public HealthCareProviderRepository() { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Factual.oAuthKey"]) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Factual.oAuthSecret"])) throw new ConfigurationErrorsException("Missing Factual API keys in your web.config."); _factual = new Factual(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Factual.oAuthKey"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["Factual.oAuthSecret"]); }
public static String fetchFromFactual(string lat, string lon) { Factual factual = new Factual(MY_KEY, MY_SECRET); // Set the request timeouts back to default 100000 and 300000 respectively factual.ConnectionTimeout = null; factual.ReadTimeout = null; double dLat = double.Parse(lat); double dLon = double.Parse(lon); string factualJson = factual.Fetch("places", new Query().WithIn(new Circle(dLat, dLon, 2000)).Limit(50)); return factualJson; }
private void buttonSearch_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* initiate duplicate checker with excel file */ if (xlWorkbook == null) { xlApp = new Excel.Application(); OpenFileDialog ofd = new OpenFileDialog(); ofd.Filter = "Excel Documents (*.xlsx)|*.xlsx"; ofd.ShowDialog(); xlWorkbook = xlApp.Workbooks.Open(ofd.FileName, 0, true, 5, "", "", true, Excel.XlPlatform.xlWindows, "\t", false, false, 0, true, 1, 0); xlWorksheet = (Excel._Worksheet)xlWorkbook.Sheets[1]; } /* Save settings */ SaveSettings(); checkListCategories.Items.Clear(); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching"; string[] countriesArray = new string[]{"United States", "Singapore", "Australia", "New Zealand"}; if (searchCity.Lines.Length == 0) searchCity.Text = countriesArray[searchCountry.SelectedIndex]; for (int locationline = 0; locationline < searchCity.Lines.Length; locationline++) { for (int categoryline = 0; categoryline < searchCategory.Lines.Length; categoryline++) { if (searchGoogle.Checked) { /* Conduct first page search */ string searchCritera = generateSearchQuery(categoryline, locationline); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching " + searchCritera + " on Google"; searchCritera = searchCritera.Replace(" ", "+"); string json = getMapList(searchCritera); var jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectPlaces>(json); if (jarray.status == "OK") { /* Populate the company list */ populateGoogleCompanies(jarray, xlWorksheet); /* Conduct next page search until reached end of search */ string nextPageToken = jarray.next_page_token; while (nextPageToken != null) { json = getMapList(searchCritera + "&pagetoken=" + nextPageToken); jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectPlaces>(json); /* Populate again */ populateGoogleCompanies(jarray, xlWorksheet); nextPageToken = jarray.next_page_token; } } else if (jarray.status == "ZERO_RESULTS") textDebugger.AppendText("Google found no results searching:" + searchCritera + Environment.NewLine); else textDebugger.AppendText("Google Search Error: " + jarray.error_message + " when searching: " + searchCritera + Environment.NewLine); } saveDataSet(); if (searchYelp.Checked) { string searchCriteria = searchCategory.Lines[categoryline]; string search_Country = searchCountry.Text; string searchArea = ""; searchArea = generateSearchQueryArea(locationline); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching " + searchArea + " " + searchCriteria + " on Yelp"; var yelp = new Yelp(Config.Options); var searchOpt = new SearchOptions(); searchOpt.GeneralOptions = new GeneralOptions() { term = searchCriteria, radius_filter = 50000, category_filter = "homeservices", sort = 1 }; searchOpt.LocationOptions = new LocationOptions() { location = searchArea }; searchOpt.LocaleOptions = new LocaleOptions() { cc = search_Country }; var task = yelp.Search(searchOpt); int pages = (int)Math.Ceiling( / 20.0); for (int p = 1; p <= pages; p++) { for (int i = 0; i <= 19; i++) { try { Business business = task.Result.businesses[i]; string companyName =; string companyAddress = String.Join(" ", business.location.address); string companyCity = == null ? "" :; string companyState = business.location.state_code == null ? "" : business.location.state_code; string companyZip = business.location.postal_code == null ? "" : business.location.postal_code; string companyCountry = business.location.country_code == null ? "" : business.location.country_code; string companyPhone = == null ? "" : fixPhoneNumberFormat(; if (!checkIfExistInCurrentList(companyName, companyPhone, "No website yet", "No email on 1st check")) { string companyWebsite = findYelpCompanyWebsite(task.Result.businesses[i].url); bool companyHasPicturesOrPersonalWebsite = true; if (companyWebsite == "No company website") { companyHasPicturesOrPersonalWebsite = doesYelpCompanyHavePictures(); companyWebsite = task.Result.businesses[i].url; } if (companyHasPicturesOrPersonalWebsite) { List<string> companyCategories = new List<string>(); foreach (string[] category in task.Result.businesses[i].categories) companyCategories.Add(category[0]); string companyHouzzSearch = generateHouzzSearchLink(replaceCompanyNamePTE(companyName), searchArea.Remove(0, searchArea.LastIndexOfAny(new char[] { ',', ' ' }) + 1).Replace(" ", ""), true); AddtoList(companyName, companyAddress, companyCity, companyState, companyZip, companyCountry, companyPhone, "No email", "", companyWebsite, companyHouzzSearch, companyCategories); } } } catch { } } var searchOptions = new SearchOptions(); searchOptions.GeneralOptions = new GeneralOptions() { term = searchCriteria, offset = (p * 20), radius_filter = 50000, category_filter = "homeservices", sort = 1 //distance }; searchOptions.LocationOptions = new LocationOptions() { location = searchArea }; searchOptions.LocaleOptions = new LocaleOptions() { cc = search_Country }; task = yelp.Search(searchOptions); } } saveDataSet(); if (searchFacebook.Checked) { string searchCriteria = searchCategory.Lines[categoryline]; string searchArea = generateSearchQueryArea(locationline); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching " + searchArea + " " + searchCriteria + " on Facebook"; string[] jsonFacebookSearchResults = new string[5]; jsonFacebookSearchResults[1] = getFacebookSearchList(searchCriteria, searchArea, "page", false); jsonFacebookSearchResults[2] = getFacebookSearchList(searchCriteria, searchArea, "page", true); jsonFacebookSearchResults[3] = getFacebookSearchList(searchCriteria, searchArea, "place", false); jsonFacebookSearchResults[4] = getFacebookSearchList(searchCriteria, searchArea, "place", true); for (int i = 1; i <= 4; i++) { var jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectFacebook>(jsonFacebookSearchResults[i]); if( != null & > 0 ) populateFacebookCompanies(jarray); else if( jarray.error != null) textDebugger.AppendText("Facebook search error: " + jarray.error.message + Environment.NewLine); } } saveDataSet(); if (searchYellowPages.Checked) { /* Conduct first page search */ string searchCriteria = searchCategory.Lines[categoryline].Replace(" ", "+"); string search_Country = searchCountry.Text; string searchArea = generateSearchQueryArea(locationline); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching " + searchArea + " " + searchCriteria + " on YellowPages"; for (int i = 1; i <= 30; i++) /* 30 pages even if they do not reach 30 */ { string json = getYPList(searchCriteria, searchArea, i); var jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectYP>(json); if (jarray.searchResult.metaProperties.errorCode == "") { // Populate the company list if (jarray.searchResult.metaProperties.listingCount > 0) { populateYPCompanies(jarray, xlWorksheet); } else { textDebugger.AppendText("Error on YP page " + i.ToString() + ": No results found searching: " + searchArea + " " + searchCriteria + Environment.NewLine); break; } } else textDebugger.AppendText("Error on YP page " + i.ToString() + ": " + jarray.searchResult.metaProperties.message + Environment.NewLine); } } saveDataSet(); if( searchFactual.Checked ) { string searchCriteria = searchCategory.Lines[categoryline]; string search_Country = searchCountry.Text; string search_City = "", search_State = ""; Factual factual = new Factual(apiFactualKey, apiFactualSecret); Query q = new Query().SearchExact(searchCriteria); if (search_Country != "US") { q.And(q.Field("country").Equal(search_Country), q.Limit(50)); statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching" + search_Country + " " + searchCriteria + " on Factual"; } if (search_Country == "US") { q.And(q.Field("country").Equal(search_Country), q.Field("region").Equal(search_State), q.Field("locality").Equal(search_City), q.Limit(50)); search_City = searchCity.Lines[locationline]; search_State = searchState.Text; statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Searching " + search_Country + " " + search_City + " " + searchCriteria + " on Factual"; } /* if (searchCategoryFilters != "") q.Field("category_labels").Includes(searchCategoryFilters); */ int page = 1; try { var json = factual.Fetch("places", q); var jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectFactual>(json); while (jarray.status == "ok" & > 0) { /* Populate the company list */ foreach (Datum item in { string companyName =; string companyAddress = item.address == null ? "" : item.address; string companyCity = item.locality == null ? "" : item.locality; string companyState = item.region == null ? "" : item.region; string companyCountry = == null ? "" :; string companyZip = item.postcode == null ? "" : item.postcode; string companyPhone = == null ? "" : fixPhoneNumberFormat(; string companyEmail = == null ? "no email" :; string companyWebsite =; string companyHouzzSearch = generateHouzzSearchLink(replaceCompanyNamePTE(companyName), companyState, true); List<string> companyCategories = item.category_labels == null ? new List<string>() : item.category_labels[0]; //textDebugger.AppendText(companyName + Environment.NewLine); AddtoList(companyName, companyAddress, companyCity, companyState, companyZip, companyCountry, companyPhone, companyEmail, "", companyWebsite, companyHouzzSearch, companyCategories); } page++; int pageOffset = (page - 1) * 50; Query qnew = new Query().SearchExact(searchCriteria); if ( searchCountry.Text == "US" || searchCountry.Text == "AU") { json = factual.Fetch("places", new Query() .SearchExact(searchCriteria) .Field("country").Equal(search_Country) .Field("region").Equal(search_State) .Field("locality").Equal(search_City) .Limit(50) .Offset(pageOffset)); } else if (searchCountry.Text != "US" & searchCountry.Text != "AU") { json = factual.Fetch("places", new Query() .SearchExact(searchCriteria) .Field("country").Equal(search_Country) .Limit(50) .Offset(pageOffset)); } jarray = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject<RootObjectFactual>(json); } } catch (FactualApiException ex) { textDebugger.AppendText("Factual Requested URL: " + ex.Url + Environment.NewLine); textDebugger.AppendText("Factual Error Status Code: " + ex.StatusCode + Environment.NewLine); ; textDebugger.AppendText("Factual Error Response Message: " + ex.Response + Environment.NewLine); ; if (ex.StatusCode.ToString().Contains("RequestedRangeNotSatisfiable")) textDebugger.AppendText("Factual reached end of results on page " + (page - 1).ToString() + Environment.NewLine); } } saveDataSet(); if( searchSensis.Checked ) { var searcher = new SsapiSearcher(searchEndPoint, apiSensisKey); // Perform a search and check the response var searchResponse = searcher.SearchFor(searchCategory.Text, searchCity.Text, searchState.Text, 1); /* page 1 */ if (searchResponse.code < 200 || searchResponse.code > 299) textDebugger.AppendText("Search failed - Error " + searchResponse.code + ": " + searchResponse.message + Environment.NewLine); else { textDebugger.AppendText("Total results found: " + searchResponse.totalResults.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); textDebugger.AppendText("Total pages: " + searchResponse.totalPages.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); for (int page = 1; page < searchResponse.totalPages; page++) { // Display the results foreach (var result in searchResponse.results) { string companyWebsite = getSensisContactComponents(result.primaryContacts, "URL"); if (companyWebsite != "") { string companyName =; string companyAddress = "", companyCity = "", companyState = "", companyZip = ""; if (result.primaryAddress != null) { companyAddress = result.primaryAddress.addressLine == null ? "" : result.primaryAddress.addressLine; companyCity = result.primaryAddress.suburb == null ? "" : result.primaryAddress.suburb; companyState = result.primaryAddress.state == null ? "" : result.primaryAddress.state; companyZip = result.primaryAddress.postcode == null ? "" : result.primaryAddress.postcode; } string companyCountry = "AU"; string companyEmail = getSensisContactComponents(result.primaryContacts, "EMAIL"); string companyPhone = fixPhoneNumberFormat(getSensisContactComponents(result.primaryContacts, "PHONE")); if (companyPhone == "") companyPhone = fixPhoneNumberFormat(getSensisContactComponents(result.primaryContacts, "MOBILE")); string companyContactUs = companyEmail.Contains("@") ? "" : getSensisExternalLinksComponents(result.externalLinks, "Contact Us"); string companyHouzzSearch = generateHouzzSearchLink(replaceCompanyNamePTE(companyName), companyState, true); List<string> companyCategories = result.categories == null ? new List<string>() : new List<string>(new string[] { result.categories[0].name }); //textDebugger.AppendText(companyName + companyAddress + companyCity + companyState + companyZip + companyEmail + companyPhone + companyWebsite + Environment.NewLine); AddtoList(companyName, companyAddress, companyCity, companyState, companyZip, companyCountry, companyPhone, companyEmail, companyContactUs, companyWebsite, companyHouzzSearch, companyCategories); } } searchResponse = searcher.SearchFor(searchCategory.Text, searchCity.Text, searchState.Text, page); } } } /* At the end of each category, we save the data found into an xml file*/ saveDataSet(); } } statusBotStrip.Text = "Status: Done"; /* Save settings */ SaveSettings(); }
public FactualPlacesRepository() { _factual = new Factual(HttpContext.Current.Application["factkey"] as string,(HttpContext.Current.Application["factsec"] as string)); }
public PlaceService() { _factual = new Factual(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["attractions.factual.key"], ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["attractions.factual.secret"]); _couchbaseHelper = new CouchBaseHelper(); }