private async void ProcessRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (!ValidateForm()) { await DisplayAlert("ERROR!", "The highlighted fields are required!", "Close"); } else { ActivityView av = new ActivityView(); await this.Navigation.PushModalAsync(av); bool success = await SendRequest(); await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); if (success) { await DisplayAlert("Success!", "Your request was sent! The flight department will contact you to finalize your trip.", "OK"); await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); } else { await DisplayAlert("Uh oh....", "There was an error processing your request! Please try again.", "OK"); } } }
async void Send(object sender, EventArgs e) { ActivityView av = new ActivityView(); await this.Navigation.PushModalAsync(av); bool success = await SendRequest(); await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); if (success) { await DisplayAlert("Success!", "Your push notification was sent.", "OK"); await this.Navigation.PopModalAsync(); } else { await DisplayAlert("Uh oh....", "There was an error processing your request! Please try again.", "OK"); } }