//Loading the contingency tables from the input file
        //Implements the sampling techniques
        private List <ContingencyTable> loadTables()
                StreamReader     sr        = m_fiInput.OpenText();
                ContingencyTable ctCurrent = null;
                if (m_bReportProgress)
                    m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportPhase("Loading data");
                    m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Loading data from file " + m_fiInput.Name, true);
                string sLine = "";
                List <ContingencyTable> actTables = new List <ContingencyTable>();
                int    cTables = 0;
                long   cCharacters = 0;
                bool   bUseTable = true;
                double dSampleProbability = 0.0, dProb = 0.0;
                Random rnd = new Random();
                int    iLineNumber = 0;

                if (m_bHuge)
                    m_ctcTableCounts = new ContingencyTableCache();
                    m_ctcTableCounts = null;

                //On the first iteration go through the file to check the number of rows (tables)
                if (m_cTables == -1)
                    m_cTables = 0;
                    sLine     = sr.ReadLine();
                    while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                        sLine = sr.ReadLine();
                        if (m_bReportProgress)
                            if (m_cTables % MAX_REPROT_POINT == 0)
                                m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage(".", false);
                    if (m_bReportProgress)
                        m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("", true);
                        m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Found " + m_cTables + " data rows.", true);
                //Instead of enforcing a hard sample size, we sample the given the sample probability
                dSampleProbability = m_iSampleSize / (double)m_cTables;
                sr = m_fiInput.OpenText();
                if (m_bReportProgress)
                    if (m_bSampling)
                        m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportPhase("Sampling tables");
                        m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Sampling " + m_iSampleSize + " tables.", true);

                if (m_bHasColumnHeaders)
                while (!sr.EndOfStream && m_bContinue)
                    sLine = sr.ReadLine().Trim();
                    if (sLine.Length > 0)
                        bUseTable = true;//general use flag - sampling, validation, ...
                        if (m_bSampling)
                            dProb = rnd.NextDouble();
                            if (dProb > dSampleProbability)
                                bUseTable = false;
                        if (bUseTable)
                            ctCurrent = new ContingencyTable(sLine, m_cTableNamesColumns);
                            bUseTable = ctCurrent.validate();
                        if (bUseTable)
                            if (m_bHuge)//instead of maintaining all the tables try to see whether we already loaded a table with the same counts
                                double dCount = m_ctcTableCounts.getCachedValue(ctCurrent);
                                if (double.IsNaN(dCount))//First time table was observed
                                    dCount = 0;
                                m_ctcTableCounts.setCachedValue(ctCurrent, dCount + 1);//increment the table count
                            else//not huge - maintain all tables (including duplicates)
                    if ((cTables > 0) && (cTables % MAX_REPROT_POINT == 0))
                        if (m_bReportProgress)
                            m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportProcessedTables(cTables, m_cTables);
                            m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Loaded " + cTables + " tables.", false);
                            if (m_bHuge)
                                m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage(" Found " + actTables.Count + " distinct tables.", false);
                            m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("", true);
                    cCharacters += sLine.Length + 2;
                if (m_bReportProgress)
                    m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Done loading data. Found " + actTables.Count + " distinct tables.", true);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportError("Could not load data : " + e.Message);
         * Writes the results of the computation to a file.
         * First line is the headers (if exist) with the new columns added.
         * Each following line is the contingency table with the Fisher scores, FDR and q-value
         * */
        private List <string> getResults(List <ContingencyTable> actTables
                                         , Map <double, FDRData> slFDR)
            int iTable = 0;
            ContingencyTable ctCurrent = null;
            double           dFisherTest = 0.0, dCurrentQValue = 0.0;
            double           dNextKey    = 0;
            string           sHeader     = "";
            FDRData          fdCurrent   = null;
            string           sOutputLine = "";
            List <string>    lResults    = new List <string>();
            bool             bFiltering  = m_pmEvaluatePi == PiMethod.Filtering;

            if (m_bReportProgress)
                m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportPhase("Writing results.");

            sHeader = m_sColumnHeaders + "\tp-value";
            if (m_bFullOutput)
                sHeader += "\tpooled p-value\t";
                if (bFiltering)
                    sHeader += "filtering pi\t";
                if (m_bPositiveFDR)
                    sHeader += "pr(R(p)>0)\tpFDR";
                    sHeader += "FDR";
            sHeader += "\tq-value";

            List <KeyValuePair <double, double> > lPToQMappings = new List <KeyValuePair <double, double> >();

            //When the huge flag is used, the tables are not kept.
            //We now have to go over the entire input file, read each table,
            //compute p-value for it, and map it into FDR and q-value.
            if (m_bHuge)
                StreamReader sr    = m_fiInput.OpenText();
                string       sLine = "";
                double       dFisherScoreCutoff = 0.0;
                bool         bUseTable          = true;

                if (m_dFDRCutoff > 0.0)
                    dFisherScoreCutoff = mapFDR2FisherScore(slFDR, m_dFDRCutoff);

                iTable = 0;
                while (!sr.EndOfStream)
                    sLine = sr.ReadLine();
                    if (sLine.Length > 0)
                        ctCurrent = new ContingencyTable(sLine, m_cTableNamesColumns);
                        bUseTable = ctCurrent.validate();
                        if (bUseTable)
                            dFisherTest    = round(ctCurrent.getFisher2TailPermutationTest(dFisherScoreCutoff));
                            dNextKey       = getNextKey(slFDR.KeyList, dFisherTest);
                            fdCurrent      = slFDR[dNextKey];
                            dCurrentQValue = round(fdCurrent.QValue);
                            if (dCurrentQValue <= m_dFDRCutoff)
                                sOutputLine  = ctCurrent.ToString() + "\t";
                                sOutputLine += fdCurrent.getData(m_bFullOutput, bFiltering, m_bPositiveFDR);
                                lPToQMappings.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(dNextKey, dCurrentQValue));//will not work for huge because multiple tables will be missed
                        if (m_bReportProgress && (iTable % MAX_REPROT_POINT == 0))
                            m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportProcessedTables(iTable, m_cTables);
                            m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Written " + iTable + " tables.", true);
            else//Not huge - all data is already in memory - just write the tables.
                for (iTable = 0; iTable < actTables.Count; iTable++)
                    ctCurrent      = (ContingencyTable)actTables[iTable];
                    dFisherTest    = ctCurrent.getFisher2TailPermutationTest();
                    dNextKey       = getNextKey(slFDR.KeyList, dFisherTest);
                    fdCurrent      = slFDR[dNextKey];
                    dCurrentQValue = floor(fdCurrent.QValue);
                    if (dCurrentQValue <= m_dFDRCutoff)
                        sOutputLine  = ctCurrent.ToString() + "\t";
                        sOutputLine += fdCurrent.getData(m_bFullOutput, bFiltering, m_bPositiveFDR);
                        lPToQMappings.Add(new KeyValuePair <double, double>(dNextKey, dCurrentQValue));
                    if (m_bReportProgress && (iTable % MAX_REPROT_POINT == 0))
                        m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportProcessedTables(iTable, actTables.Count);

            PToQMapping = lPToQMappings;
            if (m_bReportProgress)
                m_bContinue = m_prReport.reportMessage("Done writing results", true);

