public List <Students_Course> DatabaseStudentsCourse(List <Student> students, List <Course> courses) { List <Student> StudentsListCFT = new List <Student>(); StudentsListCFT.Add(students[0]); StudentsListCFT.Add(students[2]); List <Student> StudentsListCPT = new List <Student>(); StudentsListCPT.Add(students[1]); StudentsListCPT.Add(students[3]); List <Student> StudentsListJFT = new List <Student>(); StudentsListJFT.Add(students[4]); List <Student> StudentsListJPT = new List <Student>(); StudentsListJPT.Add(students[5]); StudentsListJPT.Add(students[6]); Students_Course SC1 = new Students_Course(StudentsListCFT, courses[0]); Students_Course SC2 = new Students_Course(StudentsListCPT, courses[1]); Students_Course SC3 = new Students_Course(StudentsListJFT, courses[2]); Students_Course SC4 = new Students_Course(StudentsListJPT, courses[3]); Students_Course SC5 = new Students_Course(DatabaseStudents(), courses[4]); List <Students_Course> listofstudents_courses = new List <Students_Course>(); listofstudents_courses.Add(SC1); listofstudents_courses.Add(SC2); listofstudents_courses.Add(SC3); listofstudents_courses.Add(SC4); listofstudents_courses.Add(SC5); return(listofstudents_courses); }
public static Students_Course CourseStudents(List <Course> courses, List <Student> students) { Console.WriteLine("Start with students and courses."); Console.WriteLine("Choose a course from the list below by typing it's number"); CourseTitles(courses); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the number of the course: "); Course courseselected = courses[Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1]; Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("Choose students from the list below by typing it's number"); StudentTitles(students); Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter the number of the student/students with a comma (,) between: "); string Choice = Console.ReadLine(); Choice = Choice.Replace(",", ""); int[] Choices = new int[Choice.Length]; for (int i = 0; i < Choice.Length; i++) { Choices[i] = Convert.ToInt32(Choice[i] - '0'); } List <Student> listofstudents_Chosen = new List <Student>(); foreach (var item in Choices) { listofstudents_Chosen.Add(students[item - 1]); } Students_Course SC1 = new Students_Course(listofstudents_Chosen, courseselected); return(SC1); }