolean()){ //indicates a toggles_into value t.toggles_into = (TileType)b.ReadInt32(); } else{ t.toggles_into = null; } int item_id = b.ReadInt32(); if(item_id != 0){ t.inv = new Item(); id.Add(item_id,t.inv); = b.ReadString(); t.inv.the_name = b.ReadString(); t.inv.a_name = b.ReadString(); t.inv.symbol = b.ReadChar(); t.inv.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.type = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.quantity = b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.charges = b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.other_data = b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.ignored = b.ReadBoolean(); t.inv.do_not_stack = b.ReadBoolean(); t.inv.revealed_by_light = b.ReadBoolean(); } else{ t.inv = null; } int num_features = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_features;++j){ t.features.Add((FeatureType)b.ReadInt32()); } } foreach(Actor a in need_targets){ if(id.ContainsKey(missing_target_id[a])){ = (Actor)id[missing_target_id[a]]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors weren't loaded(1). "); } } foreach(Actor a in need_location){ if(id.ContainsKey(missing_location_id[a])){ a.target_location = (Tile)id[missing_location_id[a]]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles weren't loaded(2). "); } } int game_turn = b.ReadInt32(); game.Q.turn = -1; //this keeps events from being added incorrectly to the front of the queue while loading. turn is set correctly after events are all loaded. int num_events = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_events;++i){ Event e = new Event(); if(b.ReadBoolean()){ //if true, this is an item that doesn't exist elsewhere, so grab all its info. int item_id = b.ReadInt32(); if(item_id != 0){ Item item = new Item(); id.Add(item_id,item); = b.ReadString(); item.the_name = b.ReadString(); item.a_name = b.ReadString(); item.symbol = b.ReadChar(); item.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); item.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); item.type = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); item.quantity = b.ReadInt32(); item.charges = b.ReadInt32(); item.other_data = b.ReadInt32(); item.ignored = b.ReadBoolean(); item.do_not_stack = b.ReadBoolean(); item.revealed_by_light = b.ReadBoolean(); = item; } } else{ int target_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(target_ID)){ = id[target_ID]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles/actors weren't loaded(4). "); } } int area_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<area_count;++j){ if(e.area == null){ e.area = new List<Tile>(); } int tile_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(tile_ID)){ e.area.Add((Tile)id[tile_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles weren't loaded(5). "); } } e.delay = b.ReadInt32(); e.type = (EventType)b.ReadInt32(); e.attr = (AttrType)b.ReadInt32(); e.feature = (FeatureType)b.ReadInt32(); e.value = b.ReadInt32(); e.secondary_value = b.ReadInt32(); e.msg = b.ReadString(); int objs_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<objs_count;++j){ if(e.msg_objs == null){ e.msg_objs = new List<PhysicalObject>(); } int obj_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(obj_ID)){ e.msg_objs.Add(id[obj_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors/tiles weren't loaded(6). "); } } e.time_created = b.ReadInt32(); e.dead = b.ReadBoolean(); e.tiebreaker = b.ReadInt32(); game.Q.Add(e); if(e.type == EventType.FIRE && !e.dead){ Fire.fire_event = e; } } game.Q.turn = game_turn; foreach(Event e in game.Q.list){ if(e.type == EventType.MOVE && == game.player){ game.Q.current_event = e; break; } } int num_footsteps = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_footsteps;++i){ int step_row = b.ReadInt32(); int step_col = b.ReadInt32(); Actor.footsteps.Add(new pos(step_row,step_col)); } int num_prev_footsteps = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_prev_footsteps;++i){ int step_row = b.ReadInt32(); int step_col = b.ReadInt32(); Actor.previous_footsteps.Add(new pos(step_row,step_col)); } Actor.interrupted_path.row = b.ReadInt32(); Actor.interrupted_path.col = b.ReadInt32(); UI.viewing_commands_idx = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.feat_gained_this_level = b.ReadBoolean(); game.M.extra_danger = b.ReadInt32(); int num_unIDed = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_unIDed;++i){ ConsumableType ct = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); string s = b.ReadString(); Item.unIDed_name[ct] = s; } int num_IDed = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_IDed;++i){ ConsumableType ct = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); bool IDed = b.ReadBoolean(); Item.identified[ct] = IDed; } int num_item_colors = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_item_colors;++i){ ConsumableType ct = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); Item.proto[ct].color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); } int num_burning = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_burning;++i){ int obj_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(obj_ID)){ Fire.burning_objects.Add(id[obj_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors/tiles weren't loaded(7). "); } } string[] messages = new string[Buffer.log_length]; int num_messages = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_messages;++i){ messages[i] = b.ReadString(); } for(int i=num_messages;i<Buffer.log_length;++i){ messages[i] = ""; } int message_pos = b.ReadInt32(); game.B.LoadMessagesAndPosition(messages,message_pos,num_messages); b.Close(); file.Close(); File.Delete("forays.sav"); Tile.Feature(FeatureType.TELEPORTAL).color = Item.Prototype(ConsumableType.TELEPORTAL).color; game.M.CalculatePoppyDistanceMap(); game.M.UpdateDangerValues(); if(game.M.aesthetics == null) game.M.aesthetics = new PosArray<AestheticFeature>(Global.ROWS,Global.COLS); //todo! save these properly if(game.M.dungeon_description == null){ game.M.dungeon_description = new PosArray<string>(Global.ROWS,Global.COLS); for(int ii=0;ii<Global.ROWS;++ii){ for(int jj=0;jj<Global.COLS;++jj){ game.M.dungeon_description[ii,jj] = ""; } } } //todo fixme hack save properly } Game.NoClose = true; MouseUI.PushButtonMap(MouseMode.Map); MouseUI.CreateStatsButtons(); try{ while(!Global.GAME_OVER){ game.Q.Pop(); } } catch(Exception e){ StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("error.txt",false); fileout.WriteLine(e.Message); fileout.WriteLine(e.StackTrace); fileout.Close(); MouseUI.IgnoreMouseMovement = true; MouseUI.IgnoreMouseClicks = true; Screen.CursorVisible = false; Screen.Blank(); Screen.WriteString(12,0," An error has occured. See error.txt for more details. Press any key to quit.".PadOuter(Global.SCREEN_W)); Input.ReadKey(); Global.Quit(); } MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); MouseUI.IgnoreMouseMovement = false; Game.NoClose = false; Screen.CursorVisible = false; Global.SaveOptions(); recentdepth = game.M.current_level; recentname = Actor.player_name; recentwin = Global.BOSS_KILLED? 'W' : '-'; recentcause = Global.KILLED_BY; on_highscore_list = false; if(!Global.SAVING){ List<string> newhighscores = new List<string>(); int num_scores = 0; bool added = false; if(File.Exists("highscore.txt")){ StreamReader file = new StreamReader("highscore.txt"); string s = ""; while(s.Length < 2 || s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); newhighscores.Add(s); } s = "!!"; while(s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); if(s.Substring(0,2) == "--"){ if(!added && num_scores < Global.HIGH_SCORES){ char symbol = Global.BOSS_KILLED? 'W' : '-'; newhighscores.Add(game.M.current_level.ToString() + " " + symbol + " " + Actor.player_name + " -- " + Global.KILLED_BY); on_highscore_list = true; } newhighscores.Add(s); break; } if(num_scores < Global.HIGH_SCORES){ string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); int dlev = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]); if(dlev < game.M.current_level || (dlev == game.M.current_level && Global.BOSS_KILLED)){ if(!added){ char symbol = Global.BOSS_KILLED? 'W' : '-'; newhighscores.Add(game.M.current_level.ToString() + " " + symbol + " " + Actor.player_name + " -- " + Global.KILLED_BY); ++num_scores; added = true; on_highscore_list = true; } if(num_scores < Global.HIGH_SCORES){ newhighscores.Add(s); ++num_scores; } } else{ newhighscores.Add(s); ++num_scores; } } } file.Close(); } else{ newhighscores.Add("High scores:"); newhighscores.Add("--"); char symbol = Global.BOSS_KILLED? 'W' : '-'; newhighscores.Add(game.M.current_level.ToString() + " " + symbol + " " + Actor.player_name + " -- " + Global.KILLED_BY); newhighscores.Add("--"); on_highscore_list = true; } StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("highscore.txt",false); foreach(string str in newhighscores){ fileout.WriteLine(str); } fileout.Close(); } if(!Global.QUITTING && !Global.SAVING){ GameOverScreen(game); } break; } case 'b': { Help.DisplayHelp(); break; } case 'c': { MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); Screen.Blank(); List<string> scores = new List<string>(); { if(!File.Exists("highscore.txt")){ List<string> newhighscores = new List<string>(); newhighscores.Add("High scores:"); newhighscores.Add("--"); newhighscores.Add("--"); StreamWriter fileout = new StreamWriter("highscore.txt",false); foreach(string str in newhighscores){ fileout.WriteLine(str); } fileout.Close(); } StreamReader file = new StreamReader("highscore.txt"); string s = ""; while(s.Length < 2 || s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); } s = "!!"; while(s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); if(s.Substring(0,2) == "--" || scores.Count == Global.HIGH_SCORES){ break; } else{ scores.Add(s); } } file.Close(); } if(scores.Count == Global.HIGH_SCORES && !on_highscore_list && recentdepth != -1){ scores.RemoveLast(); scores.Add(recentdepth.ToString() + " " + recentwin + " " + recentname + " -- " + recentcause); } int longest_name = 0; int longest_cause = 0; foreach(string s in scores){ string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); string name_and_cause_of_death = s.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 3); int idx = name_and_cause_of_death.LastIndexOf(" -- "); string name = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(0,idx); string cause_of_death = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(idx+4); if(name.Length > longest_name){ longest_name = name.Length; } if(cause_of_death.Length > longest_cause){ longest_cause = cause_of_death.Length; } } int total_spaces = Global.SCREEN_W - (longest_name + 4 + longest_cause); //max name length is 26 and max cause length is 42. Depth is the '4'. int half_spaces = total_spaces / 2; int half_spaces_offset = (total_spaces+1) / 2; int spaces1 = half_spaces / 4; int spaces2 = half_spaces - (half_spaces / 4); int spaces3 = half_spaces_offset - (half_spaces_offset / 4); int name_middle = spaces1 + longest_name/2; int depth_middle = spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name + 1; int cause_middle = spaces1 + spaces2 + spaces3 + longest_name + 4 + (longest_cause-1)/2; Color primary = Color.Green; Color recent = Color.Cyan; Screen.WriteString(0,(Global.SCREEN_W - 11) / 2,new cstr("HIGH SCORES",Color.Yellow)); //"HIGH SCORES" has width 11 Screen.WriteString(1,(Global.SCREEN_W - 11) / 2,new cstr("-----------",Color.Cyan)); Screen.WriteString(2,name_middle-4,new cstr("Character",primary)); Screen.WriteString(2,depth_middle-2,new cstr("Depth",primary)); Screen.WriteString(2,cause_middle-6,new cstr("Cause of death",primary)); bool written_recent = false; int line = 3; foreach(string s in scores){ if(line >= Global.SCREEN_H){ break; } string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); int dlev = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]); char winning = tokens[1][0]; string name_and_cause_of_death = s.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 3); int idx = name_and_cause_of_death.LastIndexOf(" -- "); string name = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(0,idx); string cause_of_death = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(idx+4); string cause_capitalized = cause_of_death.Substring(0,1).ToUpper() + cause_of_death.Substring(1); Color current_color = Color.White; if(!written_recent && name == recentname && dlev == recentdepth && winning == recentwin && cause_of_death == recentcause){ current_color = recent; written_recent = true; } else{ current_color = Color.White; } Screen.WriteString(line,spaces1,new cstr(name,current_color)); Screen.WriteString(line,spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name,new cstr(dlev.ToString().PadLeft(2),current_color)); Screen.WriteString(line,spaces1 + spaces2 + spaces3 + longest_name + 4,new cstr(cause_capitalized,current_color)); if(winning == 'W'){ Screen.WriteString(line,spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name + 3,new cstr("W",Color.Yellow)); } ++line; } Input.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); break; } case 'd': Global.Quit(); break; default: break; } if(Global.QUITTING){ Global.Quit(); } } }
static void GameOverScreen(Game game) { MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); game.player.attrs[AttrType.BLIND] = 0; //make sure the player can actually view the map game.player.attrs[AttrType.BURNING] = 0; game.player.attrs[AttrType.FROZEN] = 0; //...without borders //game.M.Draw(); colorchar[,] mem = null; UI.DisplayStats(); bool showed_IDed_tip = false; if(Global.KILLED_BY != "giving up" && !Help.displayed[TutorialTopic.IdentifiedConsumables]){ if(game.player.inv.Where(item=>Item.identified[item.type] && item.Is(ConsumableType.HEALING,ConsumableType.TIME,ConsumableType.TELEPORTAL)).Count > 0){ Help.TutorialTip(TutorialTopic.IdentifiedConsumables); Global.SaveOptions(); showed_IDed_tip = true; } } if(!showed_IDed_tip && Global.KILLED_BY != "giving up" && !Help.displayed[TutorialTopic.UnidentifiedConsumables]){ int known_count = 0; foreach(ConsumableType ct in Item.identified.d.Keys){ if(Item.identified[ct] && Item.NameOfItemType(ct) != "other"){ ++known_count; } } if(known_count < 2 && game.player.inv.Where(item=>!Item.identified[item.type]).Count > 2){ Help.TutorialTip(TutorialTopic.UnidentifiedConsumables); Global.SaveOptions(); } } Dict<ConsumableType,bool> known_items = new Dict<ConsumableType,bool>(Item.identified); foreach(Item i in game.player.inv){ if(i.NameOfItemType() != "other"){ if(!Item.identified[i.type]){ if(!Item.unIDed_name[i.type].Contains("{tried}")){ Item.unIDed_name[i.type] = Item.unIDed_name[i.type] + " {untried}"; } Item.identified[i.type] = true; } else{ known_items[i.type] = true; } if(i.NameOfItemType() == "wand"){ i.other_data = -1; } if(Item.unIDed_name[i.type].Contains("{tried}")){ i.SetName( + " {tried}"); } else{ if(Item.unIDed_name[i.type].Contains("{untried}")){ i.SetName( + " {untried}"); } } } } List<string> ls = new List<string>(); ls.Add("See the map"); ls.Add("See last messages"); ls.Add("Examine your equipment"); ls.Add("Examine your inventory"); ls.Add("View known item types"); ls.Add("See character info"); ls.Add("Write this information to a file"); ls.Add("Done"); for(bool done=false;!done;){ if(mem != null){ Screen.MapDrawWithStrings(mem,0,0,Global.ROWS,Global.COLS); } game.player.Select("Would you like to examine your character! ","".PadRight(Global.COLS),"".PadRight(Global.COLS),ls,true,false,false); int sel = game.player.GetSelection("Would you like to examine your character? ",ls.Count,true,false,false); mem = Screen.GetCurrentMap(); switch(sel){ case 0: MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); Dictionary<Actor,colorchar> old_ch = new Dictionary<Actor,colorchar>(); List<Actor> drawn = new List<Actor>(); foreach(Actor a in game.M.AllActors()){ if(game.player.CanSee(a)){ old_ch.Add(a,game.M.last_seen[a.row,a.col]); game.M.last_seen[a.row,a.col] = new colorchar(a.symbol,a.color); drawn.Add(a); } } Screen.MapDrawWithStrings(game.M.last_seen,0,0,Global.ROWS,Global.COLS); game.player.GetTarget(true,-1,-1,true,false,false,""); //game.B.DisplayNow("Press any key to continue. "); //Screen.CursorVisible = true; //Input.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); foreach(Actor a in drawn){ game.M.last_seen[a.row,a.col] = old_ch[a]; } game.M.Redraw(); /*foreach(Tile t in game.M.AllTiles()){ if(t.type != TileType.FLOOR && !t.IsTrap()){ bool good = false; foreach(Tile neighbor in t.TilesAtDistance(1)){ if(neighbor.type != TileType.WALL){ good = true; } } if(good){ t.seen = true; } } } game.B.DisplayNow("Press any key to continue. "); Screen.CursorVisible = true; Screen.WriteMapChar(0,0,'-'); game.M.Draw(); Input.ReadKey();*/ break; case 1: { SharedEffect.ShowPreviousMessages(false); break; } case 2: UI.DisplayEquipment(); break; case 3: MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); MouseUI.AutomaticButtonsFromStrings = true; for(int i=1;i<9;++i){ Screen.WriteMapString(i,0,"".PadRight(Global.COLS)); } MouseUI.AutomaticButtonsFromStrings = false; game.player.Select("In your pack: ",game.player.InventoryList(),true,false,false); Input.ReadKey(); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); break; case 4: { SharedEffect.ShowKnownItems(known_items); break; } case 5: UI.DisplayCharacterInfo(); break; case 6: { game.B.DisplayNow("Enter file name: "); Screen.CursorVisible = true; MouseUI.PushButtonMap(); string filename = Input.EnterString(40); MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); if(filename == ""){ break; } if(!filename.Contains(".")){ filename = filename + ".txt"; } StreamWriter file = new StreamWriter(filename,true); UI.DisplayCharacterInfo(false); colorchar[,] screen = Screen.GetCurrentScreen(); for(int i=2;i<Global.SCREEN_H;++i){ for(int j=0;j<Global.SCREEN_W;++j){ file.Write(screen[i,j].c); } file.WriteLine(); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Inventory: "); foreach(string s in game.player.InventoryList()){ file.WriteLine(s); } if(game.player.InventoryList().Count == 0){ file.WriteLine("(nothing)"); } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Known items: "); bool known_items_found = false; foreach(ConsumableType ct in known_items.d.Keys){ if(known_items[ct] && (Item.NameOfItemType(ct) == "potion" || Item.NameOfItemType(ct) == "scroll" || Item.NameOfItemType(ct) == "orb")){ file.WriteLine(Item.Prototype(ct).Name(false)); known_items_found = true; } } if(!known_items_found){ file.WriteLine("(none)"); } else{ file.WriteLine(); } file.WriteLine(); foreach(Tile t in game.M.AllTiles()){ if(t.type != TileType.FLOOR && !t.IsTrap()){ bool good = false; foreach(Tile neighbor in t.TilesAtDistance(1)){ if(neighbor.type != TileType.WALL){ good = true; } } if(good){ t.seen = true; } } } Screen.WriteMapChar(0,0,'-'); //todo: this was a hack. can now be replaced with the proper Redraw method, I think. game.M.Draw(); int col = 0; foreach(colorchar cch in Screen.GetCurrentMap()){ file.Write(cch.c); ++col; if(col == Global.COLS){ file.WriteLine(); col = 0; } } file.WriteLine(); file.WriteLine("Last messages: "); foreach(string s in game.B.GetMessages()){ if(s != ""){ file.WriteLine(s); } } /*Screen.WriteMapString(0,0,"".PadRight(Global.COLS,'-')); int line = 1; foreach(string s in game.B.GetMessages()){ if(line < 21){ Screen.WriteMapString(line,0,s.PadRight(Global.COLS)); } ++line; } Screen.WriteMapString(21,0,"".PadRight(Global.COLS,'-')); file.WriteLine("Last messages: "); col = 0; foreach(colorchar cch in Screen.GetCurrentMap()){ file.Write(cch.c); ++col; if(col == Global.COLS){ file.WriteLine(); col = 0; } }*/ file.WriteLine(); file.Close(); break; } case 7: done = true; break; default: break; } } MouseUI.PopButtonMap(); }
static async Task MainMenu() { ConsoleKeyInfo command; string recentname = "".PadRight(30); int recentdepth = -1; char recentwin = '-'; string recentcause = ""; while (true) { Screen.Blank(); Screen.WriteMapString(1, 0, new cstr(Color.Yellow, "Forays into Norrendrin " + Global.VERSION)); bool saved_game = false;//File.Exists("forays.sav"); if (!saved_game) { Screen.WriteMapString(4, 0, "[a] Start a new game"); } else { Screen.WriteMapString(4, 0, "[a] Resume saved game"); } Screen.WriteMapString(5, 0, "[b] How to play"); Screen.WriteMapString(6, 0, "[c] High scores"); Screen.WriteMapString(7, 0, "[d] Quit"); for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { Screen.WriteMapChar(i + 4, 1, new colorchar(Color.Cyan, (char)(i + 'a'))); } Screen.ResetColors(); Console.SetCursorPosition(Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, Global.MAP_OFFSET_ROWS + 8); command = await Console.ReadKey(true); switch (command.KeyChar) { case 'a': { Global.GAME_OVER = false; Global.BOSS_KILLED = false; Global.SAVING = false; Global.LoadOptions(); Game game = new Game(); if (!saved_game) { game.player = new Actor(ActorType.PLAYER, "you", "@", Color.White, 100, 100, 0, 0, new AttrType[] { AttrType.HUMANOID_INTELLIGENCE }); game.player.inv = new List<Item>(); Actor.feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.partial_feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.spells_in_order = new List<SpellType>(); game.player.weapons.Remove(WeaponType.NO_WEAPON); game.player.weapons.Insert(game.player.weapons.Count, WeaponType.SWORD); game.player.weapons.Insert(game.player.weapons.Count, WeaponType.MACE); game.player.weapons.Insert(game.player.weapons.Count, WeaponType.DAGGER); game.player.weapons.Insert(game.player.weapons.Count, WeaponType.STAFF); game.player.weapons.Insert(game.player.weapons.Count, WeaponType.BOW); game.player.armors.Remove(ArmorType.NO_ARMOR); game.player.armors.Insert(game.player.armors.Count, ArmorType.LEATHER); game.player.armors.Insert(game.player.armors.Count, ArmorType.CHAINMAIL); game.player.armors.Insert(game.player.armors.Count, ArmorType.FULL_PLATE); } game.M = new Map(game); game.B = new Buffer(game); game.Q = new Queue(game); Map.Q = game.Q; Map.B = game.B; PhysicalObject.M = game.M; Actor.M = game.M; Actor.Q = game.Q; Actor.B = game.B; Actor.player = game.player; Item.M = game.M; Item.Q = game.Q; Item.B = game.B; Item.player = game.player; Event.Q = game.Q; Event.B = game.B; Event.M = game.M; Event.player = game.player; Tile.M = game.M; Tile.B = game.B; Tile.Q = game.Q; Tile.player = game.player; if (!saved_game) { Actor.player_name = ""; if (Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"] != null) { List<string> file = (List<string>)(Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"]); string base_name = file[0]; Actor.player_name = base_name; int num = 1; if (!Global.Option(OptionType.NO_ROMAN_NUMERALS) && file.Count > 1) { num = int.Parse(file[1]); if (num > 1) { Actor.player_name = Actor.player_name + " " + Global.RomanNumeral(num); } } List<string> fileout = new List<string>() { base_name }; // fileout.WriteLine(base_name); if (!Global.Option(OptionType.NO_ROMAN_NUMERALS)) { fileout[1] = "" + (num + 1).ToString(); } Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"] = fileout; } while (Actor.player_name == "") { Console.CursorVisible = false; game.B.DisplayNow("".PadRight(Global.COLS), false); game.B.DisplayNow("Enter name: ", false); Actor.player_name = await Global.EnterString(26); } game.M.GenerateLevelTypes(); await game.M.GenerateLevel(); Screen.Blank(); Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); Screen.WriteMapString(1, 0, "[a] Toughness - You have a slight resistance to physical damage."); Screen.WriteMapString(2, 0, "[b] Magical blood - Your natural recovery is faster than normal."); Screen.WriteMapString(3, 0, "[c] Low-light vision - You can see farther in darkness."); Screen.WriteMapString(4, 0, "[d] Keen eyes - You're better at spotting traps and aiming arrows."); Screen.WriteMapString(5, 0, "[e] Long stride - You walk a good bit faster than normal."); Screen.WriteMapString(6, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); Screen.WriteMapString(9, 4, "(Your character will keep the chosen trait"); Screen.WriteMapString(10, 4, " for his or her entire adventuring career.)"); if (Window.LocalStorage["quickstart.txt"] != null) { Screen.WriteMapString(16, 5, "[ ] Repeat previous choices and start immediately."); Screen.WriteMapChar(16, 6, new colorchar('p', Color.Cyan)); } if (Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"] == null) { Screen.WriteMapString(18, 5, "[ ] Automatically name future characters after this one."); Screen.WriteMapChar(18, 6, new colorchar('n', Color.Cyan)); } for (int i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { Screen.WriteMapChar(i + 1, 1, new colorchar(Color.Cyan, (char)(i + 'a'))); } Screen.WriteMapString(-1, 0, "Select a trait: "); //haha, it works Console.CursorVisible = true; bool quickstarted = false; Global.quickstartinfo = new List<string>(); for (bool good = false; !good; ) { command = await Console.ReadKey(true); switch (command.KeyChar) { case 'a': good = true; game.player.attrs[AttrType.TOUGH]++; Global.quickstartinfo.Add("tough"); break; case 'b': good = true; game.player.attrs[AttrType.MAGICAL_BLOOD]++; Global.quickstartinfo.Add("magical_blood"); break; case 'c': good = true; game.player.attrs[AttrType.LOW_LIGHT_VISION]++; Global.quickstartinfo.Add("low_light_vision"); break; case 'd': good = true; game.player.attrs[AttrType.KEEN_EYES]++; Global.quickstartinfo.Add("keen_eyes"); break; case 'e': good = true; game.player.attrs[AttrType.LONG_STRIDE]++; game.player.speed = 80; Global.quickstartinfo.Add("long_stride"); break; case 'p': { if (Window.LocalStorage["quickstart.txt"] != null) { quickstarted = true; good = true; game.B.Add("Welcome, " + Actor.player_name + "! "); List<string> file = (List<string>)(Window.LocalStorage["quickstart.txt"]); AttrType attr = (AttrType)Enum.Parse(typeof(AttrType), file[0]); game.player.attrs[attr]++; bool magic = false; for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { SkillType skill = (SkillType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SkillType), file[i + 1]); if (skill == SkillType.MAGIC) { magic = true; } game.player.skills[skill]++; } for (int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) { FeatType feat = (FeatType)Enum.Parse(typeof(FeatType), file[i + 4]); game.player.feats[feat]--; if (game.player.feats[feat] == -(Feat.MaxRank(feat))) { game.player.feats[feat] = 1; game.B.Add("You learn the " + Feat.Name(feat) + " feat. "); } } if (magic) { SpellType spell = (SpellType)Enum.Parse(typeof(SpellType), file[7]); game.player.spells[spell]++; game.B.Add("You learn " + Spell.Name(spell) + ". "); } // file.Close(); } break; } case 'n': if (Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"] == null) { List<string> fileout = new List<string>(); fileout[0] = Actor.player_name; if (!Global.Option(OptionType.NO_ROMAN_NUMERALS)) { fileout[1] = "2"; } Window.LocalStorage["name.txt"] = fileout; //Screen.WriteMapString(18,5," "); Screen.WriteMapString(18, 5, "(to stop automatically naming characters, delete name.txt)"); Console.SetCursorPosition(16 + Global.MAP_OFFSET_COLS, 1); } break; default: break; } } //game.player.Q0(); { Event e = new Event(game.player, 0, EventType.MOVE); e.tiebreaker = 0; game.Q.Add(e); } //game.player.Move(10,20,false); //this is why the voodoo was needed before: the player must be moved onto the map *before* game.player.UpdateRadius(0, 6, true); //gaining a light radius. Item.Create(ConsumableType.HEALING, game.player); Item.Create(ConsumableType.BLINKING, game.player); Item.Create(ConsumableType.BANDAGE, game.player); Item.Create(ConsumableType.BANDAGE, game.player); if (quickstarted) { game.player.level = 1; } else { //game.player.GainXP(1); var fileout = new List<string>();//("quickstart.txt",false); Window.LocalStorage["quickstart.txt"] = Global.quickstartinfo.Map((s) => s.ToLower()); // fileout.Close(); Global.quickstartinfo = null; } } else { //loading /*FileStream file = new FileStream("forays.sav",FileMode.Open); BinaryReader b = new BinaryReader(file); Dictionary<int,PhysicalObject> id = new Dictionary<int, PhysicalObject>(); id.Add(0,null); Dict<PhysicalObject,int> missing_target_id = new Dict<PhysicalObject, int>(); List<Actor> need_targets = new List<Actor>(); Dict<PhysicalObject,int> missing_location_id = new Dict<PhysicalObject, int>(); List<Actor> need_location = new List<Actor>(); Actor.player_name = b.ReadString(); game.M.current_level = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.level_types = new List<LevelType>(); for(int i=0;i<20;++i){ game.M.level_types.Add((LevelType)b.ReadInt32()); } game.M.wiz_lite = b.ReadBoolean(); game.M.wiz_dark = b.ReadBoolean(); //skipping danger_sensed Actor.feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.partial_feats_in_order = new List<FeatType>(); Actor.spells_in_order = new List<SpellType>(); int num_featlist = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_featlist;++i){ Actor.feats_in_order.Add((FeatType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_partialfeatlist = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_partialfeatlist;++i){ Actor.partial_feats_in_order.Add((FeatType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_spelllist = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_spelllist;++i){ Actor.spells_in_order.Add((SpellType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_actors = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_actors;++i){ Actor a = new Actor(); int ID = b.ReadInt32(); id.Add(ID,a); a.row = b.ReadInt32(); a.col = b.ReadInt32();[a.row,a.col] = a; = b.ReadString(); a.the_name = b.ReadString(); a.a_name = b.ReadString(); a.symbol = b.ReadChar(); a.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); a.type = (ActorType)b.ReadInt32(); if(a.type == ActorType.PLAYER){ game.player = a; Actor.player = a; Buffer.player = a; Item.player = a; Map.player = a; Event.player = a; Tile.player = a; } a.maxhp = b.ReadInt32(); a.curhp = b.ReadInt32(); a.speed = b.ReadInt32(); a.level = b.ReadInt32(); a.light_radius = b.ReadInt32(); int target_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(target_ID)){ = (Actor)id[target_ID]; } else{ = null; need_targets.Add(a); missing_target_id[a] = target_ID; } int num_items = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_items;++j){ Item item = new Item(); = b.ReadString(); item.the_name = b.ReadString(); item.a_name = b.ReadString(); item.symbol = b.ReadChar(); item.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); item.type = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); item.quantity = b.ReadInt32(); item.ignored = b.ReadBoolean(); a.inv.Add(item); } for(int j=0;j<13;++j){ a.F[j] = (SpellType)b.ReadInt32(); } int num_attrs = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_attrs;++j){ AttrType t = (AttrType)b.ReadInt32(); a.attrs[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } int num_skills = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_skills;++j){ SkillType t = (SkillType)b.ReadInt32(); a.skills[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } int num_feats = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_feats;++j){ FeatType t = (FeatType)b.ReadInt32(); a.feats[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } int num_spells = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_spells;++j){ SpellType t = (SpellType)b.ReadInt32(); a.spells[t] = b.ReadInt32(); } a.magic_penalty = b.ReadInt32(); a.time_of_last_action = b.ReadInt32(); a.recover_time = b.ReadInt32(); int path_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<path_count;++j){ a.path.Add(new pos(b.ReadInt32(),b.ReadInt32())); } int location_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(location_ID)){ a.target_location = (Tile)id[location_ID]; } else{ a.target_location = null; need_location.Add(a); missing_location_id[a] = location_ID; } a.player_visibility_duration = b.ReadInt32(); int num_weapons = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_weapons;++j){ a.weapons.Insert(a.weapons.Count, (WeaponType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_armors = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_armors;++j){ a.armors.Insert(a.armors.Count, (ArmorType)b.ReadInt32()); } int num_magic_items = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_magic_items;++j){ a.magic_items.Insert(a.magic_items.Count, (MagicItemType)b.ReadInt32()); } } int num_groups = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_groups;++i){ List<Actor> group = new List<Actor>(); int group_size = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<group_size;++j){ group.Add((Actor)id[b.ReadInt32()]); } foreach(Actor a in group){ = group; } } int num_tiles = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_tiles;++i){ Tile t = new Tile(); int ID = b.ReadInt32(); id.Add(ID,t); t.row = b.ReadInt32(); t.col = b.ReadInt32(); game.M.tile[t.row,t.col] = t; = b.ReadString(); t.the_name = b.ReadString(); t.a_name = b.ReadString(); t.symbol = b.ReadChar(); t.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); t.type = (TileType)b.ReadInt32(); t.passable = b.ReadBoolean(); t.opaque = b.ReadBoolean(); t.seen = b.ReadBoolean(); t.solid_rock = b.ReadBoolean(); t.light_value = b.ReadInt32(); if(b.ReadBoolean()){ //indicates a toggles_into value t.toggles_into = (TileType)b.ReadInt32(); } else{ t.toggles_into = null; } if(b.ReadBoolean()){ //indicates an item t.inv = new Item(); = b.ReadString(); t.inv.the_name = b.ReadString(); t.inv.a_name = b.ReadString(); t.inv.symbol = b.ReadChar(); t.inv.color = (Color)b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.type = (ConsumableType)b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.quantity = b.ReadInt32(); t.inv.ignored = b.ReadBoolean(); } else{ t.inv = null; } int num_features = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<num_features;++j){ t.features.Add((FeatureType)b.ReadInt32()); } } foreach(Actor a in need_targets){ if(id.ContainsKey(missing_target_id[a])){ = (Actor)id[missing_target_id[a]]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors weren't loaded(1). "); } } foreach(Actor a in need_location){ if(id.ContainsKey(missing_location_id[a])){ a.target_location = (Tile)id[missing_location_id[a]]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles weren't loaded(2). "); } } int game_turn = b.ReadInt32(); game.Q.turn = -1; //this keeps events from being added incorrectly to the front of the queue while loading. turn is set correctly after events are all loaded. int num_tiebreakers = b.ReadInt32(); Actor.tiebreakers = new List<Actor>(num_tiebreakers); for(int i=0;i<num_tiebreakers;++i){ int tiebreaker_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(tiebreaker_ID)){ Actor.tiebreakers.Add((Actor)id[tiebreaker_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors weren't loaded(3). "); } } int num_events = b.ReadInt32(); for(int i=0;i<num_events;++i){ Event e = new Event(); int target_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(target_ID)){ = id[target_ID]; } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles/actors weren't loaded(4). "); } int area_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<area_count;++j){ if(e.area == null){ e.area = new List<Tile>(); } int tile_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(tile_ID)){ e.area.Add((Tile)id[tile_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some tiles weren't loaded(5). "); } } e.delay = b.ReadInt32(); e.type = (EventType)b.ReadInt32(); e.attr = (AttrType)b.ReadInt32(); e.value = b.ReadInt32(); e.msg = b.ReadString(); int objs_count = b.ReadInt32(); for(int j=0;j<objs_count;++j){ if(e.msg_objs == null){ e.msg_objs = new List<PhysicalObject>(); } int obj_ID = b.ReadInt32(); if(id.ContainsKey(obj_ID)){ e.msg_objs.Add(id[obj_ID]); } else{ throw new Exception("Error: some actors/tiles weren't loaded(6). "); } } e.time_created = b.ReadInt32(); e.dead = b.ReadBoolean(); e.tiebreaker = b.ReadInt32(); game.Q.Add(e); } game.Q.turn = game_turn; string[] messages = new string[20]; for(int i=0;i<20;++i){ messages[i] = b.ReadString(); } game.B.SetPreviousMessages(messages); b.Close(); file.Close();*/ Window.LocalStorage.RemoveItem("forays.sav"); } while (!Global.GAME_OVER) { await game.Q.Pop(); //} //catch (Exception exc) //{ // Window.Alert("Main Loop Exception!!! \n " + exc.Message); //} } Console.CursorVisible = false; Global.SaveOptions(); recentdepth = game.M.current_level; recentname = Actor.player_name; recentwin = Global.BOSS_KILLED ? 'W' : '-'; recentcause = Global.KILLED_BY; if (!Global.SAVING) { List<string> newhighscores = new List<string>(); int num_scores = 0; bool added = false; List<string> file = (List<string>)Window.LocalStorage["highscore.txt"]; string s = ""; int cr = 0; while (s.Length < 2 || s.Substring(0, 2) != "--") { s = file[cr]; cr++; newhighscores.Add(s); } s = "!!"; while (s.Substring(0, 2) != "--") { s = file[cr]; if (s.Substring(0, 2) == "--") { if (!added && num_scores < 22) { char symbol = Global.BOSS_KILLED ? 'W' : '-'; newhighscores.Add(game.M.current_level.ToString() + " " + (string)symbol + " " + Actor.player_name + " -- " + Global.KILLED_BY); } newhighscores.Add(s); break; } if (num_scores < 22) { string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); int dlev = int.Parse(tokens[0]); if (dlev < game.M.current_level) { if (!added) { char symbol = Global.BOSS_KILLED ? 'W' : '-'; newhighscores.Add(game.M.current_level.ToString() + " " + (string)symbol + " " + Actor.player_name + " -- " + Global.KILLED_BY); ++num_scores; added = true; } if (num_scores < 22) { newhighscores.Add(s); ++num_scores; } } else { newhighscores.Add(s); ++num_scores; } } } //List<string> fileout = new List<string>(); //new StreamWriter("highscore.txt",false); /*foreach(string str in newhighscores){ fileout.WriteLine(str); }*/ Window.LocalStorage["highscore.txt"] = newhighscores; // fileout.Close(); } if (!Global.QUITTING && !Global.SAVING) { game.player.DisplayStats(false); if (Global.KILLED_BY != "giving up" && !Help.displayed[TutorialTopic.Consumables]) { if (game.player.inv.Where(item => item.itype == ConsumableType.HEALING || item.itype == ConsumableType.TELEPORTATION).Count > 0) { await Help.TutorialTip(TutorialTopic.Consumables); Global.SaveOptions(); } } List<string> ls = new List<string>(); ls.Add("See the map"); ls.Add("See last messages"); ls.Add("Examine your equipment"); ls.Add("Examine your inventory"); ls.Add("See character info"); ls.Add("Write this information to a file"); ls.Add("Done"); for (bool done = false; !done; ) { await game.player.Select("Would you like to examine your character! ", "".PadRight(Global.COLS), "".PadRight(Global.COLS), ls, true, false, false); int sel = await game.player.GetSelection("Would you like to examine your character? ", 7, true, false, false); switch (sel) { case 0: foreach (Tile t in game.M.AllTiles()) { if (t.ttype != TileType.FLOOR && !t.IsTrap()) { bool good = false; foreach (Tile neighbor in t.TilesAtDistance(1)) { if (neighbor.ttype != TileType.WALL) { good = true; } } if (good) { t.seen = true; } } } game.B.DisplayNow("Press any key to continue. "); Console.CursorVisible = true; Screen.WriteMapChar(0, 0, "-"); game.M.Draw(); await Console.ReadKey(true); break; case 1: { Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); int i = 1; foreach (string s in game.B.GetMessages()) { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, s.PadRight(Global.COLS)); ++i; } Screen.WriteMapString(21, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); game.B.DisplayNow("Previous messages: "); Console.CursorVisible = true; await Console.ReadKey(true); break; } case 2: await game.player.DisplayEquipment(); break; case 3: for (int i = 1; i < 8; ++i) { Screen.WriteMapString(i, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS)); } await game.player.Select("In your pack: ", game.player.InventoryList(), true, false, false); await Console.ReadKey(true); break; case 4: game.player.DisplayCharacterInfo(); break; case 5: { game.B.DisplayNow("Enter file name: "); Console.CursorVisible = true; string filename = await Global.EnterString(40); if (filename == "") { break; } List<string> fileout = new List<string>();//(filename,true); await game.player.DisplayCharacterInfo(false); colorchar[,] screen = Screen.GetCurrentScreen(); fileout[0] = ""; for (int i = 2; i < Global.SCREEN_H; ++i) { for (int j = 0; j < Global.SCREEN_W; ++j) { fileout[0] += (screen[i, j].c); } fileout[0] += "\n"; } fileout[0] += "\n"; fileout[0] += "Inventory: \n"; foreach (string s in game.player.InventoryList()) { fileout[0] += s + "\n"; } fileout[0] += "\n"; fileout[0] += "\n"; foreach (Tile t in game.M.AllTiles()) { if (t.ttype != TileType.FLOOR && !t.IsTrap()) { bool good = false; foreach (Tile neighbor in t.TilesAtDistance(1)) { if (neighbor.ttype != TileType.WALL) { good = true; } } if (good) { t.seen = true; } } } Screen.WriteMapChar(0, 0, "-"); game.M.Draw(); int col = 0; foreach (colorchar cch in Screen.GetCurrentMap()) { fileout[0] += (cch.c); ++col; if (col == Global.COLS) { fileout[0] += "\n"; col = 0; } } fileout[0] += "\n"; Screen.WriteMapString(0, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); int line = 1; foreach (string s in game.B.GetMessages()) { Screen.WriteMapString(line, 0, s.PadRight(Global.COLS)); ++line; } Screen.WriteMapString(21, 0, "".PadRight(Global.COLS, '-')); fileout[0] += ("Last messages: \n"); col = 0; foreach (colorchar cch in Screen.GetCurrentMap()) { fileout[0] += (cch.c); ++col; if (col == Global.COLS) { fileout[0] += "\n"; col = 0; } } fileout[0] += "\n"; // fileout.Close(); break; } case 6: done = true; break; default: break; } } } break; } case 'b': { await Help.DisplayHelp(); break; } /*case 'c': { StreamReader file = new StreamReader("highscore.txt"); Screen.Blank(); Color primary = Color.Green; Color recent = Color.Cyan; Screen.WriteString(0,34,new cstr("HIGH SCORES",Color.Yellow)); Screen.WriteString(1,34,new cstr("-----------",Color.Cyan)); Screen.WriteString(2,21,new cstr("Character",primary)); Screen.WriteString(2,49,new cstr("Depth",primary)); bool written_recent = false; string s = ""; while(s.Length < 2 || s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); } int line = 3; s = "!!"; while(s.Substring(0,2) != "--"){ s = file.ReadLine(); if(s.Substring(0,2) == "--"){ break; } if(line > 24){ continue; } string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); int dlev = Convert.ToInt32(tokens[0]); char winning = tokens[1][0]; string name_and_cause_of_death = s.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 3); int idx = name_and_cause_of_death.LastIndexOf(" -- "); string name = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(0,idx); string cause_of_death = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(idx+4); if(!written_recent && name == recentname && dlev == recentdepth && winning == recentwin && cause_of_death == recentcause){ Screen.WriteString(line,18,new cstr(name,recent)); written_recent = true; } else{ Screen.WriteString(line,18,new cstr(name,Color.White)); } Screen.WriteString(line,50,new cstr(dlev.ToString().PadLeft(2),Color.White)); if(winning == 'W'){ Screen.WriteString(line,53,new cstr("W",Color.Yellow)); } ++line; } Console.ReadKey(true); file.Close(); break; }*/ case 'c': { Screen.Blank(); List<string> scores = new List<string>(); { List<string> file = (List<string>)(Window.LocalStorage["highscore.txt"]); string s = ""; int cr = 0; while (s.Length < 2 || s.Substring(0, 2) != "--") { s = file[cr]; cr++; } s = "!!"; while (s.Substring(0, 2) != "--") { s = file[cr]; cr++; if (s.Substring(0, 2) == "--") { break; } else { scores.Add(s); } } // file.Close(); } int longest_name = 0; int longest_cause = 0; foreach (string s in scores) { string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); string name_and_cause_of_death = s.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 3); int idx = name_and_cause_of_death.LastIndexOf(" -- "); string name = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(0, idx); string cause_of_death = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(idx + 4); if (name.Length > longest_name) { longest_name = name.Length; } if (cause_of_death.Length > longest_cause) { longest_cause = cause_of_death.Length; } } int total_spaces = 76 - (longest_name + longest_cause); //max name length is 26 and max cause length is 42. The other 4 spaces are used for depth. int half_spaces = total_spaces / 2; int half_spaces_offset = (total_spaces + 1) / 2; int spaces1 = half_spaces / 4; int spaces2 = half_spaces - (half_spaces / 4); int spaces3 = half_spaces_offset - (half_spaces_offset / 4); //int spaces4 = half_spaces_offset / 4; int name_middle = spaces1 + longest_name / 2; int depth_middle = spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name + 1; int cause_middle = spaces1 + spaces2 + spaces3 + longest_name + 4 + (longest_cause - 1) / 2; Color primary = Color.Green; Color recent = Color.Cyan; Screen.WriteString(0, 34, new cstr("HIGH SCORES", Color.Yellow)); Screen.WriteString(1, 34, new cstr("-----------", Color.Cyan)); Screen.WriteString(2, name_middle - 4, new cstr("Character", primary)); Screen.WriteString(2, depth_middle - 2, new cstr("Depth", primary)); Screen.WriteString(2, cause_middle - 6, new cstr("Cause of death", primary)); bool written_recent = false; int line = 3; foreach (string s in scores) { if (line > 24) { continue; } string[] tokens = s.Split(' '); int dlev = int.Parse(tokens[0]); char winning = tokens[1][0]; string name_and_cause_of_death = s.Substring(tokens[0].Length + 3); int idx = name_and_cause_of_death.LastIndexOf(" -- "); string name = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(0, idx); string cause_of_death = name_and_cause_of_death.Substring(idx + 4); string cause_capitalized = cause_of_death.Substring(0, 1).ToUpper() + cause_of_death.Substring(1); Color current_color = Color.White; if (!written_recent && name == recentname && dlev == recentdepth && winning == recentwin && cause_of_death == recentcause) { current_color = recent; written_recent = true; } else { current_color = Color.White; } Screen.WriteString(line, spaces1, new cstr(name, current_color)); Screen.WriteString(line, spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name, new cstr(dlev.ToString().PadLeft(2), current_color)); Screen.WriteString(line, spaces1 + spaces2 + spaces3 + longest_name + 4, new cstr(cause_capitalized, current_color)); if (winning == 'W') { Screen.WriteString(line, spaces1 + spaces2 + longest_name + 3, new cstr("W", Color.Yellow)); } ++line; } await Console.ReadKey(true); break; } case 'd': Global.Quit(); break; default: break; } if (Global.QUITTING) { Global.Quit(); } } }
public Map(Game g) { //tile = new Tile[ROWS,COLS]; //actor = new Actor[ROWS,COLS]; current_level = 0; Map.player = g.player; Map.Q = g.Q; Map.B = g.B; }