コード例 #1
ファイル: ContentBase.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Write a topic (and create a historical version)
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">The topic to write</param>
		/// <param name="content">The content</param>
		void WriteTopicAndNewVersion(LocalTopicName topic, string content, FederationUpdateGenerator gen)
			LocalTopicName versionless = new LocalTopicName(topic.Name);

			bool isVersionlessNew = !TopicExistsLocally(versionless);
			bool isVersionedNew = !TopicExistsLocally(topic);

			string oldAuthor = null;
			if (!isVersionlessNew)
				oldAuthor = GetTopicLastAuthor(topic);

			// Write it
			WriteTopic(versionless, content, gen);
			WriteTopic(topic, content, gen);	

			//Generate author property change if needed
			if (!isVersionlessNew)
				//See if the last modified by has changed (not this only happens when writing out the versioned tip file)
				string newLastAuthor = GetTopicLastAuthor(topic);
				if (oldAuthor != newLastAuthor)
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(versionless.AsAbsoluteTopicName(Namespace), "_LastModifiedBy", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);

コード例 #2
ファイル: FileSystemStore.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Write a new version of the topic (doesn't write a new version).  Generate all needed federation update changes via the supplied generator.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">Topic to write</param>
		/// <param name="content">New content</param>
		/// <param name="sink">Object to recieve change info about the topic</param>
		override protected void WriteTopic(LocalTopicName topic, string content, FederationUpdateGenerator gen)
			string root = Root;
			string fullpath = MakePath(root, topic);
			bool isNew = !(File.Exists(fullpath));

			// Get old topic so we can analyze it for properties to compare with the new one
			string oldText = null;
			Hashtable oldProperties = null;
			if (!isNew)
				using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(new FileStream(fullpath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read)))
					oldText = sr.ReadToEnd();
				oldProperties = ExtractExplicitFieldsFromTopicBody(oldText);	

			// Change it
			using (StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(fullpath))

			// Quick check to see if we're about to let somebody write the DefinitionTopic for this ContentBase.  
			// If so, we reset our Info object to reread
			string pathToDefinitionTopic = MakePath(Root, DefinitionTopicName.LocalName);
			if (fullpath == pathToDefinitionTopic)

			// Record changes
				AbsoluteTopicName absTopic = topic.AsAbsoluteTopicName(Namespace);


				// Record the topic-level change
				if (isNew)

				//	Now process the properties
				Hashtable newProperties = ExtractExplicitFieldsFromTopicBody(content);
				if (isNew)
					foreach (string pName in newProperties.Keys)
						gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, pName, FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_Body", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_TopicName", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_TopicFullName", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_LastModifiedBy", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_CreationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_ModificationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					if (content != oldText)
						FillFederationUpdateByComparingPropertyHashes(gen, absTopic, oldProperties, newProperties);
						gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_Body", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_ModificationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);				
コード例 #3
ファイル: ContentBase.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		protected void FillFederationUpdateByComparingPropertyHashes(FederationUpdateGenerator batch, AbsoluteTopicName topic, Hashtable oldProps, Hashtable newProps)
			// Loop through the old ones to find any that are changed or removed in the new
			foreach (DictionaryEntry e in oldProps)
				if (newProps.ContainsKey(e.Key))
					object newValue = newProps[e.Key];
					if (newValue.ToString()  != e.Value.ToString())
						batch.RecordPropertyChange(topic, e.Key.ToString(), FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);
					batch.RecordPropertyChange(topic, e.Key.ToString(), FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyRemove);

			// And also find the added ones by identifying those that are in the new set, but not the old
			foreach (DictionaryEntry e in newProps)
				if (!oldProps.ContainsKey(e.Key))
					batch.RecordPropertyChange(topic, e.Key.ToString(), FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ContentBase.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Rename references (in a given topic) from one topic to a new name 
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topicToLookIn"></param>
		/// <param name="oldName"></param>
		/// <param name="newName"></param>
		/// <returns></returns>
		public  bool RenameTopicReferences(LocalTopicName topicToLookIn, AbsoluteTopicName oldName, AbsoluteTopicName newName, FederationUpdateGenerator gen)
			string current = Read(topicToLookIn);
			MatchCollection wikiNames = Formatter.extractWikiNames.Matches(current);
			ArrayList processed = new ArrayList();
			bool any = false;
			foreach (Match m in wikiNames)
				string each = m.Groups["topic"].ToString();
				if (processed.Contains(each))
					continue;   // skip dup	
				RelativeTopicName relName = new RelativeTopicName(TopicName.StripEscapes(each));

				// See if this is the old name.  The only way it can be is if it's unqualified or if it's qualified with the current namespace.

				bool hit = (relName.Name == oldName.Name) && (relName.Namespace == null || relName.Namespace ==  oldName.Namespace);
				if (!hit)

				// Now see if we got any hits or not
				string rep = Formatter.beforeWikiName + "(" + Formatter.RegexEscapeTopic(each) + ")" + Formatter.afterWikiName;
				// if the reference was fully qualified, retain that form in the new reference
				string replacementName = each.IndexOf(".") > -1 ? newName.Fullname : newName.Name;
				current = Regex.Replace(current, rep, "${before}" + replacementName + "${after}");
				any = true;

			if (any)
				WriteTopicAndNewVersion(topicToLookIn, current, gen);

			return any;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ContentBase.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Write a new version of the topic (doesn't write a new version).  Generate all needed federation update changes via the supplied generator.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">Topic to write</param>
		/// <param name="content">New content</param>
		/// <param name="sink">Object to recieve change info about the topic</param>
		protected abstract void WriteTopic(LocalTopicName  topic, string content, FederationUpdateGenerator gen);
コード例 #6
ファイル: ContentBase.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Create a new FederationUpdateGenerator and hook its GenerationComplete event so that when that fires, this ContentBase fires its FederationUpdate event
		/// </summary>
		protected FederationUpdateGenerator CreateFederationUpdateGenerator()
			FederationUpdateGenerator answer = new FederationUpdateGenerator();
			answer.GenerationComplete += new FederationUpdateGenerator.GenerationCompleteEventHandler(FederationUpdateGeneratorGenerationComplete);
			return answer;
コード例 #7
ファイル: SqlStore.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		private void RecordTopicChanges(LocalTopicName topic, FederationUpdateGenerator gen, bool isNew, string content, string oldText, Hashtable oldProperties)
				AbsoluteTopicName absTopic = topic.AsAbsoluteTopicName(Namespace);


				// Record the topic-level change
				if (isNew)

				//	Now process the properties
				Hashtable newProperties = ExtractExplicitFieldsFromTopicBody(content);
				if (isNew)
					foreach (string pName in newProperties.Keys)
						gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, pName, FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_Body", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_TopicName", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_TopicFullName", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_LastModifiedBy", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_CreationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_ModificationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyAdd);
					if (content != oldText)
						FillFederationUpdateByComparingPropertyHashes(gen, absTopic, oldProperties, newProperties);
						gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_Body", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);
					gen.RecordPropertyChange(absTopic, "_ModificationTime", FederationUpdate.PropertyChangeType.PropertyUpdate);				
コード例 #8
ファイル: SqlStore.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		/// <summary>
		/// Write a new version of the topic (doesn't write a new version).  Generate all needed federation update changes via the supplied generator.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="topic">Topic to write</param>
		/// <param name="content">New content</param>
		/// <param name="gen">Object to recieve change info about the topic</param>
		protected override void WriteTopic(LocalTopicName topic, string content, FederationUpdateGenerator gen)
			string topicName = MakeTopicName(topic);
			bool isNew = !(SqlHelper.TopicExists(Namespace, topicName, _ConnectionString));

			// Get old topic so we can analyze it for properties to compare with the new one
			string oldText = null;
			Hashtable oldProperties = null;
			if (!isNew)
				oldText = SqlHelper.GetTopicBody(Namespace, topicName, _ConnectionString);
				oldProperties = ExtractExplicitFieldsFromTopicBody(oldText);	

			SqlHelper.WriteTopic(Namespace, topicName, LastWriteTime(topic.NameWithVersion) ,_ConnectionString, content, ((topic.Version != null && topic.Version.Length > 0)?true:false));

			// Quick check to see if we're about to let somebody write the DefinitionTopic for this ContentBase.  
			// If so, we reset our Info object to reread
			if (topicName == ContentBase.DefinitionTopicLocalName)

			// Record changes
			RecordTopicChanges(topic, gen, isNew, content, oldText, oldProperties);
コード例 #9
ファイル: ReadOnlyStore.cs プロジェクト: nuxleus/flexwiki
		protected override void WriteTopic(LocalTopicName topic, string content, FederationUpdateGenerator gen)
			throw ReadOnlyException();