public List<INVITATION> Search(INVITATION Entity, int PageSize, int PageIndex, out int TotalRecords, string OrderExp, Util.SortDirection SortDirection) { var result = Context.INVITATION.AsQueryable(); if (Entity != null) { if (Entity.ID != 0) { result = result.Where(b => b.ID == Entity.ID); } if (Entity.CustomerID.HasValue) { result = result.Where(i => i.CustomerID == Entity.CustomerID); } if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Entity.InvitedMail)) { result = result.Where(i => i.InvitedMail.Contains(Entity.InvitedMail)); } if (Entity.RegistrationDate != null) { result = result.Where(i => i.RegistrationDate == (Entity.RegistrationDate)); } } TotalRecords = result.Count(); GenericSorterCaller<INVITATION> sorter = new GenericSorterCaller<INVITATION>(); result = sorter.Sort(result, string.IsNullOrEmpty(OrderExp) ? DEFAULT_ORDER_EXP : OrderExp, SortDirection); // pagination return result.Skip(PageIndex * PageSize).Take(PageSize).ToList(); }
private void Update(int numValue) { var updIntit = new INVITATION { ID = numValue }; int custId; if (Int32.TryParse(hdnCustomerId.Value, out custId)) { updIntit.CustomerID = custId; updIntit.InvitedMail = txtInvitedMail.Text; updIntit.Registered = chkRegistered.Checked; DateTime date; if (DateTime.TryParse(txtDate.Text, out date)) updIntit.RegistrationDate = date; ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Update(updIntit); writeResult("Update successful!", false); } else { writeResult("Error successful! No Customer data.", true); } }
public void DeleteById(int Id) { INVITATION obj = new INVITATION() { ID = Id }; Delete(obj); }
public void Delete(INVITATION delInv) { Context.INVITATION.Attach(delInv); Context.DeleteObject(delInv); }
public void Update(INVITATION upInv) { Context.INVITATION.Attach(upInv); Context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(upInv, System.Data.EntityState.Modified); }
public void Insert(INVITATION newInv) { Context.INVITATION.AddObject(newInv); }
private void Save() { string[] mails = txtInvitedMail.Text.Split(','); int count = 0; List<string> alreadyInvitedMails = new List<string>(); List<string> alreadyRegisteredMails = new List<string>(); try { foreach (var mail in mails) { var newInvt = new INVITATION(); if (this.CurrentCustomer != null) { int idC = CurrentCustomer.Id; newInvt.CustomerID = idC; newInvt.Registered = false; //newInvt.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now; newInvt.InvitedMail = mail; if (ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetByEmail(mail) != null) { alreadyRegisteredMails.Add(mail); continue; } List<INVITATION> invites = ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.GetAllInvitationOfCustomer(CurrentCustomer.Id); if (invites.Where(i => i.InvitedMail == mail).FirstOrDefault() != null) { alreadyInvitedMails.Add(mail); continue; } ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Insert(newInvt); count++; SendInvite(this.CurrentCustomer, newInvt.ID, mail, CurrentCustomer.FullName); } } StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); if (count > 0) { builder.Append(Lang.InviteSuccessful); } if (alreadyRegisteredMails.Count > 0) { builder.Append( "<br />" + Resources.Lang.AlreadyRegisteredMailLabel + "<br />"); foreach (string email in alreadyRegisteredMails) { builder.Append(email + " "); } } if (alreadyInvitedMails.Count > 0) { builder.Append("<br />" + Resources.Lang.EmailAlreadyInvited + "<br />"); foreach (string email in alreadyInvitedMails) { builder.Append(email + " "); } } litError.Text = builder.ToString(); } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO log Log(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, "Invite"); litError.Text = Lang.ErrorVerifiedLabel; } }
private void Save() { string[] mails = txtInvitedMail.Text.Split(';'); int count = 0; foreach (var mail in mails) { var newInvt = new INVITATION(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(txtCustomer.Text) && !string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtCustomer.Text)) { string[] nameBrday = txtCustomer.Text.Split('-'); if (nameBrday.Length > 2) { int idC; if (Int32.TryParse(nameBrday[2], out idC)) { var customer = ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetById(idC); if (customer != null) { newInvt.CUSTOMER = customer; newInvt.CustomerID = customer.ID; } } } } newInvt.InvitedMail = mail; newInvt.Registered = chkRegistered.Checked; DateTime dataReg; if (DateTime.TryParse(txtDate.Text, out dataReg)) newInvt.RegistrationDate = dataReg; ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Insert(newInvt); count++; } writeResult(count > 1 ? count + " Inserts successful!" : "Insert successful!", false); }
protected void dataBindInvitation(string sortExp, int pageIndex) { try { int totalRecords = 0; gridInvitation.PageSize = Utils.Configuration.PageSize; int id = 0; INVITATION invitation = new INVITATION() { CustomerID = this.CustomerID }; List<INVITATION> list = ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Search(invitation, Utils.Configuration.PageSize, pageIndex, out totalRecords, sortExp, gridBonus.SortOrder); gridInvitation.DataSource = list; gridInvitation.CustomCustomVirtualItemCount = totalRecords; gridInvitation.DataBind(); } catch (Exception e) { writeError(e.Message); } }
protected void lnkRegister_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Page.Validate(); if (Page.IsValid) { CUSTOMER customer = new CUSTOMER(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtEmail.Text) || !valEmail.IsValid) { litError.Text = "Email " + Resources.Lang.NotValidLabel + "."; return; } if (!chkGeneralTerms.Checked) { litError.Text = Resources.Lang.PleaseAcceptLabel; return; } int invCust = 0; //Check if have cookie. Yes ? Add id of customer whu invited : nothing if (Request.Cookies["InvBy"] != null) { if (Request.Cookies["InvBy"]["IdCust"] != null) { if (int.TryParse(Request.Cookies["InvBy"]["IdCust"], out invCust)) { customer.InvitedFrom = invCust; } } } customer.Email = txtEmail.Text; try { if (ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.GetByEmail(txtEmail.Text) != null) { litError.Text = Resources.Lang.AlreadyRegisteredMailLabel; return; } customer.Name = txtName.Text; customer.Surname = txtSurname.Text; DateTime date = new DateTime(); IFormatProvider formatProvider = new CultureInfo("it-IT"); if (!String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(txtBirthday.Text)) { DateTime.TryParse(txtBirthday.Text, formatProvider, DateTimeStyles.AdjustToUniversal, out date); } customer.BirthDate = date; customer.Password = FormsAuthentication.HashPasswordForStoringInConfigFile(txtPassword.Text, Configuration.PasswordHashMethod).ToLower(); customer.Active = true; customer.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now; customer.Newsletter = true; customer.Gender = ddlGender.SelectedValue; customer.Telephone = txtPhone.Text; customer.Mobile = txtMobile.Text; //If cookie exist ? delte && set InviteTabele a True : nothing if (Request.Cookies["InvBy"] != null) { if (Request.Cookies["InvBy"]["InvId"] != null) { int idInv; if (int.TryParse(Request.Cookies["InvBy"]["InvId"], out idInv)) { var invitation = ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.GetById(idInv); if (invitation.InvitedMail == txtEmail.Text) { invitation.Registered = true; invitation.RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now; //ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Update(invitation); //No need to do an update (i.e. attach and save context), object already attached } // TODO Check logic // case when invitation id is specified, but user is registering another email else if (invCust != 0) { INVITATION invt = new INVITATION() { CustomerID = invCust, InvitedMail = txtEmail.Text, Registered = true, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, IP = Request.UserHostAddress }; ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Insert(invt); } } else { //case when invitation id is not specified, user may be referred in another way INVITATION invt = new INVITATION() { CustomerID = invCust, InvitedMail = txtEmail.Text, Registered = true, RegistrationDate = DateTime.Now, IP = Request.UserHostAddress }; ApplicationContext.Current.Invitations.Insert(invt); } } HttpCookie myCookie = new HttpCookie("InvBy"); myCookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(-1d); Response.Cookies.Add(myCookie); } ApplicationContext.Current.Customers.Insert(customer); CurrentCustomer = new SessionCustomer(customer); Response.Cookies.Remove(FormsAuthentication.FormsCookieName); FormsAuthentication.SetAuthCookie(customer.Email, false); Response.Redirect("/home"); } catch (System.Threading.ThreadAbortException ex) { } catch (Exception ex) { //TODO log ex Log(ex, ex.Message, ex.StackTrace, "Register"); litError.Text = Resources.Lang.ErrorVerifiedLabel; } } }
public void Delete(INVITATION Entity) { _invititationDAO.Delete(Entity); Context.SaveChanges(); }
public void Insert(INVITATION Entity) { _invititationDAO.Insert(Entity); Context.SaveChanges(); }
public List<INVITATION> Search(INVITATION Entity, int PageSize, int PageIndex, out int TotalRecords, string OrderExp, Util.SortDirection SortDirection) { return _invititationDAO.Search(Entity, PageSize, PageIndex, out TotalRecords, OrderExp, SortDirection); }