public RecipeDetailPage(SecureRecipe selectedRecipe) { InitializeComponent(); var viewModel = new RecipeDetailViewModel(selectedRecipe, Navigation); BindingContext = viewModel; }
public EditRecipePage(SecureRecipe recipe) { InitializeComponent(); _viewModel = new EditRecipeViewModel(recipe, Navigation); mealPicker.SelectedIndex = mealPicker.Items.IndexOf(recipe.MealType); difficultyPicker.SelectedIndex = difficultyPicker.Items.IndexOf(recipe.Difficulty); BindingContext = _viewModel; }
public EditRecipeViewModel(INavigation nav) { _nav = nav; Recipe = new SecureRecipe(); RecipeName = ""; PreparationTime = ""; CookTime = ""; NumberOfServings = 0; WillMakeAgain = false; Difficulty = Foodie.Difficulty.Easy; MealType = Foodie.MealType.Breakfast; Ingredients = ""; IsRecommended = false; ImageName = GenerateImageName(); }
public EditRecipeViewModel(SecureRecipe recipe, INavigation nav) : this(nav) { Recipe = recipe; _isNewRecipe = false; RecipeName = Recipe.RecipeName; PreparationTime = Recipe.PreparationTime; CookTime = Recipe.CookTime; NumberOfServings = Recipe.NumberOfServings; WillMakeAgain = Recipe.WillMakeAgain; Difficulty = Recipe.Difficulty; MealType = Recipe.MealType; Ingredients = Recipe.Ingredients; Directions = Recipe.Directions; IsRecommended = Recipe.IsRecommended; ImageName = Recipe.ImageName; }
public RecipeDetailViewModel(SecureRecipe recipe, INavigation nav) { _nav = nav; Recipe = recipe; PopulateViewModelProps(); // Subscribe to the recipe updated message MessagingCenter.Subscribe <EditRecipeViewModel>(this, RecipeSavedMessage, async(obj) => { var dataSvc = DependencyService.Get <IAzureService>(); var recipeTable = await dataSvc.GetTable <SecureRecipe>(); Recipe = await recipeTable.GetSingle(this.Recipe.Id); PopulateViewModelProps(); }); }