コード例 #1
        public async Task When_async_method_does_not_throw_async_exception_on_UI_thread_and_that_was_expected_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Func <Task> action = () => asyncObject.SucceedAsync();

            // Assert
            await action.Should().NotThrowAsync();
コード例 #2
        public async Task When_async_method_succeeds_and_expected_not_to_throw_particular_exception_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Func <Task> action = () => asyncObject
                                 .Awaiting(_ => asyncObject.SucceedAsync())
                                 .Should().NotThrowAsync <InvalidOperationException>();

            // Assert
            await action.Should().NotThrowAsync();
コード例 #3
        public async Task When_poll_interval_is_zero_for_async_func_executed_with_wait_it_should_not_throw()
            // Arrange
            var waitTime     = 10.Milliseconds();
            var pollInterval = 0.Milliseconds();

            var         clock       = new FakeClock();
            var         asyncObject = new AsyncClass();
            Func <Task> someFunc    = () => asyncObject.SucceedAsync();

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = () => someFunc.Should(clock).NotThrowAfterAsync(waitTime, pollInterval);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().NotThrowAsync();
コード例 #4
        public async Task When_poll_interval_is_negative_for_async_func_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var waitTime     = 10.Milliseconds();
            var pollInterval = -1.Milliseconds();

            var         asyncObject = new AsyncClass();
            Func <Task> someFunc    = () => asyncObject.SucceedAsync();

            // Act
            Func <Task> act = () => someFunc.Should().NotThrowAfterAsync(waitTime, pollInterval);

            // Assert
            await act.Should().ThrowAsync <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>()
            .WithMessage("* value of pollInterval must be non-negative*");
コード例 #5
        public void When_wait_time_is_negative_for_async_func_executed_with_wait_it_should_throw()
            // Arrange
            var waitTime     = -1.Milliseconds();
            var pollInterval = 10.Milliseconds();

            var         asyncObject = new AsyncClass();
            Func <Task> someFunc    = () => asyncObject.SucceedAsync();

            // Act
            Action act = () => someFunc.Should().NotThrowAfter(waitTime, pollInterval);

            // Assert
            act.Should().Throw <ArgumentOutOfRangeException>()
            .WithMessage("* value of waitTime must be non-negative*");
コード例 #6
        public void When_async_method_succeeds_and_expected_not_to_throw_particular_exception_it_should_succeed()
            // Arrange
            var asyncObject = new AsyncClass();

            // Act
            Action action = () => asyncObject
                            .Awaiting(x => asyncObject.SucceedAsync())
                            .Should().NotThrow <InvalidOperationException>();

            // Assert