public bool ConfigSNAT(string dev_IP, string EthName, string devIP, string EthIP, bool add_delete) { this.devform.setDev_IP(dev_IP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string flag = ""; string configEth_bridge = ""; string configInfo = ""; string configEth_IP = ""; string sql_rule = ""; string rule = "iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -s " + devIP + " -o br0 -j SNAT --to-source " + dev_IP; if (add_delete) { flag = "NAT1"; configEth_bridge = "brctl delif br0 " + EthName;//先将网口从网桥上删除 configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + EthIP + " netmask" + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_bridge + " && " + configEth_IP + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO snat VALUES('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "', '" + devIP + "', '" + EthName + "', '" + EthIP + "', '" + StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP[StaticGlobal.firewallmac] + "'); "; } else if (!add_delete) { flag = "NAT0"; configEth_bridge = "brctl addif br0 " + EthName; configEth_IP = "ifconfig " + EthName + " " + " up"; configInfo = flag + configEth_IP + " && " + configEth_bridge + " && " + rule; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM snat WHERE fwmac= '" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and origin_devIP='" + devIP + "'" + " and EthName= '" + EthName + "' and NATIP='" + EthIP + "' and EthIP='" + StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP[StaticGlobal.firewallmac] + "');"; } NATdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(configInfo)); }
public bool ChangeWhiteLists(string dev_IP, string dst_IP, string src_IP, string dst_port, string src_port, bool log_record, bool add_delete) { this.devform.setDev_IP(dev_IP); WhiteLists lists = new WhiteLists(); lists.setIPAndPort(dst_IP, src_IP, dst_port, src_port); string flag = null; string sql_rule = ""; string whiteList_from_client_to_server0 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -s " + lists.getsrc_IP() + " -d " + lists.getdst_IP() + " --sport " + lists.getsrc_port() + " --dport " + lists.getdst_port() + " -j ACCEPT "; // string whiteList_from_client_to_server1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp -d" + wl.getSrc_IP() + "--sport" + wl.getPort(); if (add_delete) { flag = "DPI1"; sql_rule = "INSERT INTO whl values " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "','" + dst_IP + "','" + src_IP + "','" + dst_port + "','" + src_port + "','" + log_record + "')"; } else { flag = "DPI0"; sql_rule = "DELETE FROM whl where (fwmac='" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and dst_IP='" + dst_IP + "' and src_IP='" + src_IP + "' and dst_port='" + dst_port + "' and src_port='" + src_port + "')"; } string changewl = flag + whiteList_from_client_to_server0; LISTdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(changewl)); }
public bool ConfigModbusTcpRules(ModbusTcpRulesForm mtrf, bool log_flag, bool add_delete) { // RulesDataProcess.ModbusTcpRulesDataProcess(mtrf); String dpi_pro = "modbusTcp"; string flag = null; string dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0 = null; string sql_rule = null;; if (mtrf.getSrc_IP() == "any" & mtrf.getDst_IP() == "any") { dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0 = "iptables" + " -A" + " " + "FORWARD" + " " + "-p tcp" + " " + "--dport" + " " + "502" + " " + "-m" + " " + dpi_pro + " " + "--data-addr" + " " + mtrf.getMin_addr() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + " " + "--modbus-func " + mtrf.getfunc() + " " + "--modbus-data " + mtrf.getMin_data() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_data() + " -j" + " " + "DROP"; } else if (mtrf.getSrc_IP() == "any" & mtrf.getDst_IP() != "any") { dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0 = "iptables" + " -A" + " " + "FORWARD" + " " + "-p tcp" + " " + "--dport" + " " + "502" + " " + "-d" + " " + mtrf.getDst_IP() + " " + "-m" + " " + dpi_pro + " " + "--data-addr" + " " + mtrf.getMin_addr() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + " " + "--modbus-func " + mtrf.getfunc() + " " + "--modbus-data " + mtrf.getMin_data() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_data() + " -j" + " " + "DROP"; } else if (mtrf.getSrc_IP() != "any" & mtrf.getDst_IP() == "any") { dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0 = "iptables" + " -A" + " " + "FORWARD" + " " + "-p tcp" + " " + "--dport" + " " + "502" + " " + "-s " + mtrf.getSrc_IP() + " " + "-m" + " " + dpi_pro + " " + "--data-addr" + " " + mtrf.getMin_addr() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + " " + "--modbus-func " + mtrf.getfunc() + " " + "--modbus-data " + mtrf.getMin_data() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_data() + " -j" + " " + "DROP"; } else { dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0 = "iptables" + " -A" + " " + "FORWARD" + " " + "-p tcp" + " " + "--dport" + " " + "502" + " " + "-s " + mtrf.getSrc_IP() + " " + "-d" + " " + mtrf.getDst_IP() + " " + "-m" + " " + dpi_pro + " " + "--data-addr" + " " + mtrf.getMin_addr() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + " " + "--modbus-func " + mtrf.getfunc() + " " + "--modbus-data " + mtrf.getMin_data() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_data() + " -j" + " " + " DROP"; } //string dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -m state --state ESTABLISHED,RELATED -j ACCEPT"; string dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave_log = "iptables" + " -A" + " " + "FORWARD" + " " + "-p tcp" + " " + "--dport" + " " + "502" + " " + "-s " + mtrf.getSrc_IP() + " " + "-d" + " " + mtrf.getDst_IP() + " " + "-m" + " " + dpi_pro + " " + "--data-addr" + " " + mtrf.getMin_addr() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + " " + "--modbus-func " + mtrf.getfunc() + " " + "--modbus-data " + mtrf.getMin_data() + ":" + mtrf.getMax_data() + " -j" + " " + "LOG" + " " + "--log-prefix " + "\"" + "DROP&modbusTCP&data_illegal " + "\""; if (add_delete == true) { flag = "DPI1"; sql_rule = "insert into modbustcp values ('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "','" + dpi_pro + "','" + mtrf.getSrc_IP() + "','" + mtrf.getDst_IP() + "','" + mtrf.getMin_addr() + "','" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + "','" + mtrf.getMin_data() + "','" + mtrf.getMax_data() + "','" + mtrf.getfunc() + "','" + log_flag + "');"; } else if (add_delete == false) { flag = "DPI0"; sql_rule = "delete from modbustcp where fw_mac= '" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and protocol = '" + dpi_pro + "' and source = '" + mtrf.getSrc_IP() + "' and destination = '" + mtrf.getDst_IP() + "' and coiladdressstart = '" + mtrf.getMin_addr() + "' and coiladdressstart = '" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + "'and minspeed ='" + mtrf.getMin_data() + "' and maxspeed ='" + mtrf.getMax_addr() + "' and functioncode = '" + mtrf.getfunc() + "' and log = '" + log_flag + "';"; } string rule = flag + dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave_log + " && " + dpi_rules_from_master_to_slave0; DPIdb_operate.dboperate(sql_rule); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
private void SaveConfig_click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { string updateSql = "update fwproperty set 名称='" + FWname.Text + "',防火墙IP='" + FWIP.Text + "',防火墙描述='" + textBox.Text + "' where 防火墙ID='" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "';"; db.dboperate(updateSql); DB_DataGridbinding pro = new DB_DataGridbinding(); pro.PropertyBind(); }
public bool AddCNCRules(string devIP, bool log_flag, int connlimit, string srcIP, string dstIP, string sport, string dport) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --syn"; if (srcIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -s " + srcIP; } if (sport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --sport " + sport; } if (dstIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -d " + dstIP; } if (dport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --dport " + dport; } rule1 = rule1 + " -m connlimit --connlimit-above " + Convert.ToString(connlimit); string rule = "CNC1" + rule1 + " -j DROP"; if (log_flag) { rule = rule + " && " + rule1 + " -j LOG"; } string sql_str = "INSERT INTO cnc VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + log_flag.ToString() + ",'" + connlimit.ToString() + "','" + srcIP + "','" + dstIP + "','" + sport + "','" + dport + "')"; db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool AddSTDRules(string devIP, bool log_flag, string protocol, string srcIP, string dstIP, string sport, string dport) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule1 = "iptables -A FORWARD -p " + protocol; if (srcIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -s " + srcIP; } if (sport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --sport " + sport; } if (dstIP != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " -d " + dstIP; } if (dport != "") { rule1 = rule1 + " --dport " + dport; } string rule = "STD1" + rule1 + " -m state --state NEW -j ACCEPT"; if (log_flag) { rule = rule + " && " + rule1 + " -m state --state NEW -j LOG"; } string sql_str = "INSERT INTO STD VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + log_flag.ToString() + ",'" + protocol + "','" + srcIP + "','" + dstIP + "','" + sport + "','" + dport + "')"; db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool DefaultRouteConfig(string devIP, bool add_del_flag, string Iface, string gateway) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string rule; string sql_str; if (add_del_flag) { rule = "PRT1route add default "; sql_str = "INSERT INTO prt VALUES " + "('" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "'," + "'默认路由','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + "" + "','" + Iface + "','" + "" + "','" + gateway + "')"; } else { rule = "PRT0route del default "; sql_str = "DELETE FROM prt WHERE (fwmac='" + StaticGlobal.firewallmac + "' and route_type='默认路由'" + " and Iface='" + Iface + "' and gateway='" + gateway + "')"; } if (Iface != "") { rule = rule + " dev " + Iface; } if (gateway != "") { rule = rule + " gw " + gateway; } db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
public bool ApplicationProtocolControl(string devIP, string protocol, bool pro_status) { this.devform.setDev_IP(devIP); if (devform.getDev_IP() == "") { return(false); } string port = protocol_port[protocol]; string rule1 = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --sport " + port + " -j ACCEPT && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j ACCEPT"; string rule2 = "iptables -A INPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --sport " + port + " -j DROP && " + "iptables -A FORWARD -p tcp --dport " + port + " -j DROP"; string rule; string sql_str; if (pro_status) { rule = "APC2" + rule1 + "#" + protocol; sql_str = "update apc set status='allow' where protocol='" + protocol + "'"; } else { rule = "APC2" + rule2 + "#" + protocol; sql_str = "update apc set status='forbid' where protocol='" + protocol + "'"; } db_operate.dboperate(sql_str); SendInfo sendcmd = new SendInfo(devform); return(sendcmd.SendConfigInfo(rule)); }
//扫描线程 private void Scaning() { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Scanbutton.IsEnabled = false; LayoutRoot.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; ScanlistBox.Items.Clear(); //treeView.Items.Clear(); })); StaticGlobal.FireWalldevices.Clear(); StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP.Clear(); StaticGlobal.fwdev_list.Clear(); string inserttext = ""; IDevicesCheck devConfirm = new DevicesCheck(); StaticGlobal.fwdev_list = devConfirm.CheckDevices(scanstarttext, scanendtext); string propertySql = ""; for (int i = 0; i < StaticGlobal.fwdev_list.Count(); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getProtecDev_list().Count(); j++) { string fw_ip = StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getDev_IP(); string fw_mac = StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getDev_MAC(); string dev_ip = StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getProtecDev_list()[j].getDev_IP(); string dev_mac = StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getProtecDev_list()[j].getDev_MAC(); string dev_type = StaticGlobal.fwdev_list[i].getProtecDev_list()[j].getDev_type(); inserttext += "INSERT INTO firewallip VALUES ('" + fw_ip + "','" + fw_mac + "','" + dev_ip + "','" + dev_mac + "','" + dev_type + "');"; propertySql += "INSERT INTO fwproperty values('" + fw_mac + "','" + fw_mac + "','" + fw_ip + "',NULL);"; } } string propertySql1 = "truncate table fwproperty;" + propertySql; db.dboperate(propertySql1); MySqlConnection conn = new MySqlConnection(StaticGlobal.ConnectionString); conn.Open(); string sqltext = "truncate table firewallip;" + inserttext + "select fw_ip,fw_mac,dev_ip,dev_mac,dev_type from firewallip order by 1;"; MySqlCommand cm = new MySqlCommand(sqltext, conn); MySqlDataReader dr = cm.ExecuteReader(); List <string> firewallmac = new List <string>(); int index = 0; //绑定 while (dr.Read()) { if (!firewallmac.Contains(dr[1])) { firewallmac.Add(dr[1].ToString()); StaticGlobal.FwMACandIP.Add(dr[1].ToString(), dr[0].ToString()); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { ListBoxItem item1 = new ListBoxItem(); item1.Content = scanstarttext + "-" + scanendtext; item1.Style = this.FindResource("SimpleListBoxItemIPScanRange") as Style; ScanlistBox.Items.Add(item1); ListBoxItem item = new ListBoxItem(); item.Content = "防火墙 MAC: " + dr[1]; item.Style = this.FindResource("SimpleListBoxItemFireWall") as Style; ScanlistBox.Items.Add(item); ListBoxItem item2 = new ListBoxItem(); item2.Content = dr[4] + " IP: " + dr[2]; item2.Style = this.FindResource("SimpleListBoxItemPLC") as Style; ScanlistBox.Items.Add(item2); })); FireWallDevices firewalldevices = new FireWallDevices(index, dr[0].ToString(), dr[1].ToString()); StaticGlobal.FireWalldevices.Add(firewalldevices); index++; } else { Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { ListBoxItem item1 = new ListBoxItem(); item1.Content = scanstarttext + "-" + scanendtext; item1.Style = this.FindResource("SimpleListBoxItemIPScanRange") as Style; ScanlistBox.Items.Add(item1); ListBoxItem item = new ListBoxItem(); item.Content = dr[4] + " IP: " + dr[2]; item.Style = this.FindResource("SimpleListBoxItemPLC") as Style; ScanlistBox.Items.Add(item); })); } } index = 0; dr.Close(); conn.Close(); Thread.Sleep(500); Dispatcher.Invoke(new Action(() => { Scanbutton.IsEnabled = true; LayoutRoot.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; })); ScanThread.Abort(); }