コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload all the files within the main directory
        /// </summary>
        private async Task UploadDirectoryFilesAsync(List <FtpResult> filesToUpload, FtpRemoteExists existsMode, FtpVerify verifyOptions, IProgress <FtpProgress> progress, FtpListItem[] remoteListing, CancellationToken token)
            LogFunc(nameof(UploadDirectoryFilesAsync), new object[] { filesToUpload.Count + " files" });

            var r = -1;

            foreach (var result in filesToUpload)

                // absorb errors
                try {
                    // check if the file already exists on the server
                    var existsModeToUse = existsMode;
                    var fileExists      = FtpExtensions.FileExistsInListing(remoteListing, result.RemotePath);

                    // if we want to skip uploaded files and the file already exists, mark its skipped
                    if (existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Skip && fileExists)
                        LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Skipped file that already exists: " + result.LocalPath);

                        result.IsSuccess = true;
                        result.IsSkipped = true;

                    // in any mode if the file does not exist, mark that exists check is not required
                    if (!fileExists)
                        existsModeToUse = existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Append ? FtpRemoteExists.AppendNoCheck : FtpRemoteExists.NoCheck;

                    // create meta progress to store the file progress
                    var metaProgress = new FtpProgress(filesToUpload.Count, r);

                    // upload the file
                    var transferred = await UploadFileFromFileAsync(result.LocalPath, result.RemotePath, false, existsModeToUse, false, false, verifyOptions, token, progress, metaProgress);

                    result.IsSuccess = transferred.IsSuccess();
                    result.IsSkipped = transferred == FtpStatus.Skipped;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Warn, "File failed to upload: " + result.LocalPath);

                    // mark that the file failed to upload
                    result.IsFailed  = true;
                    result.Exception = ex;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Upload all the files within the main directory
        /// </summary>
        private void UploadDirectoryFiles(List <FtpResult> filesToUpload, FtpRemoteExists existsMode, FtpVerify verifyOptions, Action <FtpProgress> progress, FtpListItem[] remoteListing)
            LogFunc("UploadDirectoryFiles", new object[] { filesToUpload.Count + " files" });

            foreach (var result in filesToUpload)
                // absorb errors
                try {
                    // check if the file already exists on the server
                    var existsModeToUse = existsMode;
                    var fileExists      = FtpExtensions.FileExistsInListing(remoteListing, result.RemotePath);

                    // if we want to skip uploaded files and the file already exists, mark its skipped
                    if (existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Skip && fileExists)
                        LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Skipped file that already exists: " + result.LocalPath);

                        result.IsSuccess = true;
                        result.IsSkipped = true;

                    // in any mode if the file does not exist, mark that exists check is not required
                    if (!fileExists)
                        existsModeToUse = existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Append ? FtpRemoteExists.AppendNoCheck : FtpRemoteExists.NoCheck;

                    // upload the file
                    var transferred = this.UploadFile(result.LocalPath, result.RemotePath, existsModeToUse, false, verifyOptions, progress);
                    result.IsSuccess = true;
                    result.IsSkipped = !transferred;
                catch (Exception ex) {
                    LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Warn, "File failed to upload: " + result.LocalPath);

                    // mark that the file failed to upload
                    result.IsFailed  = true;
                    result.Exception = ex;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Check if the file is cleared to be uploaded, taking its existance/filesize and existsMode options into account.
        /// </summary>
        private bool CanUploadFile(FtpResult result, FtpListItem[] remoteListing, FtpRemoteExists existsMode, out FtpRemoteExists existsModeToUse)
            // check if the file already exists on the server
            existsModeToUse = existsMode;
            var fileExists = FtpExtensions.FileExistsInListing(remoteListing, result.RemotePath);

            // if we want to skip uploaded files and the file already exists, mark its skipped
            if (existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Skip && fileExists)
                LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Skipped file that already exists: " + result.LocalPath);

                result.IsSuccess = true;
                result.IsSkipped = true;

            // in any mode if the file does not exist, mark that exists check is not required
            if (!fileExists)
                existsModeToUse = existsMode == FtpRemoteExists.Append ? FtpRemoteExists.AppendNoCheck : FtpRemoteExists.NoCheck;
コード例 #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Modify the permissions of the given file/folder.
 /// Only works on *NIX systems, and not on Windows/IIS servers.
 /// Only works if the FTP server supports the SITE CHMOD command
 /// (requires the CHMOD extension to be installed and enabled).
 /// Throws FtpCommandException if there is an issue.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The full or relative path to the item</param>
 /// <param name="owner">The owner permissions</param>
 /// <param name="group">The group permissions</param>
 /// <param name="other">The other permissions</param>
 /// <param name="token">The token that can be used to cancel the entire process</param>
 public Task SetFilePermissionsAsync(string path, FtpPermission owner, FtpPermission group, FtpPermission other, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
     return(SetFilePermissionsAsync(path, FtpExtensions.CalcChmod(owner, group, other), token));
コード例 #5
 /// <summary>
 /// Modify the permissions of the given file/folder.
 /// Only works on *NIX systems, and not on Windows/IIS servers.
 /// Only works if the FTP server supports the SITE CHMOD command
 /// (requires the CHMOD extension to be installed and enabled).
 /// Throws FtpCommandException if there is an issue.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="path">The full or relative path to the item</param>
 /// <param name="owner">The owner permissions</param>
 /// <param name="group">The group permissions</param>
 /// <param name="other">The other permissions</param>
 public void SetFilePermissions(string path, FtpPermission owner, FtpPermission group, FtpPermission other)
     SetFilePermissions(path, FtpExtensions.CalcChmod(owner, group, other));
コード例 #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Calculates the CHMOD value from the permissions flags
 /// </summary>
 public static void CalculateChmod(this FtpListItem item)
     item.Chmod = FtpExtensions.CalcChmod(item.OwnerPermissions, item.GroupPermissions, item.OthersPermissions);
コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets a file listing from the server asynchronously. Each <see cref="FtpListItem"/> object returned
        /// contains information about the file that was able to be retrieved.
        /// </summary>
        /// <remarks>
        /// If a <see cref="DateTime"/> property is equal to <see cref="DateTime.MinValue"/> then it means the
        /// date in question was not able to be retrieved. If the <see cref="FtpListItem.Size"/> property
        /// is equal to 0, then it means the size of the object could also not
        /// be retrieved.
        /// </remarks>
        /// <param name="path">The path to list</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options that dictate how the list operation is performed</param>
        /// <param name="token">Cancellation Token</param>
        /// <returns>An array of items retrieved in the listing</returns>
        public async Task <FtpListItem[]> GetListingAsync(string path, FtpListOption options, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            // start recursive process if needed and unsupported by the server
            if ((options & FtpListOption.Recursive) == FtpListOption.Recursive && !RecursiveList)
                return(await GetListingRecursiveAsync(GetAbsolutePath(path), options));

            this.LogFunc(nameof(GetListingAsync), new object[] { path, options });

            FtpListItem        item       = null;
            List <FtpListItem> lst        = new List <FtpListItem>();
            List <string>      rawlisting = new List <string>();
            string             listcmd    = null;
            string             buf        = null;

            // read flags
            bool isIncludeSelf = (options & FtpListOption.IncludeSelfAndParent) == FtpListOption.IncludeSelfAndParent;
            bool isForceList   = (options & FtpListOption.ForceList) == FtpListOption.ForceList;
            bool isNoPath      = (options & FtpListOption.NoPath) == FtpListOption.NoPath;
            bool isNameList    = (options & FtpListOption.NameList) == FtpListOption.NameList;
            bool isUseLS       = (options & FtpListOption.UseLS) == FtpListOption.UseLS;
            bool isAllFiles    = (options & FtpListOption.AllFiles) == FtpListOption.AllFiles;
            bool isRecursive   = (options & FtpListOption.Recursive) == FtpListOption.Recursive && RecursiveList;
            bool isDerefLinks  = (options & FtpListOption.DerefLinks) == FtpListOption.DerefLinks;
            bool isGetModified = (options & FtpListOption.Modify) == FtpListOption.Modify;
            bool isGetSize     = (options & FtpListOption.Size) == FtpListOption.Size;

            // calc path to request
            path = await GetAbsolutePathAsync(path, token);

            // MLSD provides a machine readable format with 100% accurate information
            // so always prefer MLSD over LIST unless the caller of this method overrides it with the ForceList option
            bool machineList = false;

            if ((!isForceList || m_parser == FtpParser.Machine) && HasFeature(FtpCapability.MLSD))
                listcmd     = "MLSD";
                machineList = true;
                if (isUseLS)
                    listcmd = "LS";
                else if (isNameList)
                    listcmd = "NLST";
                    string listopts = "";

                    listcmd = "LIST";

                    if (isAllFiles)
                        listopts += "a";

                    if (isRecursive)
                        listopts += "R";

                    if (listopts.Length > 0)
                        listcmd += " -" + listopts;

            if (!isNoPath)
                listcmd = (listcmd + " " + path.GetFtpPath());

            await ExecuteAsync("TYPE I", token);

            // read in raw file listing
                using (FtpDataStream stream = await OpenDataStreamAsync(listcmd, 0, token))
                        this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "+---------------------------------------+");

                        if (this.BulkListing)
                            // increases performance of GetListing by reading multiple lines of the file listing at once
                            foreach (var line in await stream.ReadAllLinesAsync(Encoding, this.BulkListingLength, token))
                                if (!FtpExtensions.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                                    this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Listing:  " + line);
                            // GetListing will read file listings line-by-line (actually byte-by-byte)
                            while ((buf = await stream.ReadLineAsync(Encoding, token)) != null)
                                if (buf.Length > 0)
                                    this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Listing:  " + buf);

                        this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "-----------------------------------------");
            catch (FtpMissingSocketException)
                // Some FTP server does not send any response when listing an empty directory
                // and the authentication fails, if no communication socket is provided by the server

            for (int i = 0; i < rawlisting.Count; i++)
                buf = rawlisting[i];

                if (isNameList)
                    // if NLST was used we only have a file name so
                    // there is nothing to parse.
                    item = new FtpListItem()
                        FullName = buf

                    if (await DirectoryExistsAsync(item.FullName, token))
                        item.Type = FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory;
                        item.Type = FtpFileSystemObjectType.File;

                    // if this is a result of LIST -R then the path will be spit out
                    // before each block of objects
                    if (listcmd.StartsWith("LIST") && isRecursive)
                        if (buf.StartsWith("/") && buf.EndsWith(":"))
                            path = buf.TrimEnd(':');

                    // if the next line in the listing starts with spaces
                    // it is assumed to be a continuation of the current line
                    if (i + 1 < rawlisting.Count && (rawlisting[i + 1].StartsWith("\t") || rawlisting[i + 1].StartsWith(" ")))
                        buf += rawlisting[++i];

                        item = m_listParser.ParseSingleLine(path, buf, m_caps, machineList);
                    catch (FtpListParser.CriticalListParseException)
                        this.LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Restarting parsing from first entry in list");
                        i = -1;

                    // FtpListItem.Parse() returns null if the line
                    // could not be parsed
                    if (item != null)
                        if (isIncludeSelf || !(item.Name == "." || item.Name == ".."))
                            //this.LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Skipped self or parent item: " + item.Name);
                        this.LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Warn, "Failed to parse file listing: " + buf);

                // load extended information that wasn't available if the list options flags say to do so.
                if (item != null)
                    // try to dereference symbolic links if the appropriate list
                    // option was passed
                    if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Link && isDerefLinks)
                        item.LinkObject = await DereferenceLinkAsync(item, token);

                    // if need to get file modified date
                    if (isGetModified && HasFeature(FtpCapability.MDTM))
                        // if the modified date was not loaded or the modified date is more than a day in the future
                        // and the server supports the MDTM command, load the modified date.
                        // most servers do not support retrieving the modified date
                        // of a directory but we try any way.
                        if (item.Modified == DateTime.MinValue || listcmd.StartsWith("LIST"))
                            DateTime modify;

                            if (item.Type == FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory)
                                this.LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Trying to retrieve modification time of a directory, some servers don't like this...");

                            if ((modify = await GetModifiedTimeAsync(item.FullName, token: token)) != DateTime.MinValue)
                                item.Modified = modify;

                    // if need to get file size
                    if (isGetSize && HasFeature(FtpCapability.SIZE))
                        // if no size was parsed, the object is a file and the server
                        // supports the SIZE command, then load the file size
                        if (item.Size == -1)
                            if (item.Type != FtpFileSystemObjectType.Directory)
                                item.Size = await GetFileSizeAsync(item.FullName, token);
                                item.Size = 0;

コード例 #8
        private bool DownloadFileToFile(string localPath, string remotePath, FtpLocalExists existsMode, FtpVerify verifyOptions, IProgress <FtpProgress> progress)
            var outStreamFileMode = FileMode.Create;

            // skip downloading if local file size matches
            if (existsMode == FtpLocalExists.Append && File.Exists(localPath))
                if (GetFileSize(remotePath).Equals(new FileInfo(localPath).Length))
                    LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Append is selected => Local file size matches size on server => skipping");
                    outStreamFileMode = FileMode.Append;
            else if (existsMode == FtpLocalExists.Skip && File.Exists(localPath))
                LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "Skip is selected => Local file exists => skipping");

            try {
                // create the folders
                var dirPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(localPath);
                if (!FtpExtensions.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(dirPath) && !Directory.Exists(dirPath))
            catch (Exception ex1) {
                // catch errors creating directory
                throw new FtpException("Error while creating directories. See InnerException for more info.", ex1);

            bool downloadSuccess;
            var  verified     = true;
            var  attemptsLeft = verifyOptions.HasFlag(FtpVerify.Retry) ? m_retryAttempts : 1;

                // download the file from server
                using (var outStream = new FileStream(localPath, outStreamFileMode, FileAccess.Write, FileShare.None)) {
                    // download the file straight to a file stream
                    downloadSuccess = DownloadFileInternal(remotePath, outStream, File.Exists(localPath) ? new FileInfo(localPath).Length : 0, progress);

                // if verification is needed
                if (downloadSuccess && verifyOptions != FtpVerify.None)
                    verified = VerifyTransfer(localPath, remotePath);
                    LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Info, "File Verification: " + (verified ? "PASS" : "FAIL"));
                    if (!verified && attemptsLeft > 0)
                        LogStatus(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Retrying due to failed verification." + (existsMode == FtpLocalExists.Overwrite ? "  Overwrite will occur." : "") + "  " + attemptsLeft + " attempts remaining");
            } while (!verified && attemptsLeft > 0);

            if (downloadSuccess && !verified && verifyOptions.HasFlag(FtpVerify.Delete))

            if (downloadSuccess && !verified && verifyOptions.HasFlag(FtpVerify.Throw))
                throw new FtpException("Downloaded file checksum value does not match remote file");

            return(downloadSuccess && verified);
コード例 #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Get the records of a file listing and retry if temporary failure.
        /// </summary>
        private async Task <List <string> > GetListingInternalAsync(string listcmd, bool retry, CancellationToken token)
            List <string> rawlisting = new List <string>();

            // always get the file listing in binary to avoid character translation issues with ASCII.
            await SetDataTypeNoLockAsync(FtpDataType.Binary, token);

            try {
                // read in raw file listing
                using (FtpDataStream stream = await OpenDataStreamAsync(listcmd, 0, token)) {
                    try {
                        this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "+---------------------------------------+");

                        if (this.BulkListing)
                            // increases performance of GetListing by reading multiple lines of the file listing at once
                            foreach (var line in await stream.ReadAllLinesAsync(Encoding, this.BulkListingLength, token))
                                if (!FtpExtensions.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line))
                                    this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Listing:  " + line);
                            // GetListing will read file listings line-by-line (actually byte-by-byte)
                            string buf;
                            while ((buf = await stream.ReadLineAsync(Encoding, token)) != null)
                                if (buf.Length > 0)
                                    this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "Listing:  " + buf);

                        this.LogLine(FtpTraceLevel.Verbose, "-----------------------------------------");
                    } finally {
            } catch (FtpMissingSocketException) {
                // Some FTP server does not send any response when listing an empty directory
                // and the connection fails because no communication socket is provided by the server
            } catch (IOException ioEx) {
                // Some FTP servers forcibly close the connection, we absorb these errors

                // Fix #410: Retry if its a temporary failure ("Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream")
                if (retry && ioEx.Message.IsKnownError(unexpectedEOFStrings))
                    // retry once more, but do not go into a infinite recursion loop here
                    return(await GetListingInternalAsync(listcmd, false, token));
                    // suppress all other types of exceptions

コード例 #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Checks if a file exists on the server asynchronously.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">The full or relative path to the file</param>
        /// <param name="token">The token that can be used to cancel the entire process</param>
        /// <returns>True if the file exists, false otherwise</returns>
        public async Task <bool> FileExistsAsync(string path, CancellationToken token = default(CancellationToken))
            // verify args
            if (path.IsBlank())
                throw new ArgumentException("Required parameter is null or blank.", "path");

            LogFunc(nameof(FileExistsAsync), new object[] { path });

            // calc the absolute filepath
            path = await GetAbsolutePathAsync(path.GetFtpPath(), token);

            // since FTP does not include a specific command to check if a file exists
            // here we check if file exists by attempting to get its filesize (SIZE)
            if (HasFeature(FtpCapability.SIZE))
                // Fix #328: get filesize in ASCII or Binary mode as required by server
                FtpSizeReply sizeReply = new FtpSizeReply();
                await GetFileSizeInternalAsync(path, token, sizeReply);

                // handle known errors to the SIZE command
                var sizeKnownError = CheckFileExistsBySize(sizeReply);
                if (sizeKnownError.HasValue)

            // check if file exists by attempting to get its date modified (MDTM)
            if (HasFeature(FtpCapability.MDTM))
                FtpReply reply = await ExecuteAsync("MDTM " + path, token);

                var ch = reply.Code[0];
                if (ch == '2')

                if (ch == '5' && reply.Message.IsKnownError(FtpServerStrings.fileNotFound))

            // check if file exists by getting a name listing (NLST)
            string[] fileList = await GetNameListingAsync(path.GetFtpDirectoryName(), token);

            return(FtpExtensions.FileExistsInNameListing(fileList, path));

            // check if file exists by attempting to download it (RETR)

            /*try {
             *      Stream stream = OpenRead(path);
             *      stream.Close();
             *      return true;
             * } catch (FtpException ex) {
             * }*/
