コード例 #1
        // member functions

        // This version of verifyFlower() will verify that the flower entry
        // passed as an argument does not exist within the database, rather than
        // comparing with the contents of a pseudo-database, or a dummy Flower instantiation,
        // like what was done for Iteration I.
        public string verifyFlower(string userEnteredEnglish, string userEnteredLatin, string userEnteredBotan, string userEnteredNote, string userEnteredImgPath)
            string           msgToDisplay;
            Database_Manager DBMngr = new Database_Manager();

            // need to be able to get the flower entry from the database
            // which matches the id of 'customFlower'

            // if a change is made to the english name AND that change does not result in it being blank
            if ((userEnteredEnglish != DBMngr.FetchEnglish(flowerId)) && (userEnteredEnglish != ""))
                DBMngr.changeEnglishName(userEnteredEnglish, flowerId);
                msgToDisplay = "Changes successfully saved!";
                msgToDisplay = "Changes unable to be saved: One of the three minimum attributes is missing.";
            // same structure for latin name and botanical family
            if ((userEnteredLatin != DBMngr.FetchLatin(flowerId)) && (userEnteredLatin != ""))
                DBMngr.changeLatinName(userEnteredLatin, flowerId);
                msgToDisplay = "Changes successfully saved!";
                msgToDisplay = "Changes unable to be saved: One of the three minimum attributes is missing.";
            if ((userEnteredBotan != DBMngr.FetchBotan(flowerId)) && (userEnteredBotan != ""))
                DBMngr.changeBotanicalFam(userEnteredBotan, flowerId);
                msgToDisplay = "Changes successfully saved!";
                msgToDisplay = "Changes unable to be saved: One of the three minimum attributes is missing.";

            if (userEnteredNote != DBMngr.FetchNote(flowerId) && userEnteredNote != "")
                DBMngr.changeNote(userEnteredNote, flowerId);
                msgToDisplay = "Changes successfully saved!";

            if (userEnteredImgPath != DBMngr.FetchFilePath(flowerId) && userEnteredImgPath != "")
                userEnteredImgPath = ChangeFilePath(userEnteredImgPath);
                DBMngr.changeImgPath(userEnteredImgPath, flowerId);
                msgToDisplay = "Changes successfully saved!";
