public static void Main() { int day_of_competition = 1; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Travis County Fishing Competition! You have 31 days to catch a \n" + "150 lbs Carp."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Upgrading your rod will allow you to hold on to bigger catches, while upgrading your bait will " + "allow you to catch bigger and better fish."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("At the end of each day, you can sell your catches to earn more money. \n" + "To begin press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); bool loop = true; while (loop == true) { //Opening text each turn Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\nWelcome to day {0} of the Travis County Fishing Competition!\n", day_of_competition); //Choose a Rod current_rod = inv.DisplayRods(); //Choose a Bait current_bait = inv.DisplayBait(); //Begin the day's fishing and return the day's catches inv.catch_of_the_day = pond.Cast(current_rod, current_bait); //Display the day's catches and sell them inv.sell_fish(); Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); //Check for win if (inv.goal_reached == true) { Console.WriteLine("You win! You caught a 150 lbs carp in " + day_of_competition + " days!" + "\n\nPlease press Enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } //Ending Sequence if (day_of_competition >= 31) { Console.WriteLine("Sometimes the fish just aren't biting...Maybe next month!\n\nPlease press Enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); loop = false; } else { day_of_competition++; } } }
public FishingRod DisplayRods() { bool loop = true; while (loop == true) { byte counter = 1; Console.WriteLine(" " + "Rod" + "\t\t\t" + " Cost" + "\t" + " Max Poundage\n"); foreach (FishingRod rod in rods) { StringBuilder amount_of_space = new StringBuilder(" "); amount_of_space.Length = (20 - + 4; string printout = counter + " " + + amount_of_space + "$" + rod.cost + "\t\t"; if ( == "Heavy Graphite") { printout += "NO MAX"; } else { printout += rod.max_poundage + " lbs"; } Console.WriteLine(printout); counter++; } Console.WriteLine("\n" + "Choose a Rod: " + "\t\t\t Wallet: $" + Math.Round(wallet, 2)); string rodchoice = Console.ReadLine(); string[] possiblechoices = { "1", "2", "3", "4", "5" }; foreach (string choice in possiblechoices) { if (rodchoice == choice) { Byte bytechoice = Convert.ToByte(choice); foreach (FishingRod rod in rods) { rod.current = false; } FishingRod chosenrod = rods[bytechoice - 1]; if (chosenrod.cost <= wallet) { chosenrod.current = true; wallet -= chosenrod.cost; chosenrod.cost = 0; return(chosenrod); //Return the chosen rod } } } } return(rods[0]); }
//Determines what the player catches based on what the current rod and bait is this round public List <Fish> Cast(FishingRod current_rod, Bait current_bait) { caughtfish.Clear(); string caught = ""; double weight = 0; for (byte i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { int randomcatch = RandomInt.Next(1, 20 + 1); //Check if player catches a fish at all if (randomcatch + current_bait.catch_chance_increase >= 20) { int whichfish = RandomInt.Next(current_bait.min_roll, current_bait.max_roll + 1); //Determines the kind of fish caught foreach (Fish fish in pondfish) { if (whichfish >= fish.min_catch_roll) { if (whichfish <= fish.max_catch_roll) { Fish landedfish = new Fish(, fish.min_catch_roll, fish.max_catch_roll, fish.min_weight, fish.max_weight, fish.price_per_pound); landedfish.weight = landedfish.min_weight + RandomDouble.NextDouble() * (landedfish.max_weight - landedfish.min_weight); if (landedfish.weight >= current_rod.max_poundage) { caught = "Your rod is too small, the line broke!"; weight = 0; } else { caughtfish.Add(landedfish); caught =; weight = landedfish.weight; } } } } } else { caught = "No Bite"; weight = 0; } string printout = ("Chance " + i + "..." + caught); Thread.Sleep(120); if (weight != 0) { printout += (", " + Math.Round(weight, 2) + " lbs"); } Console.WriteLine(printout); } return(caughtfish); }
//Determines what the player catches based on what the current rod and bait is this round public List<Fish> Cast(FishingRod current_rod, Bait current_bait) { caughtfish.Clear(); string caught = ""; double weight = 0; for (byte i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { int randomcatch = RandomInt.Next(1, 20 + 1); //Check if player catches a fish at all if (randomcatch + current_bait.catch_chance_increase >= 20) { int whichfish = RandomInt.Next(current_bait.min_roll, current_bait.max_roll + 1); //Determines the kind of fish caught foreach (Fish fish in pondfish) { if (whichfish >= fish.min_catch_roll) { if (whichfish <= fish.max_catch_roll) { Fish landedfish = new Fish(, fish.min_catch_roll, fish.max_catch_roll, fish.min_weight, fish.max_weight, fish.price_per_pound); landedfish.weight = landedfish.min_weight + RandomDouble.NextDouble() * (landedfish.max_weight - landedfish.min_weight); if (landedfish.weight >= current_rod.max_poundage) { caught = "Your rod is too small, the line broke!"; weight = 0; } else { caughtfish.Add(landedfish); caught =; weight = landedfish.weight; } } } } } else { caught = "No Bite"; weight = 0; } string printout = ("Chance " + i + "..." + caught); Thread.Sleep(120); if (weight != 0) printout += (", " + Math.Round(weight, 2) + " lbs"); Console.WriteLine(printout); } return caughtfish; }
public static void Main() { int day_of_competition = 1; Console.WriteLine("Welcome to the Travis County Fishing Competition! You have 31 days to catch a \n" + "150 lbs Carp."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("Upgrading your rod will allow you to hold on to bigger catches, while upgrading your bait will " + "allow you to catch bigger and better fish."); Console.ReadLine(); Console.WriteLine("At the end of each day, you can sell your catches to earn more money. \n" + "To begin press Enter"); Console.ReadLine(); bool loop = true; while (loop == true) { //Opening text each turn Console.WriteLine("\n\n\n\n\nWelcome to day {0} of the Travis County Fishing Competition!\n", day_of_competition); //Choose a Rod current_rod = inv.DisplayRods(); //Choose a Bait current_bait = inv.DisplayBait(); //Begin the day's fishing and return the day's catches inv.catch_of_the_day = pond.Cast(current_rod, current_bait); //Display the day's catches and sell them inv.sell_fish(); Console.WriteLine("\nPress Enter to continue..."); Console.ReadLine(); //Check for win if (inv.goal_reached == true) { Console.WriteLine("You win! You caught a 150 lbs carp in " + day_of_competition + " days!" + "\n\nPlease press Enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); break; } //Ending Sequence if (day_of_competition >= 31) { Console.WriteLine("Sometimes the fish just aren't biting...Maybe next month!\n\nPlease press Enter to exit"); Console.ReadLine(); loop = false; } else day_of_competition ++; } }