public bool AddFile(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { m.Directories = GetDirList(c, m); f.Dir = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single(); if (!CheckFileExistence(c, m, d, f)) { AddFileContent(f); //TypeManipulator.TypeToId(f); File f1 = File.CreateFile(1, f.Dir, 1, f.Content, f.Name, f.Size, f.Hash, f.Uploaded, f.Modified); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { context.Files.AddObject(f1); context.SaveChanges(); } } else { GetFileId(c, m, d, f); GetFileContentId(c, m, d, f); UpdateFileContent(f); //TypeManipulator.TypeToId(f); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { File f1 = (from o in context.Files where o.file_id == f.Id select o).Single(); f1.file_hash = f.Hash; f1.file_modified = f.Modified; f1.file_size = f.Size; f1.file_uploaded = f.Uploaded; context.SaveChanges(); } } return true; }
public bool AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient(); try { bool result = false; result = cl.AddDirectory(c, m, d); cl.Close(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { cl.Abort(); throw new ActionException("Unable to create a new directory in the database.", ActionType.Directory, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex); } }
public bool AddFile(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient(); try { bool result = false; result = cl.AddFile(c, m, d, f); cl.Close(); return result; } catch (Exception ex) { cl.Abort(); throw new ActionException("Error occurred while file was uploaded.", ActionType.File, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex); } }
public bool AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { m.Directories=GetDirList(c, m); int NoSuchNameYet = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o).Count(); if (NoSuchNameYet != 0) { // throw new Exception("directory with given name already exists"); //no action needed } else { using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { d.Owner = LoginToId(context, c.Login); } AddDir(d); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { m.Id = MachineNameToId(context, m.Name); } AddMachDir(m, d); } return true; }
public void GetFileContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { f.Id = GetFileContentId(c, m, d, f); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { Content c1 = (from o in context.Contents where o.content_id == f.Content select o).Single(); f.Data = c1.content_data; } }
public void GetFileContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); }
public bool AddFile(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public FileContents GetFileWithContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileIdentity f) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private bool CheckFileExistence(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { GetDirList(c, m); d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single(); try { using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { (from o in context.Files where (o.file_name == f.Name) && (o.dir_id == d.Id) select o.file_id).Single(); } } catch { return false; } return true; }
public MachineContents GetMachineWithDirs(Credentials c, MachineIdentity m) { MachineContents mc = new MachineContents(m); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { int mach_id = MachineNameToId(context, m.Name); if (mach_id == -1) return null; mc.Id = mach_id; List<DirectoryContents> dirlist = new List<DirectoryContents>(); foreach (var x in (from md in context.MachineDirs join d in context.Dirs on md.dir_id equals d.dir_id where md.machine_id == mach_id select new { md.dir_realpath, d })) { var dir = new DirectoryContents(x.d.dir_name, x.d.dir_description, x.dir_realpath); dir.Id = x.d.dir_id; dir.Owner = x.d.user_ownerid; dirlist.Add(dir); } mc.Directories = dirlist; return mc; } }
public DirectoryContents(DirectoryContents dc) : this(dc.Name, dc.LocalPath, dc.Description, dc.Files) { //nothing needed here }
public FileContents GetFileWithContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileIdentity fid) { var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient(); try { FileContents f = null; f = cl.GetFileWithContent(c, m, d, f); cl.Close(); if (f == null) throw new ActionException("Received a null object.", ActionType.User); return f; } catch (Exception ex) { cl.Abort(); throw new ActionException("Error while downloading file contents from database.", ActionType.File, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex); } }
public System.Collections.Generic.List<FileContents> GetFileList(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public DirectoryContents GetDirectoryWithFiles(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryIdentity did) { var cl = new Ref.FileSyncModelClient(); try { DirectoryContents newD = new DirectoryContents(did); newD.Files = cl.GetFileList(c, m, newD); cl.Close(); if (newD == null) throw new ActionException("Received a null object.", ActionType.User); return newD; //DirectoryContents d = null; //d = cl.GetDirectoryWithFiles(c, m, did); //cl.Close(); //return d; } catch (ActionException ex) { cl.Abort(); throw new ActionException("Unable to download directory contents.", ActionType.Directory, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { cl.Abort(); throw new ActionException("Error while downloading directory contents.", ActionType.Directory, MemeType.Fuuuuu, ex); } }
private void buttonAddDir_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { var pickedFolder = new FolderPickerDialog(); try { if (pickedFolder.ShowDialog() == true) { string path = pickedFolder.SelectedPath; if (path == null) throw new ActionException("No folder was chosen.", ActionType.Directory); //DirIdentity did = new DirIdentity(path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1), // null, path); DirectoryContents dcNew = new DirectoryContents( path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1), path); //path.Substring(path.LastIndexOf('\\') + 1), path, null, null, true); dcNew = local.ReadDirectoryContents(dcNew); foreach (DirectoryContents dc in Directories) if (dc.Name.Equals(dcNew.Name) || dc.LocalPath.Equals(dcNew.LocalPath)) throw new ActionException("Folder already exists on this machine.", ActionType.Directory); Directories.Add(dcNew); machine.Directories.Add(dcNew); } } catch (ActionException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message, ex.Title); } }
public List<FileContents> GetFileList(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { List<FileContents> filelist = new List<FileContents>(); m.Directories=GetDirList(c, m); d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single(); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { foreach (var x in (from f in context.Files join t in context.Types on f.type_id equals t.type_id where f.dir_id == d.Id select new { f, t.type_name })) { FileIdentity file = new FileIdentity(x.f.file_name, x.f.file_modified, x.f.file_uploaded, FileType.PlainText, x.f.file_size, x.f.file_hash); file.Content = x.f.content_id; file.Id = x.f.file_id; filelist.Add(new FileContents(file)); } } //d.Files = filelist; return filelist; }
public FileContents GetFileWithContent(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileIdentity f) { var fc = new FileContents(f); GetFileContentId(c, m, d, fc); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { Content c1 = (from o in context.Contents where o.content_id == f.Content select o).Single(); fc.Data = c1.content_data; } return fc; }
public bool SaveDirectory(DirectoryContents d) { string localPath = d.LocalPath; throw new NotImplementedException(); }
private static void AddDir(DirectoryContents d) { int AddedDirId; Dir d1 = Dir.CreateDir(1, d.Name, d.Owner); d1.dir_description = d.Description; using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { context.Dirs.AddObject(d1); context.SaveChanges(); AddedDirId = (from z in context.Dirs select z).ToList().Last().dir_id; } d.Id = AddedDirId; }
public bool UploadDirectory(IFileSyncModel connection, Credentials c, MachineIdentity m, DirectoryContents d) { //add dir if it does not exist if (!connection.AddDirectory(c, new MachineContents(m), d)) return false; foreach (FileContents f in d.Files) { try { FileContents fUp = null; if (f.Size == 0) fUp = ReadFileContents(f, d); else fUp = f; if (!UploadFile(connection, c, m, d, f)) return false; } catch (ActionException ex) { throw new ActionException("Couldn't upload the directory contents.", ActionType.Directory, ex); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new ActionException("Error while uploading a directory.", ActionType.Directory, ex); } } return true; }
private static void AddMachDir(MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { MachineDir md1 = MachineDir.CreateMachineDir(m.Id, d.Id, d.LocalPath); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { context.MachineDirs.AddObject(md1); context.SaveChanges(); } }
/// <summary> /// Removes the duplicate files inside this directory. It performes basing on /// the rule, which states that file names must not repeat. /// </summary> private void RemoveDuplicateFiles(DirectoryContents d) { // Possible second rule example (not introduced): // If hash of file.txt equals to hash of file.bmp, both are preserved. // If, on the other hand, hash of file.txt equals to hash of file2.txt the later file // is preserved. if (d.Files == null || d.Files.Count <= 1) return; List<FileContents> sortedFiles = new List<FileContents>(d.Files); sortedFiles.Sort(FileComparison); for (int i = 0; i < sortedFiles.Count - 1; i++) { if (sortedFiles[i].Name.Equals(sortedFiles[i + 1].Name)) { sortedFiles.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } d.Files = sortedFiles; }
private void GetFileId(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d, FileContents f) { GetDirList(c, m); d.Id = (from o in m.Directories where o.Name == d.Name select o.Id).Single(); using (filesyncEntitiesNew context = new filesyncEntitiesNew()) { int file_id = (from o in context.Files where (o.file_name == f.Name) && (o.dir_id == d.Id) select o.file_id).Single(); f.Id = file_id; } }
public bool EraseDirectory(DirectoryContents d) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public System.Collections.Generic.List <FileContents> GetFileList(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { throw new NotImplementedException(); }
public DirectoryContents ReadDirectoryContents(DirectoryIdentity did, bool addFilesContents = false) { if (did.LocalPath == null || did.LocalPath.Equals(EmptyLocalPath)) return null; string[] filePaths = Directory.GetFiles(did.LocalPath); DirectoryContents d = new DirectoryContents(did, new List<FileContents>()); if (filePaths == null || filePaths.Length == 0) return null; foreach (string path in filePaths) { FileContents fc = ReadFileContents(path); d.Files.Add(fc); } return d; }
public void AddDirectory(Credentials c, MachineContents m, DirectoryContents d) { throw new Exception("not implemented"); }