コード例 #1
        public int GetMaxSize(T item)
            if (object.ReferenceEquals(item, null))
                throw new InvalidDataException("The root table may not be null.");

            // 4 + padding(4) + inner serializer size. We add the extra to account for the very first uoffset.
            return(sizeof(uint) + SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(sizeof(uint)) + this.innerSerializer.GetMaxSize(item));
コード例 #2
        public int GetMaxSize(T item)
            if (item is null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(item), "The root table may not be null.");

            return(sizeof(uint)                                       // uoffset to first table
                   + SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(sizeof(uint)) // alignment error
                   + this.innerSerializer.GetMaxSize(item)            // size of item
                   + FileIdentifierSize);                             // file identifier. Not present on every table, but cheaper to add as constant
                                                                      // than to introduce an 'if'.
コード例 #3
        private void ImplementTableGetMaxSizeMethod(TableTypeModel tableModel)
            int vtableEntryCount = tableModel.MaxIndex + 1;

            // vtable length + table length + 2 * entryCount + padding to 2-byte alignment.
            int maxVtableSize = sizeof(ushort) * (2 + vtableEntryCount) + SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(sizeof(ushort));
            int maxTableSize  = tableModel.NonPaddedMaxTableInlineSize + SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(tableModel.Alignment);

            List <string> statements = new List <string>();

            foreach (var kvp in tableModel.IndexToMemberMap)
                int index  = kvp.Key;
                var member = kvp.Value;

                if (member.ItemTypeModel.IsFixedSize)
                    // This should already be accounted for in table.NonPaddedMax size above.

                string variableName = $"index{index}Value";
                statements.Add($"var {variableName} = item.{member.PropertyInfo.Name};");

                string statement = $"runningSum += {this.InvokeGetMaxSizeMethod(member.ItemTypeModel, variableName)};";
                string condition = $"if ({variableName} != null)";
                if (member.ItemTypeModel is VectorTypeModel vectorModel && vectorModel.IsMemoryVector)
                    condition = string.Empty;

                statement =


            string body =
            int runningSum = {maxTableSize} + {maxVtableSize};
            {string.Join("\r\n", statements)};
            return runningSum;

            this.GenerateGetMaxSizeMethod(tableModel.ClrType, body);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the max size of the vector itself, not the uoffset_t as part of the containing table.
        /// </summary>
        private void ImplementVectorGetMaxSizeMethod(VectorTypeModel vectorModel)
            var    itemModel = vectorModel.ItemTypeModel;
            string body;

            // count of items + padding(uoffset_t);
            int    fixedSize      = sizeof(uint) + SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(sizeof(uint));
            string lengthProperty = $"item.{vectorModel.LengthPropertyName}";

            // Constant size items. We can reduce these reasonably well.
            if (itemModel.IsFixedSize)
                body = $"return {fixedSize} + {SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(itemModel.Alignment)} + ({vectorModel.PaddedMemberInlineSize} * {lengthProperty});";
            else if (itemModel.SchemaType == FlatBufferSchemaType.Table || itemModel.SchemaType == FlatBufferSchemaType.String)
                Debug.Assert(itemModel.Alignment == sizeof(uint));
                Debug.Assert(itemModel.InlineSize == sizeof(uint));

                body =
                    int length = {lengthProperty};
                    int runningSum = {fixedSize} + {SerializationHelpers.GetMaxPadding(itemModel.Alignment)} + ({vectorModel.PaddedMemberInlineSize} * length);
                    for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)
                        var itemTemp = item[i];
                        {CSharpHelpers.GetNonNullCheckInvocation(itemModel, "itemTemp")};
                        runningSum += {this.InvokeGetMaxSizeMethod(itemModel, "itemTemp")};
                    return runningSum;";
                throw new NotImplementedException("Vector.GetMaxSize is not implemented for schema type of " + itemModel.SchemaType);

            this.GenerateGetMaxSizeMethod(vectorModel.ClrType, body);