public ActionResult Index() { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); string myId = UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId(); if(myId == null) { return RedirectToAction("Index", "Default"); } Guid userGuid = new Guid(myId); var friendsOf = from fo in dbContext.Friendships where fo.FriendId == userGuid && fo.Status == 1 select fo.UserId; var friendsWith = from fw in dbContext.Friendships where fw.UserId == userGuid && fw.Status == 1 select fw.FriendId; /*var posts = from p in dbContext.Posts where p.UserId == userGuid || friendsOf.Contains(p.UserId) || friendsWith.Contains(p.UserId) select p;*/ var posts = dbContext.Posts.Where(p => p.UserId == userGuid || p.PersonId == userGuid || friendsOf.Contains(p.UserId) || friendsWith.Contains(p.UserId)).OrderByDescending(p=>p.CreatedAt).ToList(); //List ids = new List(); //var posts = dbContext.Posts.Where(p => p.UserId == userGuid OR p.UserId in ids); ViewBag.posts = posts; if (posts != null) return View(); else return Content("posts is null");//debugging }
public static bool AreFriends(Guid UserId, Guid SubjectId) { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Friendship friendship = dbContext.Friendships.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Status == 1 && ((f.UserId == UserId && f.FriendId == SubjectId) || (f.UserId == SubjectId && f.FriendId == UserId))); return friendship != null; }
public static bool HasFriendRequest(Guid UserId, Guid SubjectId) { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Friendship friendship = dbContext.Friendships.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Status == 0 && f.UserId == UserId && f.FriendId == SubjectId); return friendship != null; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "text/xml"; XmlTextWriter objX = new XmlTextWriter(Response.OutputStream, Encoding.UTF8); objX.WriteStartDocument(); objX.WriteStartElement("rss"); objX.WriteAttributeString("version","2.0"); objX.WriteStartElement("channel"); objX.WriteElementString("title", "Nuevo developer news"); objX.WriteElementString("link",Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/News.aspx"); objX.WriteElementString("description","The latest developer news from Nuevo."); objX.WriteElementString("copyright","(c) 2020, Nuevo, LLC. All rights reserved."); objX.WriteElementString("ttl","5"); Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var articles = dbContext.Articles.OrderBy(a => a.CreatedAt).ToList(); foreach(Article article in articles) { objX.WriteStartElement("item"); objX.WriteElementString("title", article.Title); objX.WriteElementString("description", article.Content.Length > 150 ? article.Content.Substring(0, 149)+"..." : article.Content); objX.WriteElementString("link", Request.ApplicationPath.TrimEnd('/') + "/Article.aspx?Id=" + article.Id.ToString()); objX.WriteElementString("pubDate", article.CreatedAt.ToString()); objX.WriteEndElement(); } objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndElement(); objX.WriteEndDocument(); objX.Flush(); objX.Close(); Response.End(); }
public ActionResult CreateAlbum(AlbumModel model) { if (ModelState.IsValid) { try { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Models.Object obj = new Models.Object(); obj.EntityName = "Album"; dbContext.Objects.AddObject(obj); dbContext.SaveChanges(); Album album = new Album(); album.Id = obj.Id; album.UserId = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); album.Name = model.Name; album.Description = model.Description; album.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Albums.AddObject(album); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return RedirectToAction("Upload", "Photo"); }catch(Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); } } return View(model); }
public ActionResult Output(string photoId = "", string width="", string height="") { int xw; int xh; int w = 200; int h = 200; if(int.TryParse(width, out xw) && int.TryParse(height, out xh)) { w = xw; h = xh; } try { int pid; if(!int.TryParse(photoId, out pid)) { throw new Exception("Invalid photo id specified."); } Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var photo = dbContext.Photos.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Id == pid); if(photo == null) { throw new Exception("The image does not exist."); } string path = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Uploads"), photo.FilePath); Image image = Image.FromFile(path); var abort = new Image.GetThumbnailImageAbort(ThumbnailCallback); var thumbnail = image.GetThumbnailImage(w,h,abort,IntPtr.Zero); using (Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(thumbnail)) { Font drawFont = new Font("Arial", 5); SolidBrush drawBrush = new SolidBrush(Color.DarkMagenta); PointF stringPonit = new PointF(0, 0); g.DrawString("Nuevo", drawFont, drawBrush, stringPonit); } MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); thumbnail.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Png); thumbnail.Dispose(); image.Dispose(); return File(ms.ToArray(), "image/png"); }catch(Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } }
public static bool CanSeeWall(Guid UserId, Guid SubjectId) { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); UserPrivacy privacy = dbContext.UserPrivacies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.UserId == UserId); if(privacy == null || privacy.SeeMyWall == 0) { return true; } return FriendshipHelper.AreFriends(UserId, SubjectId) || UserId == SubjectId; }
public ActionResult Curate(string friendshipId, string option = "") { try { int fid; if (!int.TryParse(friendshipId, out fid)) { throw new Exception("The friendship id specified is not a valid integer."); } Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var friendship = dbContext.Friendships.SingleOrDefault(f => f.Id == fid); if (friendship == null) { throw new Exception("The requested friendship does not exist."); } Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); if (!(friendship.UserId == userGuid || friendship.FriendId == userGuid)) { throw new Exception("You are not a part of this friendship."); } if (option == "0") { dbContext.Friendships.DeleteObject(friendship); } else if (option == "1") { if (friendship.Status != 1) { friendship.Status = 1; } } dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Redirect(HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString()); }catch(Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Create() { string returnUrl = HttpContext.Request.Params["returnUrl"].Length > 0 ? HttpContext.Request.Params["returnUrl"] : HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); try { Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); Entities dbContext = new Entities(); int objectId; if (!int.TryParse(HttpContext.Request.Params["objectId"], out objectId)) { throw new Exception("Invalid object id specified."); } Models.Object obj = dbContext.Objects.SingleOrDefault(o => o.Id == objectId); if (obj == null) { throw new Exception("The object you are trying to comment on does not exist."); } if (HttpContext.Request.Params["content"].Length < 1) { throw new Exception("You must enter a comment."); } Comment comment = new Comment(); comment.UserId = userGuid; comment.ObjectId = obj.Id; comment.Content = HttpContext.Request.Params["content"]; comment.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Comments.AddObject(comment); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Redirect(returnUrl); }catch(Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Add(string userId = "") { try { Guid friendId; if (!Guid.TryParse(userId, out friendId)) { throw new Exception("The specified user id is not valid."); } var user = UserHelper.getUserById(friendId.ToString()); if (user == null) { throw new Exception("The user you are trying to add as friend is not available."); } Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); if (!FriendshipHelper.ShowAddFriendLink(userGuid, friendId)) { throw new Exception("A friendship or friendship request already exists between you and " + UserHelper.GetDisplayName(friendId.ToString())); } Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Friendship friendship = new Friendship(); friendship.UserId = userGuid; friendship.FriendId = friendId; friendship.Status = 0; friendship.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Friendships.AddObject(friendship); dbContext.SaveChanges(); EmailHelper.SendEmail(friendship.Friend.Membership.Email, "Nuevo Friend Request from "+UserHelper.GetDisplayName(friendship.UserId.ToString()), UserHelper.GetDisplayName(friendship.UserId.ToString()) + "Has sent you a friend request on Nuevo. You may login and curate your friend requests."); return RedirectToAction("Index", "Profile", new { userId = friendId.ToString() }); }catch(Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Privacy() { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); UserPrivacy privacy = dbContext.UserPrivacies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.UserId == userGuid); if (privacy == null) { privacy = new UserPrivacy(); privacy.SeeMyInfo = 0; privacy.SeeMyWall = 0; privacy.SeeMyPhotos = 0; } var model = new PrivacyModel { SeeMyInfo = privacy.SeeMyInfo, SeeMyWall = privacy.SeeMyWall, SeeMyPhotos = privacy.SeeMyPhotos }; return View(model); }
public ActionResult Create(PostModel model) { string returnUrl = HttpContext.Request.Params["returnUrl"].Length > 0 ? HttpContext.Request.Params["returnUrl"] : HttpContext.Request.UrlReferrer.ToString(); if(ModelState.IsValid) { try { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Models.Object obj = new Models.Object(); obj.EntityName = "Post"; dbContext.Objects.AddObject(obj); dbContext.SaveChanges(); Post post = new Post(); post.Id = obj.Id; post.UserId = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); post.PersonId = new Guid(HttpContext.Request.Params["personId"].Length > 0 ? HttpContext.Request.Params["personId"] : UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); post.Content = model.Content; post.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; post.UpdatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Posts.AddObject(post); dbContext.SaveChanges(); return Redirect(returnUrl); }catch(Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); } } return View(model); }
public ActionResult Privacy(PrivacyModel model) { ViewBag.message = null; if(ModelState.IsValid) { try { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); UserPrivacy privacy = dbContext.UserPrivacies.SingleOrDefault(p => p.UserId == userGuid); if (privacy == null) { privacy = new UserPrivacy(); privacy.UserId = userGuid; privacy.SeeMyInfo = model.SeeMyInfo; privacy.SeeMyWall = model.SeeMyWall; privacy.SeeMyPhotos = model.SeeMyPhotos; dbContext.UserPrivacies.AddObject(privacy); } else { privacy.SeeMyInfo = model.SeeMyInfo; privacy.SeeMyWall = model.SeeMyWall; privacy.SeeMyPhotos = model.SeeMyPhotos; } dbContext.SaveChanges(); ViewBag.message = "Your privacy settings were saved."; }catch(Exception ex) { ModelState.AddModelError("", ex.Message); } } return View(model); }
public ActionResult ViewPhoto(string photoId = "") { ViewBag.message = null; ViewBag.album = null; try { int aid; if (!int.TryParse(photoId, out aid)) { throw new Exception("The photo id specified is not a valid integer."); } Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var album = dbContext.Photos.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == aid); if (album == null || (!PrivacyHelper.CanSeePhotos(album.UserId, new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId())))) { throw new Exception("The photo you are looking for is not available."); } = album; } catch (Exception ex) { ViewBag.message = ex.Message; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Search(string query = "") { if(query.Length > 0) { Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var users = from u in dbContext.Users join m in dbContext.Memberships on u.UserId equals m.UserId where u.UserName.EndsWith(query) || u.UserName.StartsWith(query) || u.UserName.Contains(query) || (String)m.Email == query select u; ViewBag.users = users.ToList(); }else{ ViewBag.users = null; } return View(); }
public ActionResult Upload() { Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var albums = dbContext.Albums.Where(a => a.UserId == userGuid).ToList(); ViewBag.albums = albums; if (albums != null) return View(); else { return Content("album is numm");// debugging } }
protected override void Initialize(RequestContext requestContext) { base.Initialize(requestContext); if (MembershipService == null) { MembershipService = new AccountMembershipService(); } this.dbContext = new Entities(); }
public ActionResult Upload(string var = "") { int viewPhotoId = 0; try { foreach (string photoFile in Request.Files) { HttpPostedFileBase file = Request.Files[photoFile]; if (!(file.ContentLength > 0)) { throw new Exception("File is not a valid image."); } string fileExtension = Path.GetExtension(Path.GetFileName(file.FileName)); string fileName = UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId() + "_" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + fileExtension; string filePath = Path.Combine(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("~/Uploads"), fileName); file.SaveAs(filePath); int albumId; if(!int.TryParse(HttpContext.Request.Params["albumId"], out albumId)) { throw new Exception("The requested album id is not a valid integer."); } Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var album = dbContext.Albums.SingleOrDefault(a => a.Id == albumId); Guid userGuid = new Guid(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); if(album == null || album.UserId != userGuid) { throw new Exception("The album you are trying to upload the photo to is not available."); } Models.Object obj = new Models.Object(); obj.EntityName = "Photo"; dbContext.Objects.AddObject(obj); dbContext.SaveChanges(); Photo photo = new Photo(); photo.Id = obj.Id; photo.AlbumId = album.Id; photo.UserId = userGuid; photo.FilePath = fileName; photo.Caption = HttpContext.Request.Params["caption"]; photo.CreatedAt = DateTime.Now; dbContext.Photos.AddObject(photo); dbContext.SaveChanges(); viewPhotoId = photo.Id; } return RedirectToAction("ViewPhoto", "Photo", new { photoId = viewPhotoId }); }catch(Exception ex) { return Content(ex.Message); } }
public ActionResult Requests() { var user = UserHelper.getUserById(UserHelper.getLoggedInUserId()); Entities dbContext = new Entities(); var friendships = dbContext.Friendships.Where(f => f.Status == 0 && f.FriendId == user.UserId).ToList(); ViewBag.friendships = friendships; return View(); }