public override void Do(UITransitionContext context, Action <string, UITransitionContext> onComplete) { if (!Validate(context.from)) { return; } StartCoroutine(Execute(context, onComplete)); }
private void Show(RouterItem routerItem) { if (routerItem.panel == null) { Debug.LogError("Can not transition to null view."); return; } if (topPanel != null && topPanel.Equals(routerItem.panel) && routerItem.mode == RouterHistoryMode.pushState) { RefreshCurrentView(); CheckQueue(); return; } if (IsPanelInStack(routerItem.panel)) { Debug.LogError("Component already in stack, can not spawn copies of component."); return; } if (routerItem.config == null) { Debug.LogError("Transition config must be defined to display component."); return; } IUITransitable currentPanel = topPanel; UITransition transition = Registry.transitionRegistry[routerItem.config.type]; if (transition == null) { Debug.LogError("No transition with id: " + routerItem.config.type.ToString() + " found."); return; } transitionInProcess = true; UITransitionContext context = new UITransitionContext(routerItem.config, currentPanel, routerItem.panel); transition.Do(context, (string error, UITransitionContext inContext) => { transitionInProcess = false; if (error != null) { Debug.LogError(error); return; } if (inContext.from != null && routerItem.mode == RouterHistoryMode.replaceState) { viewStack.RemoveFirst(); } viewStack.AddFirst(routerItem.panel); routerItem.panel.OnUITransitionComplete(); CheckQueue(); }); }
protected override void PreExecute(UITransitionContext context, ScreenOffset from, ScreenOffset to, ref AnimationContext animContext) { Utils.CalcPanelNDCRect(context.from.rect, from.offsetX, from.offsetY, ref animContext.rectFrom); Utils.CalcPanelNDCRect(context.from.rect, to.offsetX, to.offsetY, ref animContext.rectTo); EnableComponent(; if (context.from != null && context.from.rect != null) { Utils.SetInteractable(context.from.rect.transform, false); context.from.OnUIDisable(); } }
protected override void PostExecute(UITransitionContext context, ref AnimationContext animContext, bool hideSourcePanel) { RectTransform rc = context.from.rect; rc.offsetMin = animContext.rectTo.GetMinExtents(); rc.offsetMax = animContext.rectTo.GetMaxExtents(); if (context.from != null && context.from.rect != null) { context.from.rect.gameObject.SetActive(false); context.from.OnUIHide(); } }
protected virtual void ExecuteStep(UITransitionContext context, ref AnimationContext animContext) { RectTransform rc =; float t = animContext.elapsedTime / context.config.duration; if (t > 1.0f) { t = 1.0f; } rc.offsetMin = animContext.rectFrom.GetMinExtents() * (1.0f - t) + animContext.rectTo.GetMinExtents() * t; rc.offsetMax = animContext.rectFrom.GetMaxExtents() * (1.0f - t) + animContext.rectTo.GetMaxExtents() * t; animContext.elapsedTime += Time.deltaTime; }
private IEnumerator Execute(UITransitionContext context, Action <string, UITransitionContext> onComplete) { AnimationContext animContext = new AnimationContext(); Config config = (Config)context.config; PreExecute(context, new ScreenOffset(Utils.OffsetCalcMode.Centered, Utils.OffsetCalcMode.Centered), CalcScreenOffset(config.direction), ref animContext); while (animContext.elapsedTime < context.config.duration) { ExecuteStep(context, ref animContext); yield return(null); } PostExecute(context, ref animContext, false); onComplete.Invoke(null, context); yield break; }
public override void HideTopmost(UITransitionConfig config) { if (viewStack.Count <= 0) { Debug.LogError("No Component"); return; } if (config == null) { Debug.LogError("config null"); return; } IUITransitable currentPanel = topPanel; IUITransitable toPanel = viewStack.Count > 1 ? viewStack.Skip(1).First() : null; UITransition transition = Registry.transitionRegistry[config.type]; if (transition == null) { Debug.LogError("No transition found to hide view."); return; } transitionInProcess = true; UITransitionContext context = new UITransitionContext(config, currentPanel, toPanel); transition.Do(context, (string error, UITransitionContext inContext) => { transitionInProcess = false; if (error != null) { Debug.LogError(error); return; } viewStack.RemoveFirst(); CheckQueue(); }); }
protected virtual void PreExecute(UITransitionContext context, ScreenOffset from, ScreenOffset to, ref AnimationContext animContext) { Utils.CalcPanelNDCRect(, from.offsetX, from.offsetY, ref animContext.rectFrom); Utils.CalcPanelNDCRect(, to.offsetX, to.offsetY, ref animContext.rectTo); EnableComponent(; RectTransform rc =; rc.offsetMin = new Vector2(animContext.rectFrom.xMin, animContext.rectFrom.yMin); rc.offsetMax = new Vector2(animContext.rectFrom.xMax, animContext.rectFrom.yMax); rc.SetAsLastSibling(); if (context.from != null && context.from.rect != null) { Utils.SetInteractable(context.from.rect.transform, false); context.from.OnUIDisable(); } }
public virtual void Do(UITransitionContext context, Action <string, UITransitionContext> onComplete) { }