public void DrawPostFxMaterial(MaterialBase material, RenderTarget output, RenderTarget input, RenderView view, RenderBuffers buffers = null) { #if UNIT_TEST_COMPILANT throw new NotImplementedException("Unit tests, don't support methods calls. Only properties can be get or set."); #else Internal_DrawPostFxMaterial2(unmanagedPtr, Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(material), Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(output), Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(input), ref view, Object.GetUnmanagedPtr(buffers)); #endif }
internal static extern void Internal_DrawPostFxMaterial2(IntPtr obj, IntPtr material, IntPtr output, IntPtr input, ref RenderView view, IntPtr buffers);
public void DrawScene(RenderTask task, RenderTarget output, RenderBuffers buffers, ref RenderView view, List <Actor> customActors = null, ActorsSources actorsSource = ActorsSources.ScenesAndCustomActors, HashSet <PostProcessEffect> customPostFx = null) { #if UNIT_TEST_COMPILANT throw new NotImplementedException("Unit tests, don't support methods calls. Only properties can be get or set."); #else // Get unmanaged actors var actors = GetActors(customActors, out int actorsCount); // Get unmanaged postFx var postFx = GetPostFx(customPostFx, out int postFxCount); Internal_DrawScene(unmanagedPtr, GetUnmanagedPtr(task), GetUnmanagedPtr(output), GetUnmanagedPtr(buffers), ref view, actors, actorsCount, actorsSource, postFx, postFxCount); #endif }
internal static extern void Internal_DrawScene(IntPtr obj, IntPtr task, IntPtr output, IntPtr buffers, ref RenderView view, IntPtr[] customActors, int customActorsCount, ActorsSources actorsSource, IntPtr[] customPostFx, int customPostFxCount);
public void DrawScene(RenderTask task, RenderTarget output, RenderBuffers buffers, RenderView view, ViewFlags flags, ViewMode mode, Actor[] customActors = null, ActorsSources actorsSource = ActorsSources.ScenesAndCustomActors, HashSet <PostProcessEffect> customPostFx = null) { #if UNIT_TEST_COMPILANT throw new NotImplementedException("Unit tests, don't support methods calls. Only properties can be get or set."); #else // Get unmanaged actors IntPtr[] actors = null; int actorsCount = 0; if (customActors != null) { actorsCount = customActors.Length; if (_cachedActors == null || _cachedActors.Length < actorsCount) { _cachedActors = new IntPtr[Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(actorsCount)]; } actors = _cachedActors; for (int i = 0; i < actorsCount; i++) { _cachedActors[i] = GetUnmanagedPtr(customActors[i]); } } // Get unmanaged postFx IntPtr[] postFx = null; int postFxCount = 0; if (customPostFx != null && customPostFx.Count > 0) { if (_cachedPostFxA == null) { _cachedPostFxA = new List <PostProcessEffect>(); } _cachedPostFxA.Capacity = Mathf.Max(_cachedPostFxA.Capacity, Mathf.NextPowerOfTwo(customPostFx.Count)); foreach (var e in customPostFx) { if (e && e.CanRender) { _cachedPostFxA.Add(e); } } _cachedPostFxA.Sort(ComparePostFx); postFxCount = _cachedPostFxA.Count; if (_cachedPostFxB == null || _cachedPostFxB.Length < postFxCount) { _cachedPostFxB = new IntPtr[_cachedPostFxA.Capacity]; } postFx = _cachedPostFxB; for (int i = 0; i < postFxCount; i++) { _cachedPostFxB[i] = GetUnmanagedPtr(_cachedPostFxA[i]); } _cachedPostFxA.Clear(); } Internal_DrawScene(unmanagedPtr, GetUnmanagedPtr(task), GetUnmanagedPtr(output), GetUnmanagedPtr(buffers), ref view, flags, mode, actors, actorsCount, actorsSource, postFx, postFxCount); #endif }