public static void DumpRecords(FastDbCommand command) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.WriteLine("---SQL: \"{0}\"---", command.SQL); command.Describe(); // Ensure that field descriptions are fetched from the database. foreach (FastDbField f in command.Fields) Console.Write("{0}\t", f.Name); Console.WriteLine(); foreach(FastDbCommand.Cursor cur in command.Select()) { foreach (FastDbField f in cur.Fields) Console.Write("{0}\t", f.asString); Console.WriteLine(); } }
public Cursor(FastDbCommand command) { this.command = command; }
internal void RemoveCommand(FastDbCommand command) { lock(typeof(FastDbConnection)) { commands.Remove(command); } }
internal void RemoveCommand(FastDbCommand command) { lock (typeof(FastDbConnection)) { commands.Remove(command); } }