コード例 #1
ファイル: FemahApiTests.cs プロジェクト: hotstone/femah
        public void AssertApiResponseBuilderCallsUpdateOnFeatureTypeStateIsEnabledStateAndAttributes()
            const string validFeatureType = "Femah.Core.FeatureSwitchTypes.PercentageFeatureSwitch, Femah.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null";
            //const string jsonResponse = "{\"PercentageOn\":75,\"Description\":\"A simple feature switch that is on for a set percentage of users. The state of the switch is persisted in the user's cookies.If no cookie exists the state is chosen at random (weighted according to the percentage), and then stored in a cookie.\",\"ConfigurationInstructions\":\"Set PercentageOn to the percentage of users who should see this feature. Eg. 10 means the feature is on for 10% of users.\",\"IsEnabled\":true,\"Name\":\"TestFeatureSwitch1\",\"FeatureType\":\"Femah.Core.FeatureSwitchTypes.PercentageFeatureSwitch, Femah.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null\"}";

            var currentFeatureSwitchState = new PercentageFeatureSwitch
                Name = "TestFeatureSwitch1",
                FeatureType = validFeatureType,
                IsEnabled = true,
                PercentageOn = 50

            var desiredFeatureSwitchState = new PercentageFeatureSwitch
                Name = "TestFeatureSwitch1",
                FeatureType = validFeatureType,
                IsEnabled = true,
                PercentageOn = 75

            var providerMock = new Mock<IFeatureSwitchProvider>();
            providerMock.Setup(p => p.Get("TestFeatureSwitch1"))

            var femahMock = new Mock<Femah>();
            //femahMock.Setup(f => f)
            //TODO: Can't currently mock Femah easily, seeing as it's both sealed and the methods we're interested in are internal static, thoughts?


            ApiResponse apiResponse;
            using (var apiResponseBuilder = new ApiResponseBuilder())
                apiResponse = apiResponseBuilder.CreateWithUpdatedFeatureSwitch(desiredFeatureSwitchState);

            //Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, apiResponse.HttpStatusCode);
            //Assert.AreEqual(jsonResponse, apiResponse.Body);
コード例 #2
ファイル: FemahApiTests.cs プロジェクト: hotstone/femah
        public void ApiResponseBuilderSetsHttpStatusCodeTo200AndReturnsDesiredFeatureSwitchStateIfPutRequestIncludesFeatureSwitchChangesToCustomParameters()
            const string validFeatureType = "Femah.Core.FeatureSwitchTypes.PercentageFeatureSwitch, Femah.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null";
            const string jsonResponse = "{\"PercentageOn\":75,\"Description\":\"A simple feature switch that is on for a set percentage of users. The state of the switch is persisted in the user's cookies.If no cookie exists the state is chosen at random (weighted according to the percentage), and then stored in a cookie.\",\"ConfigurationInstructions\":\"Set PercentageOn to the percentage of users who should see this feature. Eg. 10 means the feature is on for 10% of users.\",\"IsEnabled\":true,\"Name\":\"TestFeatureSwitch1\",\"FeatureType\":\"Femah.Core.FeatureSwitchTypes.PercentageFeatureSwitch, Femah.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null\"}";

            var currentFeatureSwitchState = new PercentageFeatureSwitch
                Name = "TestFeatureSwitch1",
                FeatureType = validFeatureType,
                IsEnabled = true,
                PercentageOn = 50

            var desiredFeatureSwitchState = new PercentageFeatureSwitch
                Name = "TestFeatureSwitch1",
                FeatureType = validFeatureType,
                IsEnabled = true,
                PercentageOn = 75

            var providerMock = new Mock<IFeatureSwitchProvider>();
            providerMock.Setup(p => p.Get("TestFeatureSwitch1"))


            ApiResponse apiResponse;
            using (var apiResponseBuilder = new ApiResponseBuilder())
                apiResponse = apiResponseBuilder.CreateWithUpdatedFeatureSwitch(desiredFeatureSwitchState);

            Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.OK, apiResponse.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(jsonResponse, apiResponse.Body);
コード例 #3
ファイル: FemahApiTests.cs プロジェクト: hotstone/femah
        public void ApiResponseBuilderSetsHttpStatusCodeTo304IfPutRequestBodyIsValidJsonButFeatureSwitchHasNoChanges()
            const string validFeatureType = "Femah.Core.FeatureSwitchTypes.SimpleFeatureSwitch, Femah.Core, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null";
            string jsonRequestAndResponse = string.Format(
                    "{{\"IsEnabled\":true,\"Name\":\"TestFeatureSwitch1\",\"FeatureType\":\"{0}\",\"Description\":\"Define a short description of the feature switch type here.\",\"ConfigurationInstructions\":\"Add configuration context and instructions to be displayed in the admin UI\"}}",

            var featureSwitch = new SimpleFeatureSwitch
                Name = "TestFeatureSwitch1",
                IsEnabled = true,
                FeatureType = validFeatureType

            var providerMock = new Mock<IFeatureSwitchProvider>();
            providerMock.Setup(p => p.Get("TestFeatureSwitch1"))


            ApiResponse apiResponse;
            using (var apiResponseBuilder = new ApiResponseBuilder())
                apiResponse = apiResponseBuilder.CreateWithUpdatedFeatureSwitch(featureSwitch);

            Assert.AreEqual((int)HttpStatusCode.NotModified, apiResponse.HttpStatusCode);
            Assert.AreEqual(string.Empty, apiResponse.Body);
コード例 #4
ファイル: ProcessApiRequest.cs プロジェクト: hotstone/femah
        /// <summary>
        /// Responsible for processing all HTTP PUT requests in to the femah API. Receives an ApiRequest object, orchestrates and hands off to 
        /// the ApiResponseBuilder class to create the ApiResponse object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="apiRequest" type="ApiRequest">A custom request object built predominantly from the http context request object, contains everything we need to route the API request appropriately.</param>
        /// <returns type="ApiResponse">The complete response to the PUT request from the API, including body and HTTP status code.</returns>
        public static ApiResponse ProcessPutRequest(ApiRequest apiRequest)
            using (var apiResponseBuilder = new ApiResponseBuilder())
                ApiResponse response = null;

                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(apiRequest.Parameter))
                    response = apiResponseBuilder.WithBody(
                            String.Format("Error: Service '{0}' requires a parameter to be passed. Url must match the format /femah.axd/api/[service]/[parameter].", apiRequest.Service))
                    return response;
                switch (apiRequest.Service)
                    //Example PUT: http://example.com/femah.axd/api/featureswitches/TestFeatureSwitch1 - Update a single Feature Switch (IsEnabled, SetCustomAttributes, FeatureType)
                    case ApiRequest.ApiService.featureswitches:
                        var featureSwitch = DeSerialiseJsonBodyToFeatureSwitch(apiRequest.Body);
                        if (featureSwitch != null)
                            response = apiResponseBuilder.CreateWithUpdatedFeatureSwitch(featureSwitch);
                            response = apiResponseBuilder.WithBody("Error: Unable to deserialise the request body.  Either the JSON is invalid or the supplied 'FeatureType' value is incorrect, have you used the AssemblyQualifiedName as the 'FeatureType' in the request?")

                        response = apiResponseBuilder.WithBody(
                            String.Format("Error: Service '{0}' does not support parameter querying.", apiRequest.Service))
                return response;