コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a session archive zip file into an array of Session objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sFilename">Filename to load</param>
        /// <param name="bVerboseDialogs"></param>
        /// <returns>Loaded array of sessions or null, in case of failure</returns>        
        private static Session[] ReadSessionArchive(string sFilename, bool bVerboseDialogs)
            /*  Okay, given the zip, we gotta:
             *		Unzip
             *		Find all matching pairs of request, response
             *		Create new Session object for each pair
            if (!File.Exists(sFilename))
                FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. File " + sFilename + " does not exist.");
                return null;

            ZipArchive oZip = null;
            List<Session> outSessions = new List<Session>();

                // Sniff for ZIP file.
                FileStream oSniff = File.Open(sFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                if (oSniff.Length < 64 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x50 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x4B)
                {  // Sniff for 'PK'
                    FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. " + sFilename + " is not a Fiddler-generated .SAZ archive of HTTP Sessions.");
                    return null;

                oZip = new ZipArchive(new DiskFile(sFilename));

                AbstractFolder oRaw = oZip.GetFolder("raw");
                if (!oRaw.Exists)
                    FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. The selected ZIP is not a Fiddler-generated .SAZ archive of HTTP Sessions.");
                    return null;

                foreach (AbstractFile oRequestFile in oRaw.GetFiles(true, @"*_c.txt"))
                        byte[] arrRequest = new byte[oRequestFile.Size];
                        Stream oFS;

                            oFS = oRequestFile.OpenRead(FileShare.Read);
                        catch (Xceed.Zip.InvalidDecryptionPasswordException)
                            Console.Write("Password-Protected Session Archive.\nEnter the password to decrypt, or enter nothing to abort opening.\n>");
                            string sPassword = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (sPassword != String.Empty)
                                oZip.DefaultDecryptionPassword = sPassword;
                                goto RetryWithPassword;

                            return null;
                        int iRead = Utilities.ReadEntireStream(oFS, arrRequest);
                        Debug.Assert(iRead == arrRequest.Length, "Failed to read entire request.");

                        AbstractFile oResponseFile = oRaw.GetFile(oRequestFile.Name.Replace("_c.txt", "_s.txt"));
                        if (!oResponseFile.Exists)
                            FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Could not find a server response for: " + oResponseFile.FullName);

                        byte[] arrResponse = new byte[oResponseFile.Size];
                        oFS = oResponseFile.OpenRead();
                        iRead = Utilities.ReadEntireStream(oFS, arrResponse);
                        Debug.Assert(iRead == arrResponse.Length, "Failed to read entire response.");

                        oResponseFile = oRaw.GetFile(oRequestFile.Name.Replace("_c.txt", "_m.xml"));

                        Session oSession = new Session(arrRequest, arrResponse);

                        if (oResponseFile.Exists)
                        oSession.oFlags["x-LoadedFrom"] = oRequestFile.Name.Replace("_c.txt", "_s.txt");

                    catch (Exception eX)
                        FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive incomplete. Invalid data was present in session: " + oRequestFile.FullName + ".\n\n\n" + eX.Message + "\n" + eX.StackTrace);
            catch (Exception eX)
                FiddlerApplication.ReportException(eX, "ReadSessionArchive Error");
                return null;

            if (null != oZip)
                oZip = null;

            return outSessions.ToArray();

コード例 #2
ファイル: SAZ-DOTNETZIP.cs プロジェクト: cocoon/ORepTool
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a session archive zip file into an array of Session objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sFilename">Filename to load</param>
        /// <param name="bVerboseDialogs"></param>
        /// <returns>Loaded array of sessions or null, in case of failure</returns>        
        private static Session[] ReadSessionArchive(string sFilename, bool bVerboseDialogs)
            /*  Okay, given the zip, we gotta:
            *		Unzip
            *		Find all matching pairs of request, response
            *		Create new Session object for each pair
            if (!File.Exists(sFilename))
                FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. File " + sFilename + " does not exist.");
                return null;

            ZipFile oZip = null;
            string sPassword = String.Empty;
            List<Session> outSessions = new List<Session>();

                // Sniff for ZIP file.
                FileStream oSniff = File.Open(sFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read);
                if (oSniff.Length < 64 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x50 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x4B)
                {  // Sniff for 'PK'
                    FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. " + sFilename + " is not a Fiddler-generated .SAZ archive of HTTP Sessions.");
                    return null;

                oZip = new ZipFile(sFilename);

                if (!oZip.EntryFileNames.Contains("raw/"))
                    FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. The selected ZIP is not a Fiddler-generated .SAZ archive of HTTP Sessions.");
                    return null;

                foreach (ZipEntry oZE in oZip)
                    // Not a request. Skip it.
                    if (!oZE.FileName.EndsWith("_c.txt") || !oZE.FileName.StartsWith("raw/")) continue;

                    if (oZE.Encryption != EncryptionAlgorithm.None && (String.Empty == sPassword)) 
                        Console.Write("Password-Protected Session Archive.\nEnter the password to decrypt, or enter nothing to abort opening.\n>");
                        sPassword = Console.ReadLine();
                        if (sPassword != String.Empty)
                            oZip.Password = sPassword;
                            return null;

                        byte[] arrRequest = new byte[oZE.UncompressedSize];
                        Stream oFS;
                            oFS = oZE.OpenReader();
                        catch (Ionic.Zip.BadPasswordException)
                            Console.WriteLine("Incorrect password.");
                            sPassword = String.Empty;
                            goto GetPassword;
                        int iRead = Utilities.ReadEntireStream(oFS, arrRequest);
                        Debug.Assert(iRead == arrRequest.Length, "Failed to read entire request.");

                        ZipEntry oZEResponse = oZip[oZE.FileName.Replace("_c.txt", "_s.txt")];

                        if (null == oZEResponse)
                            FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Could not find a server response for: " + oZE.FileName);

                        byte[] arrResponse = new byte[oZEResponse.UncompressedSize];
                        oFS = oZEResponse.OpenReader();
                        iRead = Utilities.ReadEntireStream(oFS, arrResponse);
                        Debug.Assert(iRead == arrResponse.Length, "Failed to read entire response.");

                        Session oSession = new Session(arrRequest, arrResponse);

                        ZipEntry oZEMetadata = oZip[oZE.FileName.Replace("_c.txt", "_m.xml")];

                        if (null != oZEMetadata)
                        oSession.oFlags["x-LoadedFrom"] = oZE.FileName.Replace("_c.txt", "_s.txt");
                    catch (Exception eX)
                        FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive incomplete. Invalid data was present in session: " + oZE.FileName + ".\n\n\n" + eX.Message + "\n" + eX.StackTrace);
                      /*    RetryWithPassword:
                              oFS = oRequestFile.OpenRead(FileShare.Read);
                          catch (Xceed.Zip.InvalidDecryptionPasswordException)
                            Console.WriteLine("Password-Protected Session Archive.\nEnter the password to decrypt, or enter nothing to abort opening.\n>");
                            string sPassword = Console.ReadLine();
                            if (sPassword != String.Empty)
                                oZip.DefaultDecryptionPassword = sPassword;
                                goto RetryWithPassword;

                            return null;
            catch (Exception eX)
                FiddlerApplication.ReportException(eX, "ReadSessionArchive Error");
                return null;

            if (null != oZip)
                oZip = null;

            return outSessions.ToArray();
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads a session archive zip file into an array of Session objects
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sFilename">Filename to load</param>
        /// <param name="bVerboseDialogs"></param>
        /// <returns>Loaded array of sessions or null, in case of failure</returns>
        private static Session[] ReadSessionArchive(string sFilename, bool bVerboseDialogs)
            /*  Okay, given the zip, we gotta:
            *		Unzip
            *		Find all matching pairs of request, response
            *		Create new Session object for each pair
            if (!File.Exists(sFilename))
                FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. File " + sFilename + " does not exist.");
                return null;

            List<Session> outSessions = new List<Session>();

                // Sniff for ZIP file.
                using (FileStream oSniff = File.Open(sFilename, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.Read))
                    if (oSniff.Length < 64 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x50 || oSniff.ReadByte() != 0x4B)
                    {  // Sniff for 'PK'
                        FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("SAZFormat> ReadSessionArchive Failed. " + sFilename + " is not a Fiddler-generated .SAZ archive of HTTP Sessions.");
                        return null;

                using (Package oZip = Package.Open(sFilename, FileMode.Open))
                    PackagePartCollection oAllParts = oZip.GetParts();
                    foreach (PackagePart oPPC in oAllParts)
                        string sURI = oPPC.Uri.ToString();
                        if (!sURI.EndsWith("_c.txt")) continue;

                        byte[] arrRequest = null;
                        byte[] arrResponse = null;

                        // Okay, we now have a Request. Let's read it.
                        using (Stream oData = oPPC.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                            arrRequest = ReadEntireStream(oData);

                            sURI = sURI.Replace("_c.txt", "_s.txt");

                            // Get the response
                            PackagePart oResponse = oZip.GetPart(new Uri(sURI, UriKind.Relative));
                            using (Stream oData = oResponse.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read))
                                arrResponse = ReadEntireStream(oData);
                        catch (Exception eX)
                            FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Could not load Server Response: " + sURI + "\n" + eX.Message);
                            // Fatal error. Skip this session

                        Session oSession = new Session(arrRequest, arrResponse);
                        oSession.oFlags["x-LoadedFrom"] = sURI;

                        sURI = sURI.Replace("_s.txt", "_m.xml");

                            // Get the Metadata
                            PackagePart oMetadata = oZip.GetPart(new Uri(sURI, UriKind.Relative));
                            Stream oData = oMetadata.GetStream(FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read);
                            oSession.LoadMetadata(oData);  // Note: Closes the stream automatically
                            FiddlerApplication.Log.LogString("Could not load Metadata: " + sURI);
                            // Missing metadata is not-fatal.
            catch (Exception eX)
                FiddlerApplication.ReportException(eX, "ReadSessionArchive Error");
                return null;

            return outSessions.ToArray();