/// <summary> /// Updates the TrackOrder values for the tracks that remain for the PlayerID by incrementing any Tracks that have a TrackOrder value /// greater than the provided trackOrder. /// </summary> /// <param name="playerID">The ID of the Player.</param> /// <param name="trackOrder">The TrackOrder value.</param> /// <returns>The number of rows affected by the update.</returns> public static int AdjustTrackOrdersForDelete(int playerId, int trackOrder) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("UPDATE mp_MediaTrack "); sqlCommand.Append("SET TrackOrder = TrackOrder - 1 "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE "); sqlCommand.Append("PlayerID = @PlayerID "); sqlCommand.Append("AND TrackOrder > @TrackOrder "); sqlCommand.Append(";"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[2]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@PlayerID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = playerId; arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@TrackOrder", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = trackOrder; int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( ConnectionString.GetWriteConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected; }
public async Task<int> Create( int siteId, string userId, string claimType, string claimValue) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[4]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter(":UserId", FbDbType.VarChar, 128); arParams[0].Value = userId; arParams[1] = new FbParameter(":ClaimType", FbDbType.VarChar, -1); arParams[1].Value = claimType; arParams[2] = new FbParameter(":ClaimValue", FbDbType.VarChar, -1); arParams[2].Value = claimValue; arParams[3] = new FbParameter(":SiteId", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[3].Value = siteId; string statement = "EXECUTE PROCEDURE mp_USERCLAIMS_INSERT (" + AdoHelper.GetParamString(arParams.Length) + ")"; object result = await AdoHelper.ExecuteScalarAsync( writeConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, statement, arParams); int newID = Convert.ToInt32(result); return newID; }
public static int Create( string userId, string claimType, string claimValue) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[3]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter(":UserId", FbDbType.VarChar, 128); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = userId; arParams[1] = new FbParameter(":ClaimType", FbDbType.VarChar, -1); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = claimType; arParams[2] = new FbParameter(":ClaimValue", FbDbType.VarChar, -1); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = claimValue; string statement = "EXECUTE PROCEDURE mp_USERCLAIMS_INSERT (" + FBSqlHelper.GetParamString(arParams.Length) + ")"; int newID = Convert.ToInt32(FBSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar( ConnectionString.GetWriteConnectionString(), CommandType.StoredProcedure, statement, arParams)); return newID; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_RedirectList table. Returns rows affected count. /// </summary> /// <param name="rowGuid"> rowGuid </param> /// <param name="siteGuid"> siteGuid </param> /// <param name="siteID"> siteID </param> /// <param name="oldUrl"> oldUrl </param> /// <param name="newUrl"> newUrl </param> /// <param name="createdUtc"> createdUtc </param> /// <param name="expireUtc"> expireUtc </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public int Create( Guid rowGuid, Guid siteGuid, int siteID, string oldUrl, string newUrl, DateTime createdUtc, DateTime expireUtc) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[7]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@RowGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[0].Value = rowGuid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@SiteGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[1].Value = siteGuid.ToString(); arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@SiteID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[2].Value = siteID; arParams[3] = new FbParameter("@OldUrl", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[3].Value = oldUrl; arParams[4] = new FbParameter("@NewUrl", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[4].Value = newUrl; arParams[5] = new FbParameter("@CreatedUtc", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[5].Value = createdUtc; arParams[6] = new FbParameter("@ExpireUtc", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[6].Value = expireUtc; StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_RedirectList ("); sqlCommand.Append("RowGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteID, "); sqlCommand.Append("OldUrl, "); sqlCommand.Append("NewUrl, "); sqlCommand.Append("CreatedUtc, "); sqlCommand.Append("ExpireUtc )"); sqlCommand.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlCommand.Append("@RowGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteID, "); sqlCommand.Append("@OldUrl, "); sqlCommand.Append("@NewUrl, "); sqlCommand.Append("@CreatedUtc, "); sqlCommand.Append("@ExpireUtc )"); sqlCommand.Append(";"); int rowsAffected = AdoHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( writeConnectionString, sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected; }
public DbDataReader GetUserCountByYearMonth(int siteId) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT "); sqlCommand.Append("EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DateCreated) As Y, "); sqlCommand.Append("EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateCreated) As M, "); sqlCommand.Append("EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DateCreated) || '-' || EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateCreated) As Label, "); sqlCommand.Append("COUNT(*) As Users "); sqlCommand.Append("FROM "); sqlCommand.Append("mp_Users "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteID = @SiteID "); sqlCommand.Append("GROUP BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DateCreated), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateCreated) "); sqlCommand.Append("ORDER BY EXTRACT(YEAR FROM DateCreated), EXTRACT(MONTH FROM DateCreated) "); sqlCommand.Append("; "); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[1]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@SiteID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Value = siteId; return AdoHelper.ExecuteReader( readConnectionString, sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); }
public static void AddFeature(int siteId, int moduleDefId) { if (HasFeature(siteId, moduleDefId)) return; StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_SiteModuleDefinitions "); sqlCommand.Append("( "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteID, "); sqlCommand.Append("ModuleDefID "); sqlCommand.Append(") "); sqlCommand.Append("VALUES "); sqlCommand.Append("( "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteID, "); sqlCommand.Append("@ModuleDefID "); sqlCommand.Append(") ;"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[2]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@SiteID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = siteId; arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@ModuleDefID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = moduleDefId; FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( GetConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); }
public DateTime CambiarFechaSacrificio(Producto AProducto) { string pSentencia = "UPDATE DRASPROD SET FECHA_SACRIFICIO = @FECHASAC WHERE CLAVE = @CLAVE RETURNING FECHA_SACRIFICIO"; FbConnection con = _Conexiones.ObtenerConexion(); FbCommand com = new FbCommand(pSentencia, con); com.Parameters.Add("@CLAVE", FbDbType.VarChar).Value = AProducto.Clave; com.Parameters.Add("@FECHASAC", FbDbType.TimeStamp).Value = AProducto.Fecha_Sacrificio; FbParameter pOutParameter = new FbParameter("@FECHA_SACRIFICIO", FbDbType.TimeStamp); pOutParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; com.Parameters.Add(pOutParameter); try { con.Open(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } } return (DateTime)pOutParameter.Value; }
public async Task<bool> Add( Guid guid, Guid siteGuid, string folderName) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_SiteFolders ("); sqlCommand.Append("Guid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("FolderName )"); sqlCommand.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlCommand.Append("@Guid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@FolderName );"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[3]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@Guid", FbDbType.VarChar, 36); arParams[0].Value = guid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@SiteGuid", FbDbType.VarChar, 36); arParams[1].Value = siteGuid.ToString(); arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@FolderName", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[2].Value = folderName; int rowsAffected = await AdoHelper.ExecuteNonQueryAsync( writeConnectionString, sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected > 0; }
public Stream GetFilters(string CustomerId) { FbParameter cust = new FbParameter("customer_id", CustomerId); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = contentType; return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetJson("customer_criteria_list", cust))); }
public Stream GetTopics(string CustomerId, string ProviderId) { FbParameter cust = new FbParameter("customer_id", CustomerId); FbParameter supplierId = new FbParameter("supplier_id", ProviderId); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = contentType; return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetJson("supplier_topic_list", "list", supplierId, cust))); }
public CanalProgramado InsertarLoteSacrificio(CCall ACanal) { string pSentencia = "INSERT INTO DRASCCALL (GRANJA, LOTE, FECHA, CANALES) VALUES (@GRANJA, @LOTE, @FECHA, @CANALES) RETURNING CLAVE"; FbConnection con = _Conexion.ObtenerConexion(); FbCommand com = new FbCommand(pSentencia, con); com.Parameters.Add("@GRANJA", FbDbType.Integer).Value = ACanal.Granja; com.Parameters.Add("@LOTE", FbDbType.VarChar).Value = ACanal.Lote; com.Parameters.Add("@FECHA", FbDbType.Integer).Value = ACanal.Fecha; com.Parameters.Add("@CANALES", FbDbType.Integer).Value = ACanal.Canales; FbParameter pOutParameter = new FbParameter("@CLAVE", FbDbType.Integer); pOutParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; com.Parameters.Add(pOutParameter); try { con.Open(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } } return ObtenerCanalProgramado((int)pOutParameter.Value); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_BannedIPAddresses table. Returns new integer id. /// </summary> /// <param name="bannedIP"> bannedIP </param> /// <param name="bannedUTC"> bannedUTC </param> /// <param name="bannedReason"> bannedReason </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public int Add( string bannedIP, DateTime bannedUtc, string bannedReason) { #region Bit Conversion #endregion FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[3]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter(":BannedIP", FbDbType.VarChar, 50); arParams[0].Value = bannedIP; arParams[1] = new FbParameter(":BannedUTC", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[1].Value = bannedUtc; arParams[2] = new FbParameter(":BannedReason", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[2].Value = bannedReason; int newID = Convert.ToInt32(AdoHelper.ExecuteScalar( writeConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "EXECUTE PROCEDURE MP_BANNEDIPADDRESSES_INSERT (" + AdoHelper.GetParamString(arParams.Length) + ")", arParams)); return newID; }
public static bool ContratoTemItens(string contrato) { bool retorno = false; conn = AcessoDados.AcessoDados.getConn(); FbCommand comando = new FbCommand("select COUNT(*) as contador from sci_licitacao_contrato_itens lci where lci.ctrcod = @CONTRATO",conn); FbParameter IDCONTRATO = new FbParameter("@CONTRATO", FbDbType.Integer); IDCONTRATO.Value = contrato; comando.Parameters.Add(IDCONTRATO); conn.Open(); FbDataReader dr = comando.ExecuteReader(); while (dr.Read()) { if (Convert.ToInt16(dr["contador"]) > 0) { retorno = true; } else { retorno = false; } } conn.Close(); comando.Dispose(); return retorno; }
public static bool AccountLockout(Guid userGuid, DateTime lockoutTime) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("UPDATE mp_Users "); sqlCommand.Append("SET IsLockedOut = 1, "); sqlCommand.Append("LastLockoutDate = @LockoutTime "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE UserGuid = @UserGuid ;"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[2]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@UserGuid", FbDbType.VarChar, 36); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = userGuid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@LockoutTime", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = lockoutTime; int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( GetConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return (rowsAffected > 0); }
public LoteNoInventariable InsertarLoteNoInventariable(LoteNoInventariable ALote) { string pSentencia = "INSERT INTO LOTES_NO_INVENTARIABLES (LOTE) VALUES (@LOTE) RETURNING ID"; FbConnection con = _Conexion.ObtenerConexion(); FbCommand com = new FbCommand(pSentencia, con); com.Parameters.Add("@LOTE", FbDbType.Integer).Value = ALote.Lote; FbParameter pOutParameter = new FbParameter("@ID", FbDbType.Integer); pOutParameter.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; com.Parameters.Add(pOutParameter); try { con.Open(); com.ExecuteNonQuery(); } finally { if (con.State == System.Data.ConnectionState.Open) { con.Close(); } } return ObtenerLote((int)pOutParameter.Value); }
public void ConstructorsTest() { FbParameter ctor01 = new FbParameter(); FbParameter ctor02 = new FbParameter("ctor2", 10); FbParameter ctor03 = new FbParameter("ctor3", FbDbType.Char); FbParameter ctor04 = new FbParameter("ctor4", FbDbType.Integer, 4); FbParameter ctor05 = new FbParameter("ctor5", FbDbType.Integer, 4, "int_field"); FbParameter ctor06 = new FbParameter( "ctor6", FbDbType.Integer, 4, ParameterDirection.Input, false, 0, 0, "int_field", DataRowVersion.Original, 100); ctor01 = null; ctor02 = null; ctor03 = null; ctor04 = null; ctor05 = null; ctor06 = null; }
public static void ExecuteProcedureNonQuery(string spName, FbParameter[] parameters, FbTransactionBehavior tranBeh) { OpenConnection(); if ((!storedProcs.ContainsKey(spName)) || (storedProcs[spName].Parameters.Count != parameters.Length)) { string sql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) sql += ",?"; sql = "EXECUTE PROCEDURE " + spName + "(" + sql.Substring(1) + ")"; FbCommand commandProcedure = new FbCommand(sql, mConnection); commandProcedure.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure; commandProcedure.Parameters.AddRange(parameters); storedProcs[spName] = commandProcedure; } else { for (int i = 0; i < parameters.Length; i++) storedProcs[spName].Parameters[i].Value = parameters[i].Value; } FbTransactionOptions transactionOptions = new FbTransactionOptions(); transactionOptions.TransactionBehavior = tranBeh; storedProcs[spName].Transaction = mConnection.BeginTransaction(transactionOptions); storedProcs[spName].ExecuteNonQuery(); storedProcs[spName].Transaction.Commit(); }
public static bool Delete( string loginProvider, string providerKey, string userId) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("DELETE FROM mp_UserLogins "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE "); sqlCommand.Append("LoginProvider = @LoginProvider AND "); sqlCommand.Append("ProviderKey = @ProviderKey AND "); sqlCommand.Append("UserId = @UserId "); sqlCommand.Append(";"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[3]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@LoginProvider", FbDbType.VarChar, 128); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = loginProvider; arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@ProviderKey", FbDbType.VarChar, 128); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = providerKey; arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@UserId", FbDbType.VarChar, 128); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = userId; int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( ConnectionString.GetWriteConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return (rowsAffected > -1); }
public Stream GetBalance(string CustomerId) { FbParameter cust = new FbParameter("customer_id", CustomerId); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = contentType; return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetJson("customer_account_balance", cust))); }
public async Task<int> RoleCreate( Guid roleGuid, Guid siteGuid, int siteId, string roleName) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[5]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter(":SiteID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Value = siteId; arParams[1] = new FbParameter(":RoleName", FbDbType.VarChar, 50); arParams[1].Value = roleName; arParams[2] = new FbParameter(":DisplayName", FbDbType.VarChar, 50); arParams[2].Value = roleName; arParams[3] = new FbParameter(":SiteGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[3].Value = siteGuid.ToString(); arParams[4] = new FbParameter(":RoleGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[4].Value = roleGuid.ToString(); object result = await AdoHelper.ExecuteScalarAsync( writeConnectionString, CommandType.StoredProcedure, "EXECUTE PROCEDURE MP_ROLES_INSERT (" + AdoHelper.GetParamString(arParams.Length) + ")", arParams); int newID = Convert.ToInt32(result); return newID; }
protected string _executeNonQuery(FbConnection conn, FbTransaction trans, string query, Dictionary<string, object> prms, bool isReturning) { string ret = ""; using (FbCommand cmd = new FbCommand(query, conn, trans)) { foreach (var prm in prms) cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue(prm.Key, prm.Value); if (isReturning) { FbParameter outparam = new FbParameter("@out", FbDbType.VarChar) { Direction = ParameterDirection.Output }; cmd.Parameters.Add(outparam); cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); ret = outparam.Value as string; } else cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } return ret; }
public static bool DeleteByModule(int moduleId) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("DELETE FROM mp_MediaFile "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE "); sqlCommand.Append("FileID "); sqlCommand.Append("IN ("); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT FileID FROM mp_MediaFile WHERE TrackID IN ("); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT TrackID FROM mp_MediaTrack WHERE PlayerID IN ("); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT PlayerID FROM mp_MediaPlayer WHERE ModuleID = @ModuleID"); sqlCommand.Append(")"); sqlCommand.Append(")"); sqlCommand.Append(")"); sqlCommand.Append(";"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[1]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@ModuleID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = moduleId; int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( ConnectionString.GetWriteConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return (rowsAffected > -1); }
public DbDataReader GetSiteSettingsExList(int siteId) { StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT e.* "); sqlCommand.Append("FROM mp_SiteSettingsEx e "); sqlCommand.Append("JOIN "); sqlCommand.Append("mp_SiteSettingsExDef d "); sqlCommand.Append("ON "); sqlCommand.Append("e.KeyName = d.KeyName "); sqlCommand.Append("AND e.GroupName = d.GroupName "); sqlCommand.Append("WHERE "); sqlCommand.Append("e.SiteID = @SiteID "); sqlCommand.Append("ORDER BY d.GroupName, d.SortOrder "); sqlCommand.Append(";"); FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[2]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@SiteID", FbDbType.Integer); arParams[0].Value = siteId; return AdoHelper.ExecuteReader( readConnectionString, sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); }
public override void execute(Options options, INIManager iniManager) { string AppKey = iniManager.IniReadValue("APP", "AppKey"); string AppSecret = iniManager.IniReadValue("APP", "AppSecret"); string TaobaoAsistantPath = iniManager.IniReadValue("淘宝助理", "安装目录"); string nick = options.Nick; string SessionKey = iniManager.IniReadValue(nick, "SessionKey"); string userId = iniManager.IniReadValue(nick, "UserId"); if (userId == null || userId.Trim().Equals("")) { userId = "1696293148"; } StreamWriter MovePicLogWriter; FileStream MovePicLog = new FileStream(Environment.CurrentDirectory + "\\" + "MovePic.log", FileMode.Append); MovePicLogWriter = new StreamWriter(MovePicLog, Encoding.Default); FbConnectionStringBuilder cs = new FbConnectionStringBuilder(); cs.Database = Path.Combine(TaobaoAsistantPath, "users\\" + nick + "\\APPITEM.DAT"); cs.Charset = "UTF8"; cs.UserID = "SYSDBA"; cs.Password = "******"; cs.ServerType = FbServerType.Embedded; FbConnection fbCon = new FbConnection(cs.ToString()); fbCon.Open(); FbCommand ItemsCommand = null; ItemsCommand = new FbCommand("SELECT * FROM ITEM WHERE OUTER_ID = @SearchString OR TITLE = @SearchString", fbCon); FbParameter SearchString = new FbParameter("@SearchString", FbDbType.VarChar); SearchString.Value = options.Item; ItemsCommand.Parameters.Add(SearchString); FbDataReader ItemsReader = ItemsCommand.ExecuteReader(); while (ItemsReader.Read()) { MovePicLogWriter.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); Console.WriteLine("--------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); string ClientID = ItemsReader["CLIENT_ID"].ToString(); string Title = ItemsReader["TITLE"].ToString(); Console.WriteLine("ClientID=" + ClientID); MovePicLogWriter.WriteLine("ClientID=" + ClientID); Console.WriteLine("TITLE=" + Title); MovePicLogWriter.WriteLine("TITLE=" + Title); FbTransaction myTransaction = fbCon.BeginTransaction(); FbCommand DeleteCommand = new FbCommand("UPDATE ITEM SET CLIENT_IS_DELETE = 1 WHERE CLIENT_ID = @ClientID", fbCon); FbParameter ParamID = new FbParameter("@ClientID", FbDbType.VarChar); ParamID.Value = ClientID; DeleteCommand.Parameters.Add(ParamID); DeleteCommand.Transaction = myTransaction; DeleteCommand.ExecuteNonQuery(); myTransaction.Commit(); } fbCon.Close(); MovePicLogWriter.Close(); MovePicLog.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_Surveys table. Returns rows affected count. /// </summary> /// <param name="surveyGuid"> surveyGuid </param> /// <param name="siteGuid"> siteGuid </param> /// <param name="surveyName"> surveyName </param> /// <param name="creationDate"> creationDate </param> /// <param name="startPageText"> startPageText </param> /// <param name="endPageText"> endPageText </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public static int Add( Guid surveyGuid, Guid siteGuid, string surveyName, DateTime creationDate, string startPageText, string endPageText) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[6]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@SurveyGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = surveyGuid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@SiteGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = siteGuid.ToString(); arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@SurveyName", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = surveyName; arParams[3] = new FbParameter("@CreationDate", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[3].Value = creationDate; arParams[4] = new FbParameter("@StartPageText", FbDbType.VarChar); arParams[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[4].Value = startPageText; arParams[5] = new FbParameter("@EndPageText", FbDbType.VarChar); arParams[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[5].Value = endPageText; StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_Surveys ("); sqlCommand.Append("SurveyGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SurveyName, "); sqlCommand.Append("CreationDate, "); sqlCommand.Append("StartPageText, "); sqlCommand.Append("EndPageText )"); sqlCommand.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlCommand.Append("@SurveyGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SurveyName, "); sqlCommand.Append("@CreationDate, "); sqlCommand.Append("@StartPageText, "); sqlCommand.Append("@EndPageText )"); sqlCommand.Append(";"); int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( GetConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_TaxClass table. Returns rows affected count. /// </summary> /// <param name="guid"> guid </param> /// <param name="siteGuid"> siteGuid </param> /// <param name="title"> title </param> /// <param name="description"> description </param> /// <param name="lastModified"> lastModified </param> /// <param name="created"> created </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public static int Create( Guid guid, Guid siteGuid, string title, string description, DateTime lastModified, DateTime created) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[6]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@Guid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = guid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@SiteGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = siteGuid.ToString(); arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@Title", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = title; arParams[3] = new FbParameter("@Description", FbDbType.VarChar); arParams[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[3].Value = description; arParams[4] = new FbParameter("@LastModified", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[4].Value = lastModified; arParams[5] = new FbParameter("@Created", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[5].Value = created; StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_TaxClass ("); sqlCommand.Append("Guid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("Title, "); sqlCommand.Append("Description, "); sqlCommand.Append("LastModified, "); sqlCommand.Append("Created )"); sqlCommand.Append(" VALUES ("); sqlCommand.Append("@Guid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@SiteGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("@Title, "); sqlCommand.Append("@Description, "); sqlCommand.Append("@LastModified, "); sqlCommand.Append("@Created )"); sqlCommand.Append(";"); int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( GetConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected; }
public Stream GetArticles(string CustomerId) { FbParameter cust = new FbParameter("customer_id", CustomerId); FbParameter filter = new FbParameter("filter", null); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = contentType; return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetJson("article_list", "articles", cust, filter))); }
public Stream GetArticle(string CustomerId, string ArticleId) { FbParameter cust = new FbParameter("customer_id", int.Parse(CustomerId)); FbParameter article = new FbParameter("article_id", int.Parse(ArticleId)); WebOperationContext.Current.OutgoingResponse.ContentType = contentType; return new MemoryStream(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(GetJson("article_detail", cust, article))); }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_SystemLog table. Returns new integer id. /// </summary> /// <param name="logDate"> logDate </param> /// <param name="ipAddress"> ipAddress </param> /// <param name="culture"> culture </param> /// <param name="url"> url </param> /// <param name="shortUrl"> shortUrl </param> /// <param name="thread"> thread </param> /// <param name="logLevel"> logLevel </param> /// <param name="logger"> logger </param> /// <param name="message"> message </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public static int Create( DateTime logDate, string ipAddress, string culture, string url, string shortUrl, string thread, string logLevel, string logger, string message) { FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[9]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter(":LogDate", FbDbType.TimeStamp); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = logDate; arParams[1] = new FbParameter(":IpAddress", FbDbType.VarChar, 50); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = ipAddress; arParams[2] = new FbParameter(":Culture", FbDbType.VarChar, 10); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = culture; arParams[3] = new FbParameter(":Url", FbDbType.VarChar); arParams[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[3].Value = url; arParams[4] = new FbParameter(":ShortUrl", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[4].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[4].Value = shortUrl; arParams[5] = new FbParameter(":Thread", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[5].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[5].Value = thread; arParams[6] = new FbParameter(":LogLevel", FbDbType.VarChar, 20); arParams[6].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[6].Value = logLevel; arParams[7] = new FbParameter(":Logger", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[7].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[7].Value = logger; arParams[8] = new FbParameter(":Message", FbDbType.VarChar); arParams[8].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[8].Value = message; int newID = Convert.ToInt32(FBSqlHelper.ExecuteScalar( GetWriteConnectionString(), CommandType.StoredProcedure, "EXECUTE PROCEDURE MP_SYSTEMLOG_INSERT (" + FBSqlHelper.GetParamString(arParams.Length) + ")", arParams)); return newID; }
/// <summary> /// Inserts a row in the mp_SurveyPages table. Returns rows affected count. /// </summary> /// <param name="pageGuid"> pageGuid </param> /// <param name="surveyGuid"> surveyGuid </param> /// <param name="pageTitle"> pageTitle </param> /// <param name="pageOrder"> pageOrder </param> /// <param name="pageEnabled"> pageEnabled </param> /// <returns>int</returns> public static int Add( Guid pageGuid, Guid surveyGuid, string pageTitle, bool pageEnabled) { #region Bit Conversion int intPageEnabled; if (pageEnabled) { intPageEnabled = 1; } else { intPageEnabled = 0; } #endregion FbParameter[] arParams = new FbParameter[4]; arParams[0] = new FbParameter("@PageGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[0].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[0].Value = pageGuid.ToString(); arParams[1] = new FbParameter("@SurveyGuid", FbDbType.Char, 36); arParams[1].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[1].Value = surveyGuid.ToString(); arParams[2] = new FbParameter("@PageTitle", FbDbType.VarChar, 255); arParams[2].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[2].Value = pageTitle; arParams[3] = new FbParameter("@PageEnabled", FbDbType.SmallInt); arParams[3].Direction = ParameterDirection.Input; arParams[3].Value = intPageEnabled; StringBuilder sqlCommand = new StringBuilder(); sqlCommand.Append("INSERT INTO mp_SurveyPages "); sqlCommand.Append("(PageGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("SurveyGuid, "); sqlCommand.Append("PageTitle, "); sqlCommand.Append("PageOrder, "); sqlCommand.Append("PageEnabled) "); sqlCommand.Append("SELECT @PageGuid, @SurveyGuid, @PageTitle, "); sqlCommand.Append("Count(*), @PageEnabled FROM mp_SurveyPages; "); int rowsAffected = FBSqlHelper.ExecuteNonQuery( GetConnectionString(), sqlCommand.ToString(), arParams); return rowsAffected; }
private Descriptor BuildPlaceHoldersDescriptor(short count) { Descriptor descriptor = new Descriptor(count); int index = 0; for (int i = 0; i < Parameters.Count; i++) { FbParameter parameter = Parameters[i]; if (parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.Input || parameter.Direction == ParameterDirection.InputOutput) { if (!BuildParameterDescriptor(descriptor, parameter, index++)) { return(null); } } } return(descriptor); }
private void EnsureFbParameterAddOrInsert(FbParameter value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentException("The value parameter is null."); } if (value.Parent != null) { throw new ArgumentException("The FbParameter specified in the value parameter is already added to this or another FbParameterCollection."); } if (value.ParameterName == null || value.ParameterName.Length == 0) { value.ParameterName = GenerateParameterName(); } else { if (IndexOf(value) != -1) { throw new ArgumentException("FbParameterCollection already contains FbParameter with ParameterName '" + value.ParameterName + "'."); } } }
private void EnsureFbParameterAddOrInsert(FbParameter value) { if (value == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(); } if (value.Parent != null) { throw new ArgumentException($"The {nameof(FbParameter)} specified in the value parameter is already added to this or another {nameof(FbParameterCollection)}."); } if (value.ParameterName == null || value.ParameterName.Length == 0) { value.ParameterName = GenerateParameterName(); } else { if (Contains(value.ParameterName)) { throw new ArgumentException($"{nameof(FbParameterCollection)} already contains {nameof(FbParameter)} with {nameof(FbParameter.ParameterName)} '{value.ParameterName}'."); } } }
public static void DeriveParameters(FbCommand command) { if (command.CommandType != CommandType.StoredProcedure) { throw new InvalidOperationException("DeriveParameters only supports CommandType.StoredProcedure."); } string spName = command.CommandText.Trim(); string quotePrefix = "\""; string quoteSuffix = "\""; if (spName.StartsWith(quotePrefix) && spName.EndsWith(quoteSuffix)) { spName = spName.Substring(1, spName.Length - 2); } else { spName = spName.ToUpper(CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture); } string paramsText = string.Empty; command.Parameters.Clear(); DataView dataTypes = command.Connection.GetSchema("DataTypes").DefaultView; DataTable spSchema = command.Connection.GetSchema( "ProcedureParameters", new string[] { null, null, spName }); // SP has zero params. or not exist // so check whether exists, else thow exception if (spSchema.Rows.Count == 0) { if (command.Connection.GetSchema("Procedures", new string[] { null, null, spName }).Rows.Count == 0) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Stored procedure doesn't exist."); } } foreach (DataRow row in spSchema.Rows) { dataTypes.RowFilter = String.Format( CultureInfo.CurrentUICulture, "TypeName = '{0}'", row["PARAMETER_DATA_TYPE"]); FbParameter parameter = command.Parameters.Add( "@" + row["PARAMETER_NAME"].ToString().Trim(), FbDbType.VarChar); parameter.FbDbType = (FbDbType)dataTypes[0]["ProviderDbType"]; parameter.Direction = (ParameterDirection)row["PARAMETER_DIRECTION"]; parameter.Size = Convert.ToInt32(row["PARAMETER_SIZE"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); if (parameter.FbDbType == FbDbType.Decimal || parameter.FbDbType == FbDbType.Numeric) { if (row["NUMERIC_PRECISION"] != DBNull.Value) { parameter.Precision = Convert.ToByte(row["NUMERIC_PRECISION"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } if (row["NUMERIC_SCALE"] != DBNull.Value) { parameter.Scale = Convert.ToByte(row["NUMERIC_SCALE"], CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); } } } }
private void AttachParameter(FbParameter parameter) { parameter.Parent = this; }
private void ReleaseParameter(FbParameter parameter) { parameter.Parent = null; }
public void Insert(int index, FbParameter value) { this.parameters.Insert(index, value); }
private bool BuildParameterDescriptor(Descriptor descriptor, FbParameter parameter, int index) { if (!parameter.IsTypeSet) { return(false); } var type = parameter.FbDbType; var charset = _connection.InnerConnection.Database.Charset; // Check the parameter character set if (parameter.Charset == FbCharset.Octets && !(parameter.InternalValue is byte[])) { throw new InvalidOperationException("Value for char octets fields should be a byte array"); } else if (type == FbDbType.Guid) { charset = Charset.GetCharset(Charset.Octets); } else if (parameter.Charset != FbCharset.Default) { charset = Charset.GetCharset((int)parameter.Charset); } // Set parameter Data Type descriptor[index].DataType = (short)TypeHelper.GetSqlTypeFromDbDataType(TypeHelper.GetDbDataTypeFromFbDbType(type), parameter.IsNullable); // Set parameter Sub Type switch (type) { case FbDbType.Binary: descriptor[index].SubType = 0; break; case FbDbType.Text: descriptor[index].SubType = 1; break; case FbDbType.Guid: descriptor[index].SubType = (short)charset.Identifier; break; case FbDbType.Char: case FbDbType.VarChar: descriptor[index].SubType = (short)charset.Identifier; if (charset.IsOctetsCharset) { descriptor[index].Length = (short)parameter.Size; } else if (parameter.HasSize) { var len = (short)(parameter.Size * charset.BytesPerCharacter); descriptor[index].Length = len; } break; } // Set parameter length if (descriptor[index].Length == 0) { descriptor[index].Length = TypeHelper.GetSize((DbDataType)type) ?? 0; } // Verify parameter if (descriptor[index].SqlType == 0 || descriptor[index].Length == 0) { return(false); } return(true); }
public bool Contains(FbParameter value) { return(_parameters.Contains(value)); }
public int IndexOf(FbParameter value) { return(_parameters.IndexOf(value)); }