static public int get_componentName(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.componentName); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int get_EM_sortingOrder(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); pushValue(l, true); pushValue(l, self.EM_sortingOrder); return(2); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int EM_BeforeUpdate(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); self.EM_BeforeUpdate(); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int OnUpdateSource(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); System.Object[] a1; checkArray(l, 2, out a1); self.OnUpdateSource(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int ApplyModifiedProperties(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); System.Boolean a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.ApplyModifiedProperties(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_sortingOrder(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.sortingOrder = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int set_componentName(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); System.String v; checkType(l, 2, out v); self.componentName = v; pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static public int EM_Update(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); FairyGUI.UpdateContext a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); self.EM_Update(a1); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static int EM_BeforeUpdate(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.UIPainter)); obj.EM_BeforeUpdate(); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
public static void ReloadAllPanels() { if (Application.isPlaying) { return; } int cnt = _renderTargets.Count; for (int i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { UIPainter panel = _renderTargets[i]; panel._captured = false; } }
static int ApplyModifiedProperties(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.UIPainter)); bool arg0 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 2); obj.ApplyModifiedProperties(arg0); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int OnUpdateSource(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 2); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.UIPainter)); object[] arg0 = ToLua.CheckObjectArray(L, 2); obj.OnUpdateSource(arg0); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static int SetSortingOrder(IntPtr L) { try { ToLua.CheckArgsCount(L, 3); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)ToLua.CheckObject(L, 1, typeof(FairyGUI.UIPainter)); int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); bool arg1 = LuaDLL.luaL_checkboolean(L, 3); obj.SetSortingOrder(arg0, arg1); return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e)); } }
static public int SetSortingOrder(IntPtr l) { try { FairyGUI.UIPainter self = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)checkSelf(l); System.Int32 a1; checkType(l, 2, out a1); System.Boolean a2; checkType(l, 3, out a2); self.SetSortingOrder(a1, a2); pushValue(l, true); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(error(l, e)); } }
static int set_sortingOrder(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)o; int arg0 = (int)LuaDLL.luaL_checknumber(L, 2); obj.sortingOrder = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index sortingOrder on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int set_componentName(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)o; string arg0 = ToLua.CheckString(L, 2); obj.componentName = arg0; return(0); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index componentName on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int get_EM_sortingOrder(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)o; int ret = obj.EM_sortingOrder; LuaDLL.lua_pushinteger(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index EM_sortingOrder on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int get_ui(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)o; FairyGUI.GComponent ret = obj.ui; ToLua.PushObject(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index ui on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }
static int get_componentName(IntPtr L) { object o = null; try { o = ToLua.ToObject(L, 1); FairyGUI.UIPainter obj = (FairyGUI.UIPainter)o; string ret = obj.componentName; LuaDLL.lua_pushstring(L, ret); return(1); } catch (Exception e) { return(LuaDLL.toluaL_exception(L, e, o == null ? "attempt to index componentName on a nil value" : e.Message)); } }