private void ExportFamiTone2Music(bool famiStudio) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioMusic : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Music); var separate = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(5)); var kernel = famiStudio ? FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio : FamiToneKernel.FamiTone2; var exportFormat = AssemblyFormat.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var songNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2); var dpcmNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3); var generateInclude = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(4); if (separate) { var folder = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowBrowseFolderDialog("Select the export folder", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (folder != null) { foreach (var songId in songIds) { var song = project.GetSong(songId); var formattedSongName = songNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var formattedDpcmName = dpcmNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var songFilename = Path.Combine(folder, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedSongName) + "." + ext); var dpcmFilename = Path.Combine(folder, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedDpcmName) + ".dmc"); var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(songFilename, null) + "" : null; Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, $"Exporting song '{song.Name}' as separate assembly files."); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel, true); f.Save(project, new int[] { songId }, exportFormat, true, songFilename, dpcmFilename, includeFilename, MachineType.Dual); } lastExportFilename = folder; } } else { var engineName = famiStudio ? "FamiStudio" : "FamiTone2"; var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog($"Export {engineName} Assembly Code", $"{engineName} Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(filename, null) + "" : null; Log.LogMessage(LogSeverity.Info, $"Exporting all songs to a single assembly file."); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel, true); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, false, filename, Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dmc"), includeFilename, MachineType.Dual); lastExportFilename = filename; } } }
private void ExportWavMp3() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.WavMp3); var format = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1); var filename = ""; if (format == "MP3") { filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MP3 File", "MP3 Audio File (*.mp3)|*.mp3", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } else { filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); } if (filename != null) { var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var bitRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3), CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); var loopCount = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) != "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(5) : -1; var duration = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4) == "Duration" ? props.GetPropertyValue <int>(6) : -1; var separateFiles = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(7); var separateIntro = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(8); var selectedChannels = props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(9); var song = project.GetSong(songName); var channelMask = 0; for (int i = 0; i < selectedChannels.Length; i++) { if (selectedChannels[i]) { channelMask |= (1 << i); } } WavMp3ExportUtils.Save(song, filename, sampleRate, loopCount, duration, channelMask, separateFiles, separateIntro, (samples, fn) => { if (format == "MP3") { Mp3File.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate, bitRate); } else { WaveFile.Save(samples, fn, sampleRate); } }); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportText() { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiStudio Text File", "FamiStudio Text Export (*.txt)|*.txt", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Text); var deleteUnusedData = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); new FamistudioTextFile().Save(project, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(0)), deleteUnusedData); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void ExportWav() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Wave File", "Wave Audio File (*.wav)|*.wav"); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Wav); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var sampleRate = Convert.ToInt32(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); WaveFile.Save(project.GetSong(songName), filename, sampleRate); } }
protected override void OnRenderInitialized(RenderGraphics g) { Debug.Assert((int)ButtonImageIndices.Count == ButtonImageNames.Length); var screenSize = PlatformUtils.GetScreenResolution(); layoutSize = Math.Min(screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height) / 4; bmpButtonAtlas = g.CreateBitmapAtlasFromResources(ButtonImageNames); whiteKeyBrush = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, layoutSize, Theme.LightGreyFillColor1, Theme.LightGreyFillColor2); blackKeyBrush = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, layoutSize, Theme.DarkGreyFillColor1, Theme.DarkGreyFillColor2); whiteKeyPressedBrush = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, layoutSize, Theme.Darken(Theme.LightGreyFillColor1), Theme.Darken(Theme.LightGreyFillColor2)); blackKeyPressedBrush = g.CreateVerticalGradientBrush(0, layoutSize, Theme.Lighten(Theme.DarkGreyFillColor1), Theme.Lighten(Theme.DarkGreyFillColor2)); }
protected override void OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseUp(e); if (isDraggingInstrument) { if (ClientRectangle.Contains(e.X, e.Y)) { var buttonIdx = GetButtonAtCoord(e.X, e.Y, out var subButtonType); var instrumentSrc = instrumentDrag; var instrumentDst = buttonIdx >= 0 && buttons[buttonIdx].type == ButtonType.Instrument ? buttons[buttonIdx].instrument : null; if (instrumentSrc != instrumentDst && instrumentSrc != null && instrumentDst != null && instrumentSrc.ExpansionType == instrumentDst.ExpansionType) { if (envelopeDragIdx == -1) { if (PlatformUtils.MessageBox($"Are you sure you want to replace all notes of instrument '{instrumentDst.Name}' with '{instrumentSrc.Name}'?", "Replace intrument", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { App.UndoRedoManager.BeginTransaction(TransactionScope.Project); App.Project.ReplaceInstrument(instrumentDst, instrumentSrc); App.UndoRedoManager.EndTransaction(); InstrumentReplaced?.Invoke(instrumentDst); } } else { if (PlatformUtils.MessageBox($"Are you sure you want to copy the {Envelope.EnvelopeStrings[envelopeDragIdx]} envelope of instrument '{instrumentSrc.Name}' to '{instrumentDst.Name}'?", "Copy Envelope", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes) { App.UndoRedoManager.BeginTransaction(TransactionScope.Instrument, instrumentDst.Id); instrumentDst.Envelopes[envelopeDragIdx] = instrumentSrc.Envelopes[envelopeDragIdx].Clone(); App.UndoRedoManager.EndTransaction(); InstrumentEdited?.Invoke(instrumentDst, envelopeDragIdx); Invalidate(); } } } } else { InstrumentDraggedOutside(instrumentDrag, PointToScreen(new Point(e.X, e.Y))); } Capture = false; } CancelDrag(); }
public static void SaveEnvelopeValues(sbyte[] values) { var clipboardData = new List <byte>(); clipboardData.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(MagicNumberClipboardEnvelope)); clipboardData.AddRange(BitConverter.GetBytes(values.Length)); for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++) { clipboardData.Add((byte)values[i]); } PlatformUtils.ClearClipboardString(); PlatformUtils.SetClipboardData(clipboardData.ToArray()); }
public void StopImmediate() { Debug.Assert(PlatformUtils.IsInMainThread()); if (immediateStream != IntPtr.Zero) { Pa_AbortStream(immediateStream); //Pa_StopStream(immediateStream); Pa_CloseStream(immediateStream); immediateStream = IntPtr.Zero; immediateStreamData = null; immediateStreamPosition = -1; } }
protected void PlayPiano(int x, int y) { var note = GetPianoNote(x, y); if (note >= 0) { if (note != playAbsNote) { playAbsNote = note; App.PlayInstrumentNote(playAbsNote, true, true); PlatformUtils.VibrateTick(); MarkDirty(); } } }
public void StopImmediate() { Debug.Assert(PlatformUtils.IsInMainThread()); if (immediateSource >= 0) { AL.SourceStop(immediateSource); AL.Source(immediateSource, ALSourcei.Buffer, 0); AL.DeleteBuffers(immediateBuffers); AL.DeleteSource(immediateSource); immediateBuffers = null; immediateSource = -1; } }
public static void Initialize() { if (PlatformUtils.IsMobile) { var density = PlatformUtils.GetPixelDensity(); if (Settings.DpiScaling != 0) { mainWindowScaling = Settings.DpiScaling / 100.0f; } else { if (density < 360) { mainWindowScaling = 0.666f; } else if (density >= 480) { mainWindowScaling = 1.333f; } else { mainWindowScaling = 1.0f; } } dialogScaling = 1; fontScaling = (float)Math.Round(mainWindowScaling * 3); mainWindowScaling = (float)Math.Round(mainWindowScaling * 6); } else { dialogScaling = PlatformUtils.GetDesktopScaling(); if (Settings.DpiScaling != 0) { mainWindowScaling = RoundScaling(Settings.DpiScaling / 100.0f); } else { mainWindowScaling = RoundScaling(dialogScaling); } fontScaling = mainWindowScaling; } initialized = true; }
private void ExportFamiTone2Sfx(bool famiStudio) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioSfx : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Sfx); var exportFormat = (AssemblyFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(AssemblyFormat), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var mode = (MachineType)Enum.Parse(typeof(MachineType), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(2)); var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTone2 Code", $"FamiTone2 Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { FamitoneSoundEffectFile f = new FamitoneSoundEffectFile(); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, mode, filename); } }
private void ExportNsf() { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export NSF File", "Nintendo Sound Files (*.nsf)|*.nsf"); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Nsf); var kernel = (FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(5)); NsfFile.Save(project, kernel, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); } }
private void UpdateRenderCoords() { var screenSize = PlatformUtils.GetScreenResolution(); var scale = Math.Min(screenSize.Width, screenSize.Height) / 1080.0f; whiteKeySizeX = ScaleCustom(DefaultWhiteKeySizeX, scale * zoom); blackKeySizeX = ScaleCustom(DefaultBlackKeySizeX, scale * zoom); octaveSizeX = 7 * whiteKeySizeX; virtualSizeX = octaveSizeX * NumOctaves; // Center the piano initially. if (scrollX < 0) { scrollX = (virtualSizeX - Width) / 2; } }
public unsafe void PlayImmediate(short[] data, int sampleRate, float volume) { Debug.Assert(PlatformUtils.IsInMainThread()); StopImmediate(); immediateSource = AL.GenSource(); immediateBuffers = AL.GenBuffers(1); fixed(short *p = &data[0]) AL.BufferData(immediateBuffers[0], ALFormat.Mono16, new IntPtr(p), data.Length * sizeof(short), sampleRate); AL.Source(immediateSource, ALSourcef.Gain, volume); AL.SourceQueueBuffer(immediateSource, immediateBuffers[0]); AL.SourcePlay(immediateSource); }
private void ExportFamiTracker() { if (!canExportToFamiTracker) { return; } var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.FamiTracker); var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTracker Text File", "FamiTracker Text Format (*.txt)|*.txt", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { new FamitrackerTextFile().Save(project, filename, GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(0))); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
public void Paste() { if (!IsSelectionValid()) { return; } var mergeInstruments = ClipboardUtils.ContainsMissingInstruments(App.Project, false); bool createMissingInstrument = false; if (mergeInstruments) { createMissingInstrument = PlatformUtils.MessageBox($"You are pasting notes referring to unknown instruments. Do you want to create the missing instrument?", "Paste", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo) == DialogResult.Yes; } App.UndoRedoManager.BeginTransaction(createMissingInstrument ? TransactionScope.Project : TransactionScope.Song, Song.Id); var patterns = ClipboardUtils.LoadPatterns(App.Project, Song, createMissingInstrument); if (patterns == null) { App.UndoRedoManager.AbortTransaction(); return; } for (int i = 0; i < patterns.GetLength(0); i++) { for (int j = 0; j < patterns.GetLength(1); j++) { var pattern = patterns[i, j]; if (pattern != null && (i + minSelectedPatternIdx) < Song.Length && pattern.ChannelType < Song.Channels.Length && pattern.ChannelType == Song.Channels[pattern.ChannelType].Type) { Song.Channels[pattern.ChannelType].PatternInstances[i + minSelectedPatternIdx] = pattern; } } } App.UndoRedoManager.EndTransaction(); PatternsPasted?.Invoke(); ConditionalInvalidate(); }
void QwertyListDoubleClicked(PropertyPage props, int propertyIndex, int itemIndex, int columnIndex) { if (columnIndex < 2) { return; } var dlg = new PropertyDialog(300, false, true, dialog); dlg.Properties.AddLabel(null, "Press the new key or ESC to cancel."); dlg.Properties.Build(); // TODO : Make this cross-platform. #if FAMISTUDIO_WINDOWS dlg.KeyDown += (sender, e) => { if (PlatformUtils.KeyCodeToString((int)e.KeyCode) != null) { if (e.KeyCode != Keys.Escape) { AssignQwertyKey(itemIndex, columnIndex - 2, (int)e.KeyCode); } dlg.Close(); } }; #else dlg.KeyPressEvent += (o, args) => { // These 2 keys are used by the QWERTY input. if (args.Event.Key != Gdk.Key.Tab && args.Event.Key != Gdk.Key.BackSpace && PlatformUtils.KeyCodeToString((int)args.Event.Key) != null) { if (args.Event.Key != Gdk.Key.Escape) { AssignQwertyKey(itemIndex, columnIndex - 2, (int)args.Event.Key); } dlg.Accept(); } }; #endif dlg.ShowDialog(null); pages[(int)ConfigSection.QWERTY].UpdateMultiColumnList(1, GetQwertyMappingStrings()); }
public void StopImmediate() { Debug.Assert(PlatformUtils.IsInMainThread()); if (immediateVoice != null) { immediateVoice.Stop(); immediateVoice.FlushSourceBuffers(); immediateVoice.BufferEnd -= ImmediateVoice_BufferEnd; immediateVoice.DestroyVoice(); immediateVoice.Dispose(); immediateVoice = null; Utilities.FreeMemory(immediateAudioBuffer.AudioDataPointer); immediateAudioBuffer = null; immediateDonePlaying = true; } }
private void ExportMidi() { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export MIDI File", "MIDI Files (*.mid)|*.mid", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Midi); var songName = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var velocity = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(1); var slideNotes = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var pitchRange = props.GetPropertyValue <int>(3); var instrumentMode = props.GetSelectedIndex(4); new MidiFileWriter().Save(project, filename, project.GetSong(songName).Id, instrumentMode, midiInstrumentMapping, velocity, slideNotes, pitchRange); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
static unsafe void Main(string[] args) { #if FAMISTUDIO_WINDOWS try { // This is only supported in Windows 8.1+. SetProcessDpiAwareness(1 /*Process_System_DPI_Aware*/); } catch { } #endif Settings.Load(); RenderTheme.Initialize(); PlatformUtils.Initialize(); Cursors.Initialize(); FamiStudioTempoUtils.Initialize(); NesApu.InitializeNoteTables(); #if FAMISTUDIO_WINDOWS WinUtils.Initialize(); PerformanceCounter.Initialize(); Application.EnableVisualStyles(); Application.SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault(false); #endif #if FAMISTUDIO_LINUX LinuxUtils.SetProcessName("FamiStudio"); #endif var cli = new CommandLineInterface(args); if (!cli.Run()) { var famiStudio = new FamiStudio(args.Length > 0 ? args[0] : null); famiStudio.Run(); } Settings.Save(); #if FAMISTUDIO_LINUX // We sometimes gets stuck here on Linux, lets abort. Environment.Exit(0); #endif }
private void ExportFamiTone2() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2); var kernelString = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0); var formatString = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1); var ext = formatString == "CA65" ? "s" : "asm"; var separate = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(5)); var kernel = (FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.FamiToneKernel), kernelString); var exportFormat = (FamitoneMusicFile.OutputFormat)Enum.Parse(typeof(FamitoneMusicFile.OutputFormat), formatString); var songNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3); var dpcmNamePattern = props.GetPropertyValue <string>(4); if (separate) { var folderBrowserDialog = new FolderBrowserDialog(); folderBrowserDialog.Description = "Select the export folder"; if (folderBrowserDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { foreach (var songId in songIds) { var song = project.GetSong(songId); var formattedSongName = songNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var formattedDpcmName = dpcmNamePattern.Replace("{project}", project.Name).Replace("{song}", song.Name); var songFilename = Path.Combine(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedSongName) + "." + ext); var dpcmFilename = Path.Combine(folderBrowserDialog.SelectedPath, Utils.MakeNiceAsmName(formattedDpcmName) + ".dmc"); FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel); f.Save(project, new int[] { songId }, exportFormat, true, songFilename, dpcmFilename, MachineType.Dual); } } } else { var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export FamiTone2 Code", $"FamiTone2 Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}"); if (filename != null) { FamitoneMusicFile f = new FamitoneMusicFile(kernel); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, false, filename, Path.ChangeExtension(filename, ".dmc"), MachineType.Dual); } } }
private void Properties_PropertyClicked(PropertyPage props, ClickType click, int propIdx, int rowIdx, int colIdx) { if (click == ClickType.Button && colIdx == 2) { var src = channelSources[rowIdx]; if (src.type == MidiSourceType.Channel && src.index == 9) { var dlg = new PropertyDialog("MIDI Source", 300, true, true, dialog); dlg.Properties.AddLabel(null, "Channel 10 keys:"); // 0 dlg.Properties.AddCheckBoxList(null, MidiFileReader.MidiDrumKeyNames, GetSelectedChannel10Keys(src)); // 1 dlg.Properties.AddButton(null, "Select All"); // 2 dlg.Properties.AddButton(null, "Select None"); // 3 dlg.Properties.Build(); dlg.Properties.PropertyClicked += MappingProperties_PropertyClicked; dlg.ShowDialogAsync(null, (r) => { if (r == DialogResult.OK) { var keysBool = dlg.Properties.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(1); src.keys = 0ul; for (int i = 0; i < keysBool.Length; i++) { if (keysBool[i]) { src.keys |= (1ul << i); } } UpdateListView(); } }); } else { PlatformUtils.Beep(); } } }
private void ExportRom() { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage((int)ExportFormat.Rom); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(4)); if (songIds.Length > RomFileBase.MaxSongs) { PlatformUtils.MessageBox($"Please select {RomFileBase.MaxSongs} songs or less.", "ROM Export", MessageBoxButtons.OK); return; } if (props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0) == "NES ROM") { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export ROM File", "NES ROM (*.nes)|*.nes", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var rom = new RomFile(); rom.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(3) == "PAL"); lastExportFilename = filename; } } else { var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? null : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog("Export Famicom Disk", "FDS Disk (*.fds)|*.fds", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var fds = new FdsFile(); fds.Save( project, filename, songIds, props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1), props.GetPropertyValue <string>(2)); lastExportFilename = filename; } } }
private void ExportFamiTone2Sfx(bool famiStudio) { var props = dialog.GetPropertyPage(famiStudio ? (int)ExportFormat.FamiStudioSfx : (int)ExportFormat.FamiTone2Sfx); var exportFormat = AssemblyFormat.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(0)); var ext = exportFormat == AssemblyFormat.CA65 ? "s" : "asm"; var mode = MachineType.GetValueForName(props.GetPropertyValue <string>(1)); var engineName = famiStudio ? "FamiStudio" : "FamiTone2"; var generateInclude = props.GetPropertyValue <bool>(2); var songIds = GetSongIds(props.GetPropertyValue <bool[]>(3)); var filename = lastExportFilename != null ? lastExportFilename : PlatformUtils.ShowSaveFileDialog($"Export {engineName} Code", $"{engineName} Assembly File (*.{ext})|*.{ext}", ref Settings.LastExportFolder); if (filename != null) { var includeFilename = generateInclude ? Path.ChangeExtension(filename, null) + "" : null; FamitoneSoundEffectFile f = new FamitoneSoundEffectFile(); f.Save(project, songIds, exportFormat, mode, famiStudio ? FamiToneKernel.FamiStudio : FamiToneKernel.FamiTone2, filename, includeFilename); lastExportFilename = filename; } }
private void FFmpegPathButtonClicked(PropertyPage props, int propertyIndex) { var dummy = ""; #if FAMISTUDIO_WINDOWS var ffmpegExeFilter = "FFmpeg Executable (ffmpeg.exe)|ffmpeg.exe"; #else var ffmpegExeFilter = "FFmpeg Executable (ffmpeg)|*.*"; #endif string filename = PlatformUtils.ShowOpenFileDialog("Please select FFmpeg executable", ffmpegExeFilter, ref dummy, dialog); if (filename != null) { props.SetPropertyValue(propertyIndex, filename); // Update settings right away. Settings.FFmpegExecutablePath = filename; Settings.Save(); } }
private void FFmpegPage_PropertyClicked(PropertyPage props, ClickType click, int propIdx, int rowIdx, int colIdx) { if (click == ClickType.Button) { if (propIdx == 1) { var ffmpegExeFilter = PlatformUtils.IsWindows ? "FFmpeg Executable (ffmpeg.exe)|ffmpeg.exe" : "FFmpeg Executable (ffmpeg)|*.*"; var dummy = ""; var filename = PlatformUtils.ShowOpenFileDialog("Please select FFmpeg executable", ffmpegExeFilter, ref dummy, dialog); if (filename != null) { props.SetPropertyValue(propIdx, filename); } } else if (propIdx == 2) { PlatformUtils.OpenUrl(""); } } }
protected Bitmap LoadBitmapFromResourceWithScaling(string name) { var assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); Bitmap bmp; if (windowScaling >= 4.0f && assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo($"FamiStudio.Resources.{name}@4x.png") != null) { bmp = PlatformUtils.LoadBitmapFromResource($"FamiStudio.Resources.{name}@4x.png"); } else if (windowScaling >= 2.0f && assembly.GetManifestResourceInfo($"FamiStudio.Resources.{name}@2x.png") != null) { bmp = PlatformUtils.LoadBitmapFromResource($"FamiStudio.Resources.{name}@2x.png"); } else { bmp = PlatformUtils.LoadBitmapFromResource($"FamiStudio.Resources.{name}.png"); } return(bmp); }
public System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult ShowDialog() { Show(); #if FAMISTUDIO_MACOS MacUtils.SetNSWindowAlwayOnTop(MacUtils.NSWindowFromGdkWindow(GdkWindow.Handle)); #endif while (result == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.None) { Application.RunIteration(); } Hide(); #if FAMISTUDIO_MACOS MacUtils.RestoreMainNSWindowFocus(); #else PlatformUtils.ProcessPendingEvents(); #endif return(result); }
public void PlayImmediate(short[] data, int sampleRate, float volume) { Debug.Assert(PlatformUtils.IsInMainThread()); StopImmediate(); immediateDonePlaying = false; immediateAudioBuffer = new AudioBuffer(); immediateAudioBuffer.AudioDataPointer = Utilities.AllocateMemory(data.Length * sizeof(short)); immediateAudioBuffer.AudioBytes = data.Length * sizeof(short); Marshal.Copy(data, 0, immediateAudioBuffer.AudioDataPointer, data.Length); var waveFormat = new WaveFormat(sampleRate, 16, 1); immediateVoice = new SourceVoice(xaudio2, waveFormat); immediateVoice.BufferEnd += ImmediateVoice_BufferEnd; immediateVoice.SetVolume(volume); immediateVoice.SubmitSourceBuffer(immediateAudioBuffer, null); immediateVoice.Start(); }