// Deleting a server with the ID "id" from context public static async Task <int> DeleteServer(FlightPlanDBContext _context, string id) { Server server = _context.Servers.Where(item => item.ServerId == id).First(); _context.Servers.Remove(server); return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
// Get all flights that are active acoording to the time of reletive_to from the context public static IEnumerable <Flight> GetFlights(FlightPlanDBContext _context, DateTime relative_to) { return(_context.Flight.Include(item => item.FlightPlan).Include(item => item.FlightPlan.InitialLocation) .Include(item => item.FlightPlan.Segments).ToList() .Where(filter => filter.FlightPlan.InitialLocation.DateTime.ToLocalTime() <= relative_to && relative_to <= filter.FlightPlan.EndDateFlight.ToLocalTime())); }
// Remove a flight with the same ID as "id" from the ontext given public static async Task <int> RemoveFlight(FlightPlanDBContext _context, string id) { // Finding the flight Flight flight = _context.Flight.Include(item => item.FlightPlan) .Where(item => item.FlightIdentifier == id).First(); FlightPlan flightPlan = flight.FlightPlan; // Removing the associated flight plan _context.FlightPlans.Remove(flightPlan); _context.Flight.Remove(flight); return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
// Return the last used ID in the context public static string FindLastID(FlightPlanDBContext db) { return(!db.FlightPlans.Include(item => item.Flight).OrderByDescending(item => item.Flight.FlightIdentifier).Any() ? "AAAA-0000" : db.FlightPlans.Include(item => item.Flight).OrderByDescending(item => item.Flight.FlightIdentifier).First() .Flight.FlightIdentifier); }
// Adding a server to the given context public static async Task <int> AddServer(FlightPlanDBContext _context, Server server) { _context.Add(server); return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
// Get all servers from the context asynchronously public static async Task <List <Server> > GetListOfServers(FlightPlanDBContext _context) { return(await _context.Servers.ToListAsync()); }
// Get all servers from the context public static List <Server> GetServers(FlightPlanDBContext _context) { return(_context.Servers.ToList()); }
// Send flightPlan and flight to the context given public static async Task <int> AddAFlightPlanAndAFlight(FlightPlanDBContext _context, FlightPlan flightPlan, Flight flight) { _context.Add(flightPlan); _context.Add(flight); return(await _context.SaveChangesAsync()); }
// Find the last id in the context given public static IQueryable <FlightPlan> FindFlightPlanId(FlightPlanDBContext _context, string id) { return(_context.FlightPlans.Include(item => item.Flight).Include(item => item.InitialLocation) .Include(item => item.Segments).Where(item => id == null || item.Flight.FlightIdentifier == id).Take(1)); }