public UserInfoDialog(Window parent, Network network, Node node) : base(parent, "UserInfoDialog") { this.node = node; = network; base.Window.Title = node.ToString(); avatarImage.Pixbuf = Gui.AvatarManager.GetAvatar(node); nickNameLabel.Markup = String.Format("<span weight=\"bold\" size=\"x-large\">{0}</span> on <i>{1}</i>\n<span font=\"monospace\" size=\"small\">{2}</span>", node.NickName, network.NetworkName, Common.FormatFingerprint(node.NodeID, 4)); realNameLabel.Text = node.RealName; emailLabel.Text = node.Email; TreeViewColumn column; column = addressesTreeView.AppendColumn("Protocol", new CellRendererText(), "text", 0); column = addressesTreeView.AppendColumn("Address Details", new CellRendererText(), "text", 1); column.Expand = true; addressesTreeView.AppendColumn("Supported", new CellRendererText(), "text", 2); addressesTreeView.AppendColumn("Open Externally", new CellRendererText(), "text", 3); addressesTreeView.AppendColumn("Connectable", new CellRendererText(), "text", 4); addressListStore = new ListStore(typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string), typeof(string)); IDestination[] destinations = null; DestinationInfo[] destinationInfos; if (node.IsMe) { destinationInfos = Core.DestinationManager.DestinationInfos; } else { destinationInfos = node.GetTrustedNode().DestinationInfos.ToArray(); destinations = node.GetTrustedNode().Destinations; } if (destinations != null) { foreach (IDestination destination in destinations) { addressListStore.AppendValues(destination.FriendlyTypeName, destination.ToString(), "True", destination.IsOpenExternally.ToString(), destination.CanConnect.ToString()); } } foreach (DestinationInfo info in destinationInfos) { if ((!info.Supported) || destinations == null) { if (node.IsMe) { addressListStore.AppendValues(info.FriendlyName, String.Join(", ", info.Data), info.Supported.ToString(), info.IsOpenExternally.ToString(), String.Empty); } else { addressListStore.AppendValues(info.FriendlyName, String.Join(", ", info.Data), "False", info.IsOpenExternally.ToString(), "False"); } } } addressesTreeView.Model = addressListStore; clientNameLabel.Text = node.ClientName; clientVersionLabel.Text = node.ClientVersion; operatingSystemLabel.Text = node.OperatingSystem; }
public AcceptKeyDialog(Network network, ReceivedKeyEventArgs args) : base(null, "AcceptKeyDialog") { var publicKey = new PublicKey(args.Key.Info, args.Key.Key); keyTextView.Buffer.Text = publicKey.ToArmoredString(); string nodeID = FileFind.Common.SHA512Str(publicKey.Key); nodeIdLabel.Text = nodeID; if (args.Node != null) { if (nodeID.ToUpper() != args.Node.NodeID.ToUpper()) { throw new Exception ("The key recieved does not match this user!"); } nicknameLabel.Text = args.Node.NickName; } else if (args.Connection != null) { var conn = args.Connection; connectionLabel.Text = String.Format("{0} ({1})", conn.RemoteAddress, conn.Incoming ? "Incoming" : "Outgoing"); nicknameLabel.Text = args.Key.Info; connectionLabel.Show(); connectionTitleLabel.Show(); } else { nicknameLabel.Text = args.Key.Info; } denyKeyButtonLabel.Text = String.Format ("Deny Key ({0})", secondsLeft); }
public Memo(Network network, MemoInfo memoInfo) { = network; = memoInfo.ID; this.node = network.Nodes[memoInfo.FromNodeID]; this.createdOn = memoInfo.CreatedOn; this.signature = memoInfo.Signature; this.subject = memoInfo.Subject; this.text = memoInfo.Text; }
private TreeIter IterForNetwork(Network network) { TreeIter iter; if (userListStore.GetIterFirst (out iter)) { do { Network thisNetwork = (Network)userListStore.GetValue (iter, 0); if (thisNetwork == network) { return iter; } } while (userListStore.IterNext (ref iter)); } return TreeIter.Zero; }
private void network_UpdateNodeInfo(Network network, string oldNick, Node node) { try { if (oldNick != node.NickName) { if (Gui.GetPrivateMessageWindow(node) != null) { Gui.GetPrivateMessageWindow (node).UserInfoChanged (oldNick); } } RefreshUserList(); Gui.MainWindow.UpdateStatusText (); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } }
public ChatRoomInvitationDialog(Network network, Node inviteFrom, ChatRoom room, ChatInviteInfo invitation) : base("ChatRoomInvitationDialog") { = room; this.invitation = invitation; descLabel.Markup = String.Format(descLabel.Text, GLib.Markup.EscapeText(inviteFrom.ToString()), GLib.Markup.EscapeText(room.Name)); messageContainer.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(invitation.Message); messageLabel.Text = GLib.Markup.EscapeText(invitation.Message); passwordInfoBox.Visible = room.HasPassword; passwordEntry.Text = invitation.Password; showPasswordCheck.Visible = !String.IsNullOrEmpty(invitation.Password); Validate(); }
public PrivateChatSubpage(Network network, Node node) : base() { this.node = node; = network; this.trustedNodeInfo = network.TrustedNodes[node.NodeID]; if (trustedNodeInfo == null) { throw new Exception("Cannot have a private conversation with an untrusted node."); } base.userList.Parent.Visible = false; base.SendMessage += base_SendMessage; AddToChat(null, String.Format("Now talking with {0} ({1}).", trustedNodeInfo.Identifier, Common.FormatFingerprint(trustedNodeInfo.NodeID))); AddToChat(null, "This conversation is secure."); }
public Node(Network network, string nodeID) { if (network == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("network"); } if (nodeID.Length != 128) { throw new ArgumentException("Invalid NodeID specified."); } this.nodeID = nodeID; = network; alg = new RijndaelManaged(); diffieHellman = new DiffieHellmanManaged(); if (nodeID != Core.MyNodeID) { directory = new NodeDirectory(this); } }
public ChatRoomSubpage(ChatRoom room) : base() { this.thisRoom = room; = room.Network; userListStore = new ListStore (typeof (Node)); userList.Model = userListStore; var iconCell = new CellRendererPixbuf(); var textCell = new CellRendererText(); var column = new TreeViewColumn(); column.PackStart(iconCell, false); column.SetCellDataFunc(iconCell, new TreeCellDataFunc(UserListIconFunc)); column.PackStart(textCell, true); column.SetCellDataFunc(textCell, new TreeCellDataFunc (UserListTextFunc)); userList.AppendColumn(column); userList.HeadersVisible = false; userList.RowActivated += on_userList_RowActivated; userList.ButtonReleaseEvent += on_userList_button_release_event; foreach (Node n in room.Users.Values) { userListStore.AppendValues (n); } AddToChat (null, String.Format ("You have joined {0}.", thisRoom.Name)); if (room.HasPassword) { AddToChat (null, "This chatroom is password-protected. Other users on the network who do not have the password are not able to evesdrop on the conversation.\n"); } else { AddToChat (null, "This chatroom is not password-protected. Other users on the network are able to evesdrop on the conversation, regardless of if they appear to be in the room or not.\n"); } base.SendMessage += base_SendMessage; }
private void network_PrivateMessage(Network network, Node messageFrom, string messageText) { try { PrivateChatSubpage page = Gui.GetPrivateMessageWindow(messageFrom); if (page == null) { page = Gui.StartPrivateChat(network, messageFrom, false); } page.AddToChat(messageFrom, messageText); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } }
public Memo(Network network) { = network; this.node = network.Nodes[Core.MyNodeID]; this.createdOn = DateTime.Now; }
internal static Node CreateLocalNode(Network network) { if (!loaded) { throw new InvalidOperationException("You must call Init() first"); } Node node = new Node(network, Core.MyNodeID); node.NickName = Core.Settings.NickName; node.RealName = Core.Settings.RealName; node.Email = Core.Settings.Email; node.Verified = true; // XXX: This is a mess. Perhaps the client should register it's name and version with Core on Init. object[] attrs = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetCustomAttributes(typeof(AssemblyTitleAttribute), true); if (attrs.Length > 0) { AssemblyTitleAttribute attr = (AssemblyTitleAttribute)attrs[0]; AssemblyName asmName = Assembly.GetEntryAssembly().GetName(); node.ClientName = attr.Title; node.ClientVersion = asmName.Version.ToString(); } else { node.ClientName = "Unknown"; node.ClientVersion = "Unknown"; } node.OperatingSystem = Core.OS.VersionInfo; return node; }
private static void RemoveNetwork(Network network) { network.Stop(); networks.Remove(network); if (NetworkRemoved != null) { NetworkRemoved(network); } }
private void Connect(Network network, string address, IPAddress ip, int port) { try { if (!base.Dialog.Visible) return; if (ip == null) { Gui.ShowErrorDialog("Unable to resolve hostname.", Dialog); return; } ITransport transport = new TcpTransport(ip, port, ConnectionType.NodeConnection); network.ConnectTo(transport); if (Gui.Settings.RecentConnections.IndexOf(address) != -1) Gui.Settings.RecentConnections.Remove(address); Gui.Settings.RecentConnections.Insert(0, address); Gui.Settings.SaveSettings(); Dialog.Respond((int)ResponseType.Ok); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog(ex.Message, base.Dialog); } }
private void Core_NetworkRemoved(Network network) { network.UserOnline -= network_UserOnline; }
private void Core_NetworkAdded(Network network) { network.ReceivedSearchResult += network_ReceivedSearchResult; }
public ChatRoom(Network network, string id, string name) { = network; = id; = name; }
private void Core_NetworkRemoved(Network network) { network.ReceivedSearchResult -= network_ReceivedSearchResult; }
private void Core_NetworkAdded(Network network) { Application.Invoke(delegate { ((ListStore)networkComboBox.Model).AppendValues(network.NetworkName, network); }); network.UserOnline += network_UserOnline; }
private void network_LeftChat(Network network, ChatEventArgs args) { if (args.Room.InRoom == true) { (args.Room.Properties["Window"] as ChatRoomSubpage).RemoveUser (args.Node); } if (args.Room.Users.Count == 0) { chatTreeStore.RemoveItem (network, args.Room); } else { chatList.QueueDraw (); } Gui.MainWindow.RefreshCounts(); }
private void network_JoinedChat(Network network, ChatEventArgs args) { try { if (chatTreeStore.ContainsItem (network, args.Room) == false) { TreeIter iter = chatTreeStore.AddItem (network, args.Room); if (args.Node.IsMe) { chatList.Selection.SelectIter (iter); chatList.GrabFocus(); } } if (args.Room.InRoom == true) { if (args.Room.Properties.ContainsKey("Window") == false) { Widget labelWidget = CreateTabLabel(args.Room.Name); ChatRoomSubpage w = new ChatRoomSubpage(args.Room); AppendPage(w, labelWidget); args.Room.Properties.Add("Window", w); w.GrabFocus(); tabLabelPages[labelWidget] = w; } else { (args.Room.Properties["Window"] as ChatRoomSubpage).AddUser (args.Node); } } chatList.QueueDraw (); Gui.MainWindow.RefreshCounts(); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); } }
private void Core_NetworkAdded(Network network) { network.JoinedChat += (JoinPartChatEventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new JoinPartChatEventHandler (network_JoinedChat)); network.LeftChat += (JoinPartChatEventHandler) DispatchService.GuiDispatch (new JoinPartChatEventHandler (network_LeftChat)); }
private void network_NewIncomingConnection(Network network, LocalNodeConnection c) { try { AddConnectionEventHandlers(c); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } }
private void network_ReceivedNonCriticalError(Network network, Node from, MeshworkError error) { try { UpdateConnectionList(); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } }
public MessageBuilder(Network n) { network = n; }
private bool network_ReceivedKey(Network network, ReceivedKeyEventArgs args) { try { bool accept = false; AutoResetEvent receiveKeyWait = new AutoResetEvent (false); Application.Invoke(delegate { AskAcceptKey(network, args, receiveKeyWait, ref accept); }); receiveKeyWait.WaitOne (); return accept; } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); return false; } }
internal ChatRoom(Network network, ChatRoomInfo info) { = network; = info.Id; = info.Name; }
/* private void network_FileOffered (Network network, FileOfferedEventArgs args) { try { LogManager.Current.WriteToLog (args.From.NickName + " offers to send you " + args.File.FileName); MessageDialog dialog = new MessageDialog (null, DialogFlags.Modal, Gtk.MessageType.Question, ButtonsType.YesNo, "{0} would like to send you the following file:\n\n{1}\n\nDo you want to accept it?", args.From.ToString(), args.File.FileName); dialog.Show (); if (dialog.Run() == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Yes) { //network.DownloadFile (args.From, args.File.FileFullPath, args.File.File.Size); } dialog.Destroy (); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } } */ private void network_ReceivedChatInvite(Network network, Node inviteFrom, ChatRoom room, ChatInviteInfo invitation) { try { ChatRoomInvitationDialog dialog = new ChatRoomInvitationDialog (network, inviteFrom, room, invitation); dialog.Show (); } catch (Exception ex) { LoggingService.LogError(ex); Gui.ShowErrorDialog (ex.ToString(), Gui.MainWindow.Window); } }
private void network_ReceivedSearchResult(Network network, SearchResultInfoEventArgs args) { foreach (FileSearch thisSearch in fileSearches) { if (thisSearch.Id == args.Info.SearchId) { thisSearch.AppendResults(args.Node, args.Info); return; } } LoggingService.LogWarning("Unexpected search reply."); }
private void network_UserOnline(Network network, Node node) { Application.Invoke(delegate { string text = String.Format("{0} ({1})", node.NickName, network.NetworkName); Console.WriteLine("Hello ! " + text); ((ListStore)messageSenderToComboBox.Model).AppendValues(text, network, node); Console.WriteLine("Added!!"); }); }