コード例 #1
ファイル: Application.cs プロジェクト: RitaAguiar/FindLabel
        // Implements the OnStartup event
        public Result OnStartup(UIControlledApplication application)
            formFL  = null;  // no dialog needed yet; the command will bring it
            thisApp = this;  // static access to this application instance

コード例 #2
ファイル: Application.cs プロジェクト: RitaAguiar/FindLabel
        //   This method creates and shows a modeless dialog, unless it already exists.
        //   The external command invokes this on the end-user's request

        public void ShowForm(UIApplication uiapp)
            // If we do not have a dialog yet, create and show it
            if (formFL == null || formFL.IsDisposed)
                // A new handler to handle request posting by the dialog
                RequestHandler handler = new RequestHandler();

                // External Event for the dialog to use (to post requests)
                ExternalEvent exEvent = ExternalEvent.Create(handler);

                // We give the objects to the new dialog;
                // The dialog becomes the owner responsible for disposing them, eventually.
                formFL = new FindLabelForm(exEvent, handler, uiapp);