コード例 #1
 /* This returns an arry of complex numbers. This is not the amplitude of the wave. It must be run through Pythagorus. */
         Forward DFT for a double array of samples of size n. This
         converts data in the time domain to the frequency domain. It
         returns a complex number array for usage in inverse DFT
         funcitons. To properly plot the data returned from this, data
         will have to be run through pythagorus.
         s:  Signal we are changing
         n:  Size of the signal
 public newComplex[] DFTFunc(double[] s, int n)
     newComplex[] cmplx = new newComplex[n];
     double re; /*real*/
     double im; /*imaginary*/
     for (int f = 0; f < n - 1; f++)
         re = 0;
         im = 0;
         for (int t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
             re += s[t] * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
             im -= s[t] * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
         cmplx[f] = new newComplex(re, im);
     return cmplx;
コード例 #2
 /* Preforms the inverse of DFT: this will be displayed to the graph for testing with cosWavCreation */
         Inverse Descrete Fourier Transform, used to convert from the
         frequency domain to the time domain.
         A:  Complex array to convert
         n:  Size of the complex array
 public double[] invDFT(newComplex[] A, int n)
     double[] s = new double[n];
     double re; /*real*/
     double im; /*imaginary*/
     for (int t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
         re = 0;
         im = 0;
         for (int f = 0; f < n - 1; f++)
             re += A[f].getReal() * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
             im -= A[f].getImaginary() * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
         s[t] = (re + im) / n;
     return s;
コード例 #3
         Forward DFT for a double array of samples of size n. This
         converts data in the time domain to the frequency domain.
         This will perform pythagorus to convert the complex array
         directly to usable data for the frequency domain chart.
         s:  Signal we are changing
         n:  Size of the signal
 public double[] newDFTFunc(double[] s, int n)
     double[] amplitude = new double[n];
     double temp;
     newComplex cmplx;
     double re; /*real*/
     double im; /*imaginary*/
     for (int f = 0; f < n - 1; f++)
         re = 0;
         im = 0;
         for (int t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
             re += s[t] * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
             im -= s[t] * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
         cmplx = new newComplex(re, im);
         temp = (cmplx.getReal() * cmplx.getReal()) + (cmplx.getImaginary() * cmplx.getImaginary());
         temp = Math.Sqrt(temp);
         amplitude[f] = temp; // These are the points we are going to plot.
     return amplitude;
コード例 #4
                This is the DFT function that will be used with threads. This
                will take in the number of threads specified by the user, and
                run DFT for that selection on the whole array. This will then
                be set to a speccific array for that thread number and used
                back in the threadDFT funciton to copy the array to the
                array that will be passed back to the windows form.
                s:          Wave data that will be processed
                n:          Length of the wave to be processed
                threadNum:  Current thread being run
                maxThreads: Number of threads specified by the user
        private void runningDFT(double[] s, int n, int threadNum, int maxThreads)
            int thNum = threadNum;

            double temp;
            newComplex cmplx;
            double re; //real
            double im; //imaginary

            int startP = ((n / maxThreads) * (thNum - 1)), endP = ((n / maxThreads) * (thNum));
            if(startP < 0)
                startP = 0;
            if (thNum == maxThreads - 1)
                endP = n;

            for (int f = startP; f < endP; f++) // run through first half
                re = 0;
                im = 0;
                for (int t = 0; t < n - 1; t++)
                    re += s[t] * Math.Cos(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
                    im -= s[t] * Math.Sin(2 * Math.PI * t * f / n);
                cmplx = new newComplex(re, im);
                temp = (cmplx.getReal() * cmplx.getReal()) + (cmplx.getImaginary() * cmplx.getImaginary());
                temp = Math.Sqrt(temp);

                threadAmplitude[f] = temp; // These are the points we are going to plot.