コード例 #1
        // If we keep the library as a global variable, we can
        // cache data like property descriptions and column headings
        public void BindToLib(IObjectStore oNewLib, Collection pColHeadings, string sClass)
            string[] sClasses = new string[2];

            sClasses[0] = sClass;
            oQueryLib   = oNewLib;
            //oPropDescs = (IDMObjects.PropertyDescriptions)oQueryLib.FilterPropertyDescriptions(IDMObjects.idmObjectType.idmObjTypeDocument, sClasses);
            IClassDescription objClassDesc = ClassDescription.FetchInstance(oNewLib, sClass, null); //(IDMObjects.idmObjectType.idmObjTypeDocument, sClasses);

            oPropDescs = objClassDesc.PropertyDescriptions;
            int oTmp = 0;
            //for (int oTmp = 0 To oPropDescs.Count )
            //foreach (object oTmp in pColHeadings.Count)
                // Weed out any bogus labels the caller passed us
                //FSQ20070509. Changed by try..catch
                //On Error Resume Next;
                    //Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.KeyValuePair otemp2 =((Microsoft.VisualBasic.Collection.KeyValuePair)oTmp);
                    if (oPropDescs[oTmp] != null)
                        cColHeadings.Add(oTmp, null, null, null);
                        cColHeadings.Add(oTmp, null, null, null);
                    catch { }
コード例 #2
        // If we keep the library as a global variable, we can
        // cache data like property descriptions and column headings
        public void BindToLib(IObjectStore objObjectStore, Collection pColHeadings, string sClass)
            string[]          sClasses     = new string[2];
            IClassDescription objClassDesc = ClassDescription.FetchInstance(objObjectStore, sClass, null);

            oPropDescs = objClassDesc.PropertyDescriptions;
            foreach (string oTmp in pColHeadings)
                // Weed out any bogus labels the caller passed us
                    if (oPropDescs.Contains(oTmp))
                        cColHeadings.Add(oTmp, null, null, null);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("On Error Resume Next not handled propertly: " + e.Message);
コード例 #3
        public void UpdateQuery(IObjectStore objObjectStore, string sClass, DataGridView IDMLView) //AxIDMListView.AxIDMListView
            string[] sClasses = new string[2];
            //IDMObjects.PropertyDescription PropDesc = null;
            sClasses[0] = sClass;
            bool Salvar = false;
            //string DirWinTemp = "C:\\APPS\\CreditoEmpresarial\\";
            string DirWinTemp = @Globals.DirLog;
            //oQueryLib = oNewLib;
            //oPropDescs = (IDMObjects.PropertyDescriptions)oQueryLib.FilterPropertyDescriptions(IDMObjects.idmObjectType.idmObjTypeDocument, sClasses);
            IClassDescription objClassDesc = ClassDescription.FetchInstance(objObjectStore, sClass, null);

            oPropDescs = objClassDesc.PropertyDescriptions;

            if (IDMLView.RowCount == 0)
                //@Globals.fncParmIniSet("UOCFileNet", "Execute", "5", DirWinTemp + "UOCFileNet.ini");
                //@Globals.fncParmIniSet("Error", "ErrNumber", "5", DirWinTemp + "UOCFileNet.ini");
                //@Globals.fncParmIniSet("Error", "DescError", "Error No hay Imágenes con esos parámetros", DirWinTemp + "UOCFileNet.ini");
                //@Globals.fncParmIniSet("Cadena", "Cadena", Interaction.Command().Trim(), DirWinTemp + "UOCFileNet.ini");
                MessageBox.Show("Error No hay Imágenes con esos parámetros");
            for (int i = 1; i <= IDMLView.RowCount; i++)
                //  IDMLView.SelectItem(i);
                //TODO validate with Filenet
                @Globals.oDocument = (IDocument)objObjectStore.FetchObject("Document", (String)IDMLView.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value, null);
                switch (@Globals.VarCom)
                case 1:
                    String pName = "F_PAGES";
                    IPropertyDescription propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false)
                        Salvar = true;


                case 2:
                    pName = "NumCliente";
                    if (FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[0].Text.Length > 0)
                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Contrato";
                    if (FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[2].Text.Length > 0)
                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Linea";
                    if (FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[3].Text.Length > 0)
                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "FolioS403";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "CalificaOnDemand";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false)

                        Salvar = true;

                    //Set CmdEjec = New ADODB.Command
                    //Set CmdEjec.ActiveConnection = oMiBD
                    //sQuery1 = "UPDATE FnDocument SET Cliente = '1' WHERE Folio='" & FrmFileNET.TxtCriterio(1) & "'"
                    //CmdEjec.CommandText = sQuery1
                    //CmdEjec.Execute , , adCmdText
                    //oMiBD.Execute sQuery1, , adCmdText
                    //oRS!contrato = "1"
                    //Tampoco sirve con la siguiente sintaxis
                    //oRS.Update oRS!contrato, 1

                case 3:
                case 6:
                    pName = "CalificaOnDemand";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XCalifOnd.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "FechaOperacion";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XFechaOp.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Instrumento";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XInst.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Producto";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XProd.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "FolioS403";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XFolioS403.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "NumCliente";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[0].Text.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Contrato";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[2].Text.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    pName = "Linea";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && FrmFileNET.DefInstance.TxtCriterio[3].Text.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    if (Double.Parse(@Globals.TipoDoc) != 999)
                        pName = "TipoDoc";
                        propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                        if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && Conversion.Val(@Globals.TipoDoc) > 0)

                            Salvar = true;

                    pName = "XfolioS";
                    propertyDescription = getPropertyDescriptionByName(oPropDescs, pName);
                    if (propertyDescription.IsReadOnly == false && @Globals.XFile.Length > 0)

                        Salvar = true;

                    if (Salvar)
                        //TODO set security
                        //@Globals.oDocument.Permissions[1].GranteeName = "SicUsrG:CredEmp:Banamex"; //Read
                        //@Globals.oDocument.Permissions[2].GranteeName = "OperatorG:CredEmp:Banamex"; //Write
                        //@Globals.oDocument.Permissions[3].GranteeName = "OperatorG:CredEmp:Banamex"; //AccessAX

                if (Salvar)
                    if (@Globals.VarCom == 3 || @Globals.VarCom == 6)
                        @Globals.fncParmIniSet("UOCFileNet", "Execute", "1", DirWinTemp + "UOCFileNet.ini");
            if (Salvar)