public MonthGridView(FMCalendar calendarMonthView, DateTime month) { _calendarMonthView = calendarMonthView; _currentMonth = month.Date; BackgroundColor = _calendarMonthView.MonthBackgroundColor; }
public override async void ViewDidLoad() { base.ViewDidLoad(); await RefreshView(); myEventList = recipientListItemAdapter.getEventsByEmployeeID(IoC.UserInfo.EmployeeID, eventItemAdapter); myEventList = filterEvents(); fmCalendar = new FMCalendar(View.Bounds); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; // Specify selection color fmCalendar.SelectionColor = UIColor.Red; // Specify today circle Color fmCalendar.TodayCircleColor = UIColor.Red; // Customizing appearance fmCalendar.LeftArrow = UIImage.FromFile("leftArrow.png"); fmCalendar.RightArrow = UIImage.FromFile("rightArrow.png"); fmCalendar.MonthFormatString = "MMMM yyyy"; // Shows Sunday as last day of the week fmCalendar.SundayFirst = false; // Mark with a dot dates that fulfill the predicate //for (int i = 0; i < myEventList.Count; ) List<int> daysofyear = getDateList(); fmCalendar.IsDayMarkedDelegate = (date) => { if (daysofyear.Contains(date.DayOfYear)) { return true; } else return false; // return date.DayOfYear == myEventList.EventDate.DayOfYear; }; // Turn gray dates that fulfill the predicate fmCalendar.IsDateAvailable = (date) => { return (date >= DateTime.Today); }; fmCalendar.DateSelected += (date) => { List<EventItem> EventsOnDate = filterEventsByDate(myEventList, date); CalendarListController eventList = new CalendarListController(EventsOnDate); NavigationController.PushViewController(eventList, true); }; // Add FMCalendar to SuperView fmCalendar.Center = this.View.Center; this.View.AddSubview(fmCalendar); }
public override void ViewDidLoad () { base.ViewDidLoad (); fmCalendar = new FMCalendar (View.Bounds); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; // Specify selection color fmCalendar.SelectionColor = UIColor.Red; // Specify today circle Color fmCalendar.TodayCircleColor = UIColor.Red; // Customizing appearance fmCalendar.LeftArrow = UIImage.FromFile ("leftArrow.png"); fmCalendar.RightArrow = UIImage.FromFile ("rightArrow.png"); fmCalendar.MonthFormatString = "MMMM yyyy"; // Shows Sunday as last day of the week fmCalendar.SundayFirst = false; // Mark with a dot dates that fulfill the predicate fmCalendar.IsDayMarkedDelegate = (date) => { return date.Day % 2 == 0; }; // Turn gray dates that fulfill the predicate fmCalendar.IsDateAvailable = (date) => { return (date >= DateTime.Today); }; fmCalendar.MonthChanged = (date) => { Console.WriteLine ("Month changed {0}", date.Date); }; fmCalendar.DateSelected += (date) => { Console.WriteLine ("Date selected: {0}", date); }; // Add FMCalendar to SuperView fmCalendar.Center = this.View.Center; this.View.AddSubview (fmCalendar); }
public MonthView() : base() { this.occurrencesByDate = PopulateOccurrences(); this.Root = new RootElement("History"); this.calendar = CreateCalendar(); this.Occurrences = new Section("Completions"); this.MissedGoals = new Section("Missed Goals"); var c = new UIViewElement("", this.calendar, false); Root.Add(new Section("") { c }); Root.Add(Occurrences); Root.Add(MissedGoals); }
public static FMCalendar GetPreconfiguredInstance( CGRect frame, Action<DateTime> dateSelected) { _calendar = new FMCalendar (frame); _calendar.LeftArrow = UIImage.FromBundle("left_arrow.png"); _calendar.RightArrow = UIImage.FromBundle("right_arrow.png"); _calendar.SelectionColor = Colors.Accent; _calendar.TodayCircleColor = Colors.Accent; _calendar.MonthFormatString = "MMMM yyyy"; _calendar.SundayFirst = true; _calendar.DateSelected = date => { DeselectUnavailableDate(date); dateSelected?.Invoke(date); }; _calendar.IsDateAvailable = date => date >= DateTime.Today; return _calendar; }
public override async void ViewDidLoad() { Console.WriteLine ("Creating calendar update task..."); using (new NetworkActivityUtil ()) { var calUpdateTask = RestAPI.UpdateCalendar (DateTime.Today); Console.WriteLine ("Setting up FMCalendar."); //------- color conversion (Hex to Dec)------------- // Teal UIColor.FromRGB(51, 206, 197) // Light Blue UIColor.FromRGB(147,229,219) //-------------------------------------------------- base.ViewDidLoad (); fmCalendar = new FMCalendar (View.Bounds); // Light Blue fmCalendar.MonthBackgroundColor = UIColor.FromRGB (153, 204, 204); // Mark the previous selection as white fmCalendar.SelectionColor = UIColor.White; // Teal fmCalendar.TodayCircleColor = UIColor.FromRGB (51, 206, 197); // Customizing appearance fmCalendar.LeftArrow = UIImage.FromFile ("leftArrow.png"); fmCalendar.RightArrow = UIImage.FromFile ("rightArrow.png"); fmCalendar.MonthFormatString = "MMMM yyyy"; // Shows Sunday as last day of the week fmCalendar.SundayFirst = true; // Mark with a dot dates that fulfill the predicate fmCalendar.IsDayMarkedDelegate = (date) => { return Database.DB.EventCountForDate (date) > 0; }; // Gray out past days fmCalendar.IsDateAvailable = (date) => { return (date >= DateTime.Today); }; // What action to take when months are changed fmCalendar.MonthChanged = async (date) => { using (new NetworkActivityUtil()) { await RestAPI.UpdateCalendar (date); } RedrawCalendar (); }; fmCalendar.DateSelected += (date) => { segueDate = date; PerformSegue ("segueCalDay", this); }; // Add FMCalendar to SuperView fmCalendar.Center = new CGPoint (this.View.Bounds.Width / 2, this.View.Bounds.Height / 1.7); this.View.AddSubview (fmCalendar); Console.WriteLine ("Calling await on calendar update task"); await calUpdateTask; } RedrawCalendar(); }
private FMCalendar CreateCalendar() { var cal = new FMCalendar( new CoreGraphics.CGRect(View.Bounds.Location, new CoreGraphics.CGSize(View.Bounds.Width, View.Bounds.Height*.4f) )); View.BackgroundColor = UIColor.White; cal.SelectionColor = UIColor.Blue; cal.TodayCircleColor = UIColor.Red; cal.MonthFormatString = "MMMM yyyy"; cal.SundayFirst = true; cal.IsDayMarkedDelegate = (date) => occurrencesByDate.ContainsKey(date); cal.IsDateAvailable = (date) => occurrencesByDate.ContainsKey(date.Date); cal.DateSelected += (date) => ShowOccurrencesforDay(date); return cal; }
public MonthGridView(FMCalendar calendarMonthView, DateTime month) { _calendarMonthView = calendarMonthView; _currentMonth = month.Date; }