public override object callOn(object target, List args) { int argsSize = args == null ? 0 :; bool dotnetStatic = _isStatic(); bool fanStatic = ((m.m_flags & (FConst.Static | FConst.Ctor)) != 0); if (dotnetStatic && !fanStatic) { // if Java static doesn't match Fantom static, then this is // a FanXXX method which we need to call as Java static int p = checkArgs(argsSize, false, true); object[] a = new object[p + 1]; a[0] = target; if (args != null && a.Length > 0) { args.copyInto(a, 1, a.Length - 1); } return(m.invoke(null, a)); } else { // we don't include target as part of arguments int p = checkArgs(argsSize, dotnetStatic, true); object[] a = new object[p]; if (args != null && a.Length > 0) { args.toArray(a, 0, a.Length); } return(m.invoke(target, a)); } }
private int checkArgs(int args, bool isStatic, bool isCallOn) { // compuate min/max parameters - reflect contains all the method versions // with full pars at index zero, and full defaults at reflect.Length-1 int max =; if (!isStatic) { max--; } int min = max - m.m_reflect.Length + 1; // do checking if (isStatic || isCallOn) { if (args < min) { throw ArgErr.make("Too few arguments: " + args + " < " + min + ".." + max).val; } } else { if (args < min + 1) { throw ArgErr.make("Too few arguments: " + args + " < instance+" + min + ".." + max).val; } args--; } // return size of arguments to pass to java method return(args <= max ? args : max); }
public override List inheritance() { if (m_inheritance == null) { Hashtable map = new Hashtable(); List acc = new List(Sys.TypeType); // handle Void as a special case if (this == Sys.VoidType) { acc.add(this); return(m_inheritance = acc.trim()); } // add myself map[m_qname] = this; acc.add(this); // add my direct inheritance inheritance addInheritance(@base(), acc, map); List m = mixins(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { addInheritance((Type)m.get(i), acc, map); } m_inheritance = acc.trim().ro(); } return(m_inheritance); }
public override object callList(List args) { int argsSize = args == null ? 0 :; bool isStatic = _isStatic(); int p = checkArgs(argsSize, isStatic, false); object[] a = new object[p]; if (isStatic) { if (args != null && a.Length > 0) { args.toArray(a, 0, a.Length); } return(m.invoke(null, a)); } else { object i = args.get(0); if (a.Length > 0) { args.toArray(a, 1, a.Length); } return(m.invoke(i, a)); } }
public static Version make(List segments) { bool valid = > 0; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (((Long)segments.get(i)).longValue() < 0) { valid = false; } } if (!valid) { throw ArgErr.make("Invalid Version: '" + segments + "'").val; } return(new Version(segments)); }
public static Version fromStr(string s, bool check) { List segments = new List(Sys.IntType, 4); int seg = -1; bool valid = true; int len = s.Length; for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) { int c = s[i]; if (c == '.') { if (seg < 0 || i + 1 >= len) { valid = false; break; } segments.add(Long.valueOf(seg)); seg = -1; } else { if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { if (seg < 0) { seg = c - '0'; } else { seg = seg * 10 + (c - '0'); } } else { valid = false; break; } } } if (seg >= 0) { segments.add(Long.valueOf(seg)); } if (!valid || == 0) { if (check) { throw ParseErr.make("Version", s).val; } else { return(null); } } return(new Version(segments)); }
/// <summary> /// Constructor used by GenericType and we are given the generic /// method that is being parameterized. /// </summary> public Method(Type parent, string name, int flags, Facets facets, int lineNum, Type returns, Type inheritedReturns, List pars, Method generic) : base(parent, name, flags, facets, lineNum) { List fparams =; if ((flags & (FConst.Static|FConst.Ctor)) == 0) { object[] temp = new object[]; temp[0] = new Param("this", parent, 0); pars.copyInto(temp, 1,; fparams = new List(Sys.ParamType, temp); } this.m_func = new MethodFunc(this, returns, fparams); this.m_params = pars; this.m_inheritedReturns = inheritedReturns; this.m_mask = (generic != null) ? 0 : toMask(parent, returns, pars); this.m_generic = generic; }
public static void removeHandler(Func func) { lock (lockObj) { List temp = new List(Sys.FuncType, m_handlers); temp.remove(func); m_handlers = (Func[])temp.toArray(new Func[]); } }
/// <summary> /// Constructor used by GenericType and we are given the generic /// method that is being parameterized. /// </summary> public Method(Type parent, string name, int flags, Facets facets, int lineNum, Type returns, Type inheritedReturns, List pars, Method generic) : base(parent, name, flags, facets, lineNum) { List fparams =; if ((flags & (FConst.Static | FConst.Ctor)) == 0) { object[] temp = new object[ + 1]; temp[0] = new Param("this", parent, 0); pars.copyInto(temp, 1,; fparams = new List(Sys.ParamType, temp); } this.m_func = new MethodFunc(this, returns, fparams); this.m_params = pars; this.m_inheritedReturns = inheritedReturns; this.m_mask = (generic != null) ? 0 : toMask(parent, returns, pars); this.m_generic = generic; }
public bool containsAny(List list) { for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { if (index(list.get(i)) != null) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static void addHandler(Func func) { if (!func.isImmutable()) throw NotImmutableErr.make("handler must be immutable").val; lock (lockObj) { List temp = new List(Sys.FuncType, m_handlers).add(func); m_handlers = (Func[])temp.toArray(new Func[]); } }
static Map read(Map defProps, Key key, List files) { if (files.isEmpty()) return defProps; Map acc = defProps.dup(); for (int; i>=0; --i) { InStream input = ((File)files.get(i)).@in(); try { acc.setAll(input.readProps()); } finally { input.close(); } } return (Map)acc.toImmutable(); }
public static void addHandler(Func func) { if (!func.isImmutable()) { throw NotImmutableErr.make("handler must be immutable").val; } lock (lockObj) { List temp = new List(Sys.FuncType, m_handlers).add(func); m_handlers = (Func[])temp.toArray(new Func[]); } }
/// <summary> /// Merge the inherit's slots into my slot maps. /// slots: Slot[] by order /// nameToSlot: String name -> Slot /// nameToIndex: String name -> Long index of slots /// </summary> private void merge(Type inheritedType, List slots, Hashtable nameToSlot, Hashtable nameToIndex) { if (inheritedType == null) { return; } List inheritedSlots = inheritedType.reflect().slots(); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { merge((Slot)inheritedSlots.get(i), slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } }
/** * Parse an dimension string and intern it: * dim := <ratio> ["*" <ratio>]* * ratio := <base> <exp> * base := "kg" | "m" | "sec" | "K" | "A" | "mol" | "cd" */ private static Dimension parseDim(string s) { // handle empty string as dimensionless if (s.Length == 0) { return(m_dimensionless); } // parse dimension Dimension dim = new Dimension(); List ratios = FanStr.split(s, Long.valueOf((long)'*'), true); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { string r = (string)ratios.get(i); if (r.StartsWith("kg")) { = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(2).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("sec")) { dim.sec = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(3).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("mol")) { dim.mol = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(3).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("m")) { dim.m = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("K")) { dim.K = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("A")) { dim.A = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(1).Trim()); continue; } if (r.StartsWith("cd")) { = SByte.Parse(r.Substring(2).Trim()); continue; } throw new Exception("Bad ratio '" + r + "'"); } // intern return(dim.intern()); }
public virtual List findAllPodNames() { List acc = new List(Sys.StrType); List files = findFile(Uri.fromStr("lib/fan/")).list(); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { File f = (File)files.get(i); if (f.isDir() || "pod" != f.ext()) { continue; } acc.add(f.basename()); } return(acc); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Lifecycle ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static Service install(Service self) { try { List types = FanObj.@typeof(self).inheritance(); lock (m_lock) { // if already installed, short circuit if (self.isInstalled()) { return(self); } // add to byService map byService[self] = new State(self); // add to map for each type service implements for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { Type t = (Type)types.get(i); if (!isServiceType(t)) { continue; } Node node = new Node(self); Node x = (Node)byType[t.qname()]; if (x == null) { byType[t.qname()] = node; } else { while ( != null) { x =; } = node; } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Err.dumpStack(e); } return(self); }
public List split(string s, long limit) { int l = (limit < 0) ? 0 : (int)limit; List result = new List(m_pattern.Split(s, l)); // to match java we need to discard any trailing // emptys strings (use limit, not l) if (limit == 0) { while ( > 0 && (result.last() as string).Length == 0) { result.pop(); } } return(result); }
private void addInheritance(Type t, List acc, Hashtable map) { if (t == null) { return; } List ti = t.inheritance(); for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Type x = (Type)ti.get(i); if (map[x.qname()] == null) { map[x.qname()] = x; acc.add(x); } } }
public static Version fromStr(string s, bool check) { List segments = new List(Sys.IntType, 4); int seg = -1; bool valid = true; int len = s.Length; for (int i=0; i<len; ++i) { int c = s[i]; if (c == '.') { if (seg < 0 || i+1>=len) { valid = false; break; } segments.add(Long.valueOf(seg)); seg = -1; } else { if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { if (seg < 0) seg = c-'0'; else seg = seg*10 + (c-'0'); } else { valid = false; break; } } } if (seg >= 0) segments.add(Long.valueOf(seg)); if (!valid || == 0) { if (check) throw ParseErr.make("Version", s).val; else return null; } return new Version(segments); }
public static List splitws(String val) { List toks = new List(Sys.StrType, 16); int len = val.Length; while (len > 0 && val[len - 1] <= ' ') { --len; } int x = 0; while (x < len && val[x] <= ' ') { ++x; } for (int i = x; i < len; ++i) { if (val[i] > ' ') { continue; } toks.add(val.Substring(x, i - x)); x = i + 1; while (x < len && val[x] <= ' ') { ++x; } i = x; } if (x <= len) { toks.add(val.Substring(x, len - x)); } if ( == 0) { toks.add(""); } return(toks); }
/// <summary> /// Compute if the method signature contains generic parameter types. /// </summary> private static int toMask(Type parent, Type returns, List pars) { // we only use generics in Sys if (parent.pod() != Sys.m_sysPod) { return(0); } int p = returns.isGenericParameter() ? 1 : 0; for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { p |= ((Param)pars.get(i)).m_type.isGenericParameter() ? 1 : 0; } int mask = 0; if (p != 0) { mask |= GENERIC; } return(mask); }
public override bool @is(Type type) { // we don't take nullable into account for fits if (type is NullableType) { type = ((NullableType)type).m_root; } if (type == this || (type == Sys.ObjType && this != Sys.VoidType)) { return(true); } List inherit = inheritance(); for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { if (inherit.get(i) == type) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public override object callList(List args) { int argsSize = args == null ? 0 :; bool isStatic = _isStatic(); int p = checkArgs(argsSize, isStatic, false); object[] a = new object[p]; if (isStatic) { if (args != null && a.Length > 0) args.toArray(a, 0, a.Length); return m.invoke(null, a); } else { object i = args.get(0); if (a.Length > 0) args.toArray(a, 1, a.Length); return m.invoke(i, a); } }
private static object doTrap(object self, string name, List args, Type type) { Slot slot = type.slot(name, true); if (slot is Method) { Method m = (Method)slot; return m.m_func.callOn(self, args); } else { Field f = (Field)slot; int argSize = (args == null) ? 0 :; if (argSize == 0) { return; } if (argSize == 1) { object val = args.get(0); f.set(self, val); return; } throw ArgErr.make("Invalid number of args to get or set field '" + name + "'").val; } }
public Map setList(List list, Func f) { modify(); if (f == null) { for (int i=0; i<; ++i) set(list.get(i), list.get(i)); } else if (f.@params().sz() == 1) { for (int i=0; i<; ++i) set(, list.get(i)); } else { for (int i=0; i<; ++i) set(, i), list.get(i)); } return this; }
public bool containsAny(List list) { for (int i=0; i<; i++) if (index(list.get(i)) != null) return true; return false; }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Construction ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public static string fromChars(List chars) { if ( == 0) return ""; StringBuilder s = new StringBuilder(; for (int i=0; i<; ++i) s.Append((char)((Long)chars.get(i)).longValue()); return s.ToString(); }
public bool isStale(List x) { if ( != return true; for (int i=0; i<; ++i) if (m_modified[i] != ((File)x.get(i)).modified().ticks()) return true; return false; }
private void doReflect() { // if the ftype is non-null, that means it was passed in non-hollow // ftype (in-memory compile), otherwise we need to read it from the pod if (m_ftype.m_hollow) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { Err.dumpStack(e); throw IOErr.make("Cannot read " + m_qname + " from pod", e).val; } } // these are working accumulators used to build the // data structures of my defined and inherited slots List slots = new List(Sys.SlotType, 64); Hashtable nameToSlot = new Hashtable(); // String -> Slot Hashtable nameToIndex = new Hashtable(); // String -> Long // merge in base class and mixin classes for (int i=0; i<; i++) merge((Type)m_mixins.get(i), slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); merge(m_base, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); // merge in all my slots FPod fpod = this.m_pod.fpod; FType ftype = this.m_ftype; for (int i=0; i<ftype.m_fields.Length; i++) { Field f = map(fpod, ftype.m_fields[i]); merge(f, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } for (int i=0; i<ftype.m_methods.Length; i++) { Method m = map(fpod, ftype.m_methods[i]); merge(m, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } // break out into fields and methods List fields = new List(Sys.FieldType,; List methods = new List(Sys.MethodType,; for (int i=0; i<; i++) { Slot slot = (Slot)slots.get(i); if (slot is Field) fields.add(slot); else methods.add(slot); } this.m_slots = slots.trim(); this.m_fields = fields.trim(); this.m_methods = methods.trim(); this.m_slotsByName = nameToSlot; this.m_facets = Facets.mapFacets(m_pod, ftype.m_attrs.m_facets); // facets this.m_lineNum = m_ftype.m_attrs.m_lineNum; this.m_sourceFile = m_ftype.m_attrs.m_sourceFile; }
/// <summary> /// Merge the inherited slot into my slot maps. Assume this slot /// trumps any previous definition (because we process inheritance /// and my slots in the right order) /// slots: Slot[] by order /// nameToSlot: String name -> Slot /// nameToIndex: String name -> Long index of slots /// </summary> private void merge(Slot slot, List slots, Hashtable nameToSlot, Hashtable nameToIndex) { // skip constructors which aren't mine if (slot.isCtor() && slot.m_parent != this) { return; } string name = slot.m_name; if (nameToIndex[name] != null) { int dup = (int)nameToIndex[name]; // if the slot is inherited from Obj, then we can // safely ignore it as an override - the dup is most // likely already the same Obj method inherited from // a mixin; but the dup might actually be a more specific // override in which case we definitely don't want to // override with the sys::Obj version if (slot.parent() == Sys.ObjType) { return; } // if given the choice between two *inherited* slots where // one is concrete and abstract, then choose the concrete one Slot dupSlot = (Slot)slots.get(dup); if (slot.parent() != this && slot.isAbstract() && !dupSlot.isAbstract()) { return; } // check if this is a Getter or Setter, in which case the Field // trumps and we need to cache the method on the Field // Note: this works because we assume the compiler always generates // the field before the getter and setter in fcode if ((slot.m_flags & (FConst.Getter | FConst.Setter)) != 0) { Field field = (Field)slots.get(dup); if ((slot.m_flags & FConst.Getter) != 0) { field.m_getter = (Method)slot; } else { field.m_setter = (Method)slot; } return; } nameToSlot[name] = slot; slots.set(dup, slot); } else { nameToSlot[name] = slot; slots.add(slot); nameToIndex[name] = - 1; } }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // List ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public void writeList(List list) { // get of type Type of = list.of(); // decide if we're going output as single or multi-line format bool nl = isMultiLine(of); // figure out if we can use an inferred type bool inferred = false; if (curFieldType != null && curFieldType.fits(Sys.ListType)) { inferred = true; } // clear field type, so it doesn't get used for inference again curFieldType = null; // if we don't have an inferred type, then prefix of type if (!inferred) wType(of); // handle empty list int size =; if (size == 0) { w("[,]"); return; } // items if (nl) w('\n').wIndent(); w('['); level++; for (int i=0; i<size; ++i) { if (i > 0) w(','); if (nl) w('\n').wIndent(); writeObj(list.get(i)); } level--; if (nl) w('\n').wIndent(); w(']'); }
////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Complex ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /// <summary> /// complex := type [fields] /// fields := "{" field (eos field)* "}" /// field := name "=" obj /// </summary> private object readComplex(int line, Type t, bool root) { Map toSet = new Map(Sys.FieldType, Sys.ObjType.toNullable()); List toAdd = new List(Sys.ObjType.toNullable()); // read fields/collection into toSet/toAdd readComplexFields(t, toSet, toAdd); // get the make constructor Method makeCtor = t.method("make", false); if (makeCtor == null || !makeCtor.isPublic()) throw err("Missing public constructor " + t.qname() + ".make", line); // get argument lists List args = null; if (root && options != null) args = (List)options.get("makeArgs"); // construct object object obj = null; bool setAfterCtor = true; try { // if first parameter is an function then pass toSet // as an it-block for setting the fields Param p = (Param)makeCtor.@params().first(); if (args == null && p != null && p.type().fits(Sys.FuncType)) { args = new List(Sys.ObjType).add(Field.makeSetFunc(toSet)); setAfterCtor = false; } // invoke make to construct object obj = makeCtor.callList(args); } catch (System.Exception e) { throw err("Cannot make " + t + ": " + e, line, e); } // set fields (if not passed to ctor as it-block) if (setAfterCtor && toSet.size() > 0) { IDictionaryEnumerator en = toSet.pairsIterator(); while (en.MoveNext()) { complexSet(obj, (Field)en.Key, en.Value, line); } } // add if (toAdd.size() > 0) { Method addMethod = t.method("add", false); if (addMethod == null) throw err("Method not found: " + t.qname() + ".add", line); for (int i=0; i<; ++i) complexAdd(t, obj, addMethod, toAdd.get(i), line); } return obj; }
public long m_read; // Duration.nowTicks when we read #endregion Fields #region Constructors public CachedProps(Key key, List files) { this.m_files = files; this.m_modified = new long[]; for (int i=0; i<; ++i) this.m_modified[i] = ((File)files.get(i)).modified().ticks(); this.m_defProps = readDef(key.m_pod, key.m_uri); this.m_props = read(m_defProps, key, files); this.m_read = Duration.nowTicks(); }
/// <summary> /// Compute if the method signature contains generic parameter types. /// </summary> private static int toMask(Type parent, Type returns, List pars) { // we only use generics in Sys if (parent.pod() != Sys.m_sysPod) return 0; int p = returns.isGenericParameter() ? 1 : 0; for (int i=0; i<; ++i) p |= ((Param)pars.get(i)).m_type.isGenericParameter() ? 1 : 0; int mask = 0; if (p != 0) mask |= GENERIC; return mask; }
public static Service uninstall(Service self) { try { List types = FanObj.@typeof(self).inheritance(); lock (m_lock) { // ensure service is stopped stop(self); // remove from byService map, it not installed short circuit if (byService[self] == null) { return(self); } byService.Remove(self); // remove from map for each type implemented by service for (int i = 0; i <; ++i) { // get next type in inheritance and check if service type Type t = (Type)types.get(i); if (!isServiceType(t)) { continue; } // lookup linked list for that type Node node = (Node)byType[t.qname()]; if (node == null) { continue; } // find this thread in the linked list Node last = null; bool cont = false; while (node.service != self) { last = node; node =; if (node == null) { cont = true; break; } } if (cont) { continue; } // update the map or linked list if (last == null) { byType[t.qname()] =; } else { =; } } } } catch (System.Exception e) { Err.dumpStack(e); } return(self); }
static List checkIds(List ids) { if ( == 0) throw ParseErr.make("No unit ids defined").val; for (int i=0; i<; ++i) checkId((string)ids.get(i)); return (List)ids.toImmutable(); }
/// <summary> /// Merge the inherited slot into my slot maps. Assume this slot /// trumps any previous definition (because we process inheritance /// and my slots in the right order) /// slots: Slot[] by order /// nameToSlot: String name -> Slot /// nameToIndex: String name -> Long index of slots /// </summary> private void merge(Slot slot, List slots, Hashtable nameToSlot, Hashtable nameToIndex) { // skip constructors which aren't mine if (slot.isCtor() && slot.m_parent != this) return; string name = slot.m_name; if (nameToIndex[name] != null) { int dup = (int)nameToIndex[name]; // if the slot is inherited from Obj, then we can // safely ignore it as an override - the dup is most // likely already the same Obj method inherited from // a mixin; but the dup might actually be a more specific // override in which case we definitely don't want to // override with the sys::Obj version if (slot.parent() == Sys.ObjType) return; // if given the choice between two *inherited* slots where // one is concrete and abstract, then choose the concrete one Slot dupSlot = (Slot)slots.get(dup); if (slot.parent() != this && slot.isAbstract() && !dupSlot.isAbstract()) return; // check if this is a Getter or Setter, in which case the Field // trumps and we need to cache the method on the Field // Note: this works because we assume the compiler always generates // the field before the getter and setter in fcode if ((slot.m_flags & (FConst.Getter|FConst.Setter)) != 0) { Field field = (Field)slots.get(dup); if ((slot.m_flags & FConst.Getter) != 0) field.m_getter = (Method)slot; else field.m_setter = (Method)slot; return; } nameToSlot[name] = slot; slots.set(dup, slot); } else { nameToSlot[name] = slot; slots.add(slot); nameToIndex[name] =; } }
private void loadFiles() { lock (m_filesMap) { if (m_filesList != null) return; this.m_filesList = (List)fpod.m_store.podFiles(uri()).toImmutable(); for (int i=0; i<; ++i) { Fan.Sys.File f = (Fan.Sys.File)m_filesList.get(i); m_filesMap[f.uri()] = f; } } }
static string toPathStr(bool isAbs, List path, bool isDir) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); if (isAbs) buf.Append('/'); for (int i=0; i<; ++i) { if (i > 0) buf.Append('/'); buf.Append(path.get(i)); } if (isDir && !(buf.Length > 0 && buf[buf.Length-1] == '/')) buf.Append('/'); return buf.ToString(); }
private void doReflect() { // if the ftype is non-null, that means it was passed in non-hollow // ftype (in-memory compile), otherwise we need to read it from the pod if (m_ftype.m_hollow) { try {; } catch (IOException e) { Err.dumpStack(e); throw IOErr.make("Cannot read " + m_qname + " from pod", e).val; } } // these are working accumulators used to build the // data structures of my defined and inherited slots List slots = new List(Sys.SlotType, 64); Hashtable nameToSlot = new Hashtable(); // String -> Slot Hashtable nameToIndex = new Hashtable(); // String -> Long // merge in base class and mixin classes for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { merge((Type)m_mixins.get(i), slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } merge(m_base, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); // merge in all my slots FPod fpod = this.m_pod.fpod; FType ftype = this.m_ftype; for (int i = 0; i < ftype.m_fields.Length; i++) { Field f = map(fpod, ftype.m_fields[i]); merge(f, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } for (int i = 0; i < ftype.m_methods.Length; i++) { Method m = map(fpod, ftype.m_methods[i]); merge(m, slots, nameToSlot, nameToIndex); } // break out into fields and methods List fields = new List(Sys.FieldType,; List methods = new List(Sys.MethodType,; for (int i = 0; i <; i++) { Slot slot = (Slot)slots.get(i); if (slot is Field) { fields.add(slot); } else { methods.add(slot); } } this.m_slots = slots.trim(); this.m_fields = fields.trim(); this.m_methods = methods.trim(); this.m_slotsByName = nameToSlot; this.m_facets = Facets.mapFacets(m_pod, ftype.m_attrs.m_facets); // facets this.m_lineNum = m_ftype.m_attrs.m_lineNum; this.m_sourceFile = m_ftype.m_attrs.m_sourceFile; }
public static List splitws(String val) { List toks = new List(Sys.StrType, 16); int len = val.Length; while (len > 0 && val[len-1] <= ' ') --len; int x = 0; while (x < len && val[x] <= ' ') ++x; for (int i=x; i<len; ++i) { if (val[i] > ' ') continue; toks.add(val.Substring(x, i-x)); x = i + 1; while (x < len && val[x] <= ' ') ++x; i = x; } if (x <= len) toks.add(val.Substring(x, len-x)); if ( == 0) toks.add(""); return toks; }
public override object callOn(object target, List args) { int argsSize = args == null ? 0 :; bool dotnetStatic = _isStatic(); bool fanStatic = ((m.m_flags & (FConst.Static|FConst.Ctor)) != 0); if (dotnetStatic && !fanStatic) { // if Java static doesn't match Fantom static, then this is // a FanXXX method which we need to call as Java static int p = checkArgs(argsSize, false, true); object[] a = new object[p+1]; a[0] = target; if (args != null && a.Length > 0) args.copyInto(a, 1, a.Length-1); return m.invoke(null, a); } else { // we don't include target as part of arguments int p = checkArgs(argsSize, dotnetStatic, true); object[] a = new object[p]; if (args != null && a.Length > 0) args.toArray(a, 0, a.Length); return m.invoke(target, a); } }
public List removeAll(List toRemove) { // optimize special cases modify(); if ( == 0) { return this; } if ( == 1) { remove(toRemove.get(0)); return this; } // rebuild the backing store array, implementation // assumes that this list is bigger than toRemove list object[] newValues = new object[m_values.Length]; int newSize = 0; for (int i=0; i<m_size; ++i) { object val = m_values[i]; if (!toRemove.contains(val)) newValues[newSize++] = val; } this.m_values = newValues; this.m_size = newSize; return this; }
public static Version make(List segments) { bool valid = > 0; for (int i=0; i<; i++) if (((Long)segments.get(i)).longValue() < 0) valid = false; if (!valid) throw ArgErr.make("Invalid Version: '" + segments + "'").val; return new Version(segments); }
public List split(string s, long limit) { int l = (limit < 0) ? 0 : (int)limit; List result = new List(m_pattern.Split(s, l)); // to match java we need to discard any trailing // emptys strings (use limit, not l) if (limit == 0) while ( > 0 && (result.last() as string).Length == 0) result.pop(); return result; }
public virtual object make(List args) { Method make = method("make", false); if (make != null && make.isPublic()) { int numArgs = args == null ? 0 :; List p = make.@params(); if ((numArgs == || (numArgs < && ((Param)p.get(numArgs)).hasDefault())) return make.m_func.callList(args); } Slot defVal = slot("defVal", false); if (defVal is Field) return ((Field)defVal).get(null); if (defVal is Method) return ((Method)defVal).m_func.callList(null); throw Err.make("Type missing 'make' or 'defVal' slots: " + this).val; }