コード例 #1
 private static double CalculateSimilarity(List<int> wordId1, List<int> wordId2)
     if (lw1 != null && lw2 != null)
         int universeSize = (lw1.Count + lw2.Count) / 2;
         int numHashFunctions = 100;
         using (minHash = new MinHash(universeSize, numHashFunctions))
             List<uint> mh1 = minHash.GetMinHash(wordId1);
             List<uint> mh2 = minHash.GetMinHash(wordId2);
             return minHash.Similarity(mh1, mh2);
     else throw new NullReferenceException("Fill the word lists first before continuing to proceed similarity calculation.");
コード例 #2
        protected void saveButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            //hashing no. + hasil akhir

            List<double> jaccard = new List<double>();
            List<double> pearson = new List<double>();

            var lw1 = TFIDF.Tokenize(teks1.Text);
            var lw2 = TFIDF.Tokenize(teks2.Text);
            int hashno = Convert.ToInt32(Math.Ceiling((decimal)(lw1.Count+ lw2.Count)/2));
            MinHash mh = new MinHash(Math.Min(lw1.Count, lw2.Count), hashno);
            //vocab list
            var vl1 = new List<string>();
            var vl2 = new List<string>();
            //pasangan antara ID kamus dengan string yang dicocokkan
            Dictionary<int, string> res1 = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            Dictionary<int, string> res2 = new Dictionary<int, string>();
            //list ID kamus aja
            List<int> sr1 = wn.GetSemanticRelation(lw1, 1, 2, out vl1, out res1, dictfile, stemmer);
            List<int> sr2 = wn.GetSemanticRelation(lw2, 2, 2, out vl2, out res2, dictfile, stemmer);

            List<uint> hash1 = mh.GetMinHash(sr1);
            List<uint> hash2 = mh.GetMinHash(sr2);

            List<double> hashdb1 = new List<double>();
            List<double> hashdb2 = new List<double>();

            //convert uint to double
            string hr1 = string.Empty;
            string hr2 = string.Empty;

            //print code + id
            foreach (var item in res1)
                hr1 += "<p>" + item.Value + ": " + item.Key.ToString() + "</p>";

            foreach (var item in res2)
                hr2 += "<p>" + item.Value + ": " + item.Key.ToString() + "</p>";

            foreach (var item in hash1)
                var cvt = Convert.ToDouble(item);
            foreach (var item in hash2)
                var cvt = Convert.ToDouble(item);

            //final jaccard & pearson           
            var jacc = ((double)mh.Similarity(hash1, hash2));
            var jaccpercent = (double)jacc * 100;
            var jaccmin = (double)(jacc - 1);
            var pear = pr.Calc(hashdb1, hashdb2);

            jaccardResult.Text = jaccpercent + "%";
            pearsonResult.Text = (double)(100-pear) + "%";
            hashresult1.Text = hr1;
            hashresult2.Text = hr2;
            divresult.Visible = true;
コード例 #3
        private static void ExportExcel(int currentindex)
            Pearson pr = new Pearson();
            int hashno = 100;
            using (ExcelPackage ep = new ExcelPackage())
                ep.Workbook.Properties.Title = "FINGERPRINT ANALYSIS";
                ep.Workbook.Properties.Author = "THEODORUS YOGA M";

                var ws = ep.Workbook.Worksheets.Add("Fingerprint Result");
                ws.Cells[1, 1].Value = "Hash No.";
                ws.Cells[1, 2].Value = "Jaccard";
                ws.Cells[1, 3].Value = "Pearson";
                ws.Cells[1, 4].Value = "Euclidean";
                int rowstart = 2;
                List<double> jaccard = new List<double>();
                List<double> jaccardMin = new List<double>();
                List<double> pearson = new List<double>();
                List<double> euclidean = new List<double>();
                while (hashno <= 5000)

                    //Console.WriteLine("Processing " + hashno + " hash functions");
                    MinHash mh = new MinHash(Math.Min(lw1.Count, lw2.Count), hashno);

                    //List<int> example1 = new List<int>() { 21, 50, 67, 101, 108 };
                    //List<int> example2 = new List<int>() { 23, 52, 90, 102, 110 };

                    hash1 = mh.GetMinHash(sr1); //get minimal hashing for 1st semantic relation
                    hash2 = mh.GetMinHash(sr2); //get minimal hashing for 2nd semantic relation

                    //hash1 = mh.GetMinHash(example1);
                    //hash2 = mh.GetMinHash(example2);

                    //convert to double for pearson
                    List<double> hashdb1 = new List<double>();
                    List<double> hashdb2 = new List<double>();
                    int count1 = hash1.Count;
                    int current = 1;
                    foreach (uint hash in hash1)
                        //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Wordnet.consoleln);
                        //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Wordnet.consoleln);
                        //Console.WriteLine("STATUS: Processing hash functions in document 1 of 2: " + current + "/" + count1);
                    int count2 = hash2.Count;
                    current = 1;
                    foreach (uint hash in hash2)
                        //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Wordnet.consoleln);
                        //Console.SetCursorPosition(0, Wordnet.consoleln);
                        //Console.WriteLine("STATUS: Processing hash functions in document 2 of 2: " + current + "/" + count2);

                    //calculate TF-IDF
                    List<List<string>> vocabsInDoc = new List<List<string>>();
                    var tfidf = TFIDF.CalculateTFIDF(vocabsInDoc);

                    //Console.WriteLine("JACCARD SIMILARITY DEGREE: " + mh.Similarity(hash1, hash2));
                    //Console.WriteLine("PEARSON SIMILARITY DEGREE: " + pr.Calc(hashdb1, hashdb2));
                    //Console.WriteLine("TF-IDF EUCLIDEAN DISTANCE:" + TFIDF.EuclideanDist(tfidf[0], tfidf[1]));
                    Console.WriteLine(hashno + "\t,\t" + ((double)mh.Similarity(hash1, hash2)) + "\t,\t" +
                        pr.Calc(hashdb1, hashdb2) + "\t,\t" + TFIDF.EuclideanDist(tfidf[0], tfidf[1]));
                    ws.Cells[rowstart, 1].Value = hashno.ToString();
                    var jacc = ((double)mh.Similarity(hash1, hash2));
                    var jaccmin = (double)(jacc - 1);
                    var pear = pr.Calc(hashdb1, hashdb2);
                    var euc = TFIDF.EuclideanDist(tfidf[0], tfidf[1]);
                    ws.Cells[rowstart, 2].Value = jacc;
                    ws.Cells[rowstart, 3].Value = pear;
                    ws.Cells[rowstart, 4].Value = TFIDF.EuclideanDist(tfidf[0], tfidf[1]);
                    //foreach (var vector in tfidf)
                    //    foreach (var val in vector)
                    //    {
                    //        Console.Write(val + ";");
                    //    }
                    //    Console.WriteLine();
                    hashno += 50;
                FileStream file;
                if (!Directory.Exists("Out"))
                if (!File.Exists("Out/naziefresult_" + currentindex.ToString() + ".xlsx"))
                    FileStream fs = File.Create("Out/naziefresult_" + currentindex.ToString() + ".xlsx");
                file = File.Open("Out/naziefresult_" + currentindex.ToString() + ".xlsx", FileMode.Open);

                string append = string.Empty;

                append += "JaccardMin<-c(";
                foreach (var item in jaccardMin)
                    append += item.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                    append += ", ";
                append += ")";
                append += "\n";
                append += "Jaccard<-c(";
                foreach (var item in jaccard)
                    append += item.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                    append += ", ";
                append += ")";
                append += "\n";
                append += "Pearson<-c(";
                foreach (var item in pearson)
                    append += item.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                    append += ", ";
                append += ")";
                append += "\n";
                append += "Euclidean<-c(";
                foreach (var item in euclidean)
                    append += item.ToString().Replace(',', '.');
                    append += ", ";
                append += ")";

                //foreach (var item in res)
                //    Console.Write(item.ToString().Replace(',', '.'));
                //    Console.Write(", ");

                WriteFile(path + @"\Out\naziefr_" + currentindex.ToString() + ".txt", append);