コード例 #1
        public SoccerSimulationResult Simulate(SoccerSimulationData data)
            var result = new SoccerSimulationResult();
            var context = new SimulationContext(data, Settings);
            foreach (var league in data.Leagues)
                foreach (var gameweek in league.Gameweeks)
                    foreach (var fixture in gameweek.Fixtures)
                        if (Settings.CalculateOddsWhenSimulating)
                            fixture.Odds = CalculateOdds(fixture);

                    if (gameweek.Ended)
                        context.LastPlayedGameweek = gameweek;

                    var temp = new List<SoccerSimulationPlayerResult>();
                    var players = gameweek.GetPlayers();
                    foreach (var player in players)
                        if (Settings.FilterUnavailablePlayers)
                            if (player.Fantasy.Unavailable)

                        var res = AnalysePlayerResult(player, gameweek, context);

                    var top = new List<SoccerSimulationPlayerResult>();
                    var recommended = temp.Where(x => x.RecommendationPoints > 0)
                                  .OrderBy(x => (int) x.Player.Fantasy.Position)
                                  .ThenByDescending(x => x.RecommendationPoints)
                                  .ThenByDescending(x => x.EstimatedPoints)
                    var groups = recommended.GroupBy(x => x.Player.Fantasy.Position);
                    foreach (var group in groups)
                        var topForPosition = group.ToList();
                        if (Settings.TopRecommendationsPerPosition > 0)
                            topForPosition = topForPosition.Take(Settings.TopRecommendationsPerPosition).ToList();

                        // todo: if many with same recommendation points, then set a "uncertainty level" on player?
                    result.PlayerResults.Add(gameweek, top);

                    // todo: if players are recommended for several gameweeks (in a row), then recommend them even more
            return result;
コード例 #2
        private SoccerSimulationPlayerResult AnalysePlayerResult(Player player, Gameweek gameweek, SimulationContext context)
            var res = new SoccerSimulationPlayerResult();
            res.Player = player;

            var fixtures = gameweek.Fixtures.Where(x => x.HomeTeam?.Team?.ID == player.Team.ID || x.AwayTeam?.Team?.ID == player.Team.ID);
            foreach (var fixture in fixtures)
                if (!Settings.SimulateFinishedGames)
                    if (fixture.Statistics.GameFinished)

                if (Settings.PlayerAnalysers != null)
                    foreach (var analyser in Settings.PlayerAnalysers)
                        if (!analyser.Enabled)
                        var rec = analyser.Analyse(player, fixture, context);
                        if (rec != null)
                            foreach (var r in rec)
                                if (r == null || r.Type == PlayerRecommendationType.None)

                if (Settings.TeamAnalysers != null)
                    foreach (var analyser in Settings.TeamAnalysers)
                        if (!analyser.Enabled)
                        var rec = analyser.Analyse(player, fixture, context);
                        if (rec != null)
                            foreach (var r in rec)
                                if (r == null || r.Type == TeamRecommendationType.None)

                #region OLD

                // Algorithms
                // todo: give recommendation if is not Forward and tends to score/assist often
                // todo: give recommendation if is defender, but plays as mid and tends to score (points for CS and goals)
                // todo: logical number algorithm
                // todo: remove magic numbers

                var playerTeam = player.GetLeagueTeam(fixture);
                var opposingTeam = player.GetOpposingTeam(fixture);
                var homeTeamAdvantage = player.HasHomeTeamAdvantage(fixture);
                var gameweeksFromLastPlayedGW = gameweek.Number - context.LastPlayedGameweek.Number;

                //var odds = CalculateOdds(fixture);
                var odds = fixture.Odds;
                if (odds != null)
                    var teamBetter = homeTeamAdvantage
                    ? odds.HomeWin < 2
                    : odds.AwayWin < 2;
                    var teamWorse = homeTeamAdvantage
                        ? odds.HomeWin > 3
                        : odds.AwayWin > 3;

                    // todo: better team-vs-team quality check (with weight)
                    if (teamBetter)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.FixtureRatingDiff, 1);
                    else if (teamWorse)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.FixtureRatingDiff, -1);

                // Positives
                if (homeTeamAdvantage)
                    res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.HomeTeamAdvantage, 1);

                if (Settings.MinimumFixturesForPlaytimeRecommendationBonus <= 0 ||
                    playerTeam.Statistics.PlayedGames >= Settings.MinimumFixturesForPlaytimeRecommendationBonus)
                    var teamPlayedMinutes = playerTeam.GetPlayedMinutesBeforeFixtureForTeam(fixture);
                    var playerMinutes = player.GetPlayedMinutesBeforeFixtureForPlayer(fixture);
                    if (teamPlayedMinutes > 0)
                        var playedPercentage = (double)playerMinutes / teamPlayedMinutes;

                        // Positives
                        if (playedPercentage >= (80d / 90))
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerPlaytime, 2);
                        //else if (playedPercentage >= (70d / 90))
                        //    res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerPlaytime, 2);
                        else if (playedPercentage >= (60d / 90))
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerPlaytime, 1);
                        // Negatives
                        else if (playedPercentage <= 0.15)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerPlaytime, -1);

                // Form
                if (gameweeksFromLastPlayedGW > 0 &&
                    gameweeksFromLastPlayedGW <= Settings.LengthOfFormWhenSimulating)
                    // Good player form
                    if (Settings.MinimumFixturesForFormRecommendationBonus <= 0 ||
                        playerTeam.Statistics.PlayedGames >= Settings.MinimumFixturesForFormRecommendationBonus)
                        // Positives
                        if (player.Statistics.Form >= 15)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerForm, 3);
                        if (player.Statistics.Form >= 10)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerForm, 2);
                        else if (player.Statistics.Form >= 6)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerPlaytime, 1);

                    // Good team form
                    if (Settings.MinimumFixturesForFormRecommendationBonus <= 0 ||
                        playerTeam.Statistics.PlayedGames >= Settings.MinimumFixturesForFormRecommendationBonus)
                        // Positives
                        if (playerTeam.Statistics.Form >= 15)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.TeamForm, 3);
                        if (playerTeam.Statistics.Form >= 10)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.TeamForm, 2);
                        else if (playerTeam.Statistics.Form >= 6)
                            res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.TeamForm, 1);

                // Negatives
                if (player.Fantasy.ChanceOfPlayingNextFixture >= 0)
                    if (player.Fantasy.ChanceOfPlayingNextFixture <= 0)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.ChanceOfPlaying, -10);
                    else if (player.Fantasy.ChanceOfPlayingNextFixture <= 0.25)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.ChanceOfPlaying, -3);
                    else if (player.Fantasy.ChanceOfPlayingNextFixture <= 0.50)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.ChanceOfPlaying, -2);
                    else if (player.Fantasy.ChanceOfPlayingNextFixture <= 0.75)
                        res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.ChanceOfPlaying, -1);
                if (player.Fantasy.Unavailable)
                    res.AddRecommendation(RecommendationType.PlayerUnavailable, -10);



            return res;