/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new ScrollBar instance. The new instance will not automatically be /// added to the GuiManager. /// </summary> /// <param name="cursor">The Cursor that the ScrollBar will interact with.</param> #endregion public ScrollBar(Cursor cursor) : base(cursor) { upButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(upButton); downButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(downButton); mPositionBar = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(mPositionBar); upButton.Click += new GuiMessage(OnUpButtonClick); downButton.Click += new GuiMessage(OnDownButtonClick); upButton.ScaleX = upButton.ScaleY = downButton.ScaleX = downButton.ScaleY = .95f; mSensitivity = .1; View = .1f; mPositionBar.SetPositionTL(0, 3); this.mNumberOfVertices = 6 + 6 + 18 + 18; // top button + bottom button + scrollbar (3*6) + base (3*6) ScaleX = 1; ScaleY = 5; FixBar(); }
public ActivityWindow() : base(GuiManager.Cursor) { GuiManager.AddWindow(this); ScaleX = 10; ScaleY = 6.5f; HasCloseButton = true; HasMoveBar = true; SetPositionTL(10, 52f); emitCurrent = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(emitCurrent); emitCurrent.ScaleX = 4.8f; emitCurrent.SetPositionTL(ScaleX - 4.6f, 2); emitCurrent.ScaleY = 1f; emitCurrent.Text = "Emit Current"; emitCurrent.Click += new GuiMessage(emitCurrentClick); emitAll = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(emitAll); emitAll.ScaleX = 4.5f; emitAll.SetPositionTL(ScaleX + 5, 2); emitAll.ScaleY = 1f; emitAll.Text = "Emit All"; emitAll.Click += new GuiMessage(emitAllClick); startStopCurrent = new ToggleButton(mCursor); AddWindow(startStopCurrent); startStopCurrent.ScaleX = 4.8f; startStopCurrent.SetText("Start Current", "Stop Current"); startStopCurrent.SetPositionTL(ScaleX - 4.6f, 5); startStopAll = new ToggleButton(mCursor); AddWindow(startStopAll); startStopAll.ScaleX = 4.5f; startStopAll.SetText("Start All", "Stop All"); startStopAll.SetPositionTL(ScaleX + 5, 5); clearAllButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(clearAllButton); clearAllButton.ScaleX = 8.5f; clearAllButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; clearAllButton.SetPositionTL(ScaleX, 8); clearAllButton.Text = ("Clear All"); clearAllButton.Click += new GuiMessage(clearAllButtonClick); numberOfSpritesDisplay = new TextDisplay(mCursor); AddWindow(numberOfSpritesDisplay); numberOfSpritesDisplay.Text = "Number of Sprites: 0"; numberOfSpritesDisplay.SetPositionTL(ScaleX - 10, 11); }
public TimeControlButtonWindow(Cursor cursor) : base(cursor) { //GuiManager.AddWindow(this); SetPositionTL(5.2f, 40); ScaleX = 5.2f; ScaleY = 1.95f; mName = "Time Controls"; mMoveBar = true; toStartButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(toStartButton); toStartButton.SetPositionTL(1.9f, 1.9f); toStartButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; toStartButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; toStartButton.SetOverlayTextures(10, 1); toStartButton.Click += new GuiMessage(toStartButtonClick); toStartButton.Text = "To Start"; stopButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(stopButton); stopButton.SetPositionTL(5.1f, 1.9f); stopButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; stopButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; stopButton.SetOverlayTextures(11, 1); stopButton.Click += new GuiMessage(stopButtonClick); stopButton.Text = "Stop"; playButton = new ToggleButton(mCursor); AddWindow(playButton); playButton.SetPositionTL(8.3f, 1.9f); playButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; playButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; playButton.SetOverlayTextures(9, 1); playButton.Click += new GuiMessage(playButtonClick); playButton.Text = "Play"; }
/// <summary> /// Creates a new TimeLine; /// </summary> /// <param name="cursor">The Cursor that will interact with the TimeLine.</param> #endregion public TimeLine(Cursor cursor) : base(cursor) { mMinimumValue = 0; mMaximumValue = double.PositiveInfinity;; mStart = 0; mValueWidth = 100; mScaleX = 10; mScaleY = 1.5f; positionBar = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(positionBar); positionBar.ScaleX = .5f; positionBar.ScaleY = 1; positionBar.Dragging += new GuiMessage(PositionBarDrag); positionBar.SetPositionTL(0, ScaleY); positionBar.overlayTL = new FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Point(0, 225 / 256.0f); positionBar.overlayTR = new FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Point(1 / 256.0f, 225 / 256.0f); positionBar.overlayBL = new FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Point(1 / 256.0f, 226 / 256.0f); positionBar.overlayBR = new FlatRedBall.Math.Geometry.Point(0, 226 / 256.0f); positionBar.Name = "TimeLine position bar"; SetBarToValue(); this.Click += new GuiMessage(ClickEvent); }
public ComboBoxWindow() : base(GuiManager.Cursor) { GuiManager.AddWindow(this); ScaleX = 12; ScaleY = 9; this.Closing += GuiManager.RemoveWindow; mTextField = new TextField(); mTextField.SetDimensions(-2, -8, 1, 23, 0); mTextField.Z = 100; mTextField.WindowParent = this; mComboBox = new ComboBox(mCursor); AddWindow(mComboBox); mComboBox.ScaleX = ScaleX - 2; mComboBox.ScaleY = 1.4f; mComboBox.SetPositionTL(ScaleX, 2 * ScaleY - 5); mCancelButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(mCancelButton); mCancelButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; mCancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; mCancelButton.SetPositionTL(2 * ScaleX - 5.2f, 2 * ScaleY - 2); mCancelButton.Click += GuiManager.RemoveWindow; mOkButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(mOkButton); mOkButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; mOkButton.Text = "Ok"; mOkButton.SetPositionTL(5.2f, 2 * ScaleY - 2); }
public TimeControlWindow() : base(GuiManager.Cursor) { GuiManager.AddWindow(this); SetPositionTL(11.5f, 72.6f); ScaleX = 11.5f; ScaleY = 1.95f; HasMoveBar = true; Name = "Time Controls"; toStartButton = AddButton(); toStartButton.SetPositionTL(1.9f, 1.9f); toStartButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; toStartButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; toStartButton.SetOverlayTextures(10, 1); toStartButton.Text = "To Start of Instruction Set"; toStartButton.Click += new GuiMessage(ToStartPushed); stopButton = AddButton(); stopButton.SetPositionTL(11.5f, 1.9f); stopButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; stopButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; stopButton.SetOverlayTextures(11, 1); stopButton.Text = "Stop"; stopButton.Click += new GuiMessage(StopPushed); playButton = AddToggleButton(); playButton.SetPositionTL(14.7f, 1.9f); playButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; playButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; playButton.SetOverlayTextures(9, 1); playButton.Text = "Play"; playButton.Click += new GuiMessage(PlayPushed); mCycleButton = AddToggleButton(); mCycleButton.SetPositionTL(17.9f, 1.9f); mCycleButton.ScaleX = 1.5f; mCycleButton.ScaleY = 1.5f; mCycleButton.SetOverlayTextures(8, 3); mCycleButton.SetText("Cycle Off", "Cycle On"); }
/// <summary> /// Instantiates a new ScrollBar using a GuiSkin. The new instance will not automatically be /// added to the GuiManager. /// </summary> /// <param name="guiSkin">The GuiSkin to customize the appearance of the ScrollBar.</param> /// <param name="cursor">The Cursor that the ScrollBar will interact with.</param> #endregion public ScrollBar(GuiSkin guiSkin, Cursor cursor) : base(guiSkin, cursor) { mScaleX = 1; mScaleY = 1; upButton = new Button(guiSkin, cursor); base.AddWindow(upButton); downButton = new Button(guiSkin, cursor); base.AddWindow(downButton); mPositionBar = new Button(guiSkin, cursor); base.AddWindow(mPositionBar); upButton.SpriteFrame.RelativeZ = -.01f * FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.ForwardVector3.Z; downButton.SpriteFrame.RelativeZ = -.01f * FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.ForwardVector3.Z; mPositionBar.SpriteFrame.RelativeZ = -.01f * FlatRedBall.Math.MathFunctions.ForwardVector3.Z; upButton.SpriteFrame.RelativeY = 10; downButton.SpriteFrame.RelativeY = -10; upButton.Click += new GuiMessage(OnUpButtonClick); downButton.Click += new GuiMessage(OnDownButtonClick); // upButton.ScaleX = upButton.ScaleY = downButton.ScaleX = downButton.ScaleY = .95f; mSensitivity = .1; View = .1f; mPositionBar.SetPositionTL(mScaleX, 3); }
public TimeLineWindow(Cursor cursor) : base(cursor) { GuiManager.AddWindow(this); SetPositionTL(55.2f, 80.1f); ScaleX = 55.2f; ScaleY = 3.3f; mName = "Time Line"; #region Zoom in button zoomInTimeLineButton = AddButton(); zoomInTimeLineButton.SetPositionTL(104.7474f, 4.5f); zoomInTimeLineButton.ScaleX = 1.1f; zoomInTimeLineButton.ScaleY = 1.1f; zoomInTimeLineButton.Text = "Zoom in time line"; zoomInTimeLineButton.SetOverlayTextures(3, 2); zoomInTimeLineButton.Click += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.ZoomInClick); #endregion #region Zoom out button zoomOutTimeLineButton = AddButton(); zoomOutTimeLineButton.SetPositionTL(102.2f, 4.5f); zoomOutTimeLineButton.ScaleX = 1.1f; zoomOutTimeLineButton.ScaleY = 1.1f; zoomOutTimeLineButton.Text = "Zoom out time line"; zoomOutTimeLineButton.SetOverlayTextures(2, 2); zoomOutTimeLineButton.Click += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.ZoomOutClick); #endregion #region Current time TextBox currentTimeTextBox = AddTextBox(); currentTimeTextBox.SetPositionTL(92, 4.3f); currentTimeTextBox.ScaleX = 6; currentTimeTextBox.ScaleY = 1.1f; currentTimeTextBox.Format = TextBox.FormatTypes.Decimal; currentTimeTextBox.LosingFocus += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.CurrentTimeTextBoxChange); currentTimeTextBox.Text = "0"; #endregion #region Insert Keyframe Button insertKeyframeButton = AddButton(); insertKeyframeButton.SetPositionTL(99.5f, 4.6f); insertKeyframeButton.ScaleX = 1.3f; insertKeyframeButton.ScaleY = 1.3f; insertKeyframeButton.Text = "Insert Keyframe"; insertKeyframeButton.SetOverlayTextures(4, 2); insertKeyframeButton.Click += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.InsertKeyframeClick); insertKeyframeButton.Visible = false; // need to remove this. #endregion #region Time Line timeLine = new MarkerTimeLine(cursor); AddWindow(timeLine); timeLine.ScaleX = 42.0f; timeLine.ScaleY = 2; timeLine.SetPositionTL(43.0f, this.ScaleY * 2 - 2.4f); timeLine.GuiChange += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.TimeLineGUIValueChange); timeLine.MarkerClick += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.KeyframeMarkerClick); timeLine.Start = 0; timeLine.TimeUnitDisplayed = TimeLine.TimeUnit.Second; timeLine.MinimumValue = 0; timeLine.MaximumValue = 999; timeLine.ValueWidth = 20; timeLine.AutoCalculateVerticalLineSpacing(); #endregion timeUnit = this.AddComboBox(); timeUnit.ScaleX = 6f; timeUnit.AddItem("Milliseconds"); timeUnit.AddItem("Seconds"); timeUnit.Text = "Seconds"; timeUnit.SetPositionTL(92f, 1.8f); timeUnit.ItemClick += new GuiMessage(TimeLineMessages.TimeUnitChange); #region All or Current Combo Box mAllOrCurrent = this.AddComboBox(); mAllOrCurrent.ScaleX = 5; mAllOrCurrent.SetPositionTL(104, 1.8f); mAllOrCurrent.AddItem("All", InstructionMode.All); mAllOrCurrent.AddItem("Current", InstructionMode.Current); mAllOrCurrent.Text = "All"; mAllOrCurrent.SelectedObject = InstructionMode.All; mAllOrCurrent.ItemClick += AllOrCurrentItemClick; #endregion }
// Methods public DeleteTextureWindow(Texture2D textureToDelete, List<Texture2D> allTextures) : base(GuiManager.Cursor) { this.textureToDelete = textureToDelete; this.allTextures = allTextures; GuiManager.AddWindow(this); this.ScaleX = 15f; this.ScaleY = 10.5f; base.HasMoveBar = true; base.mName = "Delete " + FileManager.MakeRelative(textureToDelete.Name, FileManager.RelativeDirectory) + "?"; mMessage = new TextDisplay(mCursor); AddWindow(mMessage); mMessage.Text = FileManager.MakeRelative(textureToDelete.Name, FileManager.RelativeDirectory) + " is being referenced by other objects. What would you like to do?"; mMessage.X = .5f; mMessage.Y = 1.3f; mMessage.Text = TextManager.InsertNewLines( mMessage.Text, GuiManager.TextSpacing, this.ScaleX * 2 - 1, TextManager.DefaultFont); //throw new NotImplementedException("Need to support the text field here"); this.comboBox = new ComboBox(mCursor); AddWindow(comboBox); this.comboBox.SetPositionTL(this.ScaleX, 13f); this.comboBox.ScaleX = 13f; this.comboBox.AddItem("Delete objects referencing texture"); if (allTextures.Count > 1) { this.comboBox.AddItem("Replace texture"); } this.comboBox.Text = "Delete objects referencing texture"; this.comboBox.ItemClick += new GuiMessage(this.ComboBoxOptionSelect); this.textureList = new ComboBox(mCursor); AddWindow(textureList); this.textureList.ScaleX = 13f; this.textureList.SetPositionTL(this.ScaleX, 15.5f); this.textureList.Visible = false; foreach (Texture2D frbt in allTextures) { if (frbt != textureToDelete) { if (this.textureList.Count == 0) { this.textureList.Text = frbt.Name; } this.textureList.AddItem(frbt.Name, frbt); } } Button okButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(okButton); okButton.Text = "Ok"; okButton.ScaleX = 3.5f; okButton.ScaleY = 1.4f; okButton.SetPositionTL(7f, 18.5f); okButton.Click += new GuiMessage(this.OkButtonClick); Button cancelButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(cancelButton); cancelButton.Text = "Cancel"; cancelButton.ScaleX = 3.5f; cancelButton.ScaleY = 1.4f; cancelButton.SetPositionTL(23f, 18.5f); cancelButton.Click += new GuiMessage(this.ClosingWindow); }
public UpDown(Cursor cursor) : base(cursor) { if (GuiManager.guiTexture == null) { throw new System.NullReferenceException("GuiTexture not set - cannot add UpDown"); } mScaleX = 4.2f; mScaleY = 1.3f; MaxValue = float.PositiveInfinity; MinValue = float.NegativeInfinity; mCurrentValue = 0; mChange = 0; Sensitivity = .1f; mUpDownButton = new Button(mCursor); AddWindow(mUpDownButton); mUpDownButton.SetPositionTL(ScaleX + 2.2f, ScaleY); mUpDownButton.ScaleX = .6f; mUpDownButton.ScaleY = 1; mUpDownButton.MouseWheelScroll += MouseWheelEvent; mTextBox = new TextBox(mCursor); AddWindow(mTextBox); mTextBox.SetPositionTL(ScaleX - 1.0f, ScaleY); mTextBox.ScaleX = 2.8f; mTextBox.Format = TextBox.FormatTypes.Decimal; mTextBox.Text = mCurrentValue.ToString(); mTextBox.MouseWheelScroll += MouseWheelEvent; SetInternalEvents(); //this.onLosingFocus += new GuiMessage(textBoxChangeValue); }