toNullable() public abstract method

public abstract toNullable ( ) : Type
return Type
コード例 #1
         * synchronized Class emit()
         * {
         * if (cls == null)
         *  cls = FPodEmit.emitAndLoad(fpod);
         * return cls;
         * }
         * synchronized void precompiled(Class cls)
         * throws Exception
         * {
         * this.cls = cls;
         * FPodEmit.initFields(fpod, cls);
         * }

        internal Type findType(int qname)
            if (qname == 0xFFFF || qname == -1)

            // lookup type with typeRef index
            FTypeRef reference = fpod.typeRef(qname);

            // if generic instance, then this type must be used in a method
            // signature, not type meta-data (b/c I can't subclass generic types),
            // so it's safe that my pod has been loaded and is now registered (in
            // case the generic type is parameterized via types in my pod)
            if (reference.isGenericInstance())
                return(TypeParser.load(reference.signature, true, this));

            // otherwise I need to handle if I am loading my own pod, because
            // I might not yet be added to the system namespace if I'm just
            // loading my own hollow types
            string podName  = reference.podName;
            string typeName = reference.typeName;
            Pod    pod      = podName == m_name ? this : doFind(podName, true, null);
            Type   type     = pod.type(typeName, false);

            if (type != null)
                if (reference.isNullable())
                    type = type.toNullable();

            // handle generic parameter types (for sys pod only)
            if (m_name == "sys")
                type = Sys.genericParamType(typeName);
                if (type != null)
                    if (reference.isNullable())
                        type = type.toNullable();

            // lost cause
            throw UnknownTypeErr.make(podName + "::" + typeName).val;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parameterize t, where t is a generic parameter type such as V.
        /// </summary>
        internal Type parameterize(Type t)
            bool nullable = t.isNullable();
            Type nn       = t.toNonNullable();

            if (nn is ListType)
                t = parameterizeListType((ListType)nn);
            else if (nn is FuncType)
                t = parameterizeFuncType((FuncType)nn);
                t = doParameterize(nn);
            return(nullable ? t.toNullable() : t);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Given a list of objects, compute the most specific type which they all
        /// share,or at worst return sys::Obj.  This method does not take into
        /// account interfaces, only extends class inheritance.
        /// </summary>
        public static Type common(object[] objs, int n)
            if (objs.Length == 0)
            bool nullable = false;
            Type best     = null;

            for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
                object obj = objs[i];
                if (obj == null)
                    nullable = true; continue;
                Type t = @typeof(obj);
                if (best == null)
                    best = t; continue;
                while (!t.@is(best))
                    best = best.@base();
                    if (best == null)
                        return(nullable ? Sys.ObjType.toNullable() : Sys.ObjType);
            if (best == null)
                best = Sys.ObjType;
            return(nullable ? best.toNullable() : best);
コード例 #4
ファイル: GenericType.cs プロジェクト: nomit007/f4
 /// <summary>
 /// Parameterize t, where t is a generic parameter type such as V.
 /// </summary>
 internal Type parameterize(Type t)
     bool nullable = t.isNullable();
       Type nn = t.toNonNullable();
       if (nn is ListType)
     t = parameterizeListType((ListType)nn);
       else if (nn is FuncType)
     t = parameterizeFuncType((FuncType)nn);
     t = doParameterize(nn);
       return nullable ? t.toNullable() : t;
コード例 #5
ファイル: ObjDecoder.cs プロジェクト: nomit007/f4
        // Collection
        /// <summary>
        /// collection := list | map
        /// </summary>
        private object readCollection(Field curField, Type t)
            // opening [
              consume(Token.LBRACKET, "Expecting '['");

              // if this could be a map type signature:
              //    [qname:qname]
              //    [qname:qname][]
              //    [qname:qname][][] ...
              // or it could just be the type signature of
              // of a embedded simple, complex, or list
              Type peekType = null;
              if (curt == Token.ID && t == null)
            // peek at the type
            peekType = readType();

            // if we have [mapType] then this is non-inferred type signature
            if (curt == Token.RBRACKET && peekType is MapType)
              t = peekType; peekType = null;
              while (curt == Token.LRBRACKET) { consume(); t = t.toListOf(); }
              if (curt == Token.QUESTION) { consume(); t = t.toNullable(); }
              if (curt == Token.POUND) { consume(); return t; }
              consume(Token.LBRACKET, "Expecting '['");

              // handle special case of [,]
              if (curt == Token.COMMA && peekType == null)
            consume(Token.RBRACKET, "Expecting ']'");
            return new List(toListOfType(t, curField, false));

              // handle special case of [:]
              if (curt == Token.COLON && peekType == null)
            consume(Token.RBRACKET, "Expecting ']'");
            return new Map(toMapType(t, curField, false));

              // read first list item or first map key
              object first = readObj(null, peekType, false);

              // now we can distinguish b/w list and map
              if (curt == Token.COLON)
            return readMap(toMapType(t, curField, true), first);
            return readList(toListOfType(t, curField, true), first);