コード例 #1
        // Constructor
        public ClassifierPerformance(ClassificationData classificationData)
            this.data = classificationData;

            // Count the number of distinct categories
            numSamples = data.Samples.Count;
            foreach (ISample sample in data.Samples)
                if (!categories.Contains(sample.Category))
            this.numCategories = categories.Count;
            if (numCategories == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException( );

            // Initialize the results matrix
            results = new int[numCategories, numCategories];
            for (int i = 0; i < numCategories; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numCategories; j++)
                    results[i, j] = 0;
コード例 #2
        // Constructor
        public ClassifierPerformance( ClassificationData classificationData )
            this.data = classificationData;

            // Count the number of distinct categories
            numSamples = data.Samples.Count;
            foreach(ISample sample in data.Samples)
                if (!categories.Contains( sample.Category ))
                    categories.Add( sample.Category );
            this.numCategories = categories.Count;
            if (numCategories == 0)
                throw new ArgumentException( );

            // Initialize the results matrix
            results = new int[numCategories, numCategories];
            for (int i = 0; i < numCategories; i++)
                for (int j = 0; j < numCategories; j++)
                    results[i, j] = 0;
コード例 #3
        // Training algorithm, backpropagation
        public override bool Train(ClassificationData trainingData)
            // Initialize the network, set random weights for the hidden layer
            for (int i = 0; i < hiddenLayer.Count; i++)
                hiddenLayer[i].LoadRandomWeights( );
            // Set random weights for the second layer
            secondLayer.LoadRandomWeights( );

            // Go through all the samples, until the the max number of repetitions
            int repetitions = 0;

            while (repetitions < maxRepetitions)
                // Go through all samples
                for (int i = 0; i < trainingData.Samples.Count; i++)
                    // Compute the predicted result and the error
                    double error;
                    string result   = Classify(trainingData.Samples[i]);
                    string expected = trainingData.Samples[i].Category;

                    if ((result == "good") && (expected == "bad"))
                        error = -1.0;
                    else if ((result == "bad") && (expected == "good"))
                        error = 1.0;
                        // No error, continue to the next sample
                        error = 0.0;

                    // Backpropagate the second layer
                    secondLayer.BackPropagate(learningRate, error);

                    // Backpropagate the first layer
                    for (int j = 0; j < hiddenLayer.Count; j++)
                        FirstLayerNeuron neuron = (FirstLayerNeuron)hiddenLayer[j];
                        neuron.BackPropagate(learningRate, error, secondLayer);

                // Next repetition

            // Set as trained and return true if there are no errors
            isTrained = true;

コード例 #4
        // Test the classifier
        public override ClassifierPerformance Test(ClassificationData testData)
            ClassifierPerformance perf = new ClassifierPerformance(testData);

            foreach (ISample sample in testData.Samples)
                // Obtain the extimated category
                string expectedCategory = Classify(sample);

                // Compare with the actual category
                string actualCategory = sample.Category;

                perf.Add(expectedCategory, actualCategory);

コード例 #5
        // Extract data with the given generic criteria
        public void Extract( 
            ISampleSelector sampleSelector,
            IFeatureSelector featureSelector )
            // TODO: Change to Q or Y data
            // Get the table of financial data
            Table<QLSample> qlSamples = dc.GetTable<QLSample>( );

            // copy the data to the list of training cases
            data = new ClassificationData( );
            foreach (QLSample sample in qlSamples)
                // Apply the sample selection criteria
                if (sampleSelector.Select( sample ))
                    // Apply the feature selection criteria
                    data.Samples.Add( featureSelector.Select( sample ) );
コード例 #6
         * Operations that affect all the samples as a whole

        // Normalize the data by range
        // Each feature will have new values in the range
        public ClassificationData NormalizeToRange( double lower, double upper )
            // Check the boundaries of the target interval
            if (upper <= lower)
                throw new ArgumentException( );

            // Initialize the ranges
            int numFeatures = samples[0].FeatureVector.Count;
            double[] minFeatureValues = new double[numFeatures];
            double[] maxFeatureValues = new double[numFeatures];
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                minFeatureValues[i] = double.MaxValue;
                maxFeatureValues[i] = double.MinValue;

            // First calculate the range of the features
            foreach (ISample sample in samples)
                for (int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numFeatures; iFeature++)
                    // Update the min
                    if (sample.FeatureVector[iFeature] < minFeatureValues[iFeature])
                        minFeatureValues[iFeature] = sample.FeatureVector[iFeature];

                    // Update the max
                    if (sample.FeatureVector[iFeature] > maxFeatureValues[iFeature])
                        maxFeatureValues[iFeature] = sample.FeatureVector[iFeature];

            // To prevent division by zero, if max = min all features are equal
            // to the min, if max -> max + 1 the tranform values are the same
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                if (maxFeatureValues[i] == minFeatureValues[i])

            // Create the new samples
            ClassificationData result = new ClassificationData( );
            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
                SampleBasic sample = new SampleBasic( );
                sample.Description = samples[i].Description;
                sample.FeatureVector = new List<double>( numFeatures );
                sample.Classify( samples[i].Category );
                result.Samples.Add( sample );

            // Obtain the new feature values by a linear transformation
            // feature = (original - min) / (max - min) goes from 0 to 1
            // feature = original * (upper - lower) + lower goes from lower to upper
            double featureValue;
            for (int iSample = 0; iSample < samples.Count; iSample++)
                for (int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numFeatures; iFeature++)
                    featureValue = samples[iSample].FeatureVector[iFeature];
                    // Transform to [0,1]
                    featureValue = (featureValue - minFeatureValues[iFeature]) /
                        (maxFeatureValues[iFeature] - minFeatureValues[iFeature]);

                    // Transform to [lower,upper]
                    featureValue = featureValue * (upper - lower) + lower;

                    result.Samples[iSample].FeatureVector.Insert( iFeature, featureValue );

            return result;
コード例 #7
        // Split the data randomly between train and test x% train (100-x)% test
        private void LoadRandomSplit( )
            ClassificationData allData = new ClassificationData( );

            // Get all the data
            if (useQData)
                Table<QLSample> qlData = dc.GetTable<QLSample>( );
                foreach (QLSample sample in qlData)
                    allData.Samples.Add( sample );
            if (useYData)
                Table<YLSample> ylData = dc.GetTable<YLSample>( );
                foreach (YLSample sample in ylData)
                    allData.Samples.Add( sample );

            // Shuffle the data and split
            allData.Shuffle( );
            List<ClassificationData> splits =
                allData.Split( randomSplitPercentage );
            trainData = splits[0];
            testData = splits[1];
コード例 #8
        // Executes the net with the data provided and shows the results
        public void Analyze( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if (!HasAnalysisData)
                MessageBox.Show( "Please load analysis data first" );
            if (!HasTrainedClassifier)
                MessageBox.Show( "Please train the classifier first" );

            // Normalize the analysis data
            analysisData = analysisData.NormalizeToRange( -1, 1 );

            // Analyze the data
            positiveResultData.Samples.Clear( );
            negativeResultData.Samples.Clear( );
            foreach (ISample sample in analysisData.Samples)
                bool isGoodInvestment = classifier.Classify( sample, "good" );

                if (isGoodInvestment)
                    positiveResultData.Samples.Add( sample );
                    negativeResultData.Samples.Add( sample );

            // Show results
            form.OverweightList.Items.Clear( );
            foreach (string description in PositiveResultDataDescriptions)
                form.OverweightList.Items.Add( description );
            form.UnderweightList.Items.Clear( );
            foreach (string description in NegativeResultDataDescriptions)
                form.UnderweightList.Items.Add( description );
コード例 #9
        // Load the data to run the net against
        public void LoadAnalysisData( object sender, EventArgs e )
            // The training data should be loaded first
            if (!HasTrainingData)
                MessageBox.Show( "Please load training data first" );

            // Show the loading analysis data window
            LoadAnalysisDataForm loadForm = new LoadAnalysisDataForm( dc );
            if (loadForm.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK)
                // Get the data
                analysisData = loadForm.AnalysisData;

                // Show the analysis data on the screen
                form.AnalysisList.Items.Clear( );
                foreach (string description in AnalysisDataDescriptions)
                    form.AnalysisList.Items.Add( description );
                MessageBox.Show( "Please load the data to analyze" );
コード例 #10
        // Trains the neural net using the training data
        public void Train( object sender, EventArgs e )
            if (!HasTrainingData)
                MessageBox.Show( "Please load training data first" );
            if (!HasClassifierAvaliable)
                MessageBox.Show( "Please set the training parameters first" );

            // Normalize the training data
            trainData = trainData.NormalizeToRange( -1, 1 );

            // Train the classifier
            bool classifierTrained = classifier.Train( trainData );
            if (!classifierTrained)
                MessageBox.Show( "Unable to train" );

            // Test the classifier and show the results
            ClassifierPerformance perf;
            if (HasTestData)
                // Normalize the test data
                testData = testData.NormalizeToRange( -1, 1 );

                // Test the classifier with the test data
                perf = classifier.Test( testData );
                // Otherwise use the same training data
                perf = classifier.Test( trainData );

            // Show the results
            TestResultsForm testForm = new TestResultsForm( perf );
            testForm.ShowDialog( );
コード例 #11
        // Load training data
        public void LoadTrainingData( object sender, EventArgs e )
            // Initialize the data context
            InitializeDataContext( );
            if (dc == null)
                MessageBox.Show( "Database file not found! Please load database first" );

            // Show the loading training data window
            LoadTrainTestDataForm loadForm = new LoadTrainTestDataForm( dc );
            if (loadForm.ShowDialog( ) == DialogResult.OK)
                // Get the data
                trainData = loadForm.TrainData;
                testData = loadForm.TestData;

                // Show the data on the screen
                form.TrainingList.Items.Clear( );
                foreach (string description in TrainingDataDescriptions)
                    form.TrainingList.Items.Add( description );
                MessageBox.Show( "Please load the training data" );
コード例 #12
         * Operations that affect all the samples as a whole

        // Normalize the data by range
        // Each feature will have new values in the range
        public ClassificationData NormalizeToRange(double lower, double upper)
            // Check the boundaries of the target interval
            if (upper <= lower)
                throw new ArgumentException( );

            // Initialize the ranges
            int numFeatures = samples[0].FeatureVector.Count;

            double[] minFeatureValues = new double[numFeatures];
            double[] maxFeatureValues = new double[numFeatures];
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                minFeatureValues[i] = double.MaxValue;
                maxFeatureValues[i] = double.MinValue;

            // First calculate the range of the features
            foreach (ISample sample in samples)
                for (int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numFeatures; iFeature++)
                    // Update the min
                    if (sample.FeatureVector[iFeature] < minFeatureValues[iFeature])
                        minFeatureValues[iFeature] = sample.FeatureVector[iFeature];

                    // Update the max
                    if (sample.FeatureVector[iFeature] > maxFeatureValues[iFeature])
                        maxFeatureValues[iFeature] = sample.FeatureVector[iFeature];

            // To prevent division by zero, if max = min all features are equal
            // to the min, if max -> max + 1 the tranform values are the same
            for (int i = 0; i < numFeatures; i++)
                if (maxFeatureValues[i] == minFeatureValues[i])

            // Create the new samples
            ClassificationData result = new ClassificationData( );

            for (int i = 0; i < samples.Count; i++)
                SampleBasic sample = new SampleBasic( );
                sample.Description   = samples[i].Description;
                sample.FeatureVector = new List <double>(numFeatures);

            // Obtain the new feature values by a linear transformation
            // feature = (original - min) / (max - min) goes from 0 to 1
            // feature = original * (upper - lower) + lower goes from lower to upper
            double featureValue;

            for (int iSample = 0; iSample < samples.Count; iSample++)
                for (int iFeature = 0; iFeature < numFeatures; iFeature++)
                    featureValue = samples[iSample].FeatureVector[iFeature];

                    // Transform to [0,1]
                    featureValue = (featureValue - minFeatureValues[iFeature]) /
                                   (maxFeatureValues[iFeature] - minFeatureValues[iFeature]);

                    // Transform to [lower,upper]
                    featureValue = featureValue * (upper - lower) + lower;

                    result.Samples[iSample].FeatureVector.Insert(iFeature, featureValue);
