コード例 #1
        //private readonly IUnityContainer _container = new UnityContainer();
        //public IUnityContainer Container
        //    get { return _container; }
        public void Boot()
            //Container.RegisterType(typeof (IRepository<>), typeof (Repository<>));
            //Container.RegisterType(typeof(IUnitOfWork), typeof(UnitOfWork));

            //UnityContainer.RegisterType(typeof(DbContext), typeof(Context));

            //// Tricky part.
            //// Your repositories and unit of work must share the same DbContextAdapter, so we register an instance that will always be used
            //// on subsequente resolve.
            //// Note : you should not use ContainerControlledLifetimeManager when using ASP.NET or MVC
            //// and use a per request lifetime manager
            //UnityContainer.RegisterInstance(new DbContextAdapter(UnityContainer.Resolve<DbContext>()), new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager());

            //    new InjectionFactory(con => con.Resolve<DbContextAdapter>())
            //    );

            //    new InjectionFactory(con => con.Resolve<DbContextAdapter>())
            //    );

            var moduleLoader = new ModuleLoader();

            var messageHandlerWiring = new MessageHandlerWiring();

            var eventSubscriberWiring = new EventSubscriberWiring();