public static async Task RunXvfiCuda(string framesPath, float interpFactor, string mdl) { if (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc) // Ensure AutoEnc is not paused { AutoEncode.paused = false; } try { string xvfiDir = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.xvfiCuda.pkgDir); string script = ""; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(xvfiDir, script))) { Interpolate.Cancel("XVFI script not found! Make sure you didn't modify any files."); return; } await RunXvfiCudaProcess(framesPath, Paths.interpDir, script, interpFactor, mdl); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Error running XVFI-CUDA: " + e.Message); Logger.Log("Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, true); } await AiFinished("XVFI"); }
static async Task AiFinished(string aiName) { if (Interpolate.canceled) { return; } Program.mainForm.SetProgress(100); AiProcessSuspend.SetRunning(false); int interpFramesFiles = IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(Interpolate.current.interpFolder, false, "*" + Interpolate.current.interpExt); int interpFramesCount = interpFramesFiles + InterpolationProgress.deletedFramesCount; InterpolationProgress.UpdateInterpProgress(interpFramesCount, InterpolationProgress.targetFrames); string logStr = $"Done running {aiName} - Interpolation took {FormatUtils.Time(processTime.Elapsed)}. Peak Output FPS: {InterpolationProgress.peakFpsOut.ToString("0.00")}"; if (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc && AutoEncode.HasWorkToDo()) { logStr += " - Waiting for encoding to finish..."; Program.mainForm.SetStatus("Creating output video from frames..."); } Logger.Log(logStr); processTime.Stop(); if (interpFramesCount < 3) { string[] logLines = File.ReadAllLines(Path.Combine(Paths.GetLogPath(), lastLogName + ".txt")); string log = string.Join("\n", logLines.Reverse().Take(10).Reverse().Select(x => x.Split("]: ").Last()).ToList()); string amount = interpFramesCount > 0 ? $"Only {interpFramesCount}" : "No"; Interpolate.Cancel($"Interpolation failed - {amount} interpolated frames were created.\n\n\nLast 10 log lines:\n{log}\n\nCheck the log '{lastLogName}' for more details."); return; } try { while (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc && Program.busy) { if (AvProcess.lastAvProcess != null && !AvProcess.lastAvProcess.HasExited) { if (Logger.LastLogLine.ToLower().Contains("frame: ")) { Logger.Log(FormatUtils.BeautifyFfmpegStats(Logger.LastLogLine), false, Logger.LastUiLine.ToLower().Contains("frame")); } } if (AvProcess.lastAvProcess.HasExited && !AutoEncode.HasWorkToDo()) // Stop logging if ffmpeg is not running & AE is done { break; } await Task.Delay(500); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log($"AiFinished encoder logging error: {e.Message}\n{e.StackTrace}", true); } }
public static async Task RunRifeCudaProcess(string inPath, string outDir, string script, float interpFactor, string mdl) { string outPath = Path.Combine(inPath.GetParentDir(), outDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); string uhdStr = await InterpolateUtils.UseUhd() ? "--UHD" : ""; string wthreads = $"--wthreads {2 * (int)interpFactor}"; string rbuffer = $"--rbuffer {Config.GetInt(Config.Key.rifeCudaBufferSize, 200)}"; //string scale = $"--scale {Config.GetFloat("rifeCudaScale", 1.0f).ToStringDot()}"; string prec = Config.GetBool(Config.Key.rifeCudaFp16) ? "--fp16" : ""; string args = $" --input {inPath.Wrap()} --output {outDir} --model {mdl} --multi {interpFactor} {uhdStr} {wthreads} {rbuffer} {prec}"; Process rifePy = OsUtils.NewProcess(!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()); AiStarted(rifePy, 3500); SetProgressCheck(Path.Combine(Interpolate.current.tempFolder, outDir), interpFactor); rifePy.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{OsUtils.GetCmdArg()} cd /D {Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.rifeCuda.pkgDir).Wrap()} & " + $"set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={Config.Get(Config.Key.torchGpus)} & {Python.GetPyCmd()} {script} {args}"; Logger.Log($"Running RIFE (CUDA){(await InterpolateUtils.UseUhd() ? " (UHD Mode)" : "")}...", false); Logger.Log("cmd.exe " + rifePy.StartInfo.Arguments, true); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { rifePy.OutputDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput(outLine.Data, "rife-cuda-log"); }; rifePy.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[E] " + outLine.Data, "rife-cuda-log", true); }; } rifePy.Start(); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { rifePy.BeginOutputReadLine(); rifePy.BeginErrorReadLine(); } while (!rifePy.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(1); } }
public static async Task RunXvfiCudaProcess(string inPath, string outDir, string script, float interpFactor, string mdlDir) { string pkgPath = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.xvfiCuda.pkgDir); string basePath = inPath.GetParentDir(); string outPath = Path.Combine(basePath, outDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); string mdlArgs = File.ReadAllText(Path.Combine(pkgPath, mdlDir, "args.ini")); string args = $" --custom_path {basePath.Wrap()} --input {inPath.Wrap()} --output {outPath.Wrap()} --mdl_dir {mdlDir}" + $" --multiple {interpFactor} --gpu 0 {mdlArgs}"; Process xvfiPy = OsUtils.NewProcess(!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()); AiStarted(xvfiPy, 3500); SetProgressCheck(Path.Combine(Interpolate.current.tempFolder, outDir), interpFactor); xvfiPy.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{OsUtils.GetCmdArg()} cd /D {pkgPath.Wrap()} & " + $"set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={Config.Get(Config.Key.torchGpus)} & {Python.GetPyCmd()} {script} {args}"; Logger.Log($"Running XVFI (CUDA)...", false); Logger.Log("cmd.exe " + xvfiPy.StartInfo.Arguments, true); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { xvfiPy.OutputDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput(outLine.Data, "xvfi-cuda-log"); }; xvfiPy.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[E] " + outLine.Data, "xvfi-cuda-log", true); }; } xvfiPy.Start(); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { xvfiPy.BeginOutputReadLine(); xvfiPy.BeginErrorReadLine(); } while (!xvfiPy.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(1); } }
public static async Task RunRifeCuda(string framesPath, float interpFactor, string mdl) { if (Interpolate.currentlyUsingAutoEnc) // Ensure AutoEnc is not paused { AutoEncode.paused = false; } try { string rifeDir = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.rifeCuda.pkgDir); string script = ""; if (!File.Exists(Path.Combine(rifeDir, script))) { Interpolate.Cancel("RIFE script not found! Make sure you didn't modify any files."); return; } string archFilesDir = Path.Combine(rifeDir, "arch"); string archFilesDirModel = Path.Combine(rifeDir, mdl, "arch"); if (Directory.Exists(archFilesDirModel)) { Logger.Log($"Model {mdl} has architecture python files - copying to arch.", true); IoUtils.DeleteContentsOfDir(archFilesDir); IoUtils.CopyDir(archFilesDirModel, archFilesDir); } await RunRifeCudaProcess(framesPath, Paths.interpDir, script, interpFactor, mdl); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.Log("Error running RIFE-CUDA: " + e.Message); Logger.Log("Stack Trace: " + e.StackTrace, true); } await AiFinished("RIFE"); }
public static async Task RunDainNcnnProcess(string framesPath, string outPath, float factor, string mdl, int tilesize) { string dainDir = Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.dainNcnn.pkgDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); Process dain = OsUtils.NewProcess(!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()); AiStarted(dain, 1500); SetProgressCheck(outPath, factor); int targetFrames = ((IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(lastInPath, false, "*.*") * factor).RoundToInt()); string args = $" -v -i {framesPath.Wrap()} -o {outPath.Wrap()} -n {targetFrames} -m {mdl.ToLower()}" + $" -t {GetNcnnTilesize(tilesize)} -g {Config.Get(Config.Key.ncnnGpus)} -f {GetNcnnPattern()} -j 2:1:2"; dain.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{OsUtils.GetCmdArg()} cd /D {dainDir.Wrap()} & dain-ncnn-vulkan.exe {args}"; Logger.Log("Running DAIN...", false); Logger.Log("cmd.exe " + dain.StartInfo.Arguments, true); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { dain.OutputDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[O] " + outLine.Data, "dain-ncnn-log"); }; dain.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[E] " + outLine.Data, "dain-ncnn-log", true); }; } dain.Start(); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { dain.BeginOutputReadLine(); dain.BeginErrorReadLine(); } while (!dain.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(100); } }
static async Task RunRifeNcnnProcess(string inPath, float factor, string outPath, string mdl) { Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); Process rifeNcnn = OsUtils.NewProcess(!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()); AiStarted(rifeNcnn, 1500, inPath); SetProgressCheck(outPath, factor); int targetFrames = ((IoUtils.GetAmountOfFiles(lastInPath, false, "*.*") * factor).RoundToInt()); // TODO: Maybe won't work with fractional factors ?? string frames = mdl.Contains("v4") ? $"-n {targetFrames}" : ""; string uhdStr = await InterpolateUtils.UseUhd() ? "-u" : ""; string ttaStr = Config.GetBool(Config.Key.rifeNcnnUseTta, false) ? "-x" : ""; rifeNcnn.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{OsUtils.GetCmdArg()} cd /D {Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.rifeNcnn.pkgDir).Wrap()} & rife-ncnn-vulkan.exe " + $" -v -i {inPath.Wrap()} -o {outPath.Wrap()} {frames} -m {mdl.ToLower()} {ttaStr} {uhdStr} -g {Config.Get(Config.Key.ncnnGpus)} -f {GetNcnnPattern()} -j {GetNcnnThreads()}"; Logger.Log("cmd.exe " + rifeNcnn.StartInfo.Arguments, true); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { rifeNcnn.OutputDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[O] " + outLine.Data, "rife-ncnn-log"); }; rifeNcnn.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[E] " + outLine.Data, "rife-ncnn-log", true); }; } rifeNcnn.Start(); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { rifeNcnn.BeginOutputReadLine(); rifeNcnn.BeginErrorReadLine(); } while (!rifeNcnn.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(1); } }
public static async Task RunFlavrCudaProcess(string inPath, string outDir, string script, float interpFactor, string mdl) { string outPath = Path.Combine(inPath.GetParentDir(), outDir); Directory.CreateDirectory(outPath); string args = $" --input {inPath.Wrap()} --output {outPath.Wrap()} --model {mdl}/{mdl}.pth --factor {interpFactor}"; Process flavrPy = OsUtils.NewProcess(!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()); AiStarted(flavrPy, 4000); SetProgressCheck(Path.Combine(Interpolate.current.tempFolder, outDir), interpFactor); flavrPy.StartInfo.Arguments = $"{OsUtils.GetCmdArg()} cd /D {Path.Combine(Paths.GetPkgPath(), Implementations.flavrCuda.pkgDir).Wrap()} & " + $"set CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES={Config.Get(Config.Key.torchGpus)} & {Python.GetPyCmd()} {script} {args}"; Logger.Log($"Running FLAVR (CUDA)...", false); Logger.Log("cmd.exe " + flavrPy.StartInfo.Arguments, true); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { flavrPy.OutputDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput(outLine.Data, "flavr-cuda-log"); }; flavrPy.ErrorDataReceived += (sender, outLine) => { LogOutput("[E] " + outLine.Data, "flavr-cuda-log", true); }; } flavrPy.Start(); if (!OsUtils.ShowHiddenCmd()) { flavrPy.BeginOutputReadLine(); flavrPy.BeginErrorReadLine(); } while (!flavrPy.HasExited) { await Task.Delay(1); } }