private void DeleteAllDateTSM_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (IsCan == 20) { MessageBox.Show("你暂时未有此项权限", "提示"); return; } if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("你确定要删除所有数据吗?", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { if (System.Windows.Forms.MessageBox.Show("请你再次慎重考虑是否重建家谱!", "提示", MessageBoxButtons.OKCancel) == DialogResult.OK) { dbConnection db = new dbConnection(); db.CarryOutSqlSentence(" truncate table [Family].[dbo].[tblNumberInfo]"); MessageBox.Show("已经清空!", "提示"); } } }
private void btnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { if (txtNumNmae.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入名称", "提示"); return; } if (txtnumjob.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入职业", "提示"); return; } if (dtpOne.IsNull()) { MessageBox.Show("请输入出生日期", "提示"); return; } DateTime dtlast = new DateTime(); DateTime dt = Convert.ToDateTime(dtpOne.Text); Rule Rle = new Rule(); bool iscan = Rle.CheckHavePeiOu(dt, GetID); if (!iscan) { MessageBox.Show("配偶出生日期不符合配偶规则!(可查看具体规则)", "不符"); return; } string dieday = "NULL"; bool IsHaveDieDay = false; if (txtDieDay.Text != "") { bool isdate = ValueJudge.IsDateTime(txtDieDay.Text); if (!isdate) { MessageBox.Show("日期格式错诶!", "不符"); return; } dtlast = Convert.ToDateTime(txtDieDay.Text); if (dtlast < dt) { MessageBox.Show("请输入正确时间", "提示"); return; } IsHaveDieDay = true; dieday = dtlast.ToString(); } else { } if (txtnumaddress.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入地址", "提示"); return; } if (txtnumlifestory.Text == "") { MessageBox.Show("请输入生平事迹", "提示"); return; } string state = ""; if (cbxDieNow.SelectedIndex == 1) { state = "40"; } else { state = "30"; } if (IsHaveDieDay && cbxDieNow.SelectedIndex == 0) { MessageBox.Show("此人既有死亡日期!又被标定为健在!逻辑不符合", "错误"); return; } string sql = String.Format("insert into [Family].[dbo].[tblNumberInfo] " + "( [JobID],[NiName],[NiSex],[NiSpouseId] ,[NiBirthDay],[NiDIeDay],[NiFatherId],[NiMotherId],[NiPicture],[NiAddress],[NiLifeStory],[Nistate]) " + "values('{0}','{1}',{2},{3},cast('{4}' as datetime2),{5},{6},{7},NULL,'{8}','{9}',{10})", txtnumjob.Text, txtNumNmae.Text, PeiOuSex, GetID, dtpOne.Text, dieday, -1, -1, txtnumaddress.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'"), txtnumlifestory.Text.Replace("\'", "\'\'"), state); dbvwNumberInfo vw = new dbvwNumberInfo(); vw.CarryOutSqlSentence(sql); dbConnection db = new dbConnection(); string ID = db.CarryOutSqlGetFirstColmun(String.Format( "select NiId from [Family].[dbo].[tblNumberInfo] where JobID ='{0}' and NiName='{1}' and NiSpouseId={2} and NiFatherId =-1 and NiBirthDay ='{3}'", txtnumjob.Text, txtNumNmae.Text, GetID, dtpOne.Text)); db.CarryOutSqlSentence("update [Family].[dbo].[tblNumberInfo] set NiSpouseId =" + ID + " where NiId= " + GetID); MessageBox.Show("添加成功", "提示"); changeNull(); } catch (Exception exception) { MessageBox.Show(exception.Message + exception.StackTrace); } }