コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Starts and resets game
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender"></param>
        /// <param name="e"></param>
        private void buttonStartGame_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //refresh table
            //set the pictureboxes
            human1.PictureBoxHand       = pictureBoxHand;
            computer1.PictureBoxHand    = pictureBoxCompHand;
            human1.PictureBoxKeepers    = pictureBoxPlayedCards;
            computer1.PictureBoxKeepers = pictureBoxCompPlayedKeepers;
            b.PictureBoxTable           = pictureBoxTable;
            //set the table graphics to the board
            Graphics paperTable = pictureBoxTable.CreateGraphics();

            b.PaperTable = paperTable;
            //set the Keepers played graphics to each player
            Graphics paperHumankeepers = pictureBoxPlayedCards.CreateGraphics();

            human1.PaperKeepers = paperHumankeepers;
            Graphics paperCompKeepers = pictureBoxCompPlayedKeepers.CreateGraphics();

            computer1.PaperKeepers = paperCompKeepers;
            //set the cards in hand graphics to each player
            Graphics paperHumanHand = pictureBoxHand.CreateGraphics();

            human1.PaperHand = paperHumanHand;
            Graphics paperCompHand = pictureBoxCompHand.CreateGraphics();

            computer1.PaperHand = paperCompHand;

            //remove all cards on the table
            if (b.TableList.Count > 0)
                for (int i = b.TableList.Count - 1; i > 0; i--)
            b.CumulativeXPosTable = b.RESETXPOS;
            //create a new deck
            d = new Deck();
            //set current rule
            currentRule = b.BasicRule;
            //set current goal
            currentGoal = null;

            buttonTakeTurn.Visible = true;
            buttonPlayCard.Visible = false;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// the base method for draws a new rule, adds it to the table list and removes from hand
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="board"></param>
        /// <param name="num"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public RuleCard PlayNewRuleBase(Board board, int num)
            //the new rule to be added
            RuleCard nR1;

            //converts from card to new rule
            RuleCard nR = (RuleCard)_hand[num];

            //creates new object, not just reference object
            if (nR is DrawRule)
                nR1 = new DrawRule(nR.Bitmap, nR.Num);
            else if (nR is PlayRule)
                nR1 = new PlayRule(nR.Bitmap, nR.Num);
            else if (nR is HandLimitRule)
                nR1 = new HandLimitRule(nR.Bitmap, nR.Num);
                nR1 = new KeeperLimitRule(nR.Bitmap, nR.Num);
            //if the only thing in the list is the basic rule, draw new rule to the side
            if (board.TableList.Count == 1)
                nR1.XPos = board.CumulativeXPosTable;
                board.PaperTable.DrawImage(nR1.Bitmap, nR1.XPos, nR1.YPos);
                board.CumulativeXPosTable += nR1.WIDTH + nR1.GAP;
            //else there is at least already one rule on the table
                //for every new rule in the list not counting the basic rule
                for (int n = 1; n < board.TableList.Count; n++)
                    //if the nR1 is the same rule type as a rule already there, draw over it
                    if (nR1.GetType() == board.TableList[n].GetType())
                        nR1.XPos = board.TableList[n].XPos;
                        board.PaperTable.DrawImage(nR1.Bitmap, board.TableList[n].XPos, board.TableList[n].YPos);
                        //We Want to remove the rule that we are drawing over but not if it is a DrawRule
                        if (board.TableList[n] is DrawRule)
                    //if we've gone passed every new rule and we didn't hit the break above, it is a unique new rule so draw to the side
                    if (n == board.TableList.Count - 1)
                        nR1.XPos = board.CumulativeXPosTable;
                        board.PaperTable.DrawImage(nR1.Bitmap, nR1.XPos, nR1.YPos);
                        board.CumulativeXPosTable += nR1.WIDTH + nR1.GAP;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Plays the card currently selected
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="player"></param>
        private void PlayCard(Player player)
            bool keeperLimitMet = true;

            //before we play any cards, are we in compliance with the keeperLimitRule?
            foreach (RuleCard rc in b.TableList)
                if (rc is KeeperLimitRule)
                    keeperLimitMet = rc.CheckRule(player);
            //we can play a keeper regardless of keeperLimitRule status
            if (currentSelected is Keeper)
            //if We are in compliance of the keeper limit. I don't even know if this is a rule but i want it to be
            if (keeperLimitMet || currentSelected is Keeper)
                if (currentSelected is RuleCard)
                    currentRule = player.PlayNewRule(b);
                    //If the new Rule is a draw card rule, we need to draw cards when we play the rule
                    if (currentRule is DrawRule)
                else if (currentSelected is Goal)
                    currentGoal = player.PlayGoal(b);
                else if (currentSelected is Action)
                    //just for passing in for the trade card action card
                    Player playerOther;
                    if (player is Human)
                        playerOther = computer1;
                        playerOther = human1;
                    player.PlayAction(player, playerOther, d, b);
                //This should be the only time we subtract from NumInHand and Add to NumInHand

                currentSelected = null;
                //to pause each time computer plays a card
                if (player is Computer)
                    MessageBox.Show("Computer played a card");
                //if someone won
                if (player.CheckForWin(currentGoal))
                    string name = "You";
                    if (player is Computer)
                        name = "The Computer";
                    MessageBox.Show(name + " achieved the goal. Game is over");
                    //make it so the only button available is start button
                    buttonPlayCard.Visible = false;
                    buttonEndTurn.Visible  = false;
                    buttonTakeTurn.Visible = false;
            //else we haven't complied with the keeperlimit rule AND tried playing a non-keeper card so show message and play no card
                //computer might do this too but we don't want to show a message when it does
                if (player is Human)
                    MessageBox.Show("There is a keeper limit in play." + "\n" +
                                    "You must adhere to the keeper limit before you can play a non-keeper card");