コード例 #1
 private static string GetScreenPixelsWidth(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #2
 private static string GetSupportsAccesskeyAttribute(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates the capabilities used by Microsoft's implementation of the
        /// HttpBrowserCapabilities class to control the property values it
        /// returns. Only properties exposed by FiftyOneBrowserCapabilities are overriden
        /// by this method.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="capabilities">Dictionary of capabilities to be enhanced.</param>
        /// <param name="currentCapabilities">Dictionary of existing capabilities for the device.</param>
        /// <param name="device">Device to use for enhancements.</param>
        private static void Enhance(IDictionary capabilities, IDictionary currentCapabilities, DeviceInfo device)
            // Set base capabilities for all mobile devices.

            SetValue(capabilities, "actualDeviceRoot", device.IsActualDeviceRoot.ToString());
            SetValue(capabilities, "isMobileDevice", GetIsMobileDevice(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "crawler", GetIsCrawler(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "mobileDeviceModel", GetMobileDeviceModel(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "mobileDeviceManufacturer", GetMobileDeviceManufacturer(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "platform", GetPlatform(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "type", capabilities["mobileDeviceManufacturer"]);
            SetValue(capabilities, "supportsAccessKeyAttribute", GetSupportsAccesskeyAttribute(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "hasBackButton", GetHasBackButton(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "screenPixelsHeight", GetScreenPixelsHeight(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "screenPixelsWidth", GetScreenPixelsWidth(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "screenBitDepth", GetScreenBitDepth(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "preferredImageMime", GetPreferredImageMime(device, capabilities));
            SetValue(capabilities, "isColor", GetIsColor(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "SupportsCallback", GetSupportsCallback(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "maximumRenderedPageSize", GetMaximumRenderedPageSize(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "rendersBreaksAfterWmlAnchor", GetRendersBreaksAfterWmlAnchor(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "rendersBreaksAfterWmlInput", GetRendersBreaksAfterWmlInput(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "screenCharactersHeight", GetScreenCharactersHeight(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "screenCharactersWidth", GetScreenCharactersWidth(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "requiresUTF8ContentEncoding", GetRequiresUTF8ContentEncoding(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "tables", GetTables(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "canInitiateVoiceCall", GetIsMobileDevice(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "javascript", GetJavascriptSupport(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "supportsNoWrapStyle", GetSupportsNoWrapStyle(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "supportsStyleElement", GetPreferredRenderingTypeFromWURFL(device));
            SetValue(capabilities, "maximumSoftKeyLabelLength", GetMaximumSoftKeyLabelLength(device));

            // Use the Version class to find the version. If this fails use the 1st two
            // decimal segments of the string.
            string versionString = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(MobileBrowserVersion));

            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(versionString) == false)
                    Version version = new Version(versionString);
                    SetValue(capabilities, "majorversion", version.Major.ToString());
                    SetValue(capabilities, "minorversion", "." + version.Minor.ToString());
                    SetValue(capabilities, "version", version.ToString());
                catch (FormatException)
                    SetVersion(capabilities, versionString);
                catch (ArgumentException)
                    SetVersion(capabilities, versionString);
                // Ensure the version values are not null to prevent null arguement exceptions
                // with some controls.
                versionString = currentCapabilities != null ? currentCapabilities["version"] as string : "0.0";
                SetVersion(capabilities, versionString);

            SetValue(capabilities, "supportsImageSubmit", GetSupportsImageSubmit(device));

            // All we can determine from WURFL is if javascript is supported as a boolean.
            // Use this value to set a version number that is the same for all devices that
            // indicate javascript support.
            bool javaScript = GetJavascriptSupport(device);

            SetJavaScript(capabilities, javaScript);
            SetValue(capabilities, "ecmascriptversion",
                     javaScript ? "3.0" : "0.0");
            SetValue(capabilities, "jscriptversion",
                     javaScript ? "5.7" : "0.0");

            SetValue(capabilities, "w3cdomversion",
                                      currentCapabilities != null
                                          ? (string)currentCapabilities["w3cdomversion"]
                                          : String.Empty));

            SetValue(capabilities, "cookies",
                                      currentCapabilities != null
                                         ? (string)currentCapabilities["cookies"]
                                         : String.Empty));

            // Only set these values from WURFL if they've not already been set from
            // the Http request header.
            if (capabilities.Contains("preferredRenderingType") == false)
                // Set the rendering type for the response.
                string renderingType = GetPreferredRenderingTypeFromWURFL(device);
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingType) == false)
                    SetValue(capabilities, "preferredRenderingType", renderingType);

                // Set the Mime type of the response.
                if (capabilities.Contains("preferredRenderingMime") == false)
                    string renderingMime = GetPreferredRenderingMimeFromWURFL(device, renderingType);
                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(renderingMime) == false)
                        SetValue(capabilities, "preferredRenderingMime", renderingMime);
コード例 #4
 private static string GetAdapters(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #5
ファイル: DeviceInfo.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates an instance of DeviceInfo.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="userAgent">User agent string used to identify this device.</param>
 /// <param name="deviceId">A unique Identifier of the device.</param>
 /// <param name="devices">A reference to the complete index of devices.</param>
 /// <param name="fallbackDevice">The fallback device to use for this device if any.</param>
 internal DeviceInfo(
     Provider devices,
     string deviceId,
     string userAgent,
     DeviceInfo fallbackDevice)
     if (fallbackDevice == null)
         throw new ArgumentNullException("fallbackDevice");
     Init(devices, deviceId, userAgent);
     _fallbackDevice = fallbackDevice;
コード例 #6
 private static string GetTables(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(XhtmlTableSupport));
     if(String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals("false", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #7
 private static string GetPlatform(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(DeviceOs));
コード例 #8
ファイル: Provider.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
 /// <summary>
 /// Loops through the fallback devices until an actual device root is found.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The device to be checked.</param>
 /// <returns>A device that is a root.</returns>
 private DeviceInfo GetActualDeviceRootDeviceInfo(DeviceInfo device)
     DeviceInfo fallback = device.FallbackDevice;
     if (fallback != null)
         if (fallback.IsActualDeviceRoot)
             return fallback;
             return GetActualDeviceRootDeviceInfo(fallback);
     return null;
コード例 #9
 private static string GetMobileDeviceManufacturer(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(BrandName));
コード例 #10
 private static string GetMobileDeviceModel(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(MarketingName));
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value))
         value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(ModelName));
     return value;
コード例 #11
 //The following methods and bindings were suggested by forum member 'fravelgue'
 private static string GetMaximumSoftKeyLabelLength(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(SoftkeySupport));
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals("false", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #12
 private static string GetMaximumRenderedPageSize(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(MaxDeckSize));
コード例 #13
 /// <summary>
 /// If the wurfl database indicates javascript support then return true.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The device to be checked.</param>
 /// <returns>True if javascript is supported.</returns>
 private static bool GetJavascriptSupport(DeviceInfo device)
     bool java = false;
     if (bool.TryParse(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(AjaxSupportJavascript)), out java) &&
         return true;
     return false;
コード例 #14
 private static string GetScreenCharactersWidth(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #15
 private static string GetPreferredImageMime(DeviceInfo device, IDictionary capabilities)
     // Look at the database and return the 1st one that matches in order
     // of preference.
     if (bool.TrueString.Equals(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Png)), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return "image/png";
     if (bool.TrueString.Equals(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Jpg)), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return "image/jpeg";
     if (bool.TrueString.Equals(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Gif)), StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return "image/gif";
     return null;
コード例 #16
 private static string GetMaximumRenderedPageSize(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #17
        private static string GetPreferredRenderingMimeFromWURFL(DeviceInfo device, string renderingType)
            switch (renderingType)
                case "xhtml-mp":
                case "xhtml-basic":
                    return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(XhtmlmpPreferredMimeType));

                case "chtml10":
                case "html4":
                case "html32":
                    return "text/html";

                    return null;
コード例 #18
ファイル: Processor.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
        private static void LoadCapabilityData(
            XmlReader reader,
            DeviceInfo device,
            StringCollection availableCapabilities)
            string capabilityName = reader.GetAttribute(Constants.NameAttributeName, string.Empty);

            // If it is not white listed, do not load into the memory.
            // This is to keep memory consumption down.
            if (_loadOnlyCapabilitiesWhiteListed &&
                _capabilitiesWhiteListed.Contains(capabilityName) == false)

            string capabilityValue = reader.GetAttribute(Constants.ValueAttributeName, string.Empty);

            // Store all the capabilities names, that's used to make sure
            // all devices has all capabilities associated to it.
            if (availableCapabilities.Contains(capabilityName) == false)

            // Ensure the capability is set to the current value.
            device.Capabilities.Set(capabilityName, capabilityValue);
コード例 #19
 private static string GetPreferredRenderingTypeFromWURFL(DeviceInfo device)
     switch (Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(PreferredMarkup)))
         case "html_web_3_2":
             return "html32";
         case "html_web_4_0":
             return "html4";
         case "html_wi_oma_xhtmlmp_1_0":
             return "xhtml-mp";
         case "html_wi_w3_xhtmlbasic":
             return "xhtml-basic";
         case "html_wi_imode_htmlx_1":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_1":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_2":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_3":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_4":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_5":
         case "html_wi_imode_html_6":
         case "html_wi_imode_htmlx_1_1":
         case "html_wi_imode_compact_generic":
             return "chtml10";
             return GetFirstRenderingTypeFromWURFL(device);
コード例 #20
 private static string GetIsMobileDevice(DeviceInfo device)
     if (device.IsMobileDevice)
         return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #21
 private static string GetRendersBreaksAfterWmlInput(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(InsertBrElementAfterWidgetRecommended));
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals("false", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #22
 private static string GetW3CDOMVersion(DeviceInfo device, string current)
     int level = 0;
     Version version = new Version(0, 0);
     if (int.TryParse(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(XhtmlSupportLevel)), out level) &&
         level >= 4)
         version = new Version("");
             version = new Version(current);
         catch (ArgumentException)
             // Do nothing and let the default value be returned.
     return version.ToString(2);
コード例 #23
 private static string GetRequiresUTF8ContentEncoding(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Utf8Support));
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) || value.Equals("false", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #24
 private static string GetPlatform(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #25
 private static string GetScreenBitDepth(DeviceInfo device)
     long fScreenBitDepth = 1;
     long numberOfColors = 256;
     long.TryParse(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Colors)), out numberOfColors);
     fScreenBitDepth = Support.GetBitsPerPixel(numberOfColors);
     return fScreenBitDepth.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);
コード例 #26
 private static string GetScreenPixelsHeight(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #27
 private static string GetScreenCharactersHeight(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Rows));
コード例 #28
 private static string GetHasBackButton(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #29
 private static string GetScreenCharactersWidth(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(Columns));
コード例 #30
 private static string GetMobileDeviceManufacturer(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #31
 private static string GetScreenPixelsHeight(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(ResolutionHeight));
コード例 #32
 private static string GetScreenCharactersHeight(DeviceInfo device)
コード例 #33
 private static string GetScreenPixelsWidth(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(ResolutionWidth));
コード例 #34
ファイル: Provider.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
        /// <summary>
        /// Records the device in the indexes used by the API. If a device
        /// with the same ID already exists the previous one is overwritten.
        /// The device is also assigned to a handler based on the useragent,
        /// and supported root devices of the handler.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">The new device being added.</param>
        internal void Set(DeviceInfo device)
            // Does the device already exist?
            lock (_deviceIDs)
                if (_deviceIDs.ContainsKey(device.DeviceId))
                    // Yes. Replace the previous device as it's likely this new
                    // one is coming from a more current source.
                    _deviceIDs[device.DeviceId] = device;
                    // No. So add the new device.
                    _deviceIDs.Add(device.DeviceId, device);

            // Add the new device to handlers that can support it.
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(device.UserAgent) == false)
            #if VER4
            foreach (Handler handler in GetHandlers(device).Where(handler => handler != null))
            #elif VER2
                foreach (Handler handler in GetHandlers(device))
                    if (handler != null)
コード例 #35
 private static string GetSupportsAccesskeyAttribute(DeviceInfo device)
     return Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(AccessKeySupport));
コード例 #36
ファイル: Provider.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets an array of handlers that will support the device information.
        /// Device ids are used to determine if the handler supports the device
        /// tree the requested device is within.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="device">Device information to find supporting handlers.</param>
        /// <returns>A list of all handlers that can handle this device.</returns>
        private Handler[] GetHandlers(DeviceInfo device)
            byte highestConfidence = 0;
            List<Handler> handlers = new List<Handler>();

            #if VER4
            foreach (Handler handler in _handlers.Where(handler => handler.CanHandle(device)))
                GetHandlers(ref highestConfidence, handlers, handler);
            #elif VER2
            foreach (Handler handler in _handlers)
                if (handler.CanHandle(device))
                    GetHandlers(ref highestConfidence, handlers, handler);
            return handlers.ToArray();
コード例 #37
 /// <summary>
 /// Returns true if the device supports callbacks from the browser
 /// using XMLHttpRequest using any type of method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="device">The device to be checked.</param>
 /// <returns>True if XMLHttpRequest is supported.</returns>
 private static string GetSupportsCallback(DeviceInfo device)
     string value = Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(AjaxXhrType));
     if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(value) ||
         value.Equals("none", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
         return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
     return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #38
ファイル: Processor.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
        /// <summary>
        /// Processes the XML element containing the device attributes.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="devices">A list of loaded devices.</param>
        /// <param name="reader">The XML stream readers.</param>
        /// <returns>An empty device.</returns>
        private static DeviceInfo LoadDevice(Provider devices, XmlReader reader)
            // Create the next device using the fallback device if available.
            string deviceId = reader.GetAttribute(Constants.IdAttributeName, string.Empty);
            string userAgent = reader.GetAttribute(Constants.UserAgentAttributeName, string.Empty);
            string fallbackDeviceId = reader.GetAttribute(Constants.FallbackAttributeName, string.Empty);

            // If the device already exists then use the previous one. This may happen
            // when an earlier device referenced a fallback device that had not yet
            // been created.
            DeviceInfo device = devices.GetDeviceInfoFromID(deviceId);
            if (device == null)
                // Create the new device.
                device = new DeviceInfo(devices, deviceId, userAgent ?? String.Empty);
            else if (userAgent != null)
                // Ensure the correct UserAgent string is assigned to this device.

            // If the Actual Device Root attribute is specified then set the value
            // for this device.
            bool isActualDeviceRoot;
            if (bool.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute(Constants.ActualDeviceRoot, string.Empty), out isActualDeviceRoot))
                device.IsActualDeviceRoot = isActualDeviceRoot;

            // Check the fallback device is different to the device being loaded.
            if (fallbackDeviceId != null && device.DeviceId != fallbackDeviceId)
                // Does the fallback device already exist?
                device.FallbackDevice = devices.GetDeviceInfoFromID(fallbackDeviceId);
                if (device.FallbackDevice == null)
                    // No. So create new fallback device.
                    device.FallbackDevice = new DeviceInfo(devices, fallbackDeviceId);
                    // Add it to the available devices.
            return device;
コード例 #39
        private static string GetSupportsImageSubmit(DeviceInfo device)
            int value = 0;
            if (int.TryParse(Strings.Get(device.GetCapability(XhtmlSupportLevel)), out value) &&
                value >= 3)
                return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();

            return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();
コード例 #40
ファイル: DeviceInfo.cs プロジェクト: irobinson/51DegreesDNN
 /// <summary>
 /// Creates a new device using the source device as the fallback.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="source">Source device for the new device.</param>
 /// <param name="deviceId">Id of the new device.</param>
 internal DeviceInfo(DeviceInfo source, string deviceId)
     : this(source._devices, deviceId, source._userAgent, source)
コード例 #41
 private static string GetIsCrawler(DeviceInfo device)
     if (device.DeviceId == "generic_web_crawler" || device.DeviceId.Contains("crawler"))
         return bool.TrueString.ToLowerInvariant();
     if (device.FallbackDevice != null)
         return GetIsCrawler(device.FallbackDevice);
     return bool.FalseString.ToLowerInvariant();