public clsResult Translate(int SectionNum, clsINIRead.clsSectionTranslator Translator, ref clsINIRead.sErrorCount ErrorCount) { clsResult result = new clsResult("Section " + this.Name); int num2 = this.Properties.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= num2; i++) { sProperty property; switch (Translator.Translate(SectionNum, this.Properties[i])) { case clsINIRead.enumTranslatorResult.NameUnknown: if (ErrorCount.NameErrorCount < 0x10) { property = this.Properties[i]; result.WarningAdd("Property name \"" + property.Name + "\" is unknown."); } ErrorCount.NameErrorCount++; break; case clsINIRead.enumTranslatorResult.ValueInvalid: if (ErrorCount.ValueErrorCount < 0x10) { string[] strArray = new string[5]; strArray[0] = "Value \""; sProperty property2 = this.Properties[i]; strArray[1] = property2.Value; strArray[2] = "\" for property name \""; property = this.Properties[i]; strArray[3] = property.Name; strArray[4] = "\" is not valid."; result.WarningAdd(string.Concat(strArray)); } ErrorCount.ValueErrorCount++; break; } } return result; }
public abstract clsINIRead.enumTranslatorResult Translate(clsINIRead.clsSection.sProperty INIProperty);
public clsResult Translate(clsINIRead.clsTranslator Translator) { clsINIRead.sErrorCount count; clsResult result = new clsResult("Section " + this.Name); count.NameWarningCountMax = 0x10; count.ValueWarningCountMax = 0x10; int num2 = this.Properties.Count - 1; for (int i = 0; i <= num2; i++) { sProperty property; switch (Translator.Translate(this.Properties[i])) { case clsINIRead.enumTranslatorResult.NameUnknown: if (count.NameErrorCount < 0x10) { property = this.Properties[i]; result.WarningAdd("Property name \"" + property.Name + "\" is unknown."); } count.NameErrorCount++; break; case clsINIRead.enumTranslatorResult.ValueInvalid: if (count.ValueErrorCount < 0x10) { string[] strArray = new string[5]; strArray[0] = "Value \""; sProperty property2 = this.Properties[i]; strArray[1] = property2.Value; strArray[2] = "\" for property name \""; property = this.Properties[i]; strArray[3] = property.Name; strArray[4] = "\" is not valid."; result.WarningAdd(string.Concat(strArray)); } count.ValueErrorCount++; break; } } if (count.NameErrorCount > count.NameWarningCountMax) { result.WarningAdd("There were " + Conversions.ToString(count.NameErrorCount) + " unknown property names that were ignored."); } if (count.ValueErrorCount > count.ValueWarningCountMax) { result.WarningAdd("There were " + Conversions.ToString(count.ValueErrorCount) + " invalid values that were ignored."); } return result; }