コード例 #1
        // new method . Uses the GoogleAPI to work out the distance from A to B
        //might want to swap this, so that it gets the location and time taken, in which case you'll want to pass in the object instead of locationB...
        //public int getDistanceFromAtoB(String locationA, String locationB)
        public int getDistanceFromAtoB(String locationA, String locationBLatitude, String locationBLongitude, string travelmode)
            // setting up the variables
            ApiCaller           api        = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparserdistances jsonParser = new JSONparserdistances(); // Changed this too the new JSON parser
            String apiAddress = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json";

            // calling the api
            String jsonString = api.GET(apiAddress + "?" + origin(locationA) + "&" + destination(locationBLatitude, locationBLongitude) + "&" + mode(travelmode) + "&" + apiKey());

            // parse and return the result
コード例 #2
        // new method . Uses the GoogleAPI to work out the distance from A to B
        //might want to swap this, so that it gets the location and time taken, in which case you'll want to pass in the object instead of locationB...
        //public int getDistanceFromAtoB(String locationA, String locationB)
        public int getDistanceFromAtoB(String locationA, String locationBLatitude, String locationBLongitude, string travelmode)
            // setting up the variables
            ApiCaller api = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparserdistances jsonParser = new JSONparserdistances(); // Changed this too the new JSON parser
            String apiAddress = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json";

            // calling the api
            String jsonString = api.GET(apiAddress + "?" + origin(locationA) + "&" + destination(locationBLatitude, locationBLongitude) + "&" + mode(travelmode) + "&" + apiKey());

            // parse and return the result
            return jsonParser.extractDistanceFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
コード例 #3
        public List<Event> GetEvents(string days)
            String apiAddress = "http://api.football-data.org/v1/soccerseasons/398/fixtures";
            string apiAddressWithParams = apiAddress + urlParameters(days);

            ApiCaller api = new ApiCaller();
            String jsonString = api.GET(apiAddressWithParams);

            // calls the API and gets a String

            // convert the string to a list of events – see below for this method
            JSONparser jsonParser = new JSONparser();
            return jsonParser.GetInfoFromWholeFootballDataComJSONstring(jsonString);
コード例 #4
        public List <Event> GetEvents(string days)
            String apiAddress           = "http://api.football-data.org/v1/soccerseasons/398/fixtures";
            string apiAddressWithParams = apiAddress + urlParameters(days);

            ApiCaller api        = new ApiCaller();
            String    jsonString = api.GET(apiAddressWithParams);

            // calls the API and gets a String

            // convert the string to a list of events – see below for this method
            JSONparser jsonParser = new JSONparser();

コード例 #5
        public Event PopulateEventWithDistances(Event currentEvent, String locationA, string travelmode)
            // setting up the variables
            ApiCaller           api        = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparserdistances jsonParser = new JSONparserdistances(); // Changed this too the new JSON parser
            String apiAddress = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json";

            String addressToCall = apiAddress + "?" + origin(locationA) + "&" + destination(currentEvent.locationLatitude, currentEvent.locationLongitude) + "&" + mode(travelmode) + "&" + apiKey();

            // calling the api
            String jsonString = api.GET(addressToCall);

            currentEvent.distance         = jsonParser.extractDistanceFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.duration         = jsonParser.extractTimeTakenFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.durationFriendly = jsonParser.extractFriendlyTimeTakenFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.distanceFriendly = convertFromMetersToMiles(currentEvent.distance);

コード例 #6
        //adding in the events to the parameter
        public List<Event> distancefromLocation(List<Event> events, string location, string travelmode)
            ApiCaller api = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparser jsonParser = new JSONparser();

            // calls the API and gets a String
            //String jsonString = api.GET(apiAddress + urlParameters(location)); //PS 2/12/2015: commented this out as it's in the for loop now

            // convert the string to a list of events – see below for this method
            //List<Event> events = jsonParser.GetInfoFromWholeFootballDataComJSONstring(jsonString);

            // right, so: location is the current location of the user
            // so we're going to go through each event in the 'events' list and work out the location from the event to the current location
            foreach(Event currentEvent in events)
                //currentEvent.distance = getDistanceFromAtoB(location, currentEvent.locationLatitude, currentEvent.locationLongitude);
                PopulateEventWithDistances(currentEvent, location, travelmode);

            // returns the events
            return events;
コード例 #7
        public List <Event> distancefromLocation(List <Event> events, string location, string travelmode) //adding in the events to the parameter
            ApiCaller  api        = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparser jsonParser = new JSONparser();

            // calls the API and gets a String
            //String jsonString = api.GET(apiAddress + urlParameters(location)); //PS 2/12/2015: commented this out as it's in the for loop now

            // convert the string to a list of events – see below for this method
            //List<Event> events = jsonParser.GetInfoFromWholeFootballDataComJSONstring(jsonString);

            // right, so: location is the current location of the user
            // so we're going to go through each event in the 'events' list and work out the location from the event to the current location
            foreach (Event currentEvent in events)
                //currentEvent.distance = getDistanceFromAtoB(location, currentEvent.locationLatitude, currentEvent.locationLongitude);
                PopulateEventWithDistances(currentEvent, location, travelmode);

            // returns the events
コード例 #8
        public Event PopulateEventWithDistances(Event currentEvent, String locationA, string travelmode)
            // setting up the variables
            ApiCaller api = new ApiCaller();
            JSONparserdistances jsonParser = new JSONparserdistances(); // Changed this too the new JSON parser
            String apiAddress = "https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/distancematrix/json";

            String addressToCall = apiAddress + "?" + origin(locationA) + "&" + destination(currentEvent.locationLatitude, currentEvent.locationLongitude) + "&" + mode(travelmode) + "&" + apiKey();

            // calling the api
            String jsonString = api.GET(addressToCall);

            currentEvent.distance = jsonParser.extractDistanceFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.duration = jsonParser.extractTimeTakenFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.durationFriendly = jsonParser.extractFriendlyTimeTakenFromGoogleMapsJsonString(jsonString);
            currentEvent.distanceFriendly = convertFromMetersToMiles(currentEvent.distance);

            return currentEvent;