private string DefaultResolve(LocalTopic topic, string remoteContents) { string tempPath = Path.Combine(tempDir, topic.Name + ".wiki"); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(tempPath, false, Encoding.UTF8); try { sw.WriteLine("Both versions of the topic {0}.{1} appear below", topic.Namespace.Name, topic.Name); sw.WriteLine("The remote version appears first, then the local version."); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("Edit the file to merge the changes together. Be sure to remove these remarks, "); sw.WriteLine("the ===='s separating the sections, and any anything you don't want to appear "); sw.WriteLine("in the final copy. Then save the file and confirm the changes"); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("==REMOTE VERSION============================"); sw.WriteLine(FixupLineTerminators(remoteContents)); sw.WriteLine(); sw.WriteLine("==LOCAL VERSION============================"); sw.WriteLine(FixupLineTerminators(topic.ReadContents())); sw.WriteLine(); } finally { sw.Close(); } Process process = Process.Start("notepad.exe", tempPath); process.WaitForExit(); bool accept = false; string result = null; if (confirmAll) { accept = true; } else { Console.Write("Accept changes (y/n)? "); char c = (char) Console.Read(); if (c == 'y' || c == 'Y') { accept = true; } } if (accept) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(tempPath, Encoding.Default, true); try { result = sr.ReadToEnd(); } finally { sr.Close(); } } File.Delete(tempPath); return result; }
private string NormalMerge(LocalTopic topic, string remoteContents, string mergeWith) { string localContentPath = Path.Combine(tempDir, string.Format("{0}", topic.Name)); string remoteContentPath = Path.Combine(tempDir, string.Format("{0}", topic.Name)); string mergedContentPath = Path.Combine(tempDir, string.Format("{0}", topic.Name)); StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(localContentPath, false, Encoding.UTF8); try { sw.Write(topic.ReadContents()); } finally { sw.Close(); } sw = new StreamWriter(remoteContentPath, false, Encoding.UTF8); try { sw.Write(remoteContents); } finally { sw.Close(); } Process process = Process.Start(mergeWith, string.Format("\"{0}\" \"{1}\" \"{2}\"", remoteContentPath, localContentPath, mergedContentPath)); process.WaitForExit(); string result = null; if (File.Exists(mergedContentPath)) { StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(mergedContentPath, Encoding.Default, true); try { result = sr.ReadToEnd(); } finally { sr.Close(); } } File.Delete(localContentPath); File.Delete(remoteContentPath); File.Delete(mergedContentPath); return result; }